diff options
-rw-r--r--net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.6-r1.ebuild (renamed from net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.5-r1.ebuild)31
4 files changed, 660 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/pdnsd/ChangeLog b/net-dns/pdnsd/ChangeLog
index 372d1806162d..228d525dad0f 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdnsd/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-dns/pdnsd/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for net-dns/pdnsd
# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/pdnsd/ChangeLog,v 1.76 2008/01/14 19:14:56 angelos Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/pdnsd/ChangeLog,v 1.77 2008/04/20 05:07:38 mrness Exp $
+*pdnsd-1.2.6-r1 (20 Apr 2008)
+ 20 Apr 2008; Alin Năstac <> +files/pdnsd.resolvconf-r1,
+ -pdnsd-1.2.5-r1.ebuild, +pdnsd-1.2.6-r1.ebuild:
+ Make resolvconf script compatible with baselayout-2 (#218031).
14 Jan 2008; Christoph Mende <> pdnsd-1.2.6.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #203769
diff --git a/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest b/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest
index 5683b6d0e697..3c1ae410aebe 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest
@@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX pdnsd.conf.test 377 RMD160 fbf25b78728754fa1f9cf5259c43cce9cb22a995 SHA1 bd7fdc0d89873921d5284e8d6713e62a424de704 SHA256 8ef1e68c43cefde86598158d2b624cbdd66d2436d681cabbc6327d34d5886058
AUX 452 RMD160 45ecfe4acf625d62a299ee1ba46c6559901e2e66 SHA1 23998f42399430a457f3122ec906b9ef1b701520 SHA256 6fe3f33c7c5554f9577abfc5f7dc9547ba508ab68fe3590d8f1bb9598a865e9a
AUX pdnsd.rc6 850 RMD160 9700c23cbe4a8fb18a6492c04ec4e8d7b8d2c082 SHA1 b7a231bb4c486015895f1efc7fe566c2210fe384 SHA256 4406f536e237fb92547e25373500b16198e6eb1cf6ab6e54e9ed3effa4eaa4ba
AUX pdnsd.resolvconf 17365 RMD160 ea64795ebe6db99bbb304c86f2f2718ae3f9b034 SHA1 1485d59bbfdefa9faf3209b9bea2de30b204e813 SHA256 065679543e9cf3e20622265e3d009c5b68c213136c7632d257af0096b49fbbed
-DIST pdnsd-1.2.5-par.tar.gz 537586 RMD160 c1444a746e3a8d1552608d0356cb14ed03d86fc1 SHA1 835a399a5ef3ea24f626c36b8eef0816985847b1 SHA256 679b308373cf89983bd21432090aad11bb3109ea2e58532f2e2ac0cb3b97462f
+AUX pdnsd.resolvconf-r1 17538 RMD160 a79ab764cd96a7203165771d50b14f4bf3907141 SHA1 3afbba4b8eb5fad1e1268dab85cc1fc04b1258b2 SHA256 40bdcc876ba8bb86069d52f8023fed468974004f47c235c202ca7eac88aa0fe3
DIST pdnsd-1.2.6-par.tar.gz 451465 RMD160 4d7fc3b4bafc6dafc41e4d4b00e601f7de200c53 SHA1 ca9fcf1d214829dfcc7771a3443e9500fe6d305c SHA256 84a4165471856f71725e5dc958978d9aee671c33b94a7dca0be09e60d99069ed
-EBUILD pdnsd-1.2.5-r1.ebuild 3837 RMD160 f46492ed01c1e96ad604f6c156af7907b06d25a5 SHA1 4cea51b4349a5055562e6d3aba244f3d45b79d62 SHA256 1656019c4c9e90b62cf5bb9b837ce60605894b5bc7a25d625306c6c30f7170e0
+EBUILD pdnsd-1.2.6-r1.ebuild 3433 RMD160 d4bc71626377f6d0d6e5050e52f9b1b324c8b1c1 SHA1 3aeae32c713f4b1c1d0cbf0b5ba1f62243877851 SHA256 3216cea70895a98ecf6a98d2c2937c5af70da71bb516d6ddbc816d59d167ef62
EBUILD pdnsd-1.2.6.ebuild 3421 RMD160 64e4f721d547e7e56ab652c5b25b7482a84b81a1 SHA1 9ca68ba923cfdc51b568f81bf5d9fbd6826958ad SHA256 23a2fb7f96bcdd7101adf82cb50f72c5126f14f121d25967b20126dbd4032604
-MISC ChangeLog 11345 RMD160 806b63b1e66dcc04849ade23bfc017933499f855 SHA1 797a69e691b1b0ef2811e221ab16974c4d90e9e6 SHA256 1c93aa04f5ebc966dff6b4945cc1b5112663524b09f6a90430b27513c92dae32
+MISC ChangeLog 11567 RMD160 f88ac221d2d3fd008cd2141f5a606ffc7eaa752d SHA1 a423bdc6138c3f669bb6c26a423e765c91609ec1 SHA256 2ad78bea7d36de4eab3d49438aaebb0ccfab9df4ac6ae6c7c2d6c330a6263617
