path: root/2016
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authorDavid Abbott <>2016-06-19 16:16:55 -0400
committerDavid Abbott <>2016-06-19 16:16:55 -0400
commit8412fed4cd556c7a94def919fdf7feb0df01c12b (patch)
tree627c5337213d94de3c4ce0d98a62c26f5e29fcf9 /2016
parentmeeting log for 15 May (diff)
added meeting log and motions for 6-19 meeting
Diffstat (limited to '2016')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2016/meeting-20160619-log.txt b/2016/meeting-20160619-log.txt
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index 0000000..dc9ac56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2016/meeting-20160619-log.txt
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+Jun 19 14:58:16 * NeddySeagoon passes SwifTthe virtual gavel.
+Jun 19 14:58:39 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT: thank you for the offer to chair
+Jun 19 14:58:44 <SwifT> no proble
+Jun 19 14:58:51 <SwifT> I've always wanted to bang that toy
+Jun 19 14:58:57 <SwifT> (don't quote me out of context)
+Jun 19 14:59:27 <Hello71> SwifT: unintentional my ass
+Jun 19 14:59:49 <NeddySeagoon> heh
+Jun 19 14:59:54 <SwifT> hehe
+Jun 19 15:00:01 * antarus coughs
+Jun 19 15:00:06 <SwifT> ok
+Jun 19 15:00:12 * SwifT smashes the gavel on the table
+Jun 19 15:00:15 <SwifT> roll call
+Jun 19 15:00:20 <antarus> here
+Jun 19 15:00:25 * NeddySeagoon is here
+Jun 19 15:00:30 * SwifT is here too apparently
+Jun 19 15:00:33 <dabbott> over here o/
+Jun 19 15:00:49 <SwifT> ok, we have a quorum... robbat2 might or might not make it depending on reception
+Jun 19 15:01:03 <SwifT> who's taking notes?
+Jun 19 15:01:10 Usage: ME <action>, sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in the 3rd person, like /me jumps)
+Jun 19 15:01:24 * dabbott log
+Jun 19 15:01:30 <SwifT> great, thanks for that
+Jun 19 15:01:42 <SwifT> let's go over the agenda -
+Jun 19 15:01:57 <SwifT> Topic: Old Business - Trustees - Activity Tracker
+Jun 19 15:02:07 <SwifT>
+Jun 19 15:02:17 <SwifT> we're close to the trustee election
+Jun 19 15:02:27 <SwifT> what do we need to do next?
+Jun 19 15:02:54 <dabbott> ok recording date is today
+Jun 19 15:03:07 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT: admit new members, update the ml and list of members
+Jun 19 15:03:32 <dabbott> next is the mail for nominations
+Jun 19 15:03:48 <dabbott>
+Jun 19 15:04:03 <dabbott> we been trying to document there
+Jun 19 15:04:08 <SwifT> ok
+Jun 19 15:04:25 <SwifT> so we're at step 4 then?
+Jun 19 15:04:32 <NeddySeagoon> jmbsvicetto: is out partying be he needs the updated members list
+Jun 19 15:04:38 <NeddySeagoon> but*
+Jun 19 15:05:07 <SwifT> we should be able to give him the updated members list, with the added members of today's meeting
+Jun 19 15:05:16 <dabbott> latest list with todays new members
+Jun 19 15:05:29 <SwifT> you're a champ
+Jun 19 15:05:53 <NeddySeagoon> I'll fix +v here
+Jun 19 15:06:07 <dabbott> whaty are the dates for the nominations and elections?
+Jun 19 15:06:14 <SwifT> to send out the nomination mail, perhaps we could add in the template content of the mail to the Foundation:Elections page as well, for future reference
+Jun 19 15:07:33 <SwifT> I would use a generous month for nominations (say up to july 31st)?
+Jun 19 15:07:44 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott: 4 weeks each, results by AGM
+Jun 19 15:07:59 <dabbott> NeddySeagoon: ok thanks
+Jun 19 15:08:13 <SwifT> ah right, we want it to be finished by the AGM roughly
+Jun 19 15:08:49 <SwifT> dabbott: you need some help with sending out the mails/drafting them up?
+Jun 19 15:09:11 <NeddySeagoon> elections need a few days to prepare the ballot and declare the result
+Jun 19 15:09:26 <dabbott> here is the one from last year
+Jun 19 15:09:35 <NeddySeagoon> if there is a vote ...
+Jun 19 15:09:44 <antarus> :)
+Jun 19 15:10:03 <SwifT> ok, we can reuse the content and update it to match the new dates
+Jun 19 15:10:18 <dabbott> who is up for election me and NeddySeagoon?
