diff options
authorSamuli Suominen <>2009-07-21 11:34:22 +0000
committerSamuli Suominen <>2009-07-21 11:34:22 +0000
commit57220af879050143f4936a7e73c0e2fa730d6409 (patch)
tree91f2e5b147a501926c0e48e635d8ba84d020aabe /net-im/gajim
parentdev-lang/python needs to be built with USE xml wrt #254870. (diff)
old, repoman warnings
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc33/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'net-im/gajim')
7 files changed, 5 insertions, 457 deletions
diff --git a/net-im/gajim/Manifest b/net-im/gajim/Manifest
index 19c3ebddce42..d0aee9700e08 100644
--- a/net-im/gajim/Manifest
+++ b/net-im/gajim/Manifest
@@ -4,17 +4,9 @@ AUX 0.12.1-sound-path-fix.patch 2479 RMD160 86391d9ec6898d075e6c5376d15897271468
AUX 0.12.1_autotools_install_pyfiles_in_pkglibdir.patch 1961 RMD160 1021c7bb94c84a87f08719943379666b9fdfdeae SHA1 75463339fece000cc1cd18291f1c7ec1f6b77dbd SHA256 a216b93bb44839d483dcb70f6ae9ab81c1e030c745385134f6674a223fc0750b
AUX fix_autotools_and_search_dirs.patch 3464 RMD160 b2d10ebbc8873c10f6ad154e07067154e37485d0 SHA1 5f1f5a81efaccb66e0648bbe681147b732102ea6 SHA256 cde913835bda04ebc0c4f74c28681b9a6ca5ac0f2bf9d106939ed06e5d9dade8
AUX gajim-0.11.4-test_fix.patch 866 RMD160 951dfebf5983949e620479d9453d353ae00cfe6b SHA1 513cbedbac5fae49f2ebce41f6bda3a81b744185 SHA256 d3e4eb0deea89f7b9e6cf47e3ca7c919189879b4d19b518ee60c2c0728489202
-DIST gajim-0.11.1.tar.gz 3665819 RMD160 2491d39c1beec479a32b2efbf31b2a6dc1f96b6e SHA1 5a11a26725559e0d60a17bbaaa416ef5670c42b7 SHA256 41fead82d54f5d0d91eef161a6e0fcaa673aec3430c2d3c9f04ea91917d5c8f2
-DIST gajim-0.11.2.tar.gz 3883045 RMD160 2dfd21750ccaf753066e920affa2e07016788ad6 SHA1 2869bff89df38f109a23915a4fb9a88840c59379 SHA256 e3d5ece412742b0b47311523f64f6ad739813f6e6a540c87efe15e2826e20b5a
-DIST gajim-0.11.3.tar.gz 3933538 RMD160 0cfd21e3e74d24a604fac25cffd1ce9954554dbc SHA1 05bb10476dc8d4b00f47c338e9d94097158fc236 SHA256 91e4f2ab0471885c9575163cc47fe664cc55863084e4ce12aef773b3de168dfa
DIST gajim-0.11.4.tar.gz 3935309 RMD160 a8b212fab21fa717de33bda2b0a1ab1342b599a1 SHA1 fa3b60d935ee11a1b1f18be784344adfd7363c87 SHA256 a805d288a5bf59f7f6452d14e1d7202bd0c18f31364b87641e595e3a2eb697a8
DIST gajim-0.12.1.tar.gz 4611614 RMD160 8d17d8083cbccff601b6583cedda93ec0d480316 SHA1 c5421a995842505d5143cacefa2b10a18ee2487e SHA256 7b5d590b548bf23ca395017bdf957d12fef59b17dbaf293152a1a6802280f4c5
-EBUILD gajim-0.11.1.ebuild 2187 RMD160 29b1d2da9fc6f8979e6d87e4428b68fdb1e0e9ad SHA1 692a83f0726cce4df86d3d99cef150629bbeb1aa SHA256 01c17cba9c56dd67df89c40128609b04667f9d9e3a1efb6045bb40096c3b40f1
-EBUILD gajim-0.11.2-r1.ebuild 2217 RMD160 5fa14c3bc6c94903abbbb2608855d751e449f6ab SHA1 231831b50d0d81b4c55aeb9e05b7cea766a55050 SHA256 cd1cb8e3beac900f0d5a4b673a8acb83607f948a7aba63ebb2d92f63ccfaa150
-EBUILD gajim-0.11.2.ebuild 2192 RMD160 4d8cf7d36fc76b65594489729373209f62e2e68b SHA1 55be64711d40927af4d83bc4c902353c3112e330 SHA256 32390a08c32bc3e12bc9b6bc3de7798c6f6923a011c3c683675ee48921e16f7a
-EBUILD gajim-0.11.3-r1.ebuild 2304 RMD160 950e2871ac95e0cd97818dea0c1c56a14dd49789 SHA1 0709796a1b6d40f0f3aef1503bdd626758513133 SHA256 fb7b011c22b1ffd75e113ebdefe9f2de00f213ca55bb3fba025585dc29320c2b
-EBUILD gajim-0.11.3.ebuild 2220 RMD160 34ee47df8aaccc90cd04510e772835f97ef93fef SHA1 29aac725e1850ce2d9a11e878594193075c38438 SHA256 c95cd4bee8c04065d6ee7a6ea2e5fc3447fab927f4e77ff32af6b8e00824e4de
-EBUILD gajim-0.11.4.ebuild 2300 RMD160 04f1a04f6af8ea81e58aef8ca4edff89a1532093 SHA1 10f486ba67282c04e590db5a6aefa070be53d4b3 SHA256 6c0251b7afe03754c86b8c66281a7d038e66f31477fc605ad346377d2161a055
+EBUILD gajim-0.11.4.ebuild 2218 RMD160 adf7b3360d07cfc12f63e7c472cbe5862dfa9598 SHA1 febbff2b8e88ecbf66a3ef3ae266003a6c80d549 SHA256 b547e451b0a93bfd447cbb2849752d019efa82acca0bcb29a3d7c6e9bd6c0e8e
EBUILD gajim-0.12.1.ebuild 2653 RMD160 dfaad0a68c53533ce95294224e8d7dd09ebf0356 SHA1 2f3b0ff2268d0a80757fe8b6b1c25b412822b83d SHA256 2017013af9b2ecc6df2030bcf2800e50d1ccdb6c2693a456fb07877d772a935a
MISC ChangeLog 10878 RMD160 81c82e76e960b7bad81839675843ad956e49c798 SHA1 2dcb4c4cb6693b28f0a6ae7b486f8e90d9a270b2 SHA256 5512444cf808439488c329f29259ba002d5eb8366db61b32e6bd580532130dde
MISC metadata.xml 587 RMD160 435dc08a9b0d827903d81b170ee20dccde5aa0c5 SHA1 f9d25817432e3deeb02b3701634272cb5c9ce72a SHA256 c9a3b2f0eede4d68da57a15a0749b2f573024acce8991778db362803033141c0
