diff options
authorSantiago M. Mola <>2008-05-28 20:58:57 +0000
committerSantiago M. Mola <>2008-05-28 20:58:57 +0000
commit70cf356705656f04ae354cbcf420c615743fb4d2 (patch)
tree25aea53504de4d0f945406c4de85fb9d8aaf7d94 /net-p2p/museek+
parentSnapshot bump (diff)
Remove old version.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p/museek+')
7 files changed, 9 insertions, 450 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/museek+/ChangeLog b/net-p2p/museek+/ChangeLog
index 7b506faf8ac7..238aa57decd4 100644
--- a/net-p2p/museek+/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-p2p/museek+/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for net-p2p/museek+
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/museek+/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2008/04/30 21:09:32 coldwind Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/museek+/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2008/05/28 20:58:57 coldwind Exp $
+ 28 May 2008; Santiago M. Mola <>
+ -files/museek+-0.1.12-libxmlpp-dep-order.patch,
+ -files/museek+-0.1.12-musetup-gtk-spaces.patch,
+ -files/museek+-0.1.12-scons-0.96.94.patch, -files/museek,
+ -museek+-0.1.12.ebuild:
+ Remove old version.
*museek+-0.1.13-r3 (30 Apr 2008)
diff --git a/net-p2p/museek+/Manifest b/net-p2p/museek+/Manifest
index fd19ea06b83d..16bf54f322b5 100644
--- a/net-p2p/museek+/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/museek+/Manifest
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
-AUX museek 1124 RMD160 6a362342ad7600f83c0db80c518de2ae0d2574a3 SHA1 14ed19cc603cb0742a848c62b1a85d93577c2b17 SHA256 b3085e35396be01118f669705fae260a9bba315c6a62b9c8393fa52886468aba
-AUX museek+-0.1.12-libxmlpp-dep-order.patch 711 RMD160 10ab48e0c2d7c798b04d183056a2230948887b0e SHA1 74c10c0e15959ef50a025b946e412f5abcc57559 SHA256 2fbd2897644f4f1380b1a2517904b10a1d29833abc932d61d046e76dc5e6cba5
-AUX museek+-0.1.12-musetup-gtk-spaces.patch 4006 RMD160 03b42af3d45c047055c3d6ea3f3f90c907d70d8b SHA1 d9f3bf4dccd43fc2e09f289e9a9ba85206d761b4 SHA256 1e960fd4f2c22f9f57a1430a0196e4549af2b7a9d535f13866d7583322cd9216
-AUX museek+-0.1.12-scons-0.96.94.patch 7755 RMD160 42e807f95d9453a9353c30934670c3ff8d1f013a SHA1 abd58d60a20b4839929c652846f3365e746e215e SHA256 3c1bc12262dd01f441a891c9f33db09368cab02842ebcaa33839810fdde73cf0
AUX museek+-0.1.13-gcc43.patch 2613 RMD160 6ea01c8d3e0518261b2b56b89506d90736720951 SHA1 62ee7c6e2070770a4b0dc222ba5489a481b80bff SHA256 0ab4d9e84a3855a5a1df73120b8bd9b41702320411d5b3c82be0b697ede17264
AUX museek+-0.1.13-optional-deps.patch 2982 RMD160 fb285a39b704e7fb841c0319a744a870c6014740 SHA1 35d23e5347bf1971b27e6cfea2f2e891d143be89 SHA256 058496ff74454995dfef8c93775fe89a9008af3d97c327e040ca16b0eaa9d94d
AUX museek+-0.1.13-post_release_fixes.patch 6801 RMD160 d039d8c09241dab2e93a082817197d7c14ba6212 SHA1 4ef183c740df67b8b5347083504c027586885899 SHA256 a99b83a517061efe7d1d027f669e903eb66a7be4590ade5bacfdc5523d2826ae
-DIST museek+-0.1.12.tar.bz2 758908 RMD160 2be013e1c27e846b29ff4d51c825fc0cda2f58e9 SHA1 8ec3aafdbd22a9ac143419bb5c1296635be76ad9 SHA256 458a6d98cfec13c416382df32c99ff7862d70f54bc94ff3ad1cdb0723a7b3a53
DIST museek+-0.1.13.tar.bz2 1186870 RMD160 25e1febce98ee536ba380e58b052ed7113f84d06 SHA1 003cc4f7d98b8bce8cdfa969b370a5e3c10ca9a1 SHA256 e1958556b30dee59eb7648973432d4d048f30c79f38ab7145fca6f0f2690473e
-EBUILD museek+-0.1.12.ebuild 2469 RMD160 5d4e741d384df517e71617981073a7211fea5d1e SHA1 4bbc006dedab396b6b356cfe870a52db8147b871 SHA256 ffe4b07e01ef01bc35e49f59449f7a58b10f6d8a672b7c815a26256d8947822d