+Jun 19 15:10:21 <SwifT> and rotation-riterees
+Jun 19 15:10:32 <antarus> I thought I was up?
+Jun 19 15:10:49 <NeddySeagoon> I'm a rotation retiree
+Jun 19 15:11:07 <SwifT> antarus: no, you're with me, still have to hold on for an additional year afaik
+Jun 19 15:11:45 <SwifT> not sure if robbat2 is also part of it, as he substituted matt
+Jun 19 15:11:49 <NeddySeagoon> we can check with past results
+Jun 19 15:11:52 <antarus> ah
+Jun 19 15:11:53 <SwifT> indeed we can
+Jun 19 15:11:54 <dabbott> ok here is the email I sent out last year, I will update it with the new dates and run it by you all by email
+Jun 19 15:11:58 <antarus> ok then
+Jun 19 15:12:14 <SwifT> let's finish the name list outside of this meeting, no need to hold it further up
+Jun 19 15:12:18 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott: thanks
+Jun 19 15:12:18 <dabbott> I am matts replacement
+Jun 19 15:12:24 <SwifT> ah ok
+Jun 19 15:12:41 <SwifT> anything else for the trustee election?
+Jun 19 15:13:21 <SwifT> if not, then next on the activity list is the AGM meeting. Do we need to already fix that date this month?
+Jun 19 15:13:23 <NeddySeagoon> I have in mind not to stand, as I emaied\
+Jun 19 15:14:33 <dabbott> AGM Aug 21 this year
+Jun 19 15:14:36 <NeddySeagoon> If there was an exit stratergy for me, I might stand. What does the team thing will be best for the Foundation?
+Jun 19 15:14:51 <dabbott> You need to stay
+Jun 19 15:15:13 <antarus> I think it mostly depends on the number of nominees
+Jun 19 15:15:16 <SwifT> NeddySeagoon: I'd be more comfortable if you stay, but I can definitely understand if real life is telling you not to
+Jun 19 15:15:42 <SwifT> NeddySeagoon: you don't need to make up your mind right now, you can wait until the last day of the nomination period
+Jun 19 15:15:43 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT: yes. Its the deadline for election resuts. New trustees take their seats at the AGM
+Jun 19 15:15:46 <antarus> did we even hold an election last year, or did we have # of nominees == slots
+Jun 19 15:16:04 <antarus> I worry about that if you do not nominate, but as SwifT notes we can wait and see
+Jun 19 15:16:12 <NeddySeagoon> antarus: the latter
+Jun 19 15:16:19 <antarus> NeddySeagoon: i do not think you should take one for the team, as it were
+Jun 19 15:16:27 <antarus> its up to us to find people, not you
+Jun 19 15:17:25 <SwifT> dabbott: we can do the gentoo-dev-announce AGM meeting announcement in a few days then (not too soon, can't do it more than 60 days before the meeting apparently)
+Jun 19 15:17:41 <SwifT> ok, let's move on
+Jun 19 15:17:49 <NeddySeagoon> antarus: I would be good with a phased withdrawal if there was a plan to replace me at short notice. Thats up to the remainin trustees
+Jun 19 15:18:03 <SwifT> I don't think anything else on the activity list needs our immediate attention
+Jun 19 15:18:15 <SwifT> unless someone disagrees, I'll move on to the next topic (in 10, 9,<...)
+Jun 19 15:18:24 <antarus> moving on is fine
+Jun 19 15:18:36 <SwifT> Next Topic: Old Business - Trustees - CPA Accountant Search
+Jun 19 15:18:47 <SwifT> with robbat2 not online, I think we need to skip this
+Jun 19 15:18:48 <dabbott> I talked to Bob Conti our accountant yesterday
+Jun 19 15:18:53 <SwifT> oh ok
+Jun 19 15:19:00 <SwifT> go on
+Jun 19 15:19:28 <dabbott> I am goint to sign some forms for our old irs records so we are moving forward
+Jun 19 15:19:41 <dabbott> he is going to do our taxes etc
+Jun 19 15:20:05 <dabbott> he is retired and doing it pro bono for now just not real fast
+Jun 19 15:20:06 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott: are we paying Bob for his services?