diff --git a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.1.ebuild b/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 126b7b154c25..000000000000
--- a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.1.ebuild,v 1.11 2009/03/07 19:57:16 gentoofan23 Exp $
-inherit multilib python eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Jabber client written in PyGTK"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="avahi dbus gnome idle libnotify nls spell srv trayicon X xhtml"
-DEPEND="|| (
- ( <dev-lang/python-2.5 dev-python/pysqlite )
- >=dev-lang/python-2.5[sqlite]
- )
- dev-python/pygtk
- sys-devel/gettext
- dev-util/intltool
- dev-util/pkgconfig"
-RDEPEND="gnome? ( dev-python/gnome-python-extras
- dev-python/gnome-python-desktop
- )
- dbus? ( dev-python/dbus-python dev-libs/dbus-glib )
- libnotify? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- xhtml? ( dev-python/docutils )
- srv? ( net-dns/bind-tools )
- idle? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
- spell? ( app-text/gtkspell )
- avahi? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus,gtk,python] )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use dbus; then
- if use libnotify; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for libnotify support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for libnotify support"
- fi
- if use avahi; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for avahi support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for avahi support"
- fi
- else
- if has_version "<sys-apps/dbus-0.90" && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python; then
- eerror "Please rebuild dbus with USE=\"python\""
- die "USE=\"python\" needed for dbus"
- fi
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if ! use gnome; then
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable trayicon)"
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable idle)"
- fi
- econf $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable spell gtkspell) \
- $(use_enable dbus remote) \
- $(use_with X x) \
- --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
- --prefix="/usr" \
- --libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/README.html"
- dohtml README.html
-pkg_postinst() {
- python_mod_optimize /usr/share/gajim/
-pkg_postrm() {
- python_mod_cleanup /usr/share/gajim/
diff --git a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2-r1.ebuild b/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 745c8a673144..000000000000
--- a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/03/07 19:57:16 gentoofan23 Exp $
-inherit multilib python eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Jabber client written in PyGTK"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="avahi dbus gnome idle libnotify nls spell srv trayicon X xhtml"
-DEPEND="|| (
- ( <dev-lang/python-2.5 dev-python/pysqlite )
- >=dev-lang/python-2.5[sqlite]
- )
- dev-python/pygtk
- sys-devel/gettext
- dev-util/intltool
- dev-util/pkgconfig"
-RDEPEND="gnome? ( dev-python/gnome-python-extras
- dev-python/gnome-python-desktop
- )
- dbus? ( dev-python/dbus-python dev-libs/dbus-glib )
- libnotify? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- xhtml? ( dev-python/docutils )
- srv? ( net-dns/bind-tools )
- idle? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
- spell? ( app-text/gtkspell )
- avahi? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus,gtk,python] )
- dev-python/pyopenssl"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use dbus; then
- if use libnotify; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for libnotify support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for libnotify support"
- fi
- if use avahi; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for avahi support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for avahi support"
- fi
- else
- if has_version "<sys-apps/dbus-0.90" && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python; then
- eerror "Please rebuild dbus with USE=\"python\""
- die "USE=\"python\" needed for dbus"
- fi
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if ! use gnome; then
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable trayicon)"
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable idle)"
- fi