MISC metadata.xml 402 RMD160 2dbd46b28843db4e7c216ec2d38354fe544d3d4b SHA1 8e51bef82c01c04db3c4a130b8bf726195c3acb9 SHA256 d5dba4f72c2ee03f15efe1a6954b8e81dc4d2e2842611cf5db90b9c241433ac6
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-dns/pdnsd/files/pdnsd.resolvconf-r1 b/net-dns/pdnsd/files/pdnsd.resolvconf-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..edc1c9994f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/pdnsd/files/pdnsd.resolvconf-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+# Copyright 2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# /etc/pdnsd/pdnsd.conf updater
+# Written by Oldrich Jedlicka (
+# Implementation notes:
+# * The assumptions are same as for other scripts like bind and dnsmasq:
+# - We assume that we are a local dns cache - after all, why would a server
+# use resolvconf?
+# - Now that we have assumed this, we also assume that generic DHCP clients
+# will enter their domains and search domains ONLY in the "search" field
+# in their resolv.confs and VPN clients will put the domain they are for
+# into the domain field only.
+# - This allows pdnsd to forward domains for a specific VPN domain to the
+# VPN nameserver and everything else to the standard name servers.
+# To get this working, you need to do only two steps
+# 1. Create a basic configuration of /etc/pdnsd/pdnsd.conf, you can use
+# /etc/pdnsd/pdnsd.conf.example to start.
+# Additional configuration will be created automatically be resolvconf.
+# The generated server sections has labels starting with "resolvconf", so
+# DO NOT USE "resolvconf" IN YOUR LABELS!
+# Check if the status_ctl is set to "on", otherwise the configuration
+# will not be automatically reloaded - see sample config file.
+# You are free to edit automatically created server sections, but always
+# write one option per line. There are few options that are always recreated
+# and your changes in them will be lost. Here is the list (with example
+# values):
+# preset=on;
+# ip="","";
+# include=".net",".com";'
+# The exclude directive in "resolvconf" server section is partly recreated.
+# Known (configured) domains in the form ".<domain>" or ".<domain>." are
+# added and removed automatically, unknown domains (also those not in
+# the format above) found in this directive are kept.
+# The sample configuration file /etc/pdnsd/pdnsd.conf prepared to work
+# with resolvconf would look like this:
+#global {
+# perm_cache=2048;
+# run_as="pdnsd";
+# status_ctl = on; # Important to enable status control
+# run_ipv4=on;
+# par_queries=2; # How many servers are probed in parallel
+# interface = "lo"; # Interface on which the pdnsd listens
+# 2. The last step is to configure dns configuration for /etc/resolv.conf
+# for the lo interface. In Gentoo we set it up like so in /etc/conf.d/net
+# dns_servers_lo=( "" )
+# pdnsd config file
+# Backup suffix
+# Load our variables from resolvconf
+VARS="$(resolvconf -v)"
+eval "${VARS}"
+# Automatically generated by resolvconf.
+# Following server sections are automatically enabled and disabled.
+# !!! WARNING !!!
+# No section will be deleted and only some options are automatically changed.
+# Feel free to add your own options, but do not use pair comments /* */ as they
+# are not recognised.
+# Automatically changed options are (with examples):
+# preset=on;
+# ip="","";
+# include=".net",".com";
+# exclude="","";
+# policy=excluded;
+# The exclude directive is changed automatically only in "resolvconf" server
+# section. Not handled servers are kept in the directive.
