diff options
authorSebastian Bergmann <>2005-09-06 14:54:15 +0000
committerSebastian Bergmann <>2005-09-06 14:54:15 +0000
commita08e3f758829fe0fe1361c7094a91018cd519341 (patch)
tree1a653efd51fdb79bd8e4d8507ba2d5619abda6cb /dev-lang/php
parentApply bugfixes from upstream, bail out if incompatible ieee80211.h found in k... (diff)
Version bump.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/php')
4 files changed, 212 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/php/ChangeLog b/dev-lang/php/ChangeLog
index a45415395926..79ef8ac42d07 100644
--- a/dev-lang/php/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-lang/php/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-lang/php
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/php/ChangeLog,v 1.35 2005/09/04 22:21:18 stuart Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/php/ChangeLog,v 1.36 2005/09/06 14:54:15 sebastian Exp $
+*php-5.0.5 (06 Sep 2005)
+ 06 Sep 2005; Sebastian Bergmann <> +php-5.0.5.ebuild:
+ Version bump.
04 Sep 2005; Stuart Herbert <>
+files/5.1.0/php5-imap-symlink.diff, +files/5.1.0/php5-iodbc-config.diff,
diff --git a/dev-lang/php/Manifest b/dev-lang/php/Manifest
index 3231e4effca3..bfd4f464ae4c 100644
--- a/dev-lang/php/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/php/Manifest
@@ -1,21 +1,33 @@
+Hash: SHA1
MD5 b2d154065e47e14f7062af8f1617c30d php-4.4.0.ebuild 7541
+MD5 7a6eb5514d70b1a5c27d0c42b18123dc php-5.0.5.ebuild 4470
+MD5 af805c031d556d996173c1ff3535581b ChangeLog 725
MD5 c58d07ca1c1235bbad9bccaec96fc062 metadata.xml 157
-MD5 00fe92cfee8d517ee0f8e1c1864759e1 ChangeLog 603
MD5 59669e8cec6edf0833db4f04341b533a php-5.0.4.ebuild 4472
MD5 5bdec1212806fa8f4ccc046325e4ea52 files/digest-php-4.4.0 143
MD5 11e54e6a5fade48c67bab392af4e33c7 files/digest-php-5.0.4 143
+MD5 d16ca4eaa6aca25c7b29484da6b81b85 files/digest-php-5.0.5 63
+MD5 030fb5433c0418ee3034d5b502d32548 files/4.4.0/fastbuild.patch 9004
+MD5 22ed61ab0175cd83985a90e5d2b3b8b2 files/4.4.0/php4-iodbc-config.diff 511
+MD5 f2ab14c7be0482a4f25fc438fa6f5399 files/4.4.0/php4-with-iodbc.diff 443
+MD5 6d2047e069da7178fc841c4c7c890aa8 files/4.4.0/php4-imap-symlink.diff 620
MD5 110af7b300bcbbfb821fbb58f7923d8b files/5.0.0/php5-iodbc-config.diff 511
MD5 7d198bde60f94cc8cea5ad9479901e21 files/5.0.0/php5-imap-symlink.diff 620
-MD5 2aca8867fada1d3345859f201ce7e428 files/5.1.0/php5-imap-symlink.diff 652
MD5 63c7937867dd8cc04b5089c3678ef359 files/5.1.0/php5-iodbc-config.diff 519
-MD5 058042718bc876bf27ab902673919ca9 files/5.1.0/php5-prefork.patch 850
MD5 f2ab14c7be0482a4f25fc438fa6f5399 files/5.1.0/php5-with-iodbc.diff 443
+MD5 058042718bc876bf27ab902673919ca9 files/5.1.0/php5-prefork.patch 850
+MD5 2aca8867fada1d3345859f201ce7e428 files/5.1.0/php5-imap-symlink.diff 652
MD5 273799e60d5a41a1e6f5ac53781a152f files/5.1.0/php5_soap_persistence_session.diff 1976
-MD5 22ed61ab0175cd83985a90e5d2b3b8b2 files/4.4.0/php4-iodbc-config.diff 511
-MD5 f2ab14c7be0482a4f25fc438fa6f5399 files/4.4.0/php4-with-iodbc.diff 443
-MD5 6d2047e069da7178fc841c4c7c890aa8 files/4.4.0/php4-imap-symlink.diff 620
-MD5 030fb5433c0418ee3034d5b502d32548 files/4.4.0/fastbuild.patch 9004
-MD5 96ed6efe383833dbb880fef3b6c562bb files/5.1.0/apache-1.3/70_mod_php5.conf 524
-MD5 21bc6cc85150b5a5385f213d45efbe67 files/5.1.0/apache-2.0/70_mod_php5.conf 525
MD5 389638f1d46b6c41cd4d87b471572f4b files/4.4.0/apache-1.3/70_mod_php.conf 484
MD5 ee36e31632adb08b7abf70f78b5b2125 files/4.4.0/apache-2.0/70_mod_php.conf 485
+MD5 96ed6efe383833dbb880fef3b6c562bb files/5.1.0/apache-1.3/70_mod_php5.conf 524
+MD5 21bc6cc85150b5a5385f213d45efbe67 files/5.1.0/apache-2.0/70_mod_php5.conf 525
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-lang/php/files/digest-php-5.0.5 b/dev-lang/php/files/digest-php-5.0.5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..efd648bcacfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/php/files/digest-php-5.0.5
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 b5d4ca75bbb11ee5b830fa67213d9f7f php-5.0.5.tar.bz2 4895556
diff --git a/dev-lang/php/php-5.0.5.ebuild b/dev-lang/php/php-5.0.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a88bf892f342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/php/php-5.0.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/php/php-5.0.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/09/06 14:54:15 sebastian Exp $
