diff options
-rw-r--r--dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.5.ebuild (renamed from dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.4-r2.ebuild)3
5 files changed, 86 insertions, 766 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/ChangeLog b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/ChangeLog
index 20e5ea86f42f..1364992e185b 100644
--- a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-python/python-keystoneclient
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2013/06/20 14:39:43 prometheanfire Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2013/08/11 01:54:05 prometheanfire Exp $
+*python-keystoneclient-0.3.1 (11 Aug 2013)
+*python-keystoneclient-0.2.5 (11 Aug 2013)
+ 11 Aug 2013; Matthew Thode <>
+ +python-keystoneclient-0.2.5.ebuild, +python-keystoneclient-0.3.1.ebuild,
+ -files/0.2.4-CVE-2013-2166-7.patch, -python-keystoneclient-0.2.4-r2.ebuild:
+ just an update for keystoneclient
*python-keystoneclient-0.2.4-r2 (20 Jun 2013)
diff --git a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/Manifest b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/Manifest
index 409dbd73ff12..babf01679142 100644
--- a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/Manifest
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
Hash: SHA256
-AUX 0.2.4-CVE-2013-2166-7.patch 30702 SHA256 a9863655ad76d7bd7076b8fa310411ac513f7b5b6f29f817c63c00c2116f34ef SHA512 fc0168eab4eda0c5286a6b8a9ab0976256a1da5b878c9fdbc5ebdcd9d1ef1bd41c95b7bce8f39716b6e27f6fad1d3e8b3d0c8c8f0c2f2306a3ae8f4073ebf9b1 WHIRLPOOL 8cb13c57409549475fa66277a85fe9f15d776f00472bc3de03b633877ceb2332136281b8012331e87118a271e84a43549f6ca53409b5d14ab4b6de31dca09517
-DIST python-keystoneclient-0.2.4.tar.gz 194758 SHA256 1286a32cc08436410e00704177e3e5ced6ba88ac4eab62a6a55cbad7cadc6cc0 SHA512 e064e9fa7118f300467910b33fa693842db10326dd3c75701fba7edb76896c1fedbec8fbbe2f56e7260ecbfe35b4ee9fac463fcc0f93e47496a57516f708a472 WHIRLPOOL dad8fec545130c74780d1eff49642c8e0b48914a16e9ee4e7215a12d3e3a488c7b85c7d837d041caae8a7ca54570ba750f435e4c718479e8aa9abdaedf33ad6a
-EBUILD python-keystoneclient-0.2.4-r2.ebuild 2054 SHA256 11e77804df0d43d63361b51f323b40982c1940c53c6cc22e99b5aa45edd69925 SHA512 784227bff389f210ca9df967aa0a1fa8c80ceb03c73c3e268edd0b7c6fcdf29ab5a5c3e408f9b183dc6d3f3d107c79318149809f8cfc7c8654db63edeeabda7d WHIRLPOOL 89f7f73d30ed2825923def6cee9040f0241e40b798ae7de9977db28d7fdfa5376305936f3dcbf4b7585b3108df76fbbfbd93e6a44f0d9338b0d5d6d37909de66
+DIST python-keystoneclient-0.2.5.tar.gz 196496 SHA256 3985ab402b3b63510f387df639658687ee001c047ed710bee9a46219ebc31e2b SHA512 2c14d039a80a8b8ac65c974410722b5726b2f0f94c238b60ac93d09828abcf4518cec16af10387ccaa5e1639a5c9e168afa32623e507899c8486152c3d785c8b WHIRLPOOL aa82ee7f157c8573978b04b485068cc5d3f3f8bcfc4e573b8ed631b23ca3ffd8eb47830449c13da5e93e674c42a23c1efb072ffd5005c93a3c6f84a12e1b4063
+DIST python-keystoneclient-0.3.1.tar.gz 209845 SHA256 bfc149b2d161bfe168be0fde41d9e75f2c0a99b9f398672f92c7c54c6f62fa26 SHA512 e79a4ab0b8e2c99a94efd6bf6690abd15cf41ea6b4e605c1a3534ee9788cb38239b6cd43e2956bd513b1149ab359af63eb46c7a61a9ebe3f3c1005068a7533de WHIRLPOOL ab4636f77e8de91fe38718f3f43a9f81d4bde69ed02710fe0d02ce1e8965f728c53fff6f28780981e7303c16fe43a33c9c30ac21a7cb1cfc8a2e855bc47c1f36
+EBUILD python-keystoneclient-0.2.5.ebuild 2008 SHA256 bf8a08c00c628ff38a4fa302ef4c14da80280f37fb6bde99be87eda903291825 SHA512 d8c1c1ea5fc98cbb1796651fcdf711a0a70102756285e79214f0cd24a39a56a266a92844b7f7872a005f15578f019f16676b4d44342b0429fdd7669063c463c4 WHIRLPOOL 4552217863d7c9368d9293fc5f9ad2a8d8aa96165f920aba62e6345f632bceb8f63d72bbc0774bc08bef60aed8afd38ae83f12f9dd7756b3d7050e00796ab715
