diff options
authorDaniel Pielmeier <>2009-06-20 18:00:17 +0000
committerDaniel Pielmeier <>2009-06-20 18:00:17 +0000
commit8b16fd5c24d7b865b9212424d4f8cc3a1fbea78e (patch)
tree183b7059fa8aabb94858c94557f29850d5453bf5 /net-print
parentAdd gcc-4.4 patch, thanks to Oschtan, bug 269674 (diff)
Revision bump. This should fix bug #274197.
Package-Manager: portage- i686
Diffstat (limited to 'net-print')
3 files changed, 222 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog b/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog
index c8cfc1548ef8..b0a27753a854 100644
--- a/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-print/hplip
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog,v 1.120 2009/06/17 20:04:12 betelgeuse Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog,v 1.121 2009/06/20 18:00:17 billie Exp $
+*hplip-3.9.4b-r1 (20 Jun 2009)
+ 20 Jun 2009; Pielmeier Daniel <> +hplip-3.9.4b-r1.ebuild:
+ Revision bump. This should fix bug #274197.
17 Jun 2009; Petteri Räty <> hplip-3.9.4b.ebuild:
Add dependency on dev-python/pygobject when dbus is on.
diff --git a/net-print/hplip/Manifest b/net-print/hplip/Manifest
index 6e86843f7bf8..ecb9e8fdd337 100644
--- a/net-print/hplip/Manifest
+++ b/net-print/hplip/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA1
AUX 70-hpmud.rules 763 RMD160 b8326b26658b8e8355ae3d74423b51e2e15001e2 SHA1 fdb6b4937a814db50dc3ac3ca9b9c04cb44a6590 SHA256 6e7f2a0fd5a2111505066a412daea0d29c1ce858f09dbbaa489bb5a2f231e837
AUX hplip-3.9.2-high_cpu_utilization_logout.patch 754 RMD160 14c3390bd3538f8b11c4273ca514e6ad6a3ab121 SHA1 c498a3954a239c6ed99b90beb54c2ddcd0e6cf43 SHA256 e8c37c9f959fc169372261adb1938b12fb54470848a4d73f458bb1c909d1b9c1
AUX hplip-3.9.4+glibc-2.10.patch 1023 RMD160 9571a0c34421432f892a1535ff0bf6533dc3883c SHA1 1254a4c2b9f5d2e6a488b3b0567f7edda3ab7a26 SHA256 4ab1cde2cb9a405011faa5c3c3bf9d7c52ce97653a28aa056e01c71909d08b3b
@@ -11,13 +8,7 @@ DIST hplip-3.9.4b.tar.gz 15712313 RMD160 bfed762c59b8dc2210d450ba86a5636773831cc
EBUILD hplip-2.8.6b.ebuild 5193 RMD160 48bafda38ef30652a0f8f92b2d8b3e073c7271b6 SHA1 2b922efc0fba263b45682fb8decb17d590e3aeba SHA256 3486f2fbc7130d2b5160846c719108d4ee86b6052de3690ce6b818ca43568e9a
EBUILD hplip-2.8.7.ebuild 5334 RMD160 bdf0687da648f1606a5bf29a7fc8aaf454ade5ff SHA1 9d1a70c5ecb354a232976304816ed43a1c37754e SHA256 ab252df1293d35f7b22242056f9ebb507e5b1b7c43e6730869d82ab816e55eee
EBUILD hplip-3.9.2.ebuild 5935 RMD160 502b65b720780363c069f22639ad72c13ebce9db SHA1 28635f297fce2a21420f8847055197e83a734645 SHA256 2e0e73c8c6df0bc9e15f76eca16cfe021088f9065c967809f6709346f6ea925e
+EBUILD hplip-3.9.4b-r1.ebuild 6361 RMD160 928cf52ab3a91738aee2f8b1e6bb63f17d65b68b SHA1 8409b92812342f7a886af4f0ef1f9fa353480477 SHA256 5a554b046b979e9bee4be65c407245e2bf40f85a634a18f342015a6eaf6cde11
EBUILD hplip-3.9.4b.ebuild 6362 RMD160 320a16c778f2f6becb41eec1a37771751a290efa SHA1 774ec17343c15d9df77927acfa9caed0f85b42a3 SHA256 f3e22b3e5a9827f56f027b6f977033fac9adee892dd28124d4ed7e05f90a54f3
-MISC ChangeLog 19715 RMD160 ec9c4111dcdc29a30f20ce56069c19cea69b8a6a SHA1 935e526ce02c0c40d8b2e8a6378d11d63ca0a244 SHA256 15de46ed3a3ca5d11d7e898ff966ea06e90eea2e3a320ebc94af6104e9c5383e
