diff options
authorFabian Groffen <>2011-11-05 16:30:56 +0000
committerFabian Groffen <>2011-11-05 16:30:56 +0000
commitdd9b1a38e49b73c988719614642679161618c69e (patch)
treeca6a1215c0732639ed7d5e7e88338e5c84ce5b8b /sys-devel/binutils-apple/files
parentDo not install COPYING. (diff)
Bump to version from Developer Tools 4.2
Package-Manager: portage- i386
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-devel/binutils-apple/files')
3 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/binutils-apple-4.2-as-dir.patch b/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/binutils-apple-4.2-as-dir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3047f6215fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/binutils-apple-4.2-as-dir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+--- as/driver.c
++++ as/driver.c
+@@ -230,7 +230,11 @@
+ /*
+ * If this assembler exist try to run it else print an error message.
+ */
+ as = makestr(prefix, LIB, arch_name, AS, NULL);
++ as = makestr(ASLIBEXECDIR, arch_name, AS, NULL);
+ if(access(as, F_OK) == 0){
+ argv[0] = as;
+ if(execute(argv, verbose))
+@@ -238,6 +242,9 @@
+ else
+ exit(1);
+ }
++ as_local = "";
+ as_local = makestr(prefix, LOCALLIB, arch_name, AS, NULL);
+ if(access(as_local, F_OK) == 0){
+ argv[0] = as_local;
+@@ -246,10 +253,12 @@
+ else
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ printf("%s: assembler (%s or %s) for architecture %s not installed\n",
+ progname, as, as_local, arch_name);
+ arch_flags = get_arch_flags();
+ count = 0;
+ for(i = 0; arch_flags[i].name != NULL; i++){
+ as = makestr(prefix, LIB, arch_flags[i].name, AS, NULL);
+ if(access(as, F_OK) == 0){
+@@ -270,6 +279,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(count == 0)
+ printf("%s: no assemblers installed\n", progname);
+ exit(1);
diff --git a/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/binutils-apple-4.2-lto.patch b/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/binutils-apple-4.2-lto.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..791a922dd425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/binutils-apple-4.2-lto.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- misc/lipo.c
++++ misc/lipo.c
+@@ -1191,6 +1191,7 @@
+ thin->fat_arch.align = 0;
+ }
+ else{
++#ifdef LTO_SUPPORT
+ if(is_llvm_bitcode_from_memory(addr, size, &input->arch_flag,
+ NULL) != 0){
+ /* create a thin file struct for it */
+@@ -1204,6 +1205,7 @@
+ thin->fat_arch.align = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ fatal("can't figure out the architecture type of: %s",
+ input->name);
+ }
+@@ -1444,6 +1446,7 @@
+ if(strncmp(ar_name, SYMDEF, sizeof(SYMDEF) - 1) != 0){
+ ar_addr = addr + offset + ar_name_size;
+ ar_size = strtoul(ar_hdr->ar_size, NULL, 10);
++#ifdef LTO_SUPPORT
+ if(is_llvm_bitcode_from_memory(ar_addr, ar_size,
+ &arch_flag, NULL) != 0){
+ if(*cputype == 0){
+@@ -1466,6 +1464,7 @@
+ (*cpusubtype) & ~CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/ld64-127.2-lto.patch b/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/ld64-127.2-lto.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b9a3f14042c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/binutils-apple/files/ld64-127.2-lto.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+--- src/ld/InputFiles.cpp
++++ src/ld/InputFiles.cpp
+@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@
+ #include "macho_relocatable_file.h"
+ #include "macho_dylib_file.h"
+ #include "archive_file.h"
++#ifdef LTO
+ #include "lto_file.h"
+ #include "opaque_section_file.h"
+@@ -175,9 +177,11 @@
+ if ( result != NULL )
+ return result;
++#ifdef LTO
+ result = lto::archName(p, len);
+ if ( result != NULL )
+ return result;
+ if ( strncmp((const char*)p, "!<arch>\n", 8) == 0 )
+ return "archive";
+@@ -264,10 +268,12 @@
+ if ( objResult != NULL )
+ return this->addObject(objResult, info, len);
++#if LTO
+ // see if it is an llvm object file
+ objResult = lto::parse(p, len, info.path, info.modTime, _nextInputOrdinal, _options.architecture(), _options.subArchitecture(), _options.logAllFiles());
+ if ( objResult != NULL )
+ return this->addObject(objResult, info, len);
+ // see if it is a dynamic library
+ ld::dylib::File* dylibResult = mach_o::dylib::parse(p, len, info.path, info.modTime, _options, _nextInputOrdinal, info.options.fBundleLoader, indirectDylib);
+@@ -291,6 +297,7 @@
+ return this->addArchive(archiveResult, info, len);
+ }
++#ifdef LTO
+ // does not seem to be any valid linker input file, check LTO misconfiguration problems