+IUSE="${IUSE} cgi cli discard-path force-cgi-redirect"
+# NOTE: Portage doesn't support setting PROVIDE based on the USE flags
+# that have been enabled, so we have to PROVIDE everything for now
+# and hope for the best
+# This will be sorted out when GLEP 37 is implemented
+PROVIDE="virtual/php virtual/httpd-php"
+PHPSAPI_ALLOWED="cli cgi apache apache2"
+inherit eutils php5_0-sapi apache-module
+DESCRIPTION="The PHP language runtime engine"
+DEPEND="${DEPEND} app-admin/eselect-php"
+RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} app-admin/eselect-php"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # make sure the user has specified a SAPI
+ einfo "Determining SAPI(s) to build"
+ confutils_require_any " Enabled SAPI:" " Disabled SAPI:" cli cgi apache apache2
+ if useq apache || useq apache2 ; then
+ if [ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ] ; then
+ if ! useq threads ; then
+ APACHE2_SAFE_MPMS="peruser prefork"
+ else
+ APACHE2_SAFE_MPMS="event leader metuxmpm perchild threadpool worker"
+ fi
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "If this package fails with a fatal error about Apache2 not having"
+ ewarn "been compiled with a compatible MPM, this is normally because you"
+ ewarn "need to toggle the 'threads' USE flag."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "If 'threads' is off, try switching it on."
+ ewarn "If 'threads' is on, try switching it off."
+ ewarn
+ apache-module_pkg_setup
+ fi
+ fi
+ php5_0-sapi_pkg_setup
+php_determine_sapis() {
+ # holds the list of sapis that we want to build
+ if useq cli ; then
+ fi
+ if useq cgi ; then
+ fi
+ # note - we can only build one apache sapi for now
+ # note - apache SAPI comes after the simpler cli/cgi sapis
+ if useq apache || useq apache2 ; then
+ if [ "${APACHE_VERSION}" != "0" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ php_determine_sapis
+ for x in ${PHPSAPIS} ; do
+ if [ "${CLEAN_REQUIRED}" = 1 ]; then
+ make clean
+ fi
+ PHPSAPI=${x}
+ case ${x} in
+ cli)
+ my_conf="--enable-cli --disable-cgi"
+ php5_0-sapi_src_compile
+ cp sapi/cli/php php-cli
+ ;;
+ cgi)
+ my_conf="${orig_conf} --disable-cli --enable-cgi --enable-fastcgi"
+ enable_extension_enable "discard-path" "discard-path" 0
+ enable_extension_enable "force-cgi-redirect" "force-cgi-redirect" 0
+ php5_0-sapi_src_compile
+ cp sapi/cgi/php php-cgi
+ ;;
+ apache*)
+ my_conf="${orig_conf} --disable-cli --with-apxs${USE_APACHE2}=/usr/sbin/apxs${USE_APACHE2}"
+ php5_0-sapi_src_compile
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+src_install() {
+ php_determine_sapis
+ destdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/php5
+ # let the eclass do the heavy lifting
+ php5_0-sapi_src_install
+ einfo
+ einfo "Installing SAPI(s) ${PHPSAPIS}"
+ einfo
+ for x in ${PHPSAPIS} ; do
+ PHPSAPI=${x}
+ case ${x} in
+ cli)
+ einfo "Installing CLI SAPI"
+ into ${destdir}
+ newbin php-cli php || die "Unable to install ${x} sapi"
+ php5_0-sapi_install_ini
+ ;;
+ cgi)
+ einfo "Installing CGI SAPI"
+ into ${destdir}
+ dobin php-cgi || die "Unable to install ${x} sapi"
+ php5_0-sapi_install_ini
+ ;;
+ apache*)
+ einfo "Installing apache${USE_APACHE2} SAPI"
+ make INSTALL_ROOT=${D} install-sapi || die "Unable to install ${x} SAPI"
+ if [ -n "${USE_APACHE2}" ] ; then
+ einfo "Installing Apache2 config for PHP5 (70_mod_php5.conf)"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/5.1.0/apache-2.0/70_mod_php5.conf"
+ else
+ einfo "Installing Apache config for PHP5 (70_mod_php5.conf)"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/5.1.0/apache-1.3/70_mod_php5.conf"
+ fi
+ php5_0-sapi_install_ini
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Create the symlinks with eselect
+ if useq cli ; then
+ eselect php set php5
+ eselect php-devel set php5
+ fi
+ if useq cgi ; then
+ eselect php-cgi set php5
+ eselect php-devel set php5
+ fi
+ # Output some general info to the user
+ if useq apache || useq apache2 ; then
+ APACHE1_MOD_CONF="70_mod_php5.conf"
+ APACHE2_MOD_CONF="70_mod_php5.conf"
+ apache-module_pkg_postinst
+ fi
+ php5_0-sapi_pkg_postinst