diff options
authorMarijn Schouten <>2009-08-02 15:16:54 +0000
committerMarijn Schouten <>2009-08-02 15:16:54 +0000
commitf7e46a10123c9556098366302e8bd22ffb7542c8 (patch)
parentMarking pam_ssh-1.97-r1 ppc64 for bug 263579 (diff)
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
3 files changed, 145 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/ChangeLog b/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/ChangeLog
index f8f077988a70..70de1839483a 100644
--- a/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/ChangeLog
@@ -1,8 +1,57 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-scheme/plt-scheme
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2009/06/04 15:35:12 hkbst Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/ChangeLog,v 1.9 2009/08/02 15:16:54 hkbst Exp $
-*plt-scheme-4.2 (04 Jun 2009)
+*plt-scheme-4.2.1 (02 Aug 2009)
+ 02 Aug 2009; Marijn Schouten <> +plt-scheme-4.2.1.ebuild:
+ bump
+ * This is the last release that includes ProfessorJ. As of the
+ next release, Kathy Gray who created and maintained the
+ Professor will move the code to planet and maintain only at a
+ minimal level.
+ * Typed Scheme 2.0 extends the type system significantly, making
+ it more expressive. For example, predicates applied to
+ selectors, such as (number? (car x)), are meaningful to the type
+ system.
+ * Faster installation of Planet packages that trigger install of
+ other Planet packages, because the documentation index is
+ updated only once after a group of packages is installed.
+ * The `syntax/parse' library provides macro writers with an
+ enhanced syntax pattern matcher that reports errors based on the
+ patterns' declared classes of syntax.
+ * Identifier mappings following the v4 dictionary interface and
+ naming conventions are available from the `syntax/id-table'
+ library.
+ * Redex: added `define-relation' and generalized patterns that
+ appear in "where" clauses to use the full Redex pattern matcher.
+ (This is a backwards incompatible change, but one often
+ requested; see the Redex release notes for details.)
+ * The Web Server's serializable closures are now available for
+ other purposes through the web-server/lang/serial-lambda
+ library.
+ * Teachpacks: small changes to universe portion of the
+ "" API, plus the addition of a form for launching
+ many (communicating) worlds simultaneously. Bug fixes
+ concerning conversion to strings.
+ * It is now possible to create custom scribble readers with a
+ command characters different than `@', see
+ `make-at-reader/inside' and `make-at-reader'
+ * Note: this is likely to be the last release that includes a
+ solaris distribution. If you need these builds, or if you have
+ access to a (Sparc) Solaris machine than can be used in PLT
+ builds, then please let me know.
+ *plt-scheme-4.2 (04 Jun 2009)
04 Jun 2009; Marijn Schouten <> +plt-scheme-4.2.ebuild:
diff --git a/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/Manifest b/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/Manifest
index 484282b82d17..086f78d8efb5 100644
--- a/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/Manifest
+++ b/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/Manifest
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ DIST plt-4.1.3-src-unix.tgz 14649549 RMD160 0e4bb407cd9010ef05085bac413ed0a54d04
DIST plt-4.1.4-src-unix.tgz 14933288 RMD160 9f982a38c188a37cf47f55d4fe0bfb2f83c3d9ec SHA1 a62555988d7565b37f5d2867c5033758a808109d SHA256 860911f70eb92c9dc11e9b2964efc97b7928c1835ff21a6f024fe0781fe12b33
DIST plt-4.1.5-src-unix.tgz 15314676 RMD160 173cece4b76c0c5a23d14d903afa3810d1ad7e8e SHA1 a5f9559d84fff7ee5429b13a3da9e8c1e009bc22 SHA256 453fe0999f14bb21a13edbbe0f0593297b74f8132bd7d27ad636624f32b2b4df
DIST plt-4.2-src-unix.tgz 15250132 RMD160 7c2ad7a02ce797aaa5631a499111aaa3fe7be54c SHA1 e6dfb3e1ce60b23d5c38960ec26411a0d96dc5dd SHA256 7bcf603f7ffea2eea77dbf8e2be442c822275c215e9974191fef8f68af47db70
+DIST plt-4.2.1-src-unix.tgz 15381884 RMD160 43e55f69577a13a469d9cc5a18d8612c16fdf5d5 SHA1 5b4e2d720675c9f0ec249a4db7a7a93bfd6f60dc SHA256 1a9bbdccf444660e1b0976e8b7abe831699eeda9f43f08c227a0d06fdb055228
EBUILD plt-scheme-4.1.2.ebuild 2385 RMD160 a09d0a0afcb1eef3dc88b0e9e38de164d2362a01 SHA1 3d9d3e683adb22b63ad08dbaf21c87546dc24e98 SHA256 94c8e48bb502cabacaf28fa00f31484d428b22035498824251ec5583f8860893