+Jun 19 15:20:30 <NeddySeagoon> ok
+Jun 19 15:21:03 <dabbott> he is currenty working on getting hid girlfrinds daughter over here from ussr so not alot of time but later he will do everything needed
+Jun 19 15:21:48 <SwifT> that's great news (that he's helping us out) and I hope he is able to help his GF and her daughter too
+Jun 19 15:22:21 <dabbott> he likes the whole open source project with world wide members so he wants to help out
+Jun 19 15:22:48 <NeddySeagoon> sounds good
+Jun 19 15:22:57 <dabbott> he said if later it gets to be too much he may sub some work out that we would need to pay for
+Jun 19 15:23:13 <SwifT> I reckon that will not be a problem
+Jun 19 15:23:21 <NeddySeagoon> that works too
+Jun 19 15:23:27 <dabbott> robbat2: has done and continues to do alot of the book work so that is a big ++
+Jun 19 15:24:10 <SwifT> good, let's keep the CPA aspect on our agenda, just not call it "Accountant Search" anymore for now
+Jun 19 15:24:21 <dabbott> I will let you know when he sends out the forms
+Jun 19 15:24:29 <dabbott> SwifT: ok sounds good
+Jun 19 15:24:44 <robbat2|phone> Signal!
+Jun 19 15:24:46 <SwifT> welcome back robbat2|phone
+Jun 19 15:24:46 <dabbott> thats it :)
+Jun 19 15:24:51 <NeddySeagoon> dabbott: how are we covring his expenses?
+Jun 19 15:25:08 <robbat2|phone> I have no logs of what happened so far fyi
+Jun 19 15:25:12 <dabbott> pro bono unless he needs to sub out work
+Jun 19 15:25:17 <robbat2|phone> At least not on me
+Jun 19 15:25:30 <robbat2|phone> Talking about Bob?
+Jun 19 15:25:35 <dabbott> yes
+Jun 19 15:25:48 <SwifT> robbat2|phone: yes, we're on the CPA aspect (well close to finishing that topic)
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> robbat2: <dabbott> he is currenty working on getting hid girlfrinds daughter over here from ussr so not alot of time but later he will do everything needed
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <SwifT> that's great news (that he's helping us out) and I hope he is able to help his GF and her daughter too
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <dabbott> he likes the whole open source project with world wide members so he wants to help out
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <NeddySeagoon> sounds good
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <dabbott> he said if later it gets to be too much he may sub some work out that we would need to pay for
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <SwifT> I reckon that will not be a problem
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <NeddySeagoon> that works too
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <dabbott> robbat2: has done and continues to do alot of the book work so that is a big ++
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <SwifT> good, let's keep the CPA aspect on our agenda, just not call it "Accountant Search" anymore for now
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <dabbott> I will let you know when he sends out the forms
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <dabbott> SwifT: ok sounds good
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <robbat2|phone> Signal!
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <SwifT> welcome back robbat2|phone
+Jun 19 15:26:04 <dabbott> <dabbott> thats it :)
+Jun 19 15:27:06 <SwifT> if nothing else, we can move on to the next topic (in 5, 4, ...)
+Jun 19 15:27:13 <dabbott> robbat2: he has some forms for me to sign for our back taxes
+Jun 19 15:27:35 <robbat2|phone> Thanks. I need to finish my script changes for the financial reports he wanrs
+Jun 19 15:28:07 <SwifT> Next Topic: Old Business - antarus (it's empty on the agenda itself, ok to go to next topic?)
+Jun 19 15:28:22 <antarus> I'm not old ;(
+Jun 19 15:28:59 <SwifT> Next Topic: Old Business - dabbott (it's empty on the agenda itself, ok to go to next topic?)
+Jun 19 15:29:14 <dabbott> yes please do :)
+Jun 19 15:29:22 <SwifT> Next Topic: Old Business - robbat2 - Treasurer Report
+Jun 19 15:30:03 <SwifT> robbat2|phone: anything in particular we need to cover today?
+Jun 19 15:30:04 <robbat2|phone> It's going to come from the same script changes
+Jun 19 15:30:23 <robbat2|phone> Nothing else to say; raw numbers are very healthy
+Jun 19 15:30:27 <NeddySeagoon> bank account recovery?
+Jun 19 15:30:39 <robbat2|phone> Hmm, sorry that slipped me
+Jun 19 15:31:06 <NeddySeagoon> np. we seem to have limited use anyway
+Jun 19 15:31:10 <robbat2|phone> Need to finish that Letter and get it in the mail to scotland
+Jun 19 15:31:41 <SwifT> Next Topic: Old Business - NeddySeagoon (it's empty on the agenda itself, ok to go to next topic?)
