diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/Translate/specials/SpecialTranslationStats.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/Translate/specials/SpecialTranslationStats.php b/MLEB/Translate/specials/SpecialTranslationStats.php
deleted file mode 100644
index abc7e085..00000000
--- a/MLEB/Translate/specials/SpecialTranslationStats.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- * Contains logic for special page Special:TranslationStats.
- *
- * @file
- * @author Niklas Laxström
- * @author Siebrand Mazeland
- * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
- */
-use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Services;
-use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Statistics\TranslationStatsGraphOptions;
- * @defgroup Stats Statistics
- * Collection of code to produce various kinds of statistics.
- */
- * Includable special page for generating graphs on translations.
- *
- * @ingroup SpecialPage TranslateSpecialPage Stats
- */
-class SpecialTranslationStats extends SpecialPage {
- /** @var \MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Statistics\TranslationStatsDataProvider */
- private $dataProvider;
- private const GRAPH_CONTAINER_ID = 'translationStatsGraphContainer';
- private const GRAPH_CONTAINER_CLASS = 'mw-translate-translationstats-container';
- public function __construct() {
- parent::__construct( 'TranslationStats' );
- $this->dataProvider = Services::getInstance()->getTranslationStatsDataProvider();
- }
- public function isIncludable() {
- return true;
- }
- protected function getGroupName() {
- return 'translation';
- }
- public function execute( $par ) {
- $graphOpts = new TranslationStatsGraphOptions();
- $graphOpts->bindArray( $this->getRequest()->getValues() );
- $pars = explode( ';', $par );
- foreach ( $pars as $item ) {
- if ( strpos( $item, '=' ) === false ) {
- continue;
- }
- list( $key, $value ) = array_map( 'trim', explode( '=', $item, 2 ) );
- if ( $graphOpts->hasValue( $key ) ) {
- $graphOpts->setValue( $key, $value );
- }
- }
- $graphOpts->normalize( $this->dataProvider->getGraphTypes() );
- $opts = $graphOpts->getFormOptions();
- if ( $this->including() ) {
- $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $this->embed( $opts ) );
- } else {
- $this->form( $opts );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Constructs the form which can be used to generate custom graphs.
- * @param FormOptions $opts
- * @suppress SecurityCheck-DoubleEscaped Intentionally outputting what user should type
- */
- protected function form( FormOptions $opts ) {
- global $wgScript;
- $this->setHeaders();
- $out = $this->getOutput();
- $out->addModules( 'ext.translate.special.translationstats' );
- $out->addHelpLink( 'Help:Extension:Translate/Statistics_and_reporting' );
- $out->addWikiMsg( 'translate-statsf-intro' );
- $out->addHTML(
- Xml::fieldset( $this->msg( 'translate-statsf-options' )->text() ) .
- Html::openElement( 'form', [ 'action' => $wgScript, 'id' => 'translationStatsConfig' ] ) .
- Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getPageTitle()->getPrefixedText() ) .
- Html::hidden( 'preview', 1 ) .
- '<table>'
- );
- $submit = Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'translate-statsf-submit' )->text() );
- $out->addHTML(
- $this->eInput( 'width', $opts ) .
- $this->eInput( 'height', $opts ) .
- '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>' .
- $this->eInput( 'start', $opts, 24 ) .
- $this->eInput( 'days', $opts ) .
- $this->eRadio( 'scale', $opts, [ 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours' ] ) .
- $this->eRadio( 'count', $opts, $this->dataProvider->getGraphTypes() ) .
- '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>' .
- $this->eLanguage( 'language', $opts ) .
- $this->eGroup( 'group', $opts ) .
- '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>' .
- '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $submit . '</td></tr>'
- );
- $out->addHTML(
- '</table>' .
- '</form>' .
- '</fieldset>'
- );
- if ( !$opts['preview'] ) {
- return;
- }
- $spiParams = '';
- foreach ( $opts->getChangedValues() as $key => $v ) {
- if ( $key === 'preview' ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( $spiParams !== '' ) {
- $spiParams .= ';';
- }
- if ( is_array( $v ) ) {
- $v = implode( ',', $v );
- if ( !strlen( $v ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- $spiParams .= wfEscapeWikiText( "$key=$v" );
- }
- if ( $spiParams !== '' ) {
- $spiParams = '/' . $spiParams;
- }
- $titleText = $this->getPageTitle()->getPrefixedText();
- $out->addHTML(
- Html::element( 'hr' )
- );
- // Element to render the graph
- $out->addHTML(
- Html::rawElement(
- 'div',
- [
- 'id' => self::GRAPH_CONTAINER_ID ,
- 'style' => 'margin: 2em auto; display: block',
- 'class' => self::GRAPH_CONTAINER_CLASS
- ]
- )
- );
- $out->addHTML(
- Html::element(
- 'pre',
- [ 'aria-label' => $this->msg( 'translate-statsf-embed' )->text() ],
- "{{{$titleText}{$spiParams}}}"
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a table row with label and input in two columns.
