diff options
authorDaniel Black <>2007-10-06 13:40:11 +0000
committerDaniel Black <>2007-10-06 13:40:11 +0000
commit1c4637cbdf5319b959a639032d7d73ad9d9e9fcf (patch)
parentVersion bump #191073 by Juan Aguado. (diff)
initial import - bug #153922 - many thanks to Eray Aslan
Package-Manager: portage-
9 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/ChangeLog b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4717636499ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# ChangeLog for mail-filter/dkim-milter
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-filter/dkim-milter/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2007/10/06 13:40:10 dragonheart Exp $
+*dkim-milter-2.2.1 (06 Oct 2007)
+ 06 Oct 2007; Daniel Black <>
+ +files/dkim-filter.conf, +files/dkim-filter.init, +files/,
+ +files/site.config.m4, +metadata.xml, +dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild:
+ initial import - bug #153922 - many thanks to Eray Aslan
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/Manifest b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f76cc54821a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+AUX dkim-filter.conf 805 RMD160 6c9918b0d824f23c0b87be56dee0f71657f49f64 SHA1 a7abc6249bd5877f201476759880e7b27e7ef023 SHA256 104230f21aee9bcfcb0e9a58c4b37e399759976d3b4aa04a3ba9cc9c00f1d1bd
+MD5 adfeda8cdbc8a8ee9f59560460aa6c20 files/dkim-filter.conf 805
+RMD160 6c9918b0d824f23c0b87be56dee0f71657f49f64 files/dkim-filter.conf 805
+SHA256 104230f21aee9bcfcb0e9a58c4b37e399759976d3b4aa04a3ba9cc9c00f1d1bd files/dkim-filter.conf 805
+AUX dkim-filter.init 1932 RMD160 63398f8105018e05ca22a2cce97d14dc718e2bc8 SHA1 aa5146ff1057537ac6ed9434a5a96da4959a8601 SHA256 5770ea06d1a2a67f1a7e28ecd2f4b9e80bba245852a457cb02e3f6a05eda9bb6
+MD5 2ddde3ff5766565c1e44c7197f25dbd6 files/dkim-filter.init 1932
+RMD160 63398f8105018e05ca22a2cce97d14dc718e2bc8 files/dkim-filter.init 1932
+SHA256 5770ea06d1a2a67f1a7e28ecd2f4b9e80bba245852a457cb02e3f6a05eda9bb6 files/dkim-filter.init 1932
+AUX 1491 RMD160 ab46dfae21935ed041276691633fda8d0a187954 SHA1 e420295f7a83600d223aa46a2d2398076a87ce13 SHA256 8ef7c542859ed928f2f319eec1ec36591156e19eaac987ab2f538a0c0fdd159e
+MD5 353d597e55664e56e7463e26f3997e2f files/ 1491
+RMD160 ab46dfae21935ed041276691633fda8d0a187954 files/ 1491
+SHA256 8ef7c542859ed928f2f319eec1ec36591156e19eaac987ab2f538a0c0fdd159e files/ 1491
+AUX site.config.m4 5212 RMD160 43b435699dde6bb482554f2d16fb650e91338447 SHA1 5bec91a85dabae0a91f9f9e7d07d199051ec4ba6 SHA256 b63acd91f49415dd7c60727dcfe5aec43a6b3d880e62b5c104fdaf0f9b05a2a6
+MD5 77c79be812adc58c8b65abfa5b6968bb files/site.config.m4 5212
+RMD160 43b435699dde6bb482554f2d16fb650e91338447 files/site.config.m4 5212
+SHA256 b63acd91f49415dd7c60727dcfe5aec43a6b3d880e62b5c104fdaf0f9b05a2a6 files/site.config.m4 5212
+DIST dkim-milter-2.2.1.tar.gz 567681 RMD160 5f096921e403e7b1f28dba365ac0aab3e40a9e0c SHA1 244815760a8bd542ac59f37699e0b3bd057d047b SHA256 8e977a16f93bdaa45b16e2e14ea785959854681fbee1dd0e4aeb6654739ccfde
+EBUILD dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild 1898 RMD160 78615519b6c92af27543a1c5d2b198d863c5075d SHA1 c65eefb25ee7c0b23c3f2207de69fca1c298617a SHA256 3fa12232247b1933e6ac2f748c693a2162d319bdcc9f88c17d2f1caa14dd0b4d
+MD5 1c01b26bc4dd74953fc4ac8733ef6311 dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild 1898
+RMD160 78615519b6c92af27543a1c5d2b198d863c5075d dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild 1898
+SHA256 3fa12232247b1933e6ac2f748c693a2162d319bdcc9f88c17d2f1caa14dd0b4d dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild 1898
+MISC ChangeLog 514 RMD160 3db94150e34cb46bf9f774e17cd04f7387b349ab SHA1 c75c69f5f9366a45bedb1ec6cdf3e5a8be763492 SHA256 7b85caef0f488fb5b7366a2f9b719ee00bc642c3966548566fcbe8399bfc90a5
+MD5 9d34c6206614e4cd15bdaa0c424d79a3 ChangeLog 514
+RMD160 3db94150e34cb46bf9f774e17cd04f7387b349ab ChangeLog 514
+SHA256 7b85caef0f488fb5b7366a2f9b719ee00bc642c3966548566fcbe8399bfc90a5 ChangeLog 514
+MISC metadata.xml 374 RMD160 36c7b587b04bba133b9b106083dd7b485d9d2e45 SHA1 1d33c3e413603911ecb01f7a6ac8bb89c544562b SHA256 4638653661df3aa277ddfab4579d87598d17211e8b4d10114d4eeba5ddf2b7f1
+MD5 89edb769612add8464eb3c324f09e197 metadata.xml 374