+EBUILD python-keystoneclient-0.3.1.ebuild 2050 SHA256 54af41db1b51e6ee3daff919e37ad93df7891db3bb9bdd0b6aacbb91d4dcc6b6 SHA512 f44edfe1c935c23288d53f178ad92f6c4c95546d7f9b5608a7abb496f98add622b56b1baa83a64a476dbe06f4f973a049e5bb2d2c5ed58da0b9739f97c28717f WHIRLPOOL 6dcedbf4890949e1db271088a4f000413b6f3510b3fda22a548bb8b20fb178c92796fa94b6f60c361310c15584184698487e7bfd987fd52a0f006d9c06f223c4
EBUILD python-keystoneclient-9999.ebuild 1597 SHA256 0062df58f82beaaa54dd279e7a95ae8540c51cc1a2bb32e4621ae96cf2508216 SHA512 6de16b203f9cdf88cad8c8c19c99bfd1f243de807971ca2292437074b147f02476d526974cab64b8f881afb6e2c8f19938966f5322eed50b95c5a95de25461e0 WHIRLPOOL 8d26907ba7ac0e570a3fa245b8d2e04d5285c4ff02c2ecafd7fa9cf9cd4b3a6b938abfe9efb925e02b5733320a4cb05b2fb1aca005ca5ffd0f19ab4d19db58a4
-MISC ChangeLog 3433 SHA256 e095b5bfd2dd1fa7b0b6cfe2d342a6093d21db310ca66d39273206fd54bf294e SHA512 ce0268a41f621ff939725e429d239a4069f776f912399c125db54e8d2ff2a49c4b072376b18ac76cd3cd94812cf9f5b1b9176f392c262c0357668a1b7bde7baa WHIRLPOOL 8d856cf253c380aac1bf1bf27f2f99a5a4c31ed2f479facb926350d6cbaef6c54a9a55763cabe8c1da51762b97290b03fdd2aadfcc537219ff9d95980ee72035
+MISC ChangeLog 3768 SHA256 a05f96cbfc0e227f365c7967afd514f4e510f100cbaa90a423c96ebdbc231c3f SHA512 bb1aba8322102ecad7e5bc1d362c43c75a6dbdab1934f2ed0ccb2d19d342b6e05ad47bd52095dd35d61a539585d451c3bd5b23bf6cd03e3c359fc14c3bc68b28 WHIRLPOOL 575f0b9b96e56589790ea251bdec100f8a7cfaee13a66f590053d85ae1d697c74ed4d3b901f09e23e982bd813db4983c23f185d002ec4f646b68629ebfb8bb52
MISC metadata.xml 343 SHA256 716e96a66916d216f80e7ce0283db63bd6d18a95e2365d9d1a35964b2ef461f9 SHA512 fd28e5434f725af6a835205ae8cfae1354983f8e68f6c25f9a4f56ec17041ac9bb1a460ff8e82d0e165ab19c5b0f26e0f0c8c5124dfcc37723c786e12cd4d3bf WHIRLPOOL b486328b67aa7f6e4b68adc757bf5d3983077a894d7ded68be7723fe5655805324a73e5914fda0f81ae334e75db9557e2675a43e9437df633311590758466c5c
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/files/0.2.4-CVE-2013-2166-7.patch b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/files/0.2.4-CVE-2013-2166-7.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d5b160a95d8..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/files/0.2.4-CVE-2013-2166-7.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,745 +0,0 @@
-From eeefb784f24c37d5f56a421e1ccc911cace9385e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Bryan D. Payne" <>
-Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 09:34:25 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix memcache encryption middleware
-This fixes lp1175367 and lp1175368 by redesigning the memcache crypt
-middleware to not do dangerous things. It is forward compatible, but
-will invalidate any existing ephemeral encrypted or signed memcache
-Change-Id: Ice8724949a48bfad3b8b7c41b5f50a18a9ad9f42
-Signed-off-by: Bryan D. Payne <>
- doc/source/middlewarearchitecture.rst | 37 +++---
- keystoneclient/middleware/ | 131 +++++++++---------
- keystoneclient/middleware/ | 197 +++++++++++++++++-----------
- tests/ | 89 +++----------
- tests/ | 96 ++++++++------
- 5 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 273 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/doc/source/middlewarearchitecture.rst b/doc/source/middlewarearchitecture.rst
-index 803fbd9..894d40d 100644
---- a/doc/source/middlewarearchitecture.rst
-+++ b/doc/source/middlewarearchitecture.rst
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- ..
-- Copyright 2011-2012 OpenStack, LLC
-+ Copyright 2011-2013 OpenStack, LLC
- All Rights Reserved.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ Configuration Options
- the timeout when validating token by http).
