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Diffstat (limited to 'metadata/pkg_desc_index')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/metadata/pkg_desc_index b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
index 2bfd9a64dcc9..2c84bb15caff 100644
--- a/metadata/pkg_desc_index
+++ b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ app-admin/apachetop 0.23.2: A realtime Apache log analyzer
app-admin/apg 2.3.0b_p20150129-r1: Another Password Generator
app-admin/augeas 1.14.1: A library for changing configuration files
app-admin/authbind 2.1.3: Bind sockets to privileged ports without root
-app-admin/awscli 1.34.14 1.34.19 1.34.24 1.34.25: Universal Command Line Environment for AWS
+app-admin/awscli 1.34.14 1.34.19 1.34.24 1.34.25 1.34.26: Universal Command Line Environment for AWS
app-admin/awscli-bin 2.11.17 2.12.0 2.13.11 2.17.35: command line interface for Amazon Web Services
app-admin/bitwarden-desktop-bin 2024.7.1 2024.8.1 2024.8.2: Bitwarden password manager desktop client
app-admin/calamares 3.3.6-r2: Distribution-independent installer framework
@@ -8044,10 +8044,11 @@ dev-python/aiocache 0.12.2: Asyncio cache manager
dev-python/aiodns 3.2.0: Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
dev-python/aiofiles 24.1.0: File support for asyncio
dev-python/aiohappyeyeballs 2.4.0: Happy Eyeballs for pre-resolved hosts
-dev-python/aiohttp 3.9.5 3.10.5 3.10.6_rc2: HTTP client/server for asyncio
+dev-python/aiohttp 3.9.5 3.10.5 3.10.6_rc2 3.10.6: HTTP client/server for asyncio
dev-python/aiohttp-cors 0.7.0-r2: Implements CORS support for aiohttp asyncio-powered asynchronous HTTP server
dev-python/aiohttp-oauthlib 0.1.0: This project provides first-class OAuth library support for aiohttp
dev-python/aiohttp-socks 0.9.0: SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp
+dev-python/aiohttp-theme 0.1.6-r1 0.1.7: Sphinx theme for aiohttp
dev-python/aioitertools 0.12.0: itertools and builtins for AsyncIO and mixed iterables
dev-python/aiopylgtv 0.4.1-r1: Python library to control webOS-based LG TV devices
dev-python/aioresponses 0.7.6: Helper to mock/fake web requests in Python's aiohttp package
@@ -8142,8 +8143,8 @@ dev-python/bluelet 0.2.0-r1: Module for pure Python asynchronous I/O using corou
dev-python/blurb 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.2.1: Tool to create and manage NEWS blurbs for CPython
dev-python/boltons 24.0.0: Pure-python utilities in the same spirit as the standard library
dev-python/boolean-py 4.0: Define boolean algebras, create and parse boolean expressions
-dev-python/boto3 1.35.14 1.35.19 1.35.24 1.35.25: The AWS SDK for Python
-dev-python/botocore 1.35.14 1.35.19 1.35.24 1.35.25: Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3
+dev-python/boto3 1.35.14 1.35.19 1.35.24 1.35.25 1.35.26: The AWS SDK for Python
+dev-python/botocore 1.35.14 1.35.19 1.35.24 1.35.25 1.35.26: Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3
dev-python/bottle 0.12.25-r1 0.13.0 0.13.1: A fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications
dev-python/bottleneck 1.4.0: Fast NumPy array functions written in C
dev-python/bpython 0.24: Syntax highlighting and autocompletion for the Python interpreter
@@ -8173,7 +8174,7 @@ dev-python/cerberus 1.3.5: A lightweight and extensible data-validation library
dev-python/certifi 3024.7.22: A certifi hack to use system trust store on Linux/FreeBSD
dev-python/cffi 1.16.0 1.17.0_pre20240424 1.17.0_rc1 1.17.0 1.17.1: Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
dev-python/cfgv 3.4.0: Validate configuration and produce human-readable error messages
-dev-python/cfn-lint 1.11.1 1.12.4 1.13.0 1.14.0 1.14.1 1.14.2 1.15.0: CloudFormation Linter
+dev-python/cfn-lint 1.11.1 1.12.4 1.13.0 1.14.2 1.15.0 1.15.1: CloudFormation Linter
dev-python/cftime 1.6.4: Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python
