diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/kdevelop')
5 files changed, 13 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog b/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog
index 67de065a1464..834d43a7fc38 100644
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-util/kdevelop
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog,v 1.79 2005/02/24 16:40:42 blubb Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog,v 1.80 2005/02/24 16:57:50 greg_g Exp $
+ 24 Feb 2005; Gregorio Guidi <> -files/htdig.conf,
+ -kdevelop-3.0.4.ebuild:
+ Remove old version.
24 Feb 2005; Simon Stelling <> kdevelop-3.1.2.ebuild:
stable on amd64
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest b/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest
index ac6ff2107cdc..653e3d2598dd 100644
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
-MD5 7f55a22d7b1c2a57655752c7a767f3ce ChangeLog 12699
-MD5 0bc313694d34e950d8913c3dbd185c38 kdevelop-3.2.0_beta1.ebuild 2481
-MD5 2c26398d8a898fbe8600c59f22d70b45 kdevelop-3.0.4.ebuild 2551
+MD5 14889ab75f97d76e58b0c1154e7683a9 metadata.xml 161
MD5 c2a04566b114a614f4169f0ca4a37da7 kdevelop-3.1.0.ebuild 2789
-MD5 baa899c3f53c796452b7261b3aecf5e3 kdevelop-3.1.1.ebuild 2724
+MD5 0bc313694d34e950d8913c3dbd185c38 kdevelop-3.2.0_beta1.ebuild 2481
MD5 0d3a8ef60053a7cd4ee6c03500c7d00f kdevelop-3.1.2.ebuild 2721
-MD5 14889ab75f97d76e58b0c1154e7683a9 metadata.xml 161
+MD5 6d899a4b045ce9c95f6adf3e53e8d1c6 ChangeLog 12818
+MD5 baa899c3f53c796452b7261b3aecf5e3 kdevelop-3.1.1.ebuild 2724
MD5 2f03008af7532a56a7266ac9be886da9 kdevelop-3.2.0_beta2.ebuild 2477
+MD5 6393f5f130b072cd76d80e44e8c0662a files/digest-kdevelop-3.2.0_beta2 69
+MD5 dcdcaf1dea68db854de8dad4df83c096 files/kdevelop-3.1_beta1-bdb-fPIC.patch 391
+MD5 1f01fc9fe5e094574c3ab227ce5b58be files/digest-kdevelop-3.1.1 68
+MD5 9baadc6b0dcbb08db8c865897cf4cf43 files/kdevelop-3.1.0-bdb-mutex.patch 656
MD5 80d98eb60c504fd1996723b467343948 files/digest-kdevelop-3.2.0_beta1 69
-MD5 6a803afe94792dfe48514e5559f2c1cb files/digest-kdevelop-3.0.4 68
MD5 e54dcf4fdb97d582d25c7ef6dc335d1c files/digest-kdevelop-3.1.0 68
-MD5 1f01fc9fe5e094574c3ab227ce5b58be files/digest-kdevelop-3.1.1 68
MD5 529d6ae5875e5eff1f3ec62dd5234e81 files/digest-kdevelop-3.1.2 68
-MD5 5dbe87ca31912cf4eeba60fb16082225 files/htdig.conf 8248
-MD5 dcdcaf1dea68db854de8dad4df83c096 files/kdevelop-3.1_beta1-bdb-fPIC.patch 391
-MD5 9baadc6b0dcbb08db8c865897cf4cf43 files/kdevelop-3.1.0-bdb-mutex.patch 656
-MD5 6393f5f130b072cd76d80e44e8c0662a files/digest-kdevelop-3.2.0_beta2 69
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/digest-kdevelop-3.0.4 b/dev-util/kdevelop/files/digest-kdevelop-3.0.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 44c8bf5ee1ca..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/digest-kdevelop-3.0.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 c4a84b34927e6f1c7fb2bfb9a74b5b34 kdevelop-3.0.4.tar.bz2 5880471
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/htdig.conf b/dev-util/kdevelop/files/htdig.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index b0faac365fd4..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/htdig.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Example config file for ht://Dig.
-# This configuration file is used by all the programs that make up ht://Dig.