+RMD160 36c7b587b04bba133b9b106083dd7b485d9d2e45 metadata.xml 374
+SHA256 4638653661df3aa277ddfab4579d87598d17211e8b4d10114d4eeba5ddf2b7f1 metadata.xml 374
+MD5 a5b0d1c6bbdb709bbc4921873cffd690 files/digest-dkim-milter-2.2.1 253
+RMD160 72c45743f1f33c09d2a0d01475abbcdf906644ff files/digest-dkim-milter-2.2.1 253
+SHA256 e53cc10aa978521b029ff0bf2ab7623138867785191e1e72aede1708cf6949c0 files/digest-dkim-milter-2.2.1 253
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..acfd216363de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-filter/dkim-milter/dkim-milter-2.2.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/10/06 13:40:10 dragonheart Exp $
+inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="A milter-based application to provide DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) service"
+ >=sys-libs/db-3.2
+ mail-filter/libmilter
+ dev-libs/tre"
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup milter
+ enewuser milter -1 -1 -1 milter
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack "${A}"
+ confCCOPTS="${CFLAGS}"
+ confENVDEF=""
+ sed -e "s:@@confCCOPTS@@:${confCCOPTS}:" \
+ -e "s/@@confENVDEF@@/${confENVDEF}/" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/site.config.m4 > "${S}"/devtools/Site/site.config.m4
+src_compile() {
+ emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die "emake failed"
+src_test() {
+ ./Build check || die
+src_install() {
+ OBJDIR="obj.`uname -s`.`uname -r`.`arch`"
+ # prepare directory for private keys.
+ dodir /etc/mail/dkim-filter
+ keepdir /etc/mail/dkim-filter
+ fowners milter:milter /etc/mail/dkim-filter
+ fperms 700 /etc/mail/dkim-filter
+ # prepare directory for PID file
+ dodir /var/run/dkim-filter
+ fowners milter:milter /var/run/dkim-filter
+ dodir /usr/bin /usr/share/man/man8 /usr/share/man/man5
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ install -C "${OBJDIR}"/dkim-filter \
+ || die "make install failed"
+ dobin "$FILESDIR"/ || die "dobin failed"
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/dkim-filter.init" dkim-filter \
+ || die "newinitd failed"
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/dkim-filter.conf" dkim-filter \
+ || die "newconfd failed"
+ einfo "You might want to run to generate"
+ einfo "the necessary keys to use with dkim-filter if you have"
+ einfo "not done so already."
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/digest-dkim-milter-2.2.1 b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/digest-dkim-milter-2.2.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..095d6cef68c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/digest-dkim-milter-2.2.1
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 7401d13798a140def6f827056a257903 dkim-milter-2.2.1.tar.gz 567681
+RMD160 5f096921e403e7b1f28dba365ac0aab3e40a9e0c dkim-milter-2.2.1.tar.gz 567681
+SHA256 8e977a16f93bdaa45b16e2e14ea785959854681fbee1dd0e4aeb6654739ccfde dkim-milter-2.2.1.tar.gz 567681
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/dkim-filter.conf b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/dkim-filter.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb9ae6bc77e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/dkim-filter.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Additional options for the Domain Key Milter
+# see dkim-filter(8) for more information.
+# comma seperated list of domain names to sign mail for.
+# add -D to DKIM_FILTER_OPTS if you want to sign subdomains as well
+# read dkim-filter(8)
+# usually the hostname of the signing server but no hard rules
+# simple/simple or relaxed/simple
+# openssl >= 0.9.8 needed for rsa-sha256
+# change -b s to -b sv if you want to sign and verify
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/dkim-filter.init b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/dkim-filter.init
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4662fce27dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/dkim-filter.init
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/dkim-filter.init,v 1.1 2007/10/06 13:40:11 dragonheart Exp $
+depend() {
+ # need net
+ use dns logger net
+warn_msg() {
+ echo
+ ewarn "$1 parameter is not set!"