+Jun 19 15:31:50 <NeddySeagoon> sure
+Jun 19 15:31:54 <SwifT> Next Topic: Old BUsiness - swift - Gentoo Trademark License Agreement
+Jun 19 15:32:03 <SwifT> the next agreement is online (yay)
+Jun 19 15:32:10 <SwifT> s/next/new/
+Jun 19 15:32:17 <SwifT>
+Jun 19 15:32:36 <NeddySeagoon> there has been some comments on -nfp
+Jun 19 15:32:36 <SwifT> i will go through a number of bugs that might refer to issues with the old one and see if they are still valid
+Jun 19 15:33:02 <SwifT> NeddySeagoon: if it isabout the snapcraft gentoo logo usage, it's on the agenda in AoB
+Jun 19 15:33:30 <NeddySeagoon> its derived from that, yes
+Jun 19 15:33:44 <SwifT> there were some comments about the name-logo-guidelines in the past on NFP, but those should have been covered (the latest pre-publication edit had most of them tackled, except those that I didn't want to wait out on further)
+Jun 19 15:33:47 <robbat2|phone> Did it include A3li's comments about not distorting logo?
+Jun 19 15:33:56 <SwifT> yes
+Jun 19 15:34:03 <SwifT> 3We will not approve any variations of the Gentoo logo that change the aspect ratio or otherwise distort the shape."
+Jun 19 15:34:14 <robbat2|phone> +1
+Jun 19 15:35:20 <SwifT> if nothing else, i'll move to the next topic
+Jun 19 15:35:45 <SwifT> Next Topic: Old Business - Bugs
+Jun 19 15:35:55 <SwifT> anyone who wants to tackle a particular bug today in the meeting?
+Jun 19 15:36:10 <NeddySeagoon> I'm good
+Jun 19 15:36:16 <antarus> no thanks
+Jun 19 15:36:40 <SwifT> ok, Next Topic: New Business - Approved Vendor Requests - FreeWear
+Jun 19 15:36:42 <SwifT> see also
+Jun 19 15:38:04 <robbat2|phone> I wanted someone else to eyeball their logos for distortion, but their plan was +1 otherwise
+Jun 19 15:38:28 <SwifT> they're very open in what they do and how they wish to persue things
+Jun 19 15:38:46 <SwifT> I'm moving to accept/approve this
+Jun 19 15:39:42 <dabbott> fine here, robbat2 once some one is approved, who adds there name to the approved list on
+Jun 19 15:40:05 <antarus> SwifT: is that a motion to accept then?
+Jun 19 15:40:09 <SwifT> (baring any subtleties about where and how their logo is put on our site - be it on or elsewhere)
+Jun 19 15:40:11 <NeddySeagoon> approved provided the logo/text is OK.
+Jun 19 15:40:17 <antarus> aye for approval
+Jun 19 15:40:20 <SwifT> antarus: ah, motion
+Jun 19 15:40:26 <SwifT> antarus: missed an English word then ;)
+Jun 19 15:40:33 <SwifT> antarus: yes, motion to accept
+Jun 19 15:40:53 <NeddySeagoon> approved provided the logo/text is OK.
+Jun 19 15:41:08 <SwifT> same here
+Jun 19 15:41:09 <dabbott> aye
+Jun 19 15:41:11 <antarus> aye
+Jun 19 15:41:11 <robbat2|phone> Aye pending confirmation
+Jun 19 15:41:35 <SwifT> Next Topic: New Business - Funding Requests (is empty on the agenda, ok to move to hext topic?)
+Jun 19 15:41:43 <NeddySeagoon> yep
+Jun 19 15:41:59 <SwifT> Next Topic: New Business - Sponsorship Requests (is empty on the agenda, ok to move to next topic?)
+Jun 19 15:42:06 <NeddySeagoon> yep
+Jun 19 15:42:16 <SwifT> (FYI: just type in a ! or so if you have something to say and are afraid that I move too quickly ;)
+Jun 19 15:42:28 <NeddySeagoon> SwifT: I dn't usually ask
+Jun 19 15:42:28 <SwifT> Next Topic: New Business - Advertising Requests (is empty on the agenda, ok to move to next topic?)
+Jun 19 15:42:47 <NeddySeagoon> yep
+Jun 19 15:42:54 <SwifT> Next Topic: New Business - Membership Applications
+Jun 19 15:43:01 <SwifT> we have three gentoo developers on the roll
+Jun 19 15:43:16 <SwifT> motion to accept them all three in one vote
+Jun 19 15:43:22 <NeddySeagoon> we voted them in on the alias
+Jun 19 15:43:33 <robbat2|phone> Include names here for the record
+Jun 19 15:43:52 <SwifT> Sam Jorna (wreath), Alfredo Tupone (tupone) and Amy Winsten (amynka)
+Jun 19 15:43:58 <SwifT> AMy Winston that is
+Jun 19 15:44:09 <dabbott> ok added to members list
+Jun 19 15:44:13 <NeddySeagoon> welcome all three
+Jun 19 15:44:22 <SwifT> indeed, welcome all
+Jun 19 15:44:31 <antarus> hello!