+MISC ChangeLog 19867 RMD160 17ca5411f4e41945fb4a24a73872a8cd0242a541 SHA1 c9098e9e4be3dbf885c56848c07aa32e7d49fad0 SHA256 1f168b49897c7dda7ad919b6d860404809e5138721f85976ed00b633c4e85bf8
MISC metadata.xml 1651 RMD160 9e98dc5310b8d4bc5fc0dda3d0bc6041814aa41c SHA1 7282e470ecc50bd075f78ef633d978ffb2406829 SHA256 219938aa1b0350765fab78a3809a1f838ddd08cc555b9a21a25dc7a5dbb43efd
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-print/hplip/hplip-3.9.4b-r1.ebuild b/net-print/hplip/hplip-3.9.4b-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..70f6bb65ee60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-print/hplip/hplip-3.9.4b-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-print/hplip/hplip-3.9.4b-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/06/20 18:00:17 billie Exp $
+inherit eutils fdo-mime linux-info python autotools
+DESCRIPTION="HP Linux Imaging and Printing System. Includes net-print/hpijs, scanner drivers and service tools."
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+IUSE="cupsddk dbus doc fax gtk minimal parport policykit ppds qt3 qt4 scanner snmp"
+# Note : libusb-compat untested (calchan 20090516)
+ !net-print/hpoj
+ >=dev-lang/python-2.4.4[threads]
+ virtual/ghostscript
+ media-libs/jpeg
+ >=net-print/foomatic-filters-3.0.20080507[cups]
+ !minimal? (
+ net-print/cups
+ dev-libs/libusb:0
+ cupsddk? ( net-print/cupsddk )
+ dbus? (
+ sys-apps/dbus
+ dev-python/dbus-python
+ dev-python/pygobject
+ )
+ scanner? ( >=media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.19-r1 )
+ snmp? (
+ net-analyzer/net-snmp
+ dev-libs/openssl
+ )
+ policykit? ( sys-auth/policykit )
+ )"
+ !minimal? (
+ !<sys-fs/udev-114
+ scanner? (
+ dev-python/imaging
+ dev-python/reportlab
+ gtk? ( media-gfx/xsane )
+ !gtk? ( media-gfx/sane-frontends )
+ )
+ fax? (
+ dev-python/reportlab
+ )
+ qt3? ( !qt4? (
+ dev-python/PyQt
+ ) )
+ qt4? (
+ dev-python/PyQt4[X]
+ )
+ )"
+ERROR_PARPORT="Please make sure parallel port support is enabled in your kernel (PARPORT and PPDEV)."
+pkg_setup() {
+ ! use qt3 && ! use qt4 && ewarn "You need USE=qt3 or USE=qt4 for the hplip GUI."
+ use scanner && ! use gtk && ewarn "You need USE=gtk for the scanner GUI."
+ if ! use ppds && ! use cupsddk; then
+ ewarn "Installing neither static (USE=-ppds) nor dynamic (USE=-cupsddk) PPD files,"
+ ewarn "which is probably not what you want. You will almost certainly not be able to "
+ ewarn "print (recommended: USE=\"cupsddk -ppds\")."
+ fi
+ if use minimal ; then
+ ewarn "Installing hpijs driver only, make sure you know what you are doing."
+ else
+ use parport && linux-info_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i -e "s/'skipstone']/'skipstone', 'epiphany']/" \
+ -e "s/'skipstone': ''}/'skipstone': '', 'epiphany': '--new-window'}/" \
+ base/ || die "Patching base/ failed"
+ # bug 98428
+ sed -i -e "s:/usr/bin/env python:/usr/bin/python:g" || die "Patching failed"
+ # Force recognition of Gentoo distro by hp-check
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:file('/etc/issue', 'r').read():'Gentoo':" \
+ installer/ || die "sed"
+ # Replace udev rules, see bug #197726.
+ rm data/rules/55-hpmud.rules
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/70-hpmud.rules data/rules
+ sed -i -e "s/55-hpmud.rules/70-hpmud.rules/g" Makefile.* */*.html || die "sed failed"
+ # SYSFS deprecated -
+ sed -i -e "s/SYSFS/ATTRS/g" -e "s/sysfs/attrs/g" data/rules/56-hpmud_support.rules || die "sed failed"
+ # plugins check
+ mv data/rules/56-hpmud_support.rules data/rules/71-hpmud_support.rules
+ sed -i -e "s/56-hpmud_support.rules/71-hpmud_support.rules/g" Makefile.* */*.html || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i \
+ -e s:/usr/lib/cups/driver:$(cups-config --serverbin)/driver:g \
+ installer/ || die "sed"
+ # Use system foomatic-rip instead of foomatic-rip-hplip
+ local i
+ for i in ppd/{hpcups,hpijs}/*.ppd.gz
+ do
+ rm -f ${i}.temp
+ gunzip -c ${i} | sed 's/foomatic-rip-hplip/foomatic-rip/g' | gzip > ${i}.temp || die "*.ppd.gz sed failed"
+ mv ${i}.temp ${i}
+ done
+ # Qt4 is still undocumented by upstream, so use with caution
+ local qt_ver
+ use qt3 && qt_ver="3"
+ use qt4 && qt_ver="4"
+ if use qt3 || use qt4 ; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/%s --force-startup/%s --force-startup --qt${qt_ver}/" \
+ -e "s/'--force-startup'/'--force-startup', '--qt${qt_ver}'/" \
+ base/ || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/Exec=hp-systray/Exec=hp-systray --qt${qt_ver}/" \
+ || die "sed failed"
+ fi
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.9.4+glibc-2.10.patch
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ if use qt3 || use qt4 ; then
+ local gui_build="--enable-gui-build"
+ if use qt4; then
+ gui_build="${gui_build} --enable-qt4 --disable-qt3"
+ else
+ use qt3 && gui_build="${gui_build} --enable-qt3 --disable-qt4"
+ fi
+ else
+ local gui_build="--disable-gui-build"
+ fi
+ econf \
+ --disable-dependency-tracking \
+ --disable-cups11-build \
+ --with-cupsbackenddir=$(cups-config --serverbin)/backend \
+ --with-cupsfilterdir=$(cups-config --serverbin)/filter \
+ --disable-foomatic-rip-hplip-install \
+ ${gui_build} \
+ $(use_enable doc doc-build) \
+ $(use_enable cupsddk foomatic-drv-install) \
+ $(use_enable dbus dbus-build) \
+ $(use_enable fax fax-build) \
+ $(use_enable minimal hpijs-only-build) \
+ $(use_enable parport pp-build) \
+ $(use_enable ppds foomatic-ppd-install) \
+ $(use_enable scanner scan-build) \
+ $(use_enable snmp network-build) \
+ $(use_enable policykit policykit)
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
+ rm -f "${D}"/etc/sane.d/dll.conf
+ use minimal && rm -r "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # bug 106035/259763
+ if ! use qt3 && ! use qt4; then
+ rm -r "${D}"/usr/share/applications "${D}"/etc/xdg
+ fi
+ # kde3 autostart hack
+ if [[ -d /usr/kde/3.5/share/autostart ]] && use !minimal ; then
+ insinto /usr/kde/3.5/share/autostart
+ doins hplip-systray.desktop
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # avoid collisions with cups-1.2 compat symlinks
+ if [ -e "${ROOT}"/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp ] && [ -e "${ROOT}"/usr/libexec/cups/backend/hp ]; then
+ rm "${ROOT}"/usr/libexec/cups/backend/hp{,fax}
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ python_mod_optimize /usr/share/${PN}
+ fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
+ elog "You should run hp-setup as root if you are installing hplip for the first time, and may also"
+ elog "need to run it if you are upgrading from an earlier version."
+ elog
+ elog "If your device is connected using USB, users will need to be in the lp group to access it."
+ elog
+ elog "This release doesn't use an init script anymore, so you should probably do a"
+ elog "'rc-update del hplip' if you are updating from an old version."
+pkg_postrm() {
+ python_mod_cleanup /usr/share/${PN}
+ fdo-mime_desktop_database_update