EBUILD museek+-0.1.13-r3.ebuild 2757 RMD160 9bd716bfb8c84b863de9ea75fc572a8fcc272988 SHA1 d225a9e7402e6e219b4c573c12a4f1087a67469f SHA256 7da94eabdfadbaad24b3e7c794bd44c8c3e0b9d46fa72f4e44ae2549d30566eb
-MISC ChangeLog 2447 RMD160 345cf045507de4fb6cd256bc483f4726bcf9276c SHA1 9bafc89283d4a8b1294b5a58a85adde2a649296d SHA256 e5134a2f83565de51a8417c8cf6aaf71cb1abaedfd140f5d91d6db6fdc6682e1
+MISC ChangeLog 2710 RMD160 2b683525590da36c7e05431eea50fdab53578525 SHA1 a09cdf5b5b20548b10d6942f5c1ecae7b5babdb0 SHA256 f6d8c3052388a92c2f2f26000863019db123970fbd39294345beab5c2df68125
MISC metadata.xml 252 RMD160 7e449912477ab0ef9b7d65a9b64dc43231363517 SHA1 e8ec909da9c64cc2d1b86d75290af7f143222aad SHA256 a82843a279b0bc7cc4f5a1ae7a89c75976e1bac6def09f666c5c5ffc7e34f7dc
diff --git a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek b/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek
deleted file mode 100644
index e934d05d880c..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-while getopts ckmqrsh name
- case $name in
- c) close=1;;
- k) kill=1;;
- m) mucous=1;;
- q) museeq=1;;
- r) restart=1;;
- s) scan=1;;
- h|?) help=1;;
- esac
-if [ $help ]; then
- echo -e "Usage: `basename $0` [OPTIONS]"
- echo -e "This will start museekd by default. The following can be done in addition:"
- echo -e " -r restart museekd"
- echo -e " -s rescan shares"
- echo -e " -q start museeq"
- echo -e " -m start mucous"
- echo -e " -c kill museekd when mucous closes"
- echo -e " -k kill museekd and exit"
- echo -e " -h display this help and exit"
- exit 0
-elif [ "$kill" -o "$restart" ]; then
- killall museekd
- [ $kill ] && exit
-if [ ! -d "/proc/`cat $PIDPATH/`" ]; then
- exec museekd &
- echo $! > $PIDPATH/
-if [ $MULOG != 0 -a $MULOG -a ! -d "/proc/`cat $PIDPATH/`" ]; then
- exec mulog &
- echo $! > $PIDPATH/
-[ $scan ] && muscan -r >/dev/null 2>&1 && killall -q -HUP museekd &
-[ $museeq ] && exec museeq >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-[ $mucous ] && mucous; [ $close ] && killall -q museekd
diff --git a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-libxmlpp-dep-order.patch b/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-libxmlpp-dep-order.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f5faf3d18d9..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-libxmlpp-dep-order.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
---- Muhelp/SConscript.old 2007-01-27 22:06:19.000000000 +0100
-+++ Muhelp/SConscript 2007-01-27 22:06:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
- sys.stdout.flush()
- libxmlpp = None
--if not os.spawnlpe(os.P_WAIT, 'pkg-config', 'pkg-config', '--exists', 'libxml++-1.0', os.environ):
-- libxmlpp = 'libxml++-1.0'
--elif not os.spawnlpe(os.P_WAIT, 'pkg-config', 'pkg-config', '--exists', 'libxml++-2.6', os.environ):
-+if not os.spawnlpe(os.P_WAIT, 'pkg-config', 'pkg-config', '--exists', 'libxml++-2.6', os.environ):
- libxmlpp = 'libxml++-2.6'
-+elif not os.spawnlpe(os.P_WAIT, 'pkg-config', 'pkg-config', '--exists', 'libxml++-1.0', os.environ):
-+ libxmlpp = 'libxml++-1.0'
- if libxmlpp is None:
- print
diff --git a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-musetup-gtk-spaces.patch b/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-musetup-gtk-spaces.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 700c8b6bf023..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-musetup-gtk-spaces.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
---- museek+-0.1.12/pymuseekd/musetup-gtk 2007-02-13 17:49:28.000000000 +0100
-+++ museek+/pymuseekd/musetup-gtk 2007-02-13 17:24:22.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2711,14 +2711,12 @@
- def OnAddNormalDirs(self, widget):