+ if ( lto::archName((uint8_t*)p, len) != NULL ) {
+ if ( lto::libLTOisLoaded() ) {
+@@ -315,6 +322,7 @@
+ throwf("could not process llvm bitcode object file, because %s could not be loaded", libLTO);
+ }
+ }
+ // error handling
+ if ( ((fat_header*)p)->magic == OSSwapBigToHostInt32(FAT_MAGIC) ) {
+--- src/ld/Options.cpp
++++ src/ld/Options.cpp
+@@ -36,10 +36,12 @@
+ #include "Architectures.hpp"
+ #include "MachOFileAbstraction.hpp"
++#ifdef LTO
+ // upward dependency on lto::version()
+ namespace lto {
+ extern const char* version();
+ }
+ // magic to place command line in crash reports
+ const int crashreporterBufferSize = 2000;
+@@ -2766,9 +2768,11 @@
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s", ldVersionString);
+ // if only -v specified, exit cleanly
+ if ( argc == 2 ) {
++#ifdef LTO
+ const char* ltoVers = lto::version();
+ if ( ltoVers != NULL )
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ltoVers);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+--- src/ld/Resolver.cpp
++++ src/ld/Resolver.cpp
+@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@
+ #include "InputFiles.h"
+ #include "SymbolTable.h"
+ #include "Resolver.h"
++#ifdef LTO
+ #include "parsers/lto_file.h"
+ namespace ld {
+@@ -1315,6 +1317,7 @@
+ void Resolver::linkTimeOptimize()
+ {
++#ifdef LTO
+ // only do work here if some llvm obj files where loaded
+ if ( ! _haveLLVMObjs )
+ return;
+@@ -1415,6 +1418,9 @@
+ // check new code does not override some dylib
+ this->checkDylibSymbolCollisions();
+ }
++ return;
+ }
+--- src/ld/ld.cpp
++++ src/ld/ld.cpp
+@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@
+ #include "parsers/archive_file.h"
+ #include "parsers/macho_relocatable_file.h"
+ #include "parsers/macho_dylib_file.h"
++#ifdef LTO
+ #include "parsers/lto_file.h"
+ #include "parsers/opaque_section_file.h"
+--- src/ld/parsers/archive_file.cpp
++++ src/ld/parsers/archive_file.cpp
+@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
+ #include "Architectures.hpp"
+ #include "macho_relocatable_file.h"
++#ifdef LTO
+ #include "lto_file.h"
+ #include "archive_file.h"
+@@ -91,8 +93,10 @@
+ private:
+ static bool validMachOFile(const uint8_t* fileContent, uint64_t fileLength,
+ const mach_o::relocatable::ParserOptions& opts);
++#ifdef LTO
+ static bool validLTOFile(const uint8_t* fileContent, uint64_t fileLength,
+ const mach_o::relocatable::ParserOptions& opts);
+ static cpu_type_t architecture();
+ class Entry : ar_hdr
+@@ -239,12 +243,13 @@
+ return mach_o::relocatable::isObjectFile(fileContent, fileLength, opts);
+ }
++#ifdef LTO
+ template <typename A>
+ bool File<A>::validLTOFile(const uint8_t* fileContent, uint64_t fileLength, const mach_o::relocatable::ParserOptions& opts)
+ {
+ return lto::isObjectFile(fileContent, fileLength, opts.architecture, opts.subType);
+ }
+ template <typename A>
+@@ -263,7 +268,11 @@
+ if ( (p==start) && ((strcmp(memberName, SYMDEF_SORTED) == 0) || (strcmp(memberName, SYMDEF) == 0)) )
+ continue;
+ // archive is valid if first .o file is valid
+- return (validMachOFile(p->content(), p->contentSize(), opts) || validLTOFile(p->content(), p->contentSize(), opts));
++ return (validMachOFile(p->content(), p->contentSize(), opts)
++#ifdef LTO
++ || validLTOFile(p->content(), p->contentSize(), opts)
++ );
+ }
+ // empty archive
+ return true;
+@@ -363,6 +372,7 @@
+ _instantiatedEntries[member] = state;
+ return _instantiatedEntries[member];
+ }
++#ifdef LTO
+ // see if member is llvm bitcode file
+ result = lto::parse(member->content(), member->contentSize(),
+ mPath, member->modificationTime(), this->ordinal() + memberIndex,
+@@ -372,6 +382,7 @@
+ _instantiatedEntries[member] = state;
+ return _instantiatedEntries[member];
+ }
+ throwf("archive member '%s' with length %d is not mach-o or llvm bitcode", memberName, member->contentSize());
+ }
+--- src/other/ObjectDump.cpp
++++ src/other/ObjectDump.cpp
+@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
+ #include "MachOFileAbstraction.hpp"
+ #include "parsers/macho_relocatable_file.h"
++#ifdef LTO
+ #include "parsers/lto_file.h"
+ static bool sDumpContent= true;
+ static bool sDumpStabs = false;
+@@ -1150,10 +1152,12 @@
+ if ( objResult != NULL )
+ return objResult;
++#ifdef LTO
+ // see if it is an llvm object file
+ objResult = lto::parse(p, fileLen, path, stat_buf.st_mtime, 0, sPreferredArch, sPreferredSubArch, false);
+ if ( objResult != NULL )
+ return objResult;
+ throwf("not a mach-o object file: %s", path);
+ #else