+ ewarn "dkim-filter starts with"
+ ewarn "$1=${!1}"
+ ewarn "please set it in /etc/conf.d/dkim-filter"
+ echo
+die_msg() {
+ echo
+ eerror "please set paramter $1 in"
+ eerror "/etc/conf.d/dkim-filter then start again"
+ echo
+check_cfg() {
+ if [[ ! -f /etc/conf.d/dkim-filter ]] ; then
+ eerror "/etc/conf.d/dkim-filter is missing"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${DKIM_FILTER_OPTS}" ]] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${SELECTOR}" ]] ; then
+ die_msg SELECTOR
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${KEYPATH}" ]] ; then
+ die_msg KEYPATH
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -f "${KEYPATH}" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ eerror "run to generate a private key first"
+ eerror "then set KEYPATH in /etc/conf.d/dkim-filter to"
+ eerror "the location of your private key"
+ echo
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${SOCKETSPEC}" ]] ; then
+ SOCKETSPEC="inet:8026@localhost"
+ warn_msg SOCKETSPEC
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${DOMAIN}" ]] ; then
+ DOMAIN=$(domainname)
+ warn_msg DOMAIN
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${CANON}" ]] ; then
+ CANON="relaxed/simple"
+ warn_msg CANON
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${USER}" ]] ; then
+ USER="milter"
+ warn_msg USER
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${SIGNALG}" ]] ; then
+ SIGNALG="rsa-sha1"
+ warn_msg SIGNALG
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "${PIDFILE}" ]] ; then
+ PIDFILE="/var/run/dkim-filter/"
+ warn_msg PIDFILE
+ fi
+start() {
+ check_cfg || return 1
+ ebegin "Starting DKIM Filter"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background \
+ --exec /usr/bin/dkim-filter -- ${DKIM_FILTER_OPTS}
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping DKIM Filter"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --name dkim-filter
+ eend $?
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b1b334475447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+## $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/06 13:40:11 dragonheart Exp $
+## Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers.
+## All rights reserved.
+## gentxt.csh -- generate a TXT record for DomainKeys service
+## Usage: gentext.csh <selector> [<domain>]
+## This will write a TXT record suitable for insertion into a DNS zone file
+## on standard output, and the matching public/private keys will be in
+## PEM-formatted files called <selector>.public and <selector>.private,
+## respectively, in the current directory.
+## To translate the record produced by this script, see the DomainKeys
+## draft. The script will output a record which advertises an RSA-style
+## public key in test mode.
+## (15 July 2006)
+## bash is gentoo default shell
+## convert to bash
+# verify usage
+if [[ "$3" != "" || "$1" == "" ]] ; then
+ echo "usage: $0 selector [domain]"
+ exit 1
+# copy the argument
+# generate a private key
+openssl genrsa -out ${selector}.private 512 >& /dev/null
+# generate a public key based on the private key
+openssl rsa -in ${selector}.private -out ${selector}.public -pubout \
+ -outform PEM >& /dev/null
+# prepare the data
+keydata=`grep -v '^-' ${selector}.public`
+pubkey=`echo $keydata | sed 's/ //'`
+# output the record
+echo -n ${selector}._domainkey IN TXT '"'g=\; k=rsa\; t=y\; p=$pubkey'"'
+if [[ "$domain" != "" ]] ; then
+ echo " ; ----- DomainKey $selector for $domain"
+ echo ""
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/site.config.m4 b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/site.config.m4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f1cc17b6c375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/files/site.config.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+dnl Build options for dkim-milter package
+dnl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+define(`confCCOPTS', `@@confCCOPTS@@')
+define(`confENVDEF', `@@confENVDEF@@')
+dnl Any options you set here are applied to all subdirectories of this
+dnl build. Also, you may override or augment the defaults of any of the
+dnl values described in devtools/README by setting your preferred values
+dnl in this file.
+dnl Debug binary
+dnl If you are encountering coredumps and want to be able to analyze them
+dnl using something like "gdb", enable this next line by deleting the "dnl"
+dnl at the front of it.
+dnl define(`confOPTIMIZE', `-g')
+dnl libar -- asynchronous resolver library
+dnl If you want to use the asynchronous resolver library, enable this
+dnl next line by deleting the "dnl" at the front of it.
+define(`bld_USE_ARLIB', `true')
+dnl libar normally uses res_init() or res_ninit() to load the contents
+