- * @param string $name Option name.
- * @param FormOptions $opts
- * @param int $width
- * @return string Html.
- */
- protected function eInput( $name, FormOptions $opts, $width = 4 ) {
- $value = $opts[$name];
- return '<tr><td>' . $this->eLabel( $name ) . '</td><td>' .
- Xml::input( $name, $width, $value, [ 'id' => $name ] ) .
- '</td></tr>' . "\n";
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a label for option.
- * @param string $name Option name.
- * @return string Html.
- */
- protected function eLabel( $name ) {
- // Give grep a chance to find the usages:
- // translate-statsf-width, translate-statsf-height, translate-statsf-start,
- // translate-statsf-days, translate-statsf-scale, translate-statsf-count,
- // translate-statsf-language, translate-statsf-group
- $label = 'translate-statsf-' . $name;
- $label = $this->msg( $label )->escaped();
- return Xml::tags( 'label', [ 'for' => $name ], $label );
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a table row with label and radio input in two columns.
- * @param string $name Option name.
- * @param FormOptions $opts
- * @param string[] $alts List of alternatives.
- * @return string Html.
- */
- protected function eRadio( $name, FormOptions $opts, array $alts ) {
- // Give grep a chance to find the usages:
- // translate-statsf-scale, translate-statsf-count
- $label = 'translate-statsf-' . $name;
- $label = $this->msg( $label )->escaped();
- $s = '<tr><td>' . $label . '</td><td>';
- $options = [];
- foreach ( $alts as $alt ) {
- $id = "$name-$alt";
- $radio = Xml::radio( $name, $alt, $alt === $opts[$name],
- [ 'id' => $id ] ) . ' ';
- $options[] = $radio . ' ' . $this->eLabel( $id );
- }
- $s .= implode( ' ', $options );
- $s .= '</td></tr>' . "\n";
- return $s;
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a table row with label and language selector in two columns.
- * @param string $name Option name.
- * @param FormOptions $opts
- * @return string Html.
- */
- protected function eLanguage( $name, FormOptions $opts ) {
- $value = implode( ',', $opts[$name] );
- $select = $this->languageSelector();
- $select->setTargetId( 'language' );
- return '<tr><td>' . $this->eLabel( $name ) . '</td><td>' .
- $select->getHtmlAndPrepareJS() . '<br />' .
- Xml::input( $name, 20, $value, [ 'id' => $name ] ) .
- '</td></tr>' . "\n";
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a JavaScript enhanced language selector.
- * @return JsSelectToInput
- */
- protected function languageSelector() {
- $languages = TranslateUtils::getLanguageNames( $this->getLanguage()->getCode() );
- ksort( $languages );
- $selector = new XmlSelect( 'mw-language-selector', 'mw-language-selector' );
- foreach ( $languages as $code => $name ) {
- $selector->addOption( "$code - $name", $code );
- }
- $jsSelect = new JsSelectToInput( $selector );
- return $jsSelect;
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a table row with label and group selector in two columns.
- * @param string $name Option name.
- * @param FormOptions $opts
- * @return string Html.
- */
- protected function eGroup( $name, FormOptions $opts ) {
- $value = implode( ',', $opts[$name] );
- $select = $this->groupSelector();
- $select->setTargetId( 'group' );
- return '<tr><td>' . $this->eLabel( $name ) . '</td><td>' .
- $select->getHtmlAndPrepareJS() . '<br />' .
- Xml::input( $name, 20, $value, [ 'id' => $name ] ) .
- '</td></tr>' . "\n";
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a JavaScript enhanced group selector.
- * @return JsSelectToInput
- */
- protected function groupSelector() {
- $groups = MessageGroups::singleton()->getGroups();
- /** @var MessageGroup $group */
- foreach ( $groups as $key => $group ) {
- if ( !$group->exists() ) {
- unset( $groups[$key] );
- continue;
- }
- }
- ksort( $groups );
- $selector = new XmlSelect( 'mw-group-selector', 'mw-group-selector' );
- /** @var MessageGroup $name */
- foreach ( $groups as $code => $name ) {
- $selector->addOption( $name->getLabel(), $code );
- }
- $jsSelect = new JsSelectToInput( $selector );
- return $jsSelect;
- }
- protected function embed( FormOptions $opts ) {
- $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'ext.translate.translationstats.embedded' );
- return Html::rawElement(
- 'div',
- [
- 'class' => self::GRAPH_CONTAINER_CLASS
- ],
- Html::hidden(
- 'translationStatsGraphOptions',
- json_encode( $opts->getAllValues() )
- )
- );
- }