- econf $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable spell gtkspell) \
- $(use_enable dbus remote) \
- $(use_with X x) \
- --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
- --prefix="/usr" \
- --libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/README.html"
- dohtml README.html
-pkg_postinst() {
- python_mod_optimize /usr/share/gajim/
-pkg_postrm() {
- python_mod_cleanup /usr/share/gajim/
diff --git a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2.ebuild b/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 72834d32e632..000000000000
--- a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.2.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/03/07 19:57:16 gentoofan23 Exp $
-inherit multilib python eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Jabber client written in PyGTK"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="avahi dbus gnome idle libnotify nls spell srv trayicon X xhtml"
-DEPEND="|| (
- ( <dev-lang/python-2.5 dev-python/pysqlite )
- >=dev-lang/python-2.5[sqlite]
- )
- dev-python/pygtk
- sys-devel/gettext
- dev-util/intltool
- dev-util/pkgconfig"
-RDEPEND="gnome? ( dev-python/gnome-python-extras
- dev-python/gnome-python-desktop
- )
- dbus? ( dev-python/dbus-python dev-libs/dbus-glib )
- libnotify? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- xhtml? ( dev-python/docutils )
- srv? ( net-dns/bind-tools )
- idle? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
- spell? ( app-text/gtkspell )
- avahi? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus,gtk,python] )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use dbus; then
- if use libnotify; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for libnotify support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for libnotify support"
- fi
- if use avahi; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for avahi support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for avahi support"
- fi
- else
- if has_version "<sys-apps/dbus-0.90" && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python; then
- eerror "Please rebuild dbus with USE=\"python\""
- die "USE=\"python\" needed for dbus"
- fi
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if ! use gnome; then
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable trayicon)"
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable idle)"
- fi
- econf $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable spell gtkspell) \
- $(use_enable dbus remote) \
- $(use_with X x) \
- --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
- --prefix="/usr" \
- --libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/README.html"
- dohtml README.html
-pkg_postinst() {
- python_mod_optimize /usr/share/gajim/
-pkg_postrm() {
- python_mod_cleanup /usr/share/gajim/
diff --git a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3-r1.ebuild b/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 964271d9e2b2..000000000000
--- a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2009/03/07 19:57:16 gentoofan23 Exp $
-inherit multilib python eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Jabber client written in PyGTK"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="avahi dbus gnome idle libnotify nls spell srv trayicon X xhtml"
-DEPEND="|| (
- ( <dev-lang/python-2.5 dev-python/pysqlite )
- >=dev-lang/python-2.5[sqlite]
- )
- dev-python/pygtk
- sys-devel/gettext
- dev-util/intltool
- dev-util/pkgconfig"
-RDEPEND="gnome? ( dev-python/gnome-python-extras
- dev-python/gnome-python-desktop
- )
- dbus? ( dev-python/dbus-python dev-libs/dbus-glib )
- libnotify? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- xhtml? ( dev-python/docutils )
- srv? ( net-dns/bind-tools )
- idle? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
- spell? ( app-text/gtkspell )
- avahi? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus,gtk,python] )
- dev-python/pyopenssl"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use dbus; then
- if use libnotify; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for libnotify support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for libnotify support"
- fi
- if use avahi; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for avahi support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for avahi support"
- fi
- else