-# Please refer to the attribute reference manual for more details on what
-# can be put into this file. (
-# Note that most attributes have very reasonable default values so you
-# really only have to add attributes here if you want to change the defaults.
-# What follows are some of the common attributes you might want to change.
-# Specify where the database files need to go. Make sure that there is
-# plenty of free disk space available for the databases. They can get
-# pretty big.
-database_dir: _KDEDIR_/share/apps/kdevelop/htdig/db
-# This specifies the URL where the robot (htdig) will start. You can specify
-# multiple URLs here. Just separate them by some whitespace.
-# The example here will cause the ht://Dig homepage and related pages to be
-# indexed.
-# You could also index all the URLs in a file like so:
-# start_url: `${common_dir}/start.url`
-#start_url: file://localhost/_KDEDIR_/share/doc/HTML/en/kdevelop/
-# This attribute limits the scope of the indexing process. The default is to
-# set it to the same as the start_url above. This way only pages that are on
-# the sites specified in the start_url attribute will be indexed and it will
-# reject any URLs that go outside of those sites.
-# Keep in mind that the value for this attribute is just a list of string
-# patterns. As long as URLs contain at least one of the patterns it will be
-# seen as part of the scope of the index.
-limit_urls_to: file://
-# If there are particular pages that you definately do NOT want to index, you
-# can use the exclude_urls attribute. The value is a list of string patterns.
-# If a URL matches any of the patterns, it will NOT be indexed. This is
-# useful to exclude things like virtual web trees or database accesses. By
-# default, all CGI URLs will be excluded. (Note that the /cgi-bin/ convention
-# may not work on your web server. Check the path prefix used on your web
-# server.)
-exclude_urls: /cgi-bin/ .cgi
-# The string htdig will send in every request to identify the robot. Change
-# this to your email address.
-maintainer: unconfigured@htdig.searchengine.maintainer
-# The excerpts that are displayed in long results rely on stored information
-# in the index databases. The compiled default only stores 512 characters of
-# text from each document (this excludes any HTML markup...) If you plan on
-# using the excerpts you probably want to make this larger. The only concern
-# here is that more disk space is going to be needed to store the additional
-# information. Since disk space is cheap (! :-)) you might want to set this
-# to a value so that a large percentage of the documents that you are going
-# to be indexing are stored completely in the database. At SDSU we found
-# that by setting this value to about 50k the index would get 97% of all
-# documents completely and only 3% was cut off at 50k. You probably want to
-# experiment with this value.
-# Note that if you want to set this value low, you probably want to set the
-# excerpt_show_top attribute to false so that the top excerpt_length characters
-# of the document are always shown.
-max_head_length: 10000
-# To limit network connections, ht://Dig will only pull up to a certain limit
-# of bytes. This prevents the indexing from dying because the server keeps
-# sending information. However, several FAQs happen because people have files
-# bigger than the default limit of 100KB. This sets the default a bit higher.
-# (see <> for more)
-max_doc_size: 200000
-# Depending on your needs, you might want to enable some of the fuzzy search
-# algorithms. There are several to choose from and you can use them in any
-# combination you feel comfortable with. Each algorithm will get a weight
-# assigned to it so that in combinations of algorithms, certain algorithms get
-# preference over others. Note that the weights only affect the ranking of
-# the results, not the actual searching.
-# The available algorithms are:
-# exact
-# endings
-# synonyms
-# soundex
-# metaphone
-# By default only the "exact" algorithm is used with weight 1.
-# Note that if you are going to use any of the algorithms other than "exact",
-# you need to use the htfuzzy program to generate the databases that each
-# algorithm requires.
-search_algorithm: exact:1 synonyms:0.5 endings:0.1
-common_dir: /usr/share/htdig #_KDEDIR_/share/apps/kdevelop/htdig/common
-maximum_pages: 1
-ignore_noindex: true
-# The following are the templates used in the builtin search results
-# The default is to use compiled versions of these files, which produces
-# slightly faster results. However, uncommenting these lines makes it
-# very easy to change the format of search results.
-# See < for more details.
-# template_map: Long long ${common_dir}/long.html \
-# Short short ${common_dir}/short.html
-# template_name: long
-# The following are used to change the text for the page index.