- directory = self.OpenDirectory(widget, _("Add a buddy-only Shared Directory"))
- if directory != None:
-- #self.muscan_execute(["muscan", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH, "-v", "-s", directory])
-- self.muscan_execute("muscan -c " + self.CONFIG_PATH + " -v -s "+ directory)
-+ self.muscan_execute("muscan -c \"%s\" -v -s \"%s\"" % (self.CONFIG_PATH, directory) )
- self.OnRefreshNormalDirs(None)
- def OnAddBuddyDirs(self, widget):
- directory = self.OpenDirectory(widget, _("Add a buddy-only Shared Directory"))
- if directory != None:
-- #self.muscan_execute(["muscan", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH, "-v", "-b", "-s", directory])
-- self.muscan_execute("muscan -c " + self.CONFIG_PATH + " -v -b -s "+ directory)
-+ self.muscan_execute("muscan -c \"%s\" -v -b -s \"%s\"" % (self.CONFIG_PATH, directory) )
- self.OnRefreshBuddyDirs(None)
- def OnRemoveBuddyDirs(self, widget):
-@@ -2728,8 +2726,7 @@
- if self.selected_items != []:
- key, num = self.selected_items
- if key != "" and key is not None:
-- #self.muscan_execute(["muscan", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH, "-b", "-v", "-u", key])
-- self.muscan_execute("muscan -c " + self.CONFIG_PATH + " -b -v -u "+ key)
-+ self.muscan_execute("muscan -c \"%s\" -b -v -u \"%s\"" % (self.CONFIG_PATH, key) )
- self.OnRefreshBuddyDirs(None)
- def OnRemoveNormalDirs(self, widget):
-@@ -2740,8 +2737,7 @@
- if self.selected_items != []:
- key, num = self.selected_items
- if key != "" and key is not None:
-- #self.muscan_execute(["muscan", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH, "-v", "-u", key])
-- self.muscan_execute("muscan -c " + self.CONFIG_PATH + " -v -u "+ key)
-+ self.muscan_execute("muscan -c \"%s\" -v -u \"%s\"" % (self.CONFIG_PATH, key) )
- self.OnRefreshNormalDirs(None)
- def muscan_execute(self, command):
-@@ -2757,28 +2753,20 @@
- #print line
- def OnRescanBuddyDirs(self, widget):
-- #self.muscan_execute(["muscan", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH, "-b", "-v", "-r"])
-- self.muscan_execute("muscan -c", self.CONFIG_PATH + " -b -v -r")
-+ self.muscan_execute("muscan -c \"%s\" -b -v -r" % (self.CONFIG_PATH) )
- self.Statusbar.pop(self.status_context_id)
- self.Statusbar.push(self.status_context_id, "Rescanned Buddy shares")
- def OnRescanNormalDirs(self, widget):
-- #self.muscan_execute("muscan ", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH,"-v", "-r"])
-- self.muscan_execute("muscan -c "+ self.CONFIG_PATH +" -v -r")
-+ self.muscan_execute("muscan -c \"%s\" -v -r" % (self.CONFIG_PATH) )
- self.Statusbar.pop(self.status_context_id)
- self.Statusbar.push(self.status_context_id, "Rescanned Normal shares")
- def OnRefreshBuddyDirs(self, widget):
- p = "/usr/bin/muscan"
- if os.path.exists(p):
-- output = commands.getoutput("muscan -c "+ self.CONFIG_PATH + " -b -l")
-+ output = commands.getoutput("muscan -c \"%s\" -b -l" % (self.CONFIG_PATH) )
- stdout_text = output.split('\n')
-- #z = subprocess.Popen( ["muscan", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH, "-b", "-l"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-- #stdout_text, stderr_text = z.communicate()
-- #z.wait()
-- #print stdout_text
-- #stdout_text = stdout_text.split('\n')
- self.SharedDirs["buddy"] = []
- for line in stdout_text:
- if line.isspace() or line == '':
-@@ -2790,12 +2778,7 @@
- def OnRefreshNormalDirs(self, widget):
- p = "/usr/bin/muscan"
- if os.path.exists(p):
-- #z = subprocess.Popen( ["muscan", "-c", self.CONFIG_PATH, "-l"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-- #stdout_text, stderr_text = z.communicate()
-- #z.wait()
-- #stdout_text = stdout_text.split('\n')