+Jun 19 15:44:43 <NeddySeagoon> in time to take part in th election
+Jun 19 15:44:56 <SwifT> Next Topic: Any other Business - snapcraft Gentoo logo usage
+Jun 19 15:45:02 <SwifT>
+Jun 19 15:45:08 <SwifT> (and subsequent)
+Jun 19 15:45:52 <SwifT> personally, I think that the logo is part of the "service identification". It's not like it looks like an official Gentoo project to me
+Jun 19 15:45:57 * ChanServ gives voice to fuzzyray
+Jun 19 15:46:10 <NeddySeagoon> lets take this to the alias after -nfp has been quiet for a day or two
+Jun 19 15:46:29 <robbat2|phone> I don't see the logo at all on the mobile version of site
+Jun 19 15:46:50 <NeddySeagoon> it couldappear to be an offcial overlay
+Jun 19 15:47:28 <NeddySeagoon> the logo links to the download not gentoo.oorg
+Jun 19 15:47:34 <SwifT> well, even overlays are allowed to use the gentoo logo.
+Jun 19 15:47:48 <SwifT> I do agree that there should be a link to, which could be very well as part of the next about the ebuilds
+Jun 19 15:48:46 <SwifT> if you want, we can discuss further on the trustees@g.o alias to iron things out
+Jun 19 15:48:46 <NeddySeagoon> lets build on what comes out of -nfp
+Jun 19 15:49:26 <NeddySeagoon> there are several issues there
+Jun 19 15:50:04 <NeddySeagoon> we won't solve everything here and now
+Jun 19 15:50:32 <SwifT> indeed. let's work things out further outside the meeting and put this back on the agenda for next time then?
+Jun 19 15:50:37 <robbat2|phone> Agreed
+Jun 19 15:50:40 <antarus> aye
+Jun 19 15:50:41 <NeddySeagoon> yes
+Jun 19 15:50:44 <dabbott> I have one AoB
+Jun 19 15:50:57 <SwifT> Next Topic: dabbot's AoB ;-)
+Jun 19 15:51:47 <dabbott> I updated the store with my limited skills, it does use some css and images from
+Jun 19 15:52:58 <dabbott> thats it
+Jun 19 15:53:02 <SwifT> I wouldn't dare to comment on it, my UI skills are of a 2yo
+Jun 19 15:53:37 <SwifT> Next Topic: Cleanup - Date of Next meeting
+Jun 19 15:53:40 <antarus> seems fine
+Jun 19 15:53:43 <antarus> thanks dabbott
+Jun 19 15:53:46 <SwifT> it's currently marked as 17 July 19 UTC
+Jun 19 15:54:00 <SwifT> that is, July 17th, 2016 at 19:00h UTC
+Jun 19 15:54:05 <NeddySeagoon> wfm
+Jun 19 15:54:08 <dabbott> fine here
+Jun 19 15:54:09 <antarus> wfm
+Jun 19 15:54:26 <SwifT> I should make it, but I leave for holidays the day after early so I won't put my hands in the fire for it
+Jun 19 15:54:27 <robbat2|phone> It's a maybe for me, might be on a plane
+Jun 19 15:54:47 <robbat2|phone> But the other Sundays in july are all booked
+Jun 19 15:55:11 <SwifT> ok, let's settle for the agreed upon date then, we should have a quorum
+Jun 19 15:55:22 <SwifT> Next Topic: Open Floor
+Jun 19 15:55:26 <NeddySeagoon> lets go for it.
+Jun 19 15:55:49 <dabbott> I will send out the email to the new members, update the motion page and post the log
+Jun 19 15:56:02 <SwifT> dabbott: thanks!
+Jun 19 15:56:19 <NeddySeagoon> I'll fix the channel acl
+Jun 19 15:56:44 <SwifT> nothing else for open floor (closing meeting in 10, 9, ...) ?
+Jun 19 15:57:07 * SwifT bangs NeddySeagoon's gavel to close the meeting
+Jun 19 15:57:12 <NeddySeagoon> thank you team
+Jun 19 15:57:17 <antarus> happy sunday yall
+Jun 19 15:57:20 <SwifT> thank you all for today's meeting (and the work you're all putting in Gentoo ;)
+Jun 19 15:57:36 * SwifT sends the gavel to NeddySeagoon again