diff options
authorVlastimil Babka <>2009-11-04 11:29:57 +0000
committerVlastimil Babka <>2009-11-04 11:29:57 +0000
commitc3ca02028422f7d1a325e785e1dcb1a756ed380c (patch)
tree81aebaeba12a447b4a0a4b0479f1f55c512120fb /app-emulation
parentVersion bump, security bug #291817 (diff)
Version bump, security bug #291817
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc48/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation')
4 files changed, 224 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog
index e7e2cf76bd5e..d79130bf382f 100644
--- a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog,v 1.78 2009/09/29 16:00:39 caster Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/ChangeLog,v 1.79 2009/11/04 11:29:57 caster Exp $
+*emul-linux-x86-java- (04 Nov 2009)
+*emul-linux-x86-java- (04 Nov 2009)
+ 04 Nov 2009; Vlastimil Babka <>
+ +emul-linux-x86-java-,
+ +emul-linux-x86-java-
+ Version bump, security bug #291817
*emul-linux-x86-java- (29 Sep 2009)
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest
index c00f9741d225..49aecbb49828 100644
--- a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/Manifest
@@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ AUX emul-linux-x86-java-1.6.env 894 RMD160 86bb5a85c4a7b51a52016376438052673da53
DIST j2re-1_4_2_19-linux-i586.bin 14384815 RMD160 54b15f0ea03c7cb7e35b91fe8a6269e21a0d39b2 SHA1 7b230633bf6eaf3581f69d668542431c5833184a SHA256 d1d2f7cd9f0cddee9f65a0d093a0718faceb4b013b0658a92457512f84c8e973
DIST jdk-5.0u20-dlj-linux-i586.bin 49764253 RMD160 22148cb268decb1237e2d74764726ca7c5de3387 SHA1 128aa89d06c3f39bee7866882ff2b4d4d33bfaa4 SHA256 10b1beea2e8d2733255095ba6fe55065e66e9fc2e0116f240eea2ce680195206
DIST jdk-5.0u21-dlj-linux-i586.bin 49775944 RMD160 4675a3190ebc2eba3a4e6c559c2b16da74899ba0 SHA1 760c1edbfa43a3afd7fb493934c12d00f9c907ba SHA256 55ee71a308e0fbdb87738ff7bd870028c84572c852d40bb8e62ca7fd6fb363fd
+DIST jdk-5.0u22-dlj-linux-i586.bin 49782555 RMD160 f015e1502b357cccd45695a5c4bc41ba113d3a30 SHA1 611e56dd3dc0e25b286c374c60b56b5e76569fb2 SHA256 1c2e853b60e408176ec924e717fb7ec7953a9dddbfc397de91536e9084cf9e46
DIST jdk-6u15-dlj-linux-i586.bin 81819735 RMD160 593d067c222bd05d640b24fd9cba20915a795de2 SHA1 d09eea7fb48cd662abafbf490b0cb8340936095a SHA256 d0e14d777d2f49da7d98fc27790c766d4d47d19a973c0855b2b9250ab4fdd815
DIST jdk-6u16-dlj-linux-i586.bin 81822282 RMD160 139f37a96c39cc5a7e08a8141298521b9af0cbf4 SHA1 0e284828613cc67b7ea7ce93264f7e6700e5a85d SHA256 46ebe41e8b22ddd3eb313222c755ff4bcfed4128503e861308f240a6ddea5ea3
+DIST jdk-6u17-dlj-linux-i586.bin 81824577 RMD160 07ad522edd80e19e71152e37544128ddd600c42c SHA1 bca59cb275f37b492e69ceecbda75a573d94b553 SHA256 4ba74424271670cc65405d6ab9a5480cb299ce9fb19c800096ce012d7d662b2e
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3574 RMD160 388fe86f06cf787092edf09423952728bb0bd90c SHA1 f7e4b280906c26a3d4b313443781ea9d8700ebe5 SHA256 7c1c2cc940a58ce0daafa531a17b8e70c880b9eaf4e8bac5992b43d80436a983
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 2887 RMD160 a702c035727b63bab2599021521b768bfebb4d4a SHA1 c4d2c2059529b08521ccdda35626a62b026d45a7 SHA256 53e578cee3f1b4cbb4a2c7dffb8a5318535531200187b640ee6cc0a48641610e
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 2888 RMD160 db019387b8daeb4120eb376068da007dbf2018fa SHA1 4e48a4b6a36549570a5b3f0580ff02507413641c SHA256 9e6fff6c7956f250630c2c39549cbd702e4ee82ae8d553784e3e70b35325eb7d
+EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 2888 RMD160 d40deedd31764894a671562aa96fb365a24c5e5f SHA1 27a6793009962991148b4eddc3f91514dae45ac3 SHA256 d1f76e9b71112de939101de594cdcac5f2e0fdded08e09904f2faa276a539b9a