EBUILD plt-scheme-4.1.3.ebuild 2384 RMD160 3057f4275e6a5922d2a1a432a3eed0c496098d36 SHA1 2bffbd0de489454899c3c8b5db61c3afd04c1e9e SHA256 29f5fe9e50099c6b99e1408201b92a3a6ab8d2c6a67c9fb6a68522fedab9135c
EBUILD plt-scheme-4.1.4.ebuild 2332 RMD160 4b06fe1547705207ad09801545f3ac57dc68a21a SHA1 7332bcb7baa1d647000593c1b411401e9237a1fe SHA256 5452859aeee893cce55132bcf1fcf0c8e72c8beec84203a59424722772f1d268
EBUILD plt-scheme-4.1.5.ebuild 2261 RMD160 419aadbabeba42262e8ebee010c092e7389b6bd7 SHA1 abd1ecc6c89f806beae3b50941fa9a8b24d90052 SHA256 7d480737cacb4dce9930f205154b39bfec66016431899d1b9634e9ec71e8adb3
EBUILD plt-scheme-4.1.ebuild 2369 RMD160 8fd22368b2ad8deceedb254d76f0e604b2023e4c SHA1 38233f00766539e3b88eafe9d3dfe4aac766eb2b SHA256 13a04f8175e32a30313993a4791de6d00df8075f758b59b0aab0a9027753fa0f
+EBUILD plt-scheme-4.2.1.ebuild 2354 RMD160 c10cd6a99cf1c2842b4cdb2dbcb6bbf2d5391181 SHA1 80573be515e2055294bcd03d34d6b3fe22959c67 SHA256 8efc8348bd9195b933804f6f94a179e1466327ac7930c9ed4228633c73431a14
EBUILD plt-scheme-4.2.ebuild 2352 RMD160 128e7afa687c8385ce143c9bc047e416f2058a01 SHA1 a24b04d9d82fb535ccf470680df2b8c216ac24bb SHA256 d62b3a2daa15eef8e325b90559e0ff776863373e27ad6cb95722c379bdb39ee9
-MISC ChangeLog 16756 RMD160 bdba1b4c2b1aad4d480138e6467089ebbb229d9b SHA1 0e246875ec8980cae45b6946db3c2238b208e66b SHA256 f5a97c32211be993f9173af58c2b47e59758fbade8ae2ea4c63325170ae4a8a6
+MISC ChangeLog 18725 RMD160 539cecde53701d8fb6d66c29e6aee089298f1846 SHA1 5fe8536dfe11eb6047460ecbf1cb7d3b48f1149e SHA256 aad62c83d602247b71f393f0bd0df1a70400d2a47c0ea8836cb80b13d642ad86
MISC metadata.xml 911 RMD160 2f67df0759e77a8edd33ec8934987c7ae797bbad SHA1 92a76ca8f5712fa8564fde78856b512397f02151 SHA256 8cb2bb61a4d6bbbba0485f40ada3daa8ef48cb0c271199d7d3fe7941092b900e
diff --git a/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/plt-scheme-4.2.1.ebuild b/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/plt-scheme-4.2.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cca81d08d556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/plt-scheme-4.2.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-scheme/plt-scheme/plt-scheme-4.2.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/08/02 15:16:54 hkbst Exp $
+inherit eutils latex-package
+DESCRIPTION="DrScheme programming environment. Includes mzscheme."
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="backtrace cairo cgc llvm opengl profile X"
+RDEPEND="X? ( x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ >=x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ media-libs/freetype
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ cairo? ( x11-libs/cairo )
+ media-libs/jpeg
+ opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
+ media-libs/libpng
+ sys-libs/zlib )"
+DEPEND="${RDEPEND} !dev-tex/slatex"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use cairo && use X; then
+ if ! built_with_use x11-libs/cairo X; then
+ eerror "Cairo must be built with X use flag"
+ die "Cairo must be built with X use flag"
+ fi
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ #remove bundled libraries
+ rm -rf wxcommon/{jpeg,libpng,zlib}
+ sed "s,docdir=\"\${datadir}/plt/doc,docdir=\"\${datadir}/doc/${PF}," -i configure || die
+src_compile() {
+# according to vapier, we should use the bundled libtool
+# such that we don't preclude cross-compile. Thus don't use
+# --enable-lt=/usr/bin/libtool
+ econf $(use_enable X mred) \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --disable-perl \
+ $(use_enable backtrace) \
+ $(use_enable cairo) \
+ $(use_enable llvm) \
+ $(use_enable opengl gl) \
+ $(use_enable profile gprof) \
+ --enable-xft \
+ --enable-xrender
+ if use cgc; then
+ emake both || die "emake both failed"
+ else
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ # deal with slatex
+ insinto /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/slatex/
+ doins ../collects/slatex/slatex.sty
+ if use cgc; then
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-both || die "emake install-both failed"
+ else
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
+ fi
+ if use X; then
+ newicon ../collects/icons/PLT-206.png drscheme.png
+ make_desktop_entry drscheme "DrScheme" drscheme "Development"
+ fi