dev-python/chainstream 1.0.1: Chain I/O-Streams together into a single stream
dev-python/chameleon 4.5.4: Fast HTML/XML template compiler for Python
@@ -8232,7 +8233,7 @@ dev-python/coverage 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.6.0 7.6.1: Code coverage measurement for Pytho
dev-python/cppy 1.2.1-r1: C++ header library which makes it easier to write Python extension modules
dev-python/cramjam 2.8.3 2.8.4_rc3: Thin Python bindings to de/compression algorithms in Rust
dev-python/crashtest 0.4.1: Python library that makes exceptions handling and inspection easier
-dev-python/crc32c 2.6 2.7_p1: CRC32c algorithm in hardware and software
+dev-python/crc32c 2.6 2.7_p1 2.7.1: CRC32c algorithm in hardware and software
dev-python/crcmod 1.7-r5: Python CRC Generator module
dev-python/crispy-bootstrap3 2024.1: Bootstrap3 template pack for django-crispy-forms
dev-python/crispy-bootstrap4 2024.1: Bootstrap4 template pack for django-crispy-forms
@@ -8266,7 +8267,7 @@ dev-python/decorator 5.1.1-r1: Simplifies the usage of decorators for the averag
dev-python/deepdiff 7.0.1 8.0.1: A library for comparing dictionaries, iterables, strings and other objects
dev-python/deepmerge 1.1.1 2.0: Tools to handle merging of nested data structures in python
dev-python/defusedxml 0.7.1-r1 0.8.0_rc2: XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules, an xml serialiser
-dev-python/denonavr 0.11.6: Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers
+dev-python/denonavr 0.11.6 1.0.0: Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers
dev-python/dep-logic 0.4.6 0.4.9: Python dependency specifications supporting logical operations
dev-python/deprecated 1.2.14: Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old API
dev-python/deprecation 2.1.0-r1: A library to handle automated deprecations
@@ -8396,7 +8397,7 @@ dev-python/flit 3.9.0-r1: Simplified packaging of Python modules
dev-python/flit-core 3.9.0: Simplified packaging of Python modules (core module)
dev-python/flit_scm 1.7.0: A PEP 518 build backend combining flit with setuptools_scm
dev-python/flufl-lock 8.1.0: NFS-safe file locking with timeouts for POSIX systems
-dev-python/fonttools 4.53.0 4.53.1 4.54.0: Library for manipulating TrueType, OpenType, AFM and Type1 fonts
+dev-python/fonttools 4.53.0 4.53.1 4.54.0 4.54.1: Library for manipulating TrueType, OpenType, AFM and Type1 fonts
dev-python/fpylll 0.6.1: Python bindings for sci-libs/fplll
dev-python/fqdn 1.5.1-r2: RFC-compliant FQDN validation and manipulation for Python
dev-python/freetype-py 2.4.0-r1 2.5.1: FreeType Python bindings
@@ -8424,7 +8425,7 @@ dev-python/gitdb 4.0.11: GitDB is a pure-Python git object database
dev-python/github3-py 4.0.1: A wrapper for the GitHub API written in python
dev-python/gmpy 2.1.5-r2 2.2.1: Python bindings for GMP, MPC, MPFR and MPIR libraries
dev-python/google-api-core 2.19.2 2.20.0: Core Library for Google Client Libraries
-dev-python/google-api-python-client 2.144.0 2.145.0 2.146.0: Google API Client for Python
+dev-python/google-api-python-client 2.144.0 2.145.0 2.146.0 2.147.0: Google API Client for Python
dev-python/google-auth 2.34.0 2.35.0: Google Authentication Library
dev-python/google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0: httplib2 Transport for Google Auth
dev-python/google-auth-oauthlib 1.2.1: Google Authentication Library
@@ -8485,7 +8486,7 @@ dev-python/imageio 2.35.0-r1 2.35.1: Python library for reading and writing imag
dev-python/imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.9-r1 0.5.0 0.5.1: FFMPEG wrapper for Python
dev-python/imagesize 1.4.1: Pure Python module for getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif files
dev-python/imapclient 3.0.1: easy-to-use, pythonic, and complete IMAP client library
-dev-python/iminuit 2.28.0 2.29.1: Minuit numerical function minimization in Python