- * ``auth_port``: (optional, default `35357`) the port used to validate tokens
- * ``auth_protocol``: (optional, default `https`)
--* ``auth_uri``: (optional, defaults to `auth_protocol`://`auth_host`:`auth_port`)
-+* ``auth_uri``: (optional, defaults to
-+ `auth_protocol`://`auth_host`:`auth_port`)
- * ``certfile``: (required, if Keystone server requires client cert)
- * ``keyfile``: (required, if Keystone server requires client cert) This can be
- the same as the certfile if the certfile includes the private key.
-@@ -232,22 +233,24 @@ Memcache Protection
- ===================
- When using memcached, we are storing user tokens and token validation
--information into the cache as raw data. Which means anyone who have access
--to the memcache servers can read and modify data stored there. To mitigate
--this risk, ``auth_token`` middleware provides an option to either encrypt
--or authenticate the token data stored in the cache.
--* ``memcache_security_strategy``: (optional) if defined, indicate whether token
-- data should be encrypted or authenticated. Acceptable values are ``ENCRYPT``
-- or ``MAC``. If ``ENCRYPT``, token data is encrypted in the cache. If
-- ``MAC``, token data is authenticated (with HMAC) in the cache. If its value
-- is neither ``MAC`` nor ``ENCRYPT``, ``auth_token`` will raise an exception
-- on initialization.
-+information into the cache as raw data. Which means that anyone who
-+has access to the memcache servers can read and modify data stored
-+there. To mitigate this risk, ``auth_token`` middleware provides an
-+option to authenticate and optionally encrypt the token data stored in
-+the cache.
-+* ``memcache_security_strategy``: (optional) if defined, indicate
-+ whether token data should be authenticated or authenticated and
-+ encrypted. Acceptable values are ``MAC`` or ``ENCRYPT``. If ``MAC``,
-+ token data is authenticated (with HMAC) in the cache. If
-+ ``ENCRYPT``, token data is encrypted and authenticated in the
-+ cache. If the value is not one of these options or empty,
-+ ``auth_token`` will raise an exception on initialization.
- * ``memcache_secret_key``: (optional, mandatory if
-- ``memcache_security_strategy`` is defined) if defined,
-- a random string to be used for key derivation. If
-- ``memcache_security_strategy`` is defined and ``memcache_secret_key`` is
-- absent, ``auth_token`` will raise an exception on initialization.
-+ ``memcache_security_strategy`` is defined) this string is used for
-+ key derivation. If ``memcache_security_strategy`` is defined and
-+ ``memcache_secret_key`` is absent, ``auth_token`` will raise an
-+ exception on initialization.
- Exchanging User Information
- ===========================
-diff --git a/keystoneclient/middleware/ b/keystoneclient/middleware/
-index 7e3012c..e50f723 100644
---- a/keystoneclient/middleware/
-+++ b/keystoneclient/middleware/
-@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ opts = [
- CONF.register_opts(opts, group='keystone_authtoken')
- LIST_OF_VERSIONS_TO_ATTEMPT = ['v2.0', 'v3.0']
-+CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE = 'tokens/%s'
- def will_expire_soon(expiry):
-@@ -847,91 +848,81 @@ class AuthProtocol(object):
- env_key = self._header_to_env_var(key)
- return env.get(env_key, default)
-- def _protect_cache_value(self, token, data):
-- """ Encrypt or sign data if necessary. """
-- try:
-- if self._memcache_security_strategy == 'ENCRYPT':
-- return memcache_crypt.encrypt_data(token,
-- self._memcache_secret_key,
-- data)
-- elif self._memcache_security_strategy == 'MAC':
-- return memcache_crypt.sign_data(token, data)
-- else:
-- return data
-- except:
-- msg = 'Failed to encrypt/sign cache data.'
-- self.LOG.exception(msg)
-- return data
-- def _unprotect_cache_value(self, token, data):
-- """ Decrypt or verify signed data if necessary. """
-- if data is None:
-- return data
-- try:
-- if self._memcache_security_strategy == 'ENCRYPT':
-- return memcache_crypt.decrypt_data(token,
-- self._memcache_secret_key,
-- data)
-- elif self._memcache_security_strategy == 'MAC':
-- return memcache_crypt.verify_signed_data(token, data)
-- else:
-- return data
-- except:
-- msg = 'Failed to decrypt/verify cache data.'
-- self.LOG.exception(msg)
-- # this should have the same effect as data not found in cache
-- return None
-- def _get_cache_key(self, token):
-- """ Return the cache key.
-- Do not use clear token as key if memcache protection is on.
-- """
-- htoken = token
-- if self._memcache_security_strategy in ('ENCRYPT', 'MAC'):
-- derv_token = token + self._memcache_secret_key
-- htoken = memcache_crypt.hash_data(derv_token)
-- return 'tokens/%s' % htoken
-- def _cache_get(self, token):
-+ def _cache_get(self, token, ignore_expires=False):
- """Return token information from cache.
- If token is invalid raise InvalidUserToken
- return token only if fresh (not expired).