+ label="resolvconf";
+ preset=off;
+# Sed script configuration
+# Composed sequence of lines:
+# (1) SED_LOOP with @MATCH_LABELS@ substituted by several SED_MATCH_ONE_LABEL
+# (2) SED_EDIT_ONE_SERVER several times
+# (3) SED_ADDING with new servers
+# Notes:
+# * @LABEL@ is a string "resolvconf-<domain>" or "resolvconf" for global
+# section
+# * @RULE@ is @LABEL@ with translated characters '-' and '.' into '_'.
+# Main loop with label match - it will redirect the processing to
+# SED_EDIT_ONE_SERVER, when the label match is found. Special match is
+# for "resolvconf" label - the control flow is redirected to SED_ADDING to
+# allow adding new sections.
+# To summarize: Old sections are edited as they appear in the file and new
+# sections are added before the "resolvconf" section.
+'/^[[:space:]]*server[[:space:]]*[\{]/ b server;
+p; d;
+:server; h;
+:server_loop; n;
+/^[[:space:]]*server[[:space:]]*[\{]/ { x; p; b server_loop; };
+/^[[:space:]]*label[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"resolvconf"/ { H; b adding; };
+/^[[:space:]]*[\}]/ { H; x; p; d; };
+b server_loop;
+# Match for one label with a jump to SED_EDIT_ONE_SERVER
+'/^[[:space:]]*label[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"@LABEL@"/ { H; x; b main_@RULE@; };
+# Editing one server. New lines are put into @SETUP@, lines are composed
+# in function compose_lines(). After the new lines are added, all "preset",
+# "ip" and "include" options are removed (not printed).
+# Sanity checks: Check if there is a second label or another server directive.
+# In both cases, there is some error in the file, so go to the beginning by
+# jumping to SED_LOOP's :server.
+p; @SETUP@
+/^[[:space:]]*server[[:space:]]*[\{]/ b server;
+/^[[:space:]]*label[[:space:]]*=/ b server;
+/^[[:space:]]*preset[[:space:]]*=/ b loop_@RULE@;
+/^[[:space:]]*ip[[:space:]]*=/ b loop_@RULE@;
+/^[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*=/ b loop_@RULE@;
+/^[[:space:]]*policy[[:space:]]*=/ b loop_@RULE@;
+/^[[:space:]]*exclude[[:space:]]*=/ b exclude_logic_@RULE;
+/^[[:space:]]*[\}]/ d;
+b loop_@RULE@;
+b loop_@RULE@;
+# Add new servers. All lines composed by function compose_lines() are put into
+# @SETUP@. Then the control flow is returned to one special SED_EDIT_ONE_SERVER
+# section with label "resolvconf".
+x; b main_resolvconf;
+# Edit the domain list (include/exclude). All empty fields and matching domains
+# are removed. Unmaintained domains (not in resolvconf-<domain>) are kept. All
+# domains should be in a pipe (|) separated list and should begin, but not end
+# with a dot. The list is put into @DOMAINS@. The control flow continues, where
+# it ended in SED_EDIT_ONE_SERVER.
+/([[:space:]]*("[^"]"*|[^,;]*)[[:space:]]*,)*[[:space:]]*("(@DOMAINS@|)\.?"|(@DOMAINS@)\.?|,)[[:space:]]*[,;]/ {
+ s/(([[:space:]]*("[^"]"*|[^,;]*)[[:space:]]*,)*[[:space:]]*)("(@DOMAINS@|)\.?"|(@DOMAINS@)\.?|,)[[:space:]]*([,;])/\\1\\7/;
+ b @DIRECTIVE@_loop_@RULE@;
+/^[[:space:]]*$/ b @DIRECTIVE@_end_@RULE@;
+H; x; s/\\n//; p;
+# Functions
+# char* [] uniqify(char* list[])
+# Uniqify the items in the list
+uniqify() {
+ local result=
+ while [ -n "$1" ] ; do
+ case " ${result} " in
+ *" $1 "*) ;;
+ *) result="${result} $1" ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ echo "${result# *}"
+# char *make_pdnsd_label(char *domain)
+# Translate domain name into pdnsd's label
+make_pdnsd_label() {
+ local domain=$1
+ if [[ -n ${domain} ]] ; then
+ echo -n "resolvconf-${domain}"
+ else
+ echo -n "resolvconf"
+ fi
+# char *make_sed_label(char *pdnsd_label)
+# Translate pdnsd's label into sed's label
+make_sed_label() {
+ local label="$1"
+ label="${label//-/_}"
+ label="${label//./_}"
+ echo -n "${label}"
+# char *compose_lines(...)