-- output = commands.getoutput("muscan -c "+ self.CONFIG_PATH + " -l")
-+ output = commands.getoutput("muscan -c \"%s\" -l" % (self.CONFIG_PATH) )
- stdout_text = output.split('\n')
- self.SharedDirs["normal"] = []
diff --git a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-scons-0.96.94.patch b/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-scons-0.96.94.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f50fd02eefe..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/museek+/files/museek+-0.1.12-scons-0.96.94.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
---- SConstruct.orig 2006-09-26 17:17:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ SConstruct 2007-02-13 23:48:46.000000000 +0100
-@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@
- opts.Add(BoolOption('PROFILE', 'Build for profiling (gcc only)', ''))
- opts.Add(BoolOption('RELEASE', 'Build for release', ''))
- opts.Add(ListOption('MULOG', 'Set debug output', '', ['debug', 'cycle', 'calltrace', 'traffictime']))
--opts.Add(ListOption('MUSEEQTRANSLATIONS', 'Build translations for', '', ['fr','de','es','it','pl','ru','pt_BR','ja','zh','sk','he', 'ar', 'cs' ]))
--print "Reading CFLAGS from and Command Line arguments"
--opts.Add(BoolOption('LOCKFLAGS', 'Don\'t modify CFLAGS, use only those selected', ''))
--opts.Add('CFLAGS', 'Set your CCFLAGS here', '')
-+opts.Add('MUSEEQTRANSLATIONS', 'Build translations for', '', )
-+#['fr','de','es','it','pl','ru','pt_BR','ja','zh','sk','he', 'ar', 'cs' ]
-+print "Reading FLAGS from and Command Line arguments"
-+opts.Add(BoolOption('LOCKFLAGS', 'Don\'t modify FLAGS, use only those selected', ''))
-+opts.Add('FLAGS', 'Set your CCFLAGS here', '')
- # CFLAGS are now a string, if you have a from 0.1.11, please remove it.
- opts.Add(BoolOption('EPOLL', 'Use epoll when available', ''))
- opts.Add(BoolOption('MUCOUS', 'Install Mucous (when SWIG can be found', ''))
-@@ -64,16 +65,9 @@
- env.SConsignFile()
--# Build-dir, inspired by <...>
--if env['BUILDDIR']:
-- arch = os.uname()[4]
-- if arch == 'Power Macintosh': arch = 'ppc'
-- os_name = os.uname()[0].lower().replace('-','')
-- buildDir = 'build-%s-%s' % (arch, os_name)
-- buildDir = None
-+# Define a static buildir, so we can clean the sources tree
-+# by removing workdir/
-+buildDir = 'workdir'
- if buildDir is None:
- libbase = '#'
-@@ -102,13 +96,7 @@
- # All warnings if compiler is gcc
- if os.path.basename(env['CC']) in ['gcc', 'apgcc']:
--# env['CFLAGS'] = ['-fPIC', '-Wall', '-pipe'] # allows x86_64 to compile
--# ['-Wall', '-pipe']) # original
-- #flags = []
-- #for flag in str(env['CFLAGS']).split(','):
-- #flags.append("-"+flag)
-- #env.Append(CCFLAGS = flags)
-- env.Append(CCFLAGS = env['CFLAGS'].split(' '))
-+ env.Append(CCFLAGS = env['FLAGS'].split(' '))
- if not env['LOCKFLAGS']:
- if env['RELEASE'] and "-fomit-frame-pointer" not in env["CCFLAGS"]:
- env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-fomit-frame-pointer'])
-@@ -120,8 +108,6 @@
- for i in env["CCFLAGS"]:
- flagstring += i + " "
- print "BUILDING with CCFLAGS: "+ flagstring
-- #print "BUILDING with CFLAGS: "+ env['CFLAGS']
- # Set up additional include and library paths
-@@ -190,7 +176,8 @@
- print "Couldn't figure out how to use the dynamic run-time linker"
- Exit(1)
- env.Replace(LIBS = libs)
-- env.Append(CCFLAGS = ' -fPIC' )
-+ if "-fPIC" not in env["CCFLAGS"]:
-+ env.Append(CCFLAGS = ' -fPIC' )
- if check_deps == 1:
-@@ -397,7 +384,14 @@
- f.write('RELEASE = %s\n' % (`env['RELEASE']`))
- f.write('MULOG = %s\n' % (`string.join(env['MULOG'], ',')`))
- f.write('LOCKFLAGS = %s\n' % (`env['LOCKFLAGS']`))