- """
- if self._cache and token:
-- key = self._get_cache_key(token)
-- cached = self._cache.get(key)
-- cached = self._unprotect_cache_value(token, cached)
-+ if self._memcache_security_strategy is None:
-+ key = CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE % token
-+ serialized = self._cache.get(key)
-+ else:
-+ keys = memcache_crypt.derive_keys(
-+ token,
-+ self._memcache_secret_key,
-+ self._memcache_security_strategy)
-+ cache_key = CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE % (
-+ memcache_crypt.get_cache_key(keys))
-+ raw_cached = self._cache.get(cache_key)
-+ try:
-+ # unprotect_data will return None if raw_cached is None
-+ serialized = memcache_crypt.unprotect_data(keys,
-+ raw_cached)
-+ except Exception:
-+ msg = 'Failed to decrypt/verify cache data'
-+ self.LOG.exception(msg)
-+ # this should have the same effect as data not
-+ # found in cache
-+ serialized = None
-+ if serialized is None:
-+ return None
-+ # Note that 'invalid' and (data, expires) are the only
-+ # valid types of serialized cache entries, so there is not
-+ # a collision with json.loads(serialized) == None.
-+ cached = json.loads(serialized)
- if cached == 'invalid':
- self.LOG.debug('Cached Token %s is marked unauthorized', token)
- raise InvalidUserToken('Token authorization failed')
-- if cached:
-- data, expires = cached
-- if time.time() < float(expires):
-- self.LOG.debug('Returning cached token %s', token)
-- return data
-- else:
-- self.LOG.debug('Cached Token %s seems expired', token)
-- def _cache_store(self, token, data, expires=None):
-- """ Store value into memcache. """
-- key = self._get_cache_key(token)
-- data = self._protect_cache_value(token, data)
-- data_to_store = data
-- if expires:
-- data_to_store = (data, expires)
-+ data, expires = cached
-+ if ignore_expires or time.time() < float(expires):
-+ self.LOG.debug('Returning cached token %s', token)
-+ return data
-+ else:
-+ self.LOG.debug('Cached Token %s seems expired', token)
-+ def _cache_store(self, token, data):
-+ """ Store value into memcache.
-+ data may be the string 'invalid' or a tuple like (data, expires)
-+ """
-+ serialized_data = json.dumps(data)
-+ if self._memcache_security_strategy is None:
-+ cache_key = CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE % token
-+ data_to_store = serialized_data
-+ else:
-+ keys = memcache_crypt.derive_keys(
-+ token,
-+ self._memcache_secret_key,
-+ self._memcache_security_strategy)
-+ cache_key = CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE % memcache_crypt.get_cache_key(keys)
-+ data_to_store = memcache_crypt.protect_data(keys, serialized_data)
- # we need to special-case set() because of the incompatibility between
- # Swift MemcacheRing and python-memcached. See
- #
- if self._use_keystone_cache:
-- self._cache.set(key,
-+ self._cache.set(cache_key,
- data_to_store,
- time=self.token_cache_time)
- else:
-- self._cache.set(key,
-+ self._cache.set(cache_key,
- data_to_store,
- timeout=self.token_cache_time)
-@@ -959,7 +950,7 @@ class AuthProtocol(object):
- """
- if self._cache:
- self.LOG.debug('Storing %s token in memcache', token)
-- self._cache_store(token, data, expires)
-+ self._cache_store(token, (data, expires))
- def _cache_store_invalid(self, token):
- """Store invalid token in cache."""
-diff --git a/keystoneclient/middleware/ b/keystoneclient/middleware/
-index 91e261d..6cadf3a 100755
---- a/keystoneclient/middleware/
-+++ b/keystoneclient/middleware/
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
--# Copyright 2010-2012 OpenStack LLC
-+# Copyright 2010-2013 OpenStack LLC
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@@ -18,33 +18,34 @@
- """
- Utilities for memcache encryption and integrity check.
--Data is serialized before been encrypted or MACed. Encryption have a
--dependency on the pycrypto. If pycrypto is not available,
--CryptoUnabailableError will be raised.
-+Data should be serialized before entering these functions. Encryption
-+has a dependency on the pycrypto. If pycrypto is not available,
-+CryptoUnavailableError will be raised.
--Encrypted data stored in memcache are prefixed with '{ENCRYPT:AES256}'.
--MACed data stored in memcache are prefixed with '{MAC:SHA1}'.
-+This module will not be called unless signing or encryption is enabled
-+in the config. It will always validate signatures, and will decrypt
-+data if encryption is enabled. It is not valid to mix protection
- """
- import base64
- import functools
- import hashlib
--import json
-+import hmac
-+import math
- import os
--# make sure pycrypt is available
-+# make sure pycrypto is available
- try:
- from Crypto.Cipher import AES
- except ImportError:
- AES = None
--# prefix marker indicating data is HMACed (signed by a secret key)
--# prefix marker indicating data is encrypted
-+HASH_FUNCTION = hashlib.sha384
-+DIGEST_LENGTH_B64 = 4 * int(math.ceil(DIGEST_LENGTH / 3.0))
- class InvalidMacError(Exception):
-@@ -81,77 +82,121 @@ def assert_crypto_availability(f):
- return wrapper
--def generate_aes_key(token, secret):
-- """ Generates and returns a 256 bit AES key, based on sha256 hash. """
-- return hashlib.sha256(token + secret).digest()
--def compute_mac(token, serialized_data):
-- """ Computes and returns the base64 encoded MAC. """
-- return hash_data(serialized_data + token)
-+def constant_time_compare(first, second):
-+ """ Returns True if both string inputs are equal, otherwise False
-+ This function should take a constant amount of time regardless of
-+ how many characters in the strings match.