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3246 RMD160 6593606772e6cb5723b77ce05524bef870a60842 SHA1 33e0fbd0fe39ddc62ec58eae1291cf4c8640666f SHA256 9570a7beefe2c7bbb6f998040a5181a172a18e80cf57d04e415e662092f327d3
EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3247 RMD160 72ceacc230533bbd5a3a4c4fbd9838ed9dabcf5e SHA1 3f3d3ed2a9b39fea4a1951cf91197013fb6d9147 SHA256 dc11e3eeadc9179baa5142ffdbfa914ef2dbcf2930d115efd9ce3c19d5c66134
-MISC ChangeLog 16245 RMD160 b65908d5e9004613be95af68428d4b9f355980f8 SHA1 e2eba2025a808a687a13075e46e6be35ef03d387 SHA256 c55e02a093b20a6634da3c4f433a6580cf361fdb6fade78b608437c01001f4f1
+EBUILD emul-linux-x86-java- 3247 RMD160 557b4a05feec6700fe28aef8d1a373639e3506f2 SHA1 48d40e3614b5837df05986694f6a6713005b2d34 SHA256 72e52b04b0a4c078809adb3d5cad96106c2868555004133bc98785b16e4e822d
+MISC ChangeLog 16503 RMD160 18a8d0a333aed01609b15fb93be4f4d9fcc72a41 SHA1 6bbdc85178c1bd284664c65df1b28b9033e0df69 SHA256 b6d672d115e5ca71e163f5edeba984694a5387ed4cc3429edcd3631267bf0f6e
MISC metadata.xml 179 RMD160 eb23cc92511920eee7575e49cb97e3cc57ec2ffe SHA1 5f572596a2c474e808cdb21b8c2bf80f7cc011b1 SHA256 28110c7811a1bdcba5e23efc7018238140b1e9460b78215f914b7253a8c09ca8
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java- b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e828ffe0f21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-,v 1.1 2009/11/04 11:29:57 caster Exp $
+inherit versionator pax-utils eutils java-vm-2
+UPDATE="$(get_version_component_range 4)"
+MY_PV="$(get_version_component_range 2-3)u${UPDATE}"
+DESCRIPTION="Sun's Java SE Runtime Environment (32bit)"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64"
+IUSE="X alsa nsplugin"
+RDEPEND="alsa? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs )
+ X? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs )"
+JAVA_PROVIDE="jdbc-stdext jdbc-rowset"
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/"
+src_unpack() {
+ mkdir bundled-jdk
+ cd bundled-jdk
+ sh "${DISTDIR}"/${At} --accept-license --unpack || die "Failed to unpack"
+ cd ..
+ bash "${FILESDIR}"/ bundled-jdk sun-jdk-${PV} ${P} || die " failed"
+src_compile() {
+ # Set PaX markings on all JDK/JRE executables to allow code-generation on
+ # the heap by the JIT compiler. This has to be done before CDS - #215225
+ pax-mark m $(list-paxables "${S}"/bin/*)
+ # see bug #207282
+ einfo "Creating the Class Data Sharing archives"
+ "${S}"/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump || die
+src_install() {
+ dodir /opt/${P}
+ cp -pPR bin lib man javaws plugin "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die "failed to copy"
+ dohtml Welcome.html || die
+ if use nsplugin; then
+ local plugin_dir="ns7-gcc29"
+ if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3' ; then
+ plugin_dir="ns7"
+ fi
+ install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/plugin/i386/$plugin_dir/
+ fi
+ # FIXME figure out how to handle the control pannel conflict with
+ # sun-jdk-bin
+ # install control panel for Gnome/KDE
+# sed -e "s/INSTALL_DIR\/JRE_NAME_VERSION/\/opt\/${P}\/jre/" \
+# -e "s/\(Name=Java\)/\1 Control Panel ${SLOT}/" \
+# ${D}/opt/${P}/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop > \
+# ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+# domenu ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+ set_java_env
+ java-vm_revdep-mask
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # Set as default VM if none exists
+ java-vm-2_pkg_postinst
+ if ! use X; then
+ local xwarn="X11 libraries and/or"
+ fi
+ echo
+ ewarn "Some parts of Sun's JDK require ${xwarn} virtual/lpr to be installed."