--f.write('CFLAGS = %s\n' % (`env['CFLAGS']`))
-+if type(env['FLAGS']) == list:
-+ CFLAGS = ""
-+ for string in env['FLAGS']:
-+ CFLAGS += " "+ string
-+ env['FLAGS'] = CFLAGS.strip()
-+f.write('FLAGS = %s\n' % (`env['FLAGS']`))
- f.write('EPOLL = %s\n' % (`env['EPOLL']`))
- f.write('RELAY = %s\n' % (`env['RELAY']`))
- f.write('BINRELOC = %s\n' % (`env['BINRELOC']`))
-@@ -405,7 +399,8 @@
- f.write('MUSETUPGTK = %s\n' % (`env['MUSETUPGTK']`))
- f.write('MUSEEQ = %s\n' % (`env['MUSEEQ']`))
- f.write('ONLYMUSEEQ = %s\n' % (`env['ONLYMUSEEQ']`))
--f.write('MUSEEQTRANSLATIONS = %s\n' % (`string.join(env['MUSEEQTRANSLATIONS'], ',')`))
- f.write('MUSEEQTRAYICON = %s\n' % (`env['MUSEEQTRAYICON']`))
- f.write('QSA = %s\n' % (`env['QSA']`))
- f.write('RELAY_QSA = %s\n' % (`env['RELAY_QSA']`))
---- Tools/SConscript 2006-05-26 21:47:57.000000000 +0200
-+++ Tools/SConscript 2007-02-13 17:24:34.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- Import('env')
--import os
-+import os, SCons
- if env['RELAY']:
- from muscons import Relay
-@@ -16,7 +16,20 @@
- if env['VORBIS']:
- env_libmuscan.ParseConfig('pkg-config --libs --cflags vorbisfile')
- if conf.CheckLibWithHeader('', 'vorbis/vorbisfile.h', 'C++', 'ov_clear(0);'):
-- env_libmuscan.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_VORBIS': 1})
-+ #print SCons.__version__
-+ sconsversion = SCons.__version__
-+ sv = sconsversion.split(".")
-+ try:
-+ if len(sv) > 2:
-+ major, minor, micro = sv[0], sv[1], sv[2]
-+ else:
-+ major, minor, micro = sv[0], sv[1], 0
-+ if int(minor) == 96 and int(micro) >= 93:
-+ env_libmuscan.Append(CPPDEFINES = 'HAVE_VORBIS=1')
-+ else:
-+ env_libmuscan.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_VORBIS':1})
-+ except Exception, error:
-+ print "ERROR:", error
- print "OGG Vorbis found, compiling into muscan."
- else:
- print "OGG Vorbis NOT found, not compiled into muscan."
---- 2006-09-26 17:17:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ 2007-02-13 17:24:39.000000000 +0100
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- # CCFLAGS (fPIC, Wall, pipe) Do not include the prefix "-"
--CFLAGS='-fPIC -Wall -pipe'
-+FLAGS='-fPIC -Wall -pipe'
- # Enable OGG Vorbis support (if available) in file scanner (muscan)
---- museeq/SConscript 2006-09-13 11:24:31.000000000 +0200
-+++ museeq/SConscript 2007-02-13 17:24:33.000000000 +0100
-@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
- if not QTDIR and os.environ.has_key('QTDIR'):
- QTDIR = os.environ['QTDIR']
--ts_templates= env['MUSEEQTRANSLATIONS']
-+ts_templates= env['MUSEEQTRANSLATIONS'].split(",")
- tr_dir = "translations/"
- translations = []
- qm_files = []
---- Mucipher/python/SConscript 2006-06-07 12:23:42.000000000 +0200
-+++ Mucipher/python/SConscript 2007-02-13 17:24:22.000000000 +0100
-@@ -23,16 +23,26 @@
- env_swigpy.Append(LIBS = ['ucipher'])
- env_swigpy.Replace(SHLIBPREFIX='')
-+ if not os.path.exists(""):
-+ open(str(""), "w").write( open(os.path.abspath("../../../Mucipher/python/")).read())
-+ if not os.path.exists("mucipher.i"):
-+ open(str("mucipher.i"), "w").write(open(os.path.abspath("../mucipher.i")).read())
-+ if not os.path.exists("wraphelp.c"):
-+ open(str("wraphelp.c"), "w").write(open(os.path.abspath("../wraphelp.c")).read())
- env_swigpy.Command("mucipher.i", "../mucipher.i", file_copy)
- env_swigpy.Command("wraphelp.c", "../wraphelp.c", file_copy)
- mucipherc = env_swigpy.SharedLibrary('_mucipherc', sources, SWIGFLAGS='-python')
-+ if type(mucipherc) == type([]):
-+ mucipherc = mucipherc[0]
- py_dest = env['DESTDIR'] + os.path.join(sys.prefix, "lib", "python" + py_ver, "site-packages")