+dev-python/iminuit 2.28.0 2.29.1 2.30.0: Minuit numerical function minimization in Python
dev-python/immutabledict 4.2.0: An immutable wrapper around dictionaries
dev-python/immutables 0.20: A high-performance immutable mapping type for Python
dev-python/importlib-metadata 7.1.0 8.4.0 8.5.0: Read metadata from Python packages
@@ -8530,7 +8531,7 @@ dev-python/jaraco-itertools 6.4.1: Tools for working with iterables. Complements
dev-python/jaraco-logging 3.3.0: Additional facilities to supplement Python's stdlib logging module
dev-python/jaraco-path 3.7.1: Miscellaneous path functions
dev-python/jaraco-stream 3.0.4: Routines for handling streaming data
-dev-python/jaraco-test 5.4.0 5.5.1: Testing support by jaraco
+dev-python/jaraco-test 5.4.0-r1 5.5.1: Testing support by jaraco
dev-python/jaraco-text 4.0.0: Text utilities used by other projects by developer jaraco
dev-python/jaraco-vcs 2.4.0: Facilities for working with VCS repositories
dev-python/jaraco-versioning 1.1.0: More sophisticated version manipulation (than packaging)
@@ -8994,7 +8995,7 @@ dev-python/pylatexenc 2.10: Simple LaTeX parser providing latex-to-unicode and u
dev-python/pylev 1.4.0-r1: Python Levenshtein implementation
dev-python/pylibacl 0.7.0: POSIX ACLs (Access Control Lists) for Python
dev-python/pylibmc 1.6.3: Libmemcached wrapper written as a Python extension
-dev-python/pylint 3.2.7 3.3.0: Python code static checker
+dev-python/pylint 3.2.7 3.3.0 3.3.1: Python code static checker
dev-python/pylint-venv 3.0.3: Init-hook to use the same Pylint with different virtual environments
dev-python/pylru 1.2.1: A least recently used (LRU) cache for Python
dev-python/pyls-spyder 0.4.0-r2: Spyder extensions for the python language server
@@ -9017,7 +9018,7 @@ dev-python/pyopengl_accelerate 3.1.7 3.1.8: Accelerate module for PyOpenGL
dev-python/pyopenssl 24.2.1: Python interface to the OpenSSL library
dev-python/pyotherside 1.6.1: Asynchronous Python 3 Bindings for Qt
dev-python/pyotp 2.9.0: PyOTP is a Python library for generating and verifying one-time passwords
-dev-python/pyparsing 3.1.2 3.1.4 3.2.0_beta1: Easy-to-use Python module for text parsing
+dev-python/pyparsing 3.1.2 3.1.4 3.2.0_beta1 3.2.0_beta2: Easy-to-use Python module for text parsing
dev-python/pyparted 3.13.0: Python bindings for sys-block/parted
dev-python/pypax 0.9.5-r2 9999: Python module to get or set either PT_PAX and/or XATTR_PAX flags
dev-python/pypdf 4.3.1 5.0.0: Python library to work with PDF files
@@ -9193,7 +9194,7 @@ dev-python/python-stdnum 1.20: A module to handle standardized numbers and codes
dev-python/python-swiftclient 4.6.0: Python bindings to the OpenStack Object Storage API
dev-python/python-systemd 235: Python module for native access to the systemd facilities
dev-python/python-tests 3.10.14_p3 3.10.15 3.10.15_p1 3.11.9_p2 3.11.10 3.11.10_p1 3.12.5_p1 3.12.6 3.12.6_p2 3.13.0_rc1_p3 3.13.0_rc2 3.13.0_rc2_p1: Test modules from dev-lang/python
-dev-python/python-utils 3.8.2: Collection of small Python functions & classes
+dev-python/python-utils 3.8.2 3.9.0: Collection of small Python functions & classes
dev-python/python-vlc 3.0.20123: Python ctypes-based bindings for libvlc
dev-python/python-xlib 0.33: A fully functional X client library for Python, written in Python
dev-python/python-xmp-toolkit 2.0.2-r1: Library for working with XMP metadata
@@ -9375,11 +9376,10 @@ dev-python/socketio-client-nexus 0.7.6: A 2.x client library for Pytho
dev-python/socksio 1.0.0: Sans-I/O implementation of SOCKS4, SOCKS4A, and SOCKS5
dev-python/sortedcontainers 2.4.0-r1: Python library to sort collections and containers
dev-python/soupsieve 2.6: A modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup
-dev-python/spake2 0.8-r1: python implementation of SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange algorithm