+# Compose a sed command that prints lines
+compose_lines() {
+ local line result
+ for line in "$@" ; do
+ result="${result}i\\\\\\n${line// /\\t}\\n"
+ done
+ echo "${result}"
+# char *build_settings(char *nameservers, char *domains, char *directive)
+# Builds configuration part @SETUP@ of sed script. The directive parameter denotes
+# if the domains are to be included ("include") or excluded ("exclude"). This
+# involves options like
+# (1) # [nameserver list is empty]
+# preset=off;
+# (2) # [domain list is empty]
+# preset=on;
+# ip="address","address"...;
+# (3) # [directive=="include"]
+# preset=on;
+# ip="address","address"...;
+# include=".domain.",".domain."...;
+# policy=excluded;
+# (4) # [directive=="exclude"]
+# preset=on;
+# ip="address","address"...;
+# exclude=".domain.",".domain."...;
+# policy=included;
+# Note: Currently there will always be only one domain in "include" directive.
+build_settings() {
+ local ns="$1" domains="$2" directive="$3"
+ if [[ -n ${ns} ]] ; then
+ local x list_ns list_domains
+ for x in ${ns} ; do
+ list_ns="${list_ns},\"${x}\""
+ done
+ list_ns="${list_ns#,}"
+ if [[ -n ${domains} ]] ; then
+ for x in ${domains} ; do
+ list_domains="${list_domains},\".${x}.\""
+ done
+ list_domains="${list_domains#,}"
+ if [[ $directive == "include" ]]; then
+ compose_lines \
+ " preset=on;" \
+ " ip=${list_ns};" \
+ " include=${list_domains};" \
+ " policy=excluded;"
+ else
+ compose_lines \
+ " preset=on;" \
+ " ip=${list_ns};" \
+ " exclude=${list_domains};" \
+ " policy=included;"
+ fi
+ else
+ compose_lines \
+ " preset=on;" \
+ " ip=${list_ns};"
+ fi
+ else
+ compose_lines \
+ " preset=off;"
+ fi
+# char *build_match_labels(char *domains...)
+# Build the label match part of the sed script
+build_match_labels() {
+ local domain result label destination new_match
+ for domain in "$@" ; do
+ label="$(make_pdnsd_label "${domain}")"
+ rule="$(make_sed_label "${label}")"
+ new_match="${SED_MATCH_ONE_LABEL//@LABEL@/${label}}"
+ new_match="${new_match//@RULE@/${rule}}"
+ result="${result}${new_match}"
+ done
+ echo "${result}"
+# char *build_domain_list_logic(char *domains, char *directive)
+# Build a logic for changing (removing) domains from a directive.
+build_domain_list_logic() {
+ local domains="$1" directive="$2"
+ local x domain_list logic
+ # Domains should be pipe separated list
+ for x in ${domains}; do
+ x=".${x%.}"
+ x="${x//./\.}"
+ domain_list="${domain_list}|${x}"
+ done
+ domain_list="${domain_list#|}"
+ if [[ -z ${domain_list} ]]; then
+ logic="p;"
+ else
+ logic="${SED_DOMAIN_LIST_LOGIC//@DOMAINS@/${domain_list}}"
+ logic="${logic//@DIRECTIVE@/${directive}}"
+ fi
+ echo "${logic}"
+# char *build_edit_part(char *domain, char *nameservers, \
+# char *add_domains, char *remove_domains,
+# char *directive)
+# Build edit part of the sed script for a particular domain. Domain can be
+# empty in the case it is the "resolvconf" server part.
+build_edit_part() {
+ local domain="$1" nameservers="$2" add_domains="$3" remove_domains="$4"
+ local directive="$5"
+ local setup label rule logic result
+ setup="$(build_settings "${nameservers}" "${add_domains}" "${directive}")"
+ label="$(make_pdnsd_label "${domain}")"
+ rule="$(make_sed_label "${label}")"
+ logic="$(build_domain_list_logic "${remove_domains}" "${directive}")"
+ result="${SED_EDIT_ONE_SERVER//@SETUP@/${setup}}"
+ result="${result//@EXCLUDE_LOGIC@/${logic}}"
+ result="${result//@RULE@/${rule}}"
+ echo "${result}"
+# char *get_domain_nameservers(char *domain, char *domain_config...)