--def hash_data(data):
-- """ Return the base64 encoded SHA1 hash of the data. """
-- return base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(data).digest())
--def sign_data(token, data):
-- """ MAC the data using SHA1. """
-- mac_data = {}
-- mac_data['serialized_data'] = json.dumps(data)
-- mac = compute_mac(token, mac_data['serialized_data'])
-- mac_data['mac'] = mac
-- md = MAC_MARKER + base64.b64encode(json.dumps(mac_data))
-- return md
-+ """
-+ if len(first) != len(second):
-+ return False
-+ result = 0
-+ for x, y in zip(first, second):
-+ result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
-+ return result == 0
-+def derive_keys(token, secret, strategy):
-+ """ Derives keys for MAC and ENCRYPTION from the user-provided
-+ secret. The resulting keys should be passed to the protect and
-+ unprotect functions.
-+ As suggested by NIST Special Publication 800-108, this uses the
-+ first 128 bits from the sha384 KDF for the obscured cache key
-+ value, the second 128 bits for the message authentication key and
-+ the remaining 128 bits for the encryption key.
-+ This approach is faster than computing a separate hmac as the KDF
-+ for each desired key.
-+ """
-+ digest =, token + strategy, HASH_FUNCTION).digest()
-+ return {'CACHE_KEY': digest[:DIGEST_SPLIT],
-+ 'ENCRYPTION': digest[2 * DIGEST_SPLIT:],
-+ 'strategy': strategy}
--def verify_signed_data(token, data):
-- """ Verify data integrity by ensuring MAC is valid. """
-- if data.startswith(MAC_MARKER):
-- try:
-- data = data[len(MAC_MARKER):]
-- mac_data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(data))
-- mac = compute_mac(token, mac_data['serialized_data'])
-- if mac != mac_data['mac']:
-- raise InvalidMacError('invalid MAC; expect=%s, actual=%s' %
-- (mac_data['mac'], mac))
-- return json.loads(mac_data['serialized_data'])
-- except:
-- raise InvalidMacError('invalid MAC; data appeared to be corrupted')
-- else:
-- # doesn't appear to be MACed data
-- return data
-+def sign_data(key, data):
-+ """ Sign the data using the defined function and the derived key"""
-+ mac =, data, HASH_FUNCTION).digest()
-+ return base64.b64encode(mac)
- @assert_crypto_availability
--def encrypt_data(token, secret, data):
-- """ Encryptes the data with the given secret key. """
-+def encrypt_data(key, data):
-+ """ Encrypt the data with the given secret key.
-+ Padding is n bytes of the value n, where 1 <= n <= blocksize.
-+ """
- iv = os.urandom(16)
-- aes_key = generate_aes_key(token, secret)
-- cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
-- data = json.dumps(data)
-- encoded_data = base64.b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(data))
-- encoded_data = ENCRYPT_MARKER + encoded_data
-- return encoded_data
-+ cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
-+ padding = 16 - len(data) % 16
-+ return iv + cipher.encrypt(data + chr(padding) * padding)
- @assert_crypto_availability
--def decrypt_data(token, secret, data):
-+def decrypt_data(key, data):
- """ Decrypt the data with the given secret key. """
-- if data.startswith(ENCRYPT_MARKER):
-- try:
-- # encrypted data
-- encoded_data = data[len(ENCRYPT_MARKER):]
-- aes_key = generate_aes_key(token, secret)
-- decoded_data = base64.b64decode(encoded_data)
-- iv = decoded_data[:16]
-- encrypted_data = decoded_data[16:]
-- cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
-- decrypted_data = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_data)
-- return json.loads(decrypted_data)
-- except:
-- raise DecryptError('data appeared to be corrupted')
-- else:
-- # doesn't appear to be encrypted data
-- return data
-+ iv = data[:16]
-+ cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
-+ try:
-+ result = cipher.decrypt(data[16:])
-+ except Exception:
-+ raise DecryptError('Encrypted data appears to be corrupted.')
-+ # Strip the last n padding bytes where n is the last value in
-+ # the plaintext
-+ padding = ord(result[-1])
-+ return result[:-1 * padding]
-+def protect_data(keys, data):
-+ """ Given keys and serialized data, returns an appropriately
-+ protected string suitable for storage in the cache.