+dev-python/spake2 0.8-r1 0.9: python implementation of SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange algorithm
dev-python/spdx-tools 0.8.2: Python library to parse, validate and create SPDX documents
dev-python/speg 0.3_p20180819-r2: A PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization
dev-python/sphinx 7.4.7 8.0.2: Python documentation generator
-dev-python/sphinx-aiohttp-theme 0.1.6-r1: Sphinx theme for aiohttp
dev-python/sphinx-argparse 0.4.0 0.5.2: Sphinx extension that automatically documents argparse commands and options
dev-python/sphinx-autoapi 3.2.1 3.3.0 3.3.1: A new approach to API documentation in Sphinx
dev-python/sphinx-autodoc-typehints 2.2.3 2.3.0 2.4.3 2.4.4: Type hints support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
@@ -9434,7 +9434,7 @@ dev-python/spyder-unittest 0.6.0 0.7.0: Plugin for Spyder to run tests and view
dev-python/spyder-vim 0.1.0: Plugin for Spyder to enable Vim keybindings
dev-python/sqlalchemy 1.4.53 1.4.54 2.0.32 2.0.33 2.0.34 2.0.35: Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
dev-python/sqlalchemy-rqlite 1.2 2.0: A SQLAlchemy dialect for rqlite
-dev-python/sqlglot 25.21.3 25.22.0: An easily customizable SQL parser and transpiler
+dev-python/sqlglot 25.22.0: An easily customizable SQL parser and transpiler
dev-python/sqlitedict 2.1.0: Persistent dict in Python, backed by SQLite and pickle
dev-python/sqlparse 0.5.1: A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
dev-python/srt 3.5.3: Tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files
@@ -9570,7 +9570,7 @@ dev-python/urwid-readline 0.14 0.15.1: Text input widget for urwid that supports
dev-python/urwidtrees 1.0.3-r2: Tree widgets for urwid
dev-python/userpath 1.9.1 1.9.2: Cross-platform tool for adding locations to the user PATH
dev-python/utidylib 0.10: TidyLib Python wrapper
-dev-python/uv 0.4.10 0.4.11 0.4.14 0.4.15: A Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust
+dev-python/uv 0.4.10 0.4.11 0.4.14 0.4.15 0.4.16: A Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust
dev-python/uvicorn 0.30.6: Lightning-fast ASGI server implementation
dev-python/uvloop 0.20.0 0.21.0_beta1: Ultra-fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv
dev-python/validators 0.33.0 0.34.0: Python Data Validation for Humans
@@ -9647,7 +9647,7 @@ dev-python/zc-lockfile 3.0_p1: Basic inter-process locks
dev-python/zconfig 4.1: Configuration library supporting a hierarchical schema-driven model
dev-python/zeep 4.2.1: A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests
dev-python/zenlib 2.1.2 2.2.0 2.2.4 9999: Useful python decorators and utilities
-dev-python/zeroconf 0.133.0 0.134.0: Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library (Bonjour/Avahi compatible)
+dev-python/zeroconf 0.133.0 0.134.0 0.135.0: Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library (Bonjour/Avahi compatible)
dev-python/zipp 3.20.0 3.20.1 3.20.2: Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files
dev-python/zipstream-ng 1.7.1: A modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator
dev-python/zope-component 6.0: Zope Component Architecture
@@ -10884,7 +10884,7 @@ dev-util/ropper 1.13.8 1.13.10 9999: Use to display information about binary fil
dev-util/rpmdevtools 9.6: Collection of rpm packaging related utilities
dev-util/rr 5.7.0 5.8.0: Record and Replay Framework
dev-util/rt-tests 2.7: A collection of latency testing tools for the linux(-rt) kernel
-dev-util/ruff 0.6.4 0.6.5 0.6.6: An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
+dev-util/ruff 0.6.4 0.6.5 0.6.6 0.6.7: An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
dev-util/runme 2.0.5: Execute your runbooks, docs and READMEs
dev-util/rustup 1.25.2 1.27.0 1.27.1 9999: Rust toolchain installer
dev-util/sasm 3.10.1: Simple crossplatform IDE for NASM assembly language