- if has_version "<sys-apps/dbus-0.90" && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python; then
- eerror "Please rebuild dbus with USE=\"python\""
- die "USE=\"python\" needed for dbus"
- fi
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-misc-fixes.patch"
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if ! use gnome; then
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable trayicon)"
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable idle)"
- fi
- econf $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable spell gtkspell) \
- $(use_enable dbus remote) \
- $(use_with X x) \
- --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
- --prefix="/usr" \
- --libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/README.html"
- dohtml README.html
-pkg_postinst() {
- python_mod_optimize /usr/share/gajim/
-pkg_postrm() {
- python_mod_cleanup /usr/share/gajim/
diff --git a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3.ebuild b/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ddeafc517e1a..000000000000
--- a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.3.ebuild,v 1.3 2009/03/07 19:57:16 gentoofan23 Exp $
-inherit multilib python eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Jabber client written in PyGTK"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="avahi dbus gnome idle libnotify nls spell srv trayicon X xhtml"
-DEPEND="|| (
- ( <dev-lang/python-2.5 dev-python/pysqlite )
- >=dev-lang/python-2.5[sqlite]
- )
- dev-python/pygtk
- sys-devel/gettext
- dev-util/intltool
- dev-util/pkgconfig"
-RDEPEND="gnome? ( dev-python/gnome-python-extras
- dev-python/gnome-python-desktop
- )
- dbus? ( dev-python/dbus-python dev-libs/dbus-glib )
- libnotify? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- xhtml? ( dev-python/docutils )
- srv? ( net-dns/bind-tools )
- idle? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
- spell? ( app-text/gtkspell )
- avahi? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus,gtk,python] )
- dev-python/pyopenssl"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use dbus; then
- if use libnotify; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for libnotify support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for libnotify support"
- fi
- if use avahi; then
- eerror "The dbus USE flag is required for avahi support"
- die "USE=\"dbus\" needed for avahi support"
- fi
- else
- if has_version "<sys-apps/dbus-0.90" && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus python; then
- eerror "Please rebuild dbus with USE=\"python\""
- die "USE=\"python\" needed for dbus"
- fi
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if ! use gnome; then
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable trayicon)"
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable idle)"
- fi
- econf $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_enable spell gtkspell) \
- $(use_enable dbus remote) \
- $(use_with X x) \
- --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
- --prefix="/usr" \
- --libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/README.html"
- dohtml README.html
-pkg_postinst() {
- python_mod_optimize /usr/share/gajim/
-pkg_postrm() {
- python_mod_cleanup /usr/share/gajim/
diff --git a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.4.ebuild b/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.4.ebuild
index 20af04e9ac31..616dd60a36f2 100644
--- a/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.4.ebuild
+++ b/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.4.ebuild
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.4.ebuild,v 1.7 2009/03/07 19:57:16 gentoofan23 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gajim/gajim-0.11.4.ebuild,v 1.8 2009/07/21 11:34:22 ssuominen Exp $
inherit multilib python eutils
DESCRIPTION="Jabber client written in PyGTK"
@@ -14,10 +14,7 @@ SLOT="0"
KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~hppa ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
IUSE="avahi dbus gnome idle libnotify nls spell srv trayicon X xhtml"
-DEPEND="|| (
- ( <dev-lang/python-2.5 dev-python/pysqlite )
- >=dev-lang/python-2.5[sqlite]
- )
@@ -53,9 +50,7 @@ pkg_setup() {
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "${A}"
- cd "${S}"
+src_prepare() {
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-test_fix.patch"