-+ """
-+ if keys['strategy'] == 'ENCRYPT':
-+ data = encrypt_data(keys['ENCRYPTION'], data)
-+ encoded_data = base64.b64encode(data)
-+ signature = sign_data(keys['MAC'], encoded_data)
-+ return signature + encoded_data
-+def unprotect_data(keys, signed_data):
-+ """ Given keys and cached string data, verifies the signature,
-+ decrypts if necessary, and returns the original serialized data.
-+ """
-+ # cache backends return None when no data is found. We don't mind
-+ # that this particular special value is unsigned.
-+ if signed_data is None:
-+ return None
-+ # First we calculate the signature
-+ provided_mac = signed_data[:DIGEST_LENGTH_B64]
-+ calculated_mac = sign_data(
-+ keys['MAC'],
-+ signed_data[DIGEST_LENGTH_B64:])
-+ # Then verify that it matches the provided value
-+ if not constant_time_compare(provided_mac, calculated_mac):
-+ raise InvalidMacError('Invalid MAC; data appears to be corrupted.')
-+ data = base64.b64decode(signed_data[DIGEST_LENGTH_B64:])
-+ # then if necessary decrypt the data
-+ if keys['strategy'] == 'ENCRYPT':
-+ data = decrypt_data(keys['ENCRYPTION'], data)
-+ return data
-+def get_cache_key(keys):
-+ """ Given keys generated by derive_keys(), returns a base64
-+ encoded value suitable for use as a cache key in memcached.
-+ """
-+ return base64.b64encode(keys['CACHE_KEY'])
-diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
-index 06054d0..a428504 100644
---- a/tests/
-+++ b/tests/
-@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import webob
- from keystoneclient.common import cms
- from keystoneclient import utils
- from keystoneclient.middleware import auth_token
--from keystoneclient.middleware import memcache_crypt
- from keystoneclient.openstack.common import memorycache
- from keystoneclient.openstack.common import jsonutils
- from keystoneclient.openstack.common import timeutils
-@@ -1013,9 +1012,7 @@ class AuthTokenMiddlewareTest(BaseAuthTokenMiddlewareTest):
- def _get_cached_token(self, token):
- token_id = cms.cms_hash_token(token)
- # NOTE(vish): example tokens are expired so skip the expiration check.
-- key = self.middleware._get_cache_key(token_id)
-- cached = self.middleware._cache.get(key)
-- return self.middleware._unprotect_cache_value(token, cached)
-+ return self.middleware._cache_get(token_id, ignore_expires=True)
- def test_memcache(self):
- req = webob.Request.blank('/')
-@@ -1036,7 +1033,8 @@ class AuthTokenMiddlewareTest(BaseAuthTokenMiddlewareTest):
- token = 'invalid-token'
- req.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
- self.middleware(req.environ, self.start_fake_response)
-- self.assertEqual(self._get_cached_token(token), "invalid")
-+ self.assertRaises(auth_token.InvalidUserToken,
-+ self._get_cached_token, token)
- def test_memcache_set_expired(self):
- token_cache_time = 10
-@@ -1096,18 +1094,11 @@ class AuthTokenMiddlewareTest(BaseAuthTokenMiddlewareTest):
- 'memcache_secret_key': 'mysecret'
- }
- self.set_middleware(conf=conf)
-- encrypted_data = self.middleware._protect_cache_value(
-- 'token', TOKEN_RESPONSES[self.token_dict['uuid_token_default']])
-- self.assertEqual('{ENCRYPT:AES256}', encrypted_data[:16])
-- self.assertEqual(
-- TOKEN_RESPONSES[self.token_dict['uuid_token_default']],
-- self.middleware._unprotect_cache_value('token', encrypted_data))
-- # should return None if unable to decrypt
-- self.assertIsNone(
-- self.middleware._unprotect_cache_value(
-- 'token', '{ENCRYPT:AES256}corrupted'))
-- self.assertIsNone(
-- self.middleware._unprotect_cache_value('mykey', encrypted_data))
-+ token = 'my_token'
-+ data = ('this_data', 10e100)
-+ self.middleware._init_cache({})
-+ self.middleware._cache_store(token, data)
-+ self.assertEqual(self.middleware._cache_get(token), data[0])
- def test_sign_cache_data(self):
- conf = {
-@@ -1119,19 +1110,11 @@ class AuthTokenMiddlewareTest(BaseAuthTokenMiddlewareTest):
- 'memcache_secret_key': 'mysecret'
- }
- self.set_middleware(conf=conf)
-- signed_data = self.middleware._protect_cache_value(
-- 'mykey', TOKEN_RESPONSES[self.token_dict['uuid_token_default']])
-- expected = '{MAC:SHA1}'
-- self.assertEqual(
-- signed_data[:10],
-- expected)
-- self.assertEqual(
-- TOKEN_RESPONSES[self.token_dict['uuid_token_default']],
-- self.middleware._unprotect_cache_value('mykey', signed_data))
-- # should return None on corrupted data
-- self.assertIsNone(
-- self.middleware._unprotect_cache_value('mykey',
-- '{MAC:SHA1}corrupted'))
-+ token = 'my_token'
-+ data = ('this_data', 10e100)
-+ self.middleware._init_cache({})
-+ self.middleware._cache_store(token, data)
-+ self.assertEqual(self.middleware._cache_get(token), data[0])
- def test_no_memcache_protection(self):
- conf = {
-@@ -1142,47 +1125,11 @@ class AuthTokenMiddlewareTest(BaseAuthTokenMiddlewareTest):
- 'memcache_secret_key': 'mysecret'
- }
- self.set_middleware(conf=conf)
-- data = self.middleware._protect_cache_value('mykey',
-- 'This is a test!')