+# Get the list of nameservers belonging to one particular domain.
+# Domain configuration is a space separated list of pair <domain>,<ip>.
+get_domain_nameservers() {
+ local domain="$1" ns
+ shift
+ for x in "$@" ; do
+ if [[ ${x%,*} == ${domain} ]] ; then
+ ns="${ns} ${x#*,}"
+ fi
+ done
+ ns="$(uniqify ${ns})"
+ echo -n "${ns}"
+# char *build_domain_edit_part(char *domain, char *domain_config...)
+# Parse the list of domain configurations and build settings for one particular
+# domain for the sed script.
+# Domain configuration is a space separated list of pair <domain>,<ip>.
+build_domain_edit_part() {
+ local domain="$1" ns
+ shift
+ ns="$(get_domain_nameservers "${domain}" "$@")"
+ build_edit_part "${domain}" "${ns}" "${domain}" "" "include"
+# char *build_add_part(char *add, char *domains...)
+# Build add part of the sed script for all domains that needs to be added
+build_add_part() {
+ local add="$1" x label rule add_part new_part result
+ shift
+ for x in ${add} ; do
+ local domain="${x}" ns
+ ns="$(get_domain_nameservers "${domain}" "$@")"
+ label="$(make_pdnsd_label "${domain}")"
+ rule="$(make_sed_label ${label})"
+ new_part="$(compose_lines "server {" " label=\"${label}\";")"
+ new_part="${new_part}$(build_settings "${ns}" "${domain}" "include")"
+ new_part="${new_part}$(compose_lines "}" "")"
+ add_part="${add_part}${new_part}"
+ done
+ result="${SED_ADDING//@SETUP@/${add_part}}"
+ echo "${result}"
+# char *build_sed_script(char *nameservers, char *domain_config,
+# char *change, char *add,
+# char *active_domains, char *known_domains)
+# Build the full sed script from the list of nameservers, list of domains
+# (in format <domain>,<ip>), list of changed domains, list of added domains,
+# list of activly used domains and a list of all known domains.
+build_sed_script() {
+ local ns="$1" domain_config="$2" change="$3" add="$4"
+ local active_domains="$5" known_domains="$6"
+ local match_labels="$(build_match_labels ${change})"
+ local edit_changed x
+ for x in ${change} ; do
+ edit_changed="${edit_changed}$( \
+ build_domain_edit_part "${x}" ${domain_config})"
+ done
+ edit_changed="${edit_changed}$( \
+ build_edit_part "" "${ns}" "${active_domains}" "${known_domains}" "exclude")"
+ local added
+ added="$(build_add_part "${add}" ${domain_config})"
+ local full
+ full="${SED_LOOP//@MATCH_LABELS@/${match_labels}}"
+ echo -ne "${full}"
+ echo -ne "${edit_changed}"
+ echo -ne "${added}"
+# char *read_configured_domains(char *config_file)
+# Reads labels of servers starting with resolvconf* from the configuration file.
+read_configured_domains() {
+ local config_file="$1" result
+ result="\
+ $(sed -nre 's/^[[:space:]]+label=\"?resolvconf-([^;\"]*)\";.*/\1/p' \
+ ${config_file})"
+ echo -n "${result}"
+# void installation_check(char *config_file)
+# Check if the pdnsd is installed and can be configured. Prepare also the file
+# for resolvconf.
+installation_check() {
+ local config_file="$1"
+ if [[ -e ${config_file} ]] ; then
+ if ! grep ${INSTALLATION_CHECK} ${config_file} &>/dev/null ; then
+ echo -e "${COMMENT}" >> ${config_file}
+ echo -e "\n${BASIC_SETTINGS}" >> ${config_file}
+ fi
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# void initialization(char *config_file)
+initialization() {
+ local config_file="$1"
+ for N in ${NEWNS} ; do
+ done
+ for N in ${NEWSEARCH} ; do
+ done
+ for DN in ${NEWDOMAIN} ; do
+ done
+ CONFIGURED_DOMAINS=$(read_configured_domains ${config_file})
+ DOMAINS=$(uniqify ${DOMAINS})
+# void find_changed_and_added(char *configured, char *domains)
+# Find already configured and newly added domains. Sets variables
+find_changed_and_added() {
+ local configured="$1" domains="$2" x
+ # Find what has to be disabled
+ for x in ${configured} ; do
+ if [[ " ${domains} " != *" ${x} "* ]] ; then
+ fi
+ done
+ # Find what has to be added
+ for x in ${domains} ; do
+ if [[ " ${configured} " != *" ${x} "* ]] ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ done
+# bool make_configuration_change(char *config_file, char *backup_suffix,
+# char *sed_script)
+# Applies any configuration change. Returns true, if there was a change.