-# The defaults are just boring text numbers. These images spice
-# up the result pages quite a bit. (Feel free to do whatever, though)
-next_page_text: <img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/buttonr.png border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=next>
-prev_page_text: <img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/buttonl.png border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=prev>
-page_number_text: "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button1.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=1>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button2.png border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=2>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button3.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=3>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button4.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=4>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button5.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=5>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button6.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=6>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button7.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=7>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button8.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=8>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button9.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=9>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button10.gif border=0 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=10>"
-# To make the current page stand out, we will put a border arround the
-# image for that page.
-no_page_number_text: "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button1.png border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=1>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button2.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=2>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button3.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=3>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button4.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=4>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button5.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=5>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button6.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=6>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button7.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=7>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button8.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=8>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button9.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=9>" \
- "<img src=/home/httpd/htdocs/htdig/button10.gif border=2 align=middle width=30 height=30 alt=10>"
-star_image: file://localhost/home/httpd/htdocs/htdocs/htdig/star.png
-star_blank: file://localhost/home/httpd/htdocs/htdocs/htdig/star_blank.png
-# local variables:
-local_urls: file://localhost=
-#local_urls: file://=
-# mode: text
-# eval: (if (eq window-system 'x) (progn (setq font-lock-keywords (list '("^#.*" . font-lock-keyword-face) '("^[a-zA-Z][^ :]+" . font-lock-function-name-face) '("[+$]*:" . font-lock-comment-face) )) (font-lock-mode)))
-# end:
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.0.4.ebuild b/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.0.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a17a80a8b5b3..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.0.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.0.4.ebuild,v 1.8 2005/01/21 20:50:33 gustavoz Exp $
-inherit python kde
-IUSE="doc java python ruby"
-DESCRIPTION="KDevelop is an easy to use C/C++ IDE for Unix. It supports KDE/Qt, GNOME, plain C and C++ projects."
-KEYWORDS="x86 sparc ppc amd64"
- sys-devel/flex
- sys-devel/gdb
- java? ( virtual/jdk dev-java/ant )
- python? ( dev-lang/python )
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
-need-kde 3.1
-myconf="$myconf --with-kdelibsdoxy-dir=${KDEDIR}/share/doc/HTML/en/kdelibs-apidocs"
-src_compile() {
- python_version
- use java && myconf="$myconf --enable-javasupport --with-java=`java-config --jdk-home`" || myconf="$myconf --disable-javasupport"
- use python && myconf="$myconf --enable-scripting --with-pythondir=/usr/lib/python${PYVER}" || myconf="$myconf --disable-scripting"
- use ruby || myconf="$myconf --disable-ruby"
- kde_src_compile
-pkg_postinst() {
-einfo "kdevelop can use a wide range of apps for extra functionality. This is an almost"
-einfo "complete list. If you want subversion support, you must emerge it and then re-emerge"
-einfo "kdevelop; all other packages can be emerged after kdevelop."
-einfo "dev-util/cvs: provide frontend for cvs version control system"
-einfo "net-misc/x11-ssh-askpass for use with SSH protected CVS systems"
-einfo "dev-util/subversion ditto for subversion."
-einfo ">=dev-util/ctags-5 faster and more powerful code browsing logic"
-einfo "dev-util/kdoc tools to generate KDE-style documentation for your project"
-einfo "app-misc/glimpse index and search your project's documentation"
-einfo "net-www/htdig ditto. yet another supported indexing/searching backend"
-einfo "dev-util/kdbg kde frontend to gdb"
-einfo "app-arch/rpm supports creating RPMs of your project"
-einfo "kde-base/kdebase embed konsole kpart in kdevelop ide"
-einfo "kde-base/kdesdk use kompare widget for showing the output of diff"
-einfo "dev-util/valgrind integrates valgrind (memory debugger) commands"
-einfo "app-emulation/ create and run projects for this gameboy"
-einfo " visualboyadvance /gameboy color/gameboy advance emulator"
-einfo "Support for GNU-style make, tmake, qmake and probably jam and other systems is included."
-einfo "There is also php, fortran, etc. support - use your favourite package, I suppose."