-- self.assertEqual(data, 'This is a test!')
-- self.assertEqual(
-- 'This is a test!',
-- self.middleware._unprotect_cache_value('mykey', data))
-- def test_get_cache_key(self):
-- conf = {
-- 'auth_host': '',
-- 'auth_port': 1234,
-- 'auth_admin_prefix': '/testadmin',
-- 'memcache_servers': ['localhost:11211'],
-- 'memcache_secret_key': 'mysecret'
-- }
-- self.set_middleware(conf=conf)
-- self.assertEqual(
-- 'tokens/mytoken',
-- self.middleware._get_cache_key('mytoken'))
-- conf = {
-- 'auth_host': '',
-- 'auth_port': 1234,
-- 'auth_admin_prefix': '/testadmin',
-- 'memcache_servers': ['localhost:11211'],
-- 'memcache_security_strategy': 'mac',
-- 'memcache_secret_key': 'mysecret'
-- }
-- self.set_middleware(conf=conf)
-- expected = 'tokens/' + memcache_crypt.hash_data('mytoken' + 'mysecret')
-- self.assertEqual(self.middleware._get_cache_key('mytoken'), expected)
-- conf = {
-- 'auth_host': '',
-- 'auth_port': 1234,
-- 'auth_admin_prefix': '/testadmin',
-- 'memcache_servers': ['localhost:11211'],
-- 'memcache_security_strategy': 'Encrypt',
-- 'memcache_secret_key': 'abc!'
-- }
-- self.set_middleware(conf=conf)
-- expected = 'tokens/' + memcache_crypt.hash_data('mytoken' + 'abc!')
-- self.assertEqual(self.middleware._get_cache_key('mytoken'), expected)
-+ token = 'my_token'
-+ data = ('this_data', 10e100)
-+ self.middleware._init_cache({})
-+ self.middleware._cache_store(token, data)
-+ self.assertEqual(self.middleware._cache_get(token), data[0])
- def test_assert_valid_memcache_protection_config(self):
- # test missing memcache_secret_key
-diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
-index b2281d9..524cd21 100644
---- a/tests/
-+++ b/tests/
-@@ -4,48 +4,66 @@ from keystoneclient.middleware import memcache_crypt
- class MemcacheCryptPositiveTests(testtools.TestCase):
-- def test_generate_aes_key(self):
-- self.assertEqual(
-- len(memcache_crypt.generate_aes_key('Gimme Da Key', 'hush')), 32)
-+ def _setup_keys(self, strategy):
-+ return memcache_crypt.derive_keys('token', 'secret', strategy)
-- def test_compute_mac(self):
-- self.assertEqual(
-- memcache_crypt.compute_mac('mykey', 'This is a test!'),
-- 'tREu41yR5tEgeBWIuv9ag4AeKA8=')
-+ def test_constant_time_compare(self):
-+ # make sure it works as a compare, the "constant time" aspect
-+ # isn't appropriate to test in unittests
-+ ctc = memcache_crypt.constant_time_compare
-+ self.assertTrue(ctc('abcd', 'abcd'))
-+ self.assertTrue(ctc('', ''))
-+ self.assertFalse(ctc('abcd', 'efgh'))
-+ self.assertFalse(ctc('abc', 'abcd'))
-+ self.assertFalse(ctc('abc', 'abc\x00'))
-+ self.assertFalse(ctc('', 'abc'))
-+ def test_derive_keys(self):
-+ keys = memcache_crypt.derive_keys('token', 'secret', 'strategy')
-+ self.assertEqual(len(keys['ENCRYPTION']),
-+ len(keys['CACHE_KEY']))
-+ self.assertEqual(len(keys['CACHE_KEY']),
-+ len(keys['MAC']))
-+ self.assertNotEqual(keys['ENCRYPTION'],
-+ keys['MAC'])
-+ self.assertIn('strategy', keys.keys())
-+ def test_key_strategy_diff(self):
-+ k1 = self._setup_keys('MAC')
-+ k2 = self._setup_keys('ENCRYPT')
-+ self.assertNotEqual(k1, k2)
- def test_sign_data(self):
-- expected = '{MAC:SHA1}eyJtYWMiOiAiM0FrQmdPZHRybGo1RFFESHA1eUxqcDVq' +\
-- 'Si9BPSIsICJzZXJpYWxpemVkX2RhdGEiOiAiXCJUaGlzIGlzIGEgdG' +\
-- 'VzdCFcIiJ9'
-- self.assertEqual(
-- memcache_crypt.sign_data('mykey', 'This is a test!'),
-- expected)
-- def test_verify_signed_data(self):
-- signed = memcache_crypt.sign_data('mykey', 'Testz')
-- self.assertEqual(
-- memcache_crypt.verify_signed_data('mykey', signed),
-- 'Testz')
-- self.assertEqual(
-- memcache_crypt.verify_signed_data('aasSFWE13WER', 'not MACed'),
-- 'not MACed')
-- def test_encrypt_data(self):
-- expected = '{ENCRYPT:AES256}'
-- self.assertEqual(
-- memcache_crypt.encrypt_data('mykey', 'mysecret',
-- 'This is a test!')[:16],
-- expected)
-- def test_decrypt_data(self):
-- encrypted = memcache_crypt.encrypt_data('mykey', 'mysecret', 'Testz')
-- self.assertEqual(
-- memcache_crypt.decrypt_data('mykey', 'mysecret', encrypted),
-- 'Testz')
-- self.assertEqual(
-- memcache_crypt.decrypt_data('mykey', 'mysecret',
-- 'Not Encrypted!'),
-- 'Not Encrypted!')
