diff options
2 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/forgejo/Manifest b/www-apps/forgejo/Manifest
index deebbb604..5a7b59e37 100644
--- a/www-apps/forgejo/Manifest
+++ b/www-apps/forgejo/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
DIST forgejo- 60635393 BLAKE2B 7fe8e10f7aae8371c4a540290bb24c67a0521080eb58c7749c95d977320781e2e11ba754a42a333c706d243cf0170178dd62da5338540576d214f281b3da6daa SHA512 4870a7804c3cefab4aac38f30ac60874d9a7359b29e8f765ee9a1f41bc543fdd445a21c6e808f864c56ce22f79f6038b15eec4325c556ef6288ad6635977533f
DIST forgejo- 30700591 BLAKE2B d794a8a121e8e01bdd643122f1c1be8d046e3a50137b00abf1cae43b24f32040fc82f088b694c617d8f20853d1d9b21a3ce99395b776a58ff7a37f717fbf431f SHA512 642b4ae14c1cedfcf856e0fad67e9825becce002c12d0431d247082c2e2f193ea8d8459a40a3fa69497fa3da6dca46ced5a855fb4dc1e52a34211e8938666cb0
+DIST forgejo- 54334985 BLAKE2B d00b3d841b9002ef6368569d07d3e3643fa6f17005446d9fb14303eb1a03e7ef9f018348822378dbb4e5b64bbaa20e586da0015c0c1a6dffde8dd1ec59ea9265 SHA512 16204c846a5ba66aa0d9d1ec35175737daa13e1bddfc6d5f72963b232381abe168887b852d592aff51b6cbbb34a50bee7391a8c013802d2ae74bc6baf4ee1f11
DIST forgejo-node-modules-cache- 152983555 BLAKE2B e626ab10122c9105ae7861fbe869fcbd3203ef81152b4ac7a4521106303d7a80929c2fac1cde0eabe587f527aaa55b089973ec5019234127fb5024265f8a9928 SHA512 41eb9e09165e65cbb8a04e8b45e34a92b821343539549295dda6ae78995e89fb6341182555c2815754b8e6a8476c037a1ee89625a934e9f711109162d42c4b16
diff --git a/www-apps/forgejo/forgejo- b/www-apps/forgejo/forgejo-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f64701128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/forgejo/forgejo-
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit fcaps go-module tmpfiles systemd flag-o-matic
+MY_PV="$(ver_cut 1-3)-$(ver_cut 4)"
+DESCRIPTION="A self-hosted lightweight software forge"
+HOMEPAGE="https://forgejo.org/ https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo"
+SRC_URI="https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/releases/download/v${MY_PV}/forgejo-src-${MY_PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~riscv ~x86"
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 ISC MIT MPL-2.0"
+IUSE="+acct pam sqlite pie"
+ acct? (
+ acct-group/git
+ acct-user/git[gitea] )
+ pam? ( sys-libs/pam )"
+ dev-vcs/git
+ !www-apps/gitea" # until acct-user/git[forgejo]
+ custom/conf/app.example.ini CONTRIBUTING.md README.md
+ -m 711 cap_net_bind_service+ep usr/bin/forgejo
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ local sedcmds=(
+ -e "s#^ROOT =#ROOT = ${EPREFIX}/var/lib/gitea/gitea-repositories#"
+ -e "s#^ROOT_PATH =#ROOT_PATH = ${EPREFIX}/var/log/forgejo#"
+ -e "s#^APP_DATA_PATH = data#APP_DATA_PATH = ${EPREFIX}/var/lib/gitea/data#"
+ -e "s#^HTTP_ADDR = ="
+ -e "s#^MODE = console#MODE = file#"
+ -e "s#^LEVEL = Trace#LEVEL = Info#"
+ -e "s#^LOG_SQL = true#LOG_SQL = false#"
+ )
+ sed -i "${sedcmds[@]}" custom/conf/app.example.ini || die
+ if use sqlite ; then
+ sed -i -e "s#^DB_TYPE = .*#DB_TYPE = sqlite3#" custom/conf/app.example.ini || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ # bug 832756 - PIE build issues
+ filter-flags -fPIE
+ filter-ldflags -fPIE -pie
+src_compile() {
+ local forgejo_tags=(
+ bindata
+ $(usev pam)
+ $(usex sqlite 'sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify' '')
+ )
+ local forgejo_settings=(
+ "-X code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting.CustomConf=${EPREFIX}/etc/forgejo/app.ini"
+ "-X code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting.CustomPath=${EPREFIX}/var/lib/gitea/custom"
+ "-X code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting.AppWorkPath=${EPREFIX}/var/lib/gitea"
+ )
+ local makeenv=(
+ LDFLAGS="-extldflags \"${LDFLAGS}\" ${forgejo_settings[*]}"
+ TAGS="${forgejo_tags[*]}"
+ )
+ if use pie ; then
+ GOFLAGS+="-buildmode=pie"
+ fi
+ # need to set -j1 or build fails due to a race condition between MAKE jobs.
+ # this does not actually impact build parallelism, because the go compiler
+ # will still build everything in parallel when it's invoked.
+ env "${makeenv[@]}" emake -j1 EXTRA_GOFLAGS="${GOFLAGS}" backend
+src_install() {
+ cp gitea forgejo
+ dobin forgejo
+ einstalldocs
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/forgejo.confd-r1" forgejo
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/forgejo.initd-r3" forgejo
+ newtmpfiles - forgejo.conf <<-EOF
+ d /run/forgejo 0755 git git
+ systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/forgejo.service-r3 forgejo.service
+ insinto /etc/forgejo
+ newins custom/conf/app.example.ini app.ini
+ if use acct; then
+ fowners root:git /etc/forgejo/{,app.ini}
+ fperms g+w,o-rwx /etc/forgejo/{,app.ini}
+ diropts -m0750 -o git -g git
+ keepdir /var/lib/gitea /var/lib/gitea/custom /var/lib/gitea/data
+ keepdir /var/log/forgejo
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ fcaps_pkg_postinst
+ tmpfiles_process forgejo.conf
+ ewarn "${PN} ${MY_PV} will continue to use /var/lib/gitea as the default home,"
+ ewarn "as acct-user/git[gitea] depends on it, and acct-user[forgejo] does not"
+ ewarn "exist yet."