+make_configuration_change() {
+ local config_file="$1" backup_suffix="$2" sed_script="$3"
+ local old_config new_config
+ old_config=$(< ${config_file})
+ # Sanity check: add '}' at the end of the file
+ new_config=$( (echo -n "${old_config}" && echo -ne "\n}" ) | \
+ sed -nre "${sed_script}")
+ # Now remove what we added
+ new_config=${new_config%?\}}
+ if [[ "${old_config}" != "${new_config}" ]] ; then
+ cp ${config_file} ${config_file}${backup_suffix}
+ echo "${new_config}" > "${config_file}"
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Main part
+# Check, if pdnsd configuration file is installed and possibly prepare it
+installation_check "${PDNSDCONFIG}" || exit 0
+initialization "${PDNSDCONFIG}"
+find_changed_and_added "${CONFIGURED_DOMAINS}" "${DOMAINS}"
+sed_script="$(build_sed_script "${NAMESERVERS}" "${NEWDOMAIN}" \
+# Check if the config changed
+if make_configuration_change "${PDNSDCONFIG}" "${BACKUPSUFFIX}" "${sed_script}" ; then
+ # Checks for running pdnsd
+ [ -x /usr/sbin/pdnsd-ctl ] || exit 0
+ [ -e /var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.status ] || exit 0
+ # Reload config files
+ /usr/sbin/pdnsd-ctl config &>/dev/null
+exit 0
diff --git a/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.5-r1.ebuild b/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.6-r1.ebuild
index fef7c5e3a28f..30b202f6da00 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.5-r1.ebuild
+++ b/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.6-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.5-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/11/05 05:49:02 mrness Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.6-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/04/20 05:07:38 mrness Exp $
inherit eutils
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ DESCRIPTION="Proxy DNS server with permanent caching"
-LICENSE="|| ( BSD GPL-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ppc s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="ipv6 debug isdn nptl underscores"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~ia64 ~ppc ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="debug ipv6 isdn nptl underscores urandom"
pkg_setup() {
enewgroup pdnsd
@@ -20,16 +20,13 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_compile() {
local myconf=""
use debug && myconf="${myconf} --with-debug=3"
use nptl && myconf="${myconf} --with-thread-lib=NPTL"
- [ -c /dev/urandom ] && myconf="${myconf} --with-random-device=/dev/urandom"
+ use urandom && myconf="${myconf} --with-random-device=/dev/urandom"
econf \
--sysconfdir=/etc/pdnsd \
--with-cachedir=/var/cache/pdnsd \
- --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man \
--with-default-id=pdnsd \
$(use_enable ipv6) \
$(use_enable isdn) \
@@ -52,7 +49,7 @@ src_install() {
newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.rc6" pdnsd
newinitd "${FILESDIR}/" pdnsd-online
- keepdir /etc/conf.d
+ dodir /etc/conf.d
local config="${D}/etc/conf.d/pdnsd-online"
echo -e "# Enter the interface that connects you to the dns servers" >> "${config}"
@@ -66,9 +63,9 @@ src_install() {
use ipv6 && echo PDNSDCONFIG="-a" >> "${config}" \
|| echo PDNSDCONFIG="" >> "${config}"
- #resolvconf-gentoo support
+ # gentoo resolvconf support
exeinto /etc/resolvconf/update.d
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.resolvconf" pdnsd
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.resolvconf-r1" pdnsd
src_test() {
@@ -93,16 +90,6 @@ src_test() {
-pkg_preinst() {
- # Copy cache from older versions
- [ -f "${ROOT}/var/lib/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" ] && \
- cp "${ROOT}/var/lib/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" "${D}/var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache"
- # Preserve the cache from previous version
- [ -f "${ROOT}/var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" ] && \
- cp "${ROOT}/var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" "${D}/var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache"
pkg_postinst() {
elog "Add pdnsd to your default runlevel - rc-update add pdnsd default"