-+ keys = self._setup_keys('MAC')
-+ sig = memcache_crypt.sign_data(keys['MAC'], 'data')
-+ self.assertEqual(len(sig), memcache_crypt.DIGEST_LENGTH_B64)
-+ def test_encryption(self):
-+ keys = self._setup_keys('ENCRYPT')
-+ # what you put in is what you get out
-+ for data in ['data', '1234567890123456', '\x00\xFF' * 13
-+ ] + [chr(x % 256) * x for x in range(768)]:
-+ crypt = memcache_crypt.encrypt_data(keys['ENCRYPTION'], data)
-+ decrypt = memcache_crypt.decrypt_data(keys['ENCRYPTION'], crypt)
-+ self.assertEqual(data, decrypt)
-+ self.assertRaises(memcache_crypt.DecryptError,
-+ memcache_crypt.decrypt_data,
-+ keys['ENCRYPTION'], crypt[:-1])
-+ def test_protect_wrappers(self):
-+ data = 'My Pretty Little Data'
-+ for strategy in ['MAC', 'ENCRYPT']:
-+ keys = self._setup_keys(strategy)
-+ protected = memcache_crypt.protect_data(keys, data)
-+ self.assertNotEqual(protected, data)
-+ if strategy == 'ENCRYPT':
-+ self.assertNotIn(data, protected)
-+ unprotected = memcache_crypt.unprotect_data(keys, protected)
-+ self.assertEqual(data, unprotected)
-+ self.assertRaises(memcache_crypt.InvalidMacError,
-+ memcache_crypt.unprotect_data,
-+ keys, protected[:-1])
-+ self.assertIsNone(memcache_crypt.unprotect_data(keys, None))
- def test_no_pycrypt(self):
- aes = memcache_crypt.AES
diff --git a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.4-r2.ebuild b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.5.ebuild
index 6b9be04110b1..f2737b46b48d 100644
--- a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.4-r2.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.5.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.4-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/06/20 14:39:43 prometheanfire Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.2.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/08/11 01:54:05 prometheanfire Exp $
#restricted due to packages missing and bad depends in the test ==webob-1.0.8
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ RDEPEND=">=dev-python/d2to1-0.2.10[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- "${FILESDIR}/0.2.4-CVE-2013-2166-7.patch"
# "${FILESDIR}/0.2.3-CVE-2013-2104.patch"
diff --git a/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.3.1.ebuild b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.3.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5230ff4d2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.3.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/python-keystoneclient/python-keystoneclient-0.3.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/08/11 01:54:05 prometheanfire Exp $
+#restricted due to packages missing and bad depends in the test ==webob-1.0.8
+#PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_5 python2_6 python2_7 )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+inherit distutils-r1
+DESCRIPTION="A client for the OpenStack Keystone API"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ test? ( dev-python/Babel[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/coverage[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/fixtures[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/keyring[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/mock[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/mox[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/nose[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/nose-exclude[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/nosehtmloutput[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/openstack-nose-plugin[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ =dev-python/pep8-1.4.5[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/sphinx-1.1.2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/testtools-0.9.22[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/unittest2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/webob-1.0.8[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )"
+ <dev-python/d2to1-0.3[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/iso8601-0.1.4[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/oslo-config-1.1.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/pbr-0.5[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ <dev-python/pbr-0.6[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/prettytable-0.6[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ <dev-python/prettytable-0.8[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/requests-0.8.8[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/simplejson[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/six[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ virtual/python-argparse[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
+# "${FILESDIR}/0.2.3-CVE-2013-2104.patch"
+python_test() {
+ ${PYTHON} nosetests || die