+ ewarn "Be careful which Java libraries you attempt to use."
+ echo
+ elog "Beginning with the hotspot vm can use epoll"
+ elog "The epoll-based implementation of SelectorProvider is not selected by"
+ elog "default."
+ elog "Use java"
diff --git a/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java- b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d603d3f2dce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java/emul-linux-x86-java-,v 1.1 2009/11/04 11:29:57 caster Exp $
+inherit versionator pax-utils java-vm-2 eutils
+UPDATE="$(get_version_component_range 4)"
+MY_PV="$(get_version_component_range 2)u${UPDATE}"
+DESCRIPTION="Sun's Java SE Runtime Environment (32bit)"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64"
+IUSE="X alsa nsplugin"
+RDEPEND="alsa? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs )
+ X? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs )
+ app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat"
+JAVA_PROVIDE="jdbc-stdext jdbc-rowset"
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/client/
+ opt/${P}/lib/i386/server/"
+src_unpack() {
+ mkdir bundled-jdk
+ cd bundled-jdk
+ sh "${DISTDIR}"/${At} --accept-license --unpack || die "Failed to unpack"
+ cd ..
+ bash "${FILESDIR}"/construct-${SLOT}.sh bundled-jdk sun-jdk-${PV} ${P} || die "construct-${SLOT}.sh failed"
+src_compile() {
+ # Set PaX markings on all JDK/JRE executables to allow code-generation on
+ # the heap by the JIT compiler. This has to be done before CDS - #215225
+ pax-mark m $(list-paxables "${S}"/bin/*)
+ # see bug #207282
+ einfo "Creating the Class Data Sharing archives"
+ "${S}"/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump || die
+ "${S}"/bin/java -server -Xshare:dump || die
+src_install() {
+ local dirs="bin lib man javaws plugin"
+ dodir /opt/${P}
+ cp -pPR ${dirs} "${D}/opt/${P}/" || die "failed to copy"
+ dohtml Welcome.html || die
+ dodir /opt/${P}/share/
+ if use nsplugin; then
+ local plugin_dir="ns7-gcc29"
+ if has_version '>=sys-devel/gcc-3' ; then
+ plugin_dir="ns7"
+ fi
+ install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/plugin/i386/$plugin_dir/
+ install_mozilla_plugin /opt/${P}/lib/i386/ plugin2
+ fi
+ # FIXME figure out how to handle the control pannel conflict with
+ # sun-jdk-bin
+ # install control panel for Gnome/KDE
+# sed -e "s/INSTALL_DIR\/JRE_NAME_VERSION/\/opt\/${P}\/jre/" \
+# -e "s/\(Name=Java\)/\1 Control Panel ${SLOT}/" \
+# ${D}/opt/${P}/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop > \
+# ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+# domenu ${T}/sun_java-${SLOT}.desktop
+ set_java_env
+ java-vm_revdep-mask
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # Set as default VM if none exists
+ java-vm-2_pkg_postinst
+ elog
+ elog "Two variants of the nsplugin are available via eselect java-nsplugin:"
+ elog "${VMHANDLE} and ${VMHANDLE}-plugin2 (the Next-Generation Plug-In) "
+ ewarn "Note that the ${VMHANDLE}-plugin2 works only in Firefox 3!"
+ elog "For more info see"
+ elog
+ if ! use X; then
+ local xwarn="X11 libraries and/or"
+ fi
+ echo
+ ewarn "Some parts of Sun's JDK require ${xwarn} virtual/lpr to be installed."
+ ewarn "Be careful which Java libraries you attempt to use."