-- install = env.Install(py_dest, source = [ mucipherc, '', ''])
-+ dp1 = env_swigpy.Install(py_dest, '')
-+ dp2 = env_swigpy.Install(py_dest, mucipherc)
-+ dp3 = env_swigpy.Install(py_dest, "")
-+ Depends(dp1, dp2)
-- env.Alias('install_mucipher', install)
-+ env.Alias('install_mucipher', [dp1, dp2, dp3])
- env.Alias('install', 'install_mucipher')
- else:
- print "WARNING: Python.h include not found, please install Python's development packages"
---- Mucipher/SConscript 2006-06-07 12:23:42.000000000 +0200
-+++ Mucipher/SConscript 2007-02-13 17:24:22.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- Import('env')
-+import os
- sources = Split("""
- md5.c
- sha.c
-@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
- env.StaticLibrary(target = 'ucipher', source = sources)
-+if not os.path.exists("mucipher.i"):
-+ open(str("mucipher.i"), "w").write(open(os.path.abspath("../../Mucipher/mucipher.i")).read())
-+if not os.path.exists("wraphelp.c"):
-+ open(str("wraphelp.c"), "w").write(open(os.path.abspath("../../Mucipher/wraphelp.c")).read())
- if 'swig' in env['TOOLS']:
- import os
diff --git a/net-p2p/museek+/museek+-0.1.12.ebuild b/net-p2p/museek+/museek+-0.1.12.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 68736eee96b7..000000000000
--- a/net-p2p/museek+/museek+-0.1.12.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/museek+/museek+-0.1.12.ebuild,v 1.3 2008/02/29 20:27:17 carlo Exp $
-inherit qt3 eutils
-DESCRIPTION="A SoulSeek client which uses a daemon and multiple gui clients."
-IUSE="debug gtk ncurses qsa qt3 trayicon vorbis"
-LANGS="fr de es it pl ru pt_BR ja zh sk he ar cs"
-for X in ${LANGS} ; do
- IUSE="${IUSE} linguas_${X}"
- gtk? ( >=dev-python/pygtk-2.6.1 )
- qsa? ( >=dev-libs/qsa-1.1.1 )
- qt3? ( $(qt_min_version 3.3) )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis
- media-libs/libogg )"
- >=dev-util/scons-0.96
- dev-lang/swig"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use ncurses && ! built_with_use dev-lang/python ncurses ; then
- eerror "In order to build Mucous (museek ncurses client)"
- eerror "you need dev-lang/python built with ncurses USE flag enabled."
- die "no ncurses support in Python"
- fi
- if use qsa && ! use qt3 ; then
- eerror "In order to use QSA you need to build Museek+"
- eerror "with QT3 support too."
- die "using qsa without qt3"
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-libxmlpp-dep-order.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-scons-0.96.94.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-musetup-gtk-spaces.patch"
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- use qt3 || myconf="${myconf} MUSEEQ=no"
- use qsa || myconf="${myconf} QSA=no"
- use gtk || myconf="${myconf} MUSETUPGTK=no"
- use ncurses || myconf="${myconf} MUCOUS=no"
- use vorbis || myconf="${myconf} VORBIS=no"
- use trayicon || myconf="${myconf} MUSEEQTRAYICON=no"
- use debug || myconf="${myconf} RELEASE=yes MULOG=none"
- local mylinguas=""
- for X in ${LANGS} ; do
- if use linguas_${X} ; then
- mylinguas="${mylinguas}${X},"
- fi
- done
- myconf="${myconf} MUSEEQTRANSLATIONS=${mylinguas/,$/}"
- scons ${myconf} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" PREFIX=/usr || die "scons failed"
-src_install() {
- scons DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "scons install failed"
- dodoc README
- dobin "${FILESDIR}/museek"
- if use qt3 ; then
- doicon "icons/museeq-circle2.png"
- make_desktop_entry museeq "Museeq" museeq-circle2 "Qt;Network;P2P"
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Use museek to manage start/restart/stop of the daemon,"
- elog "you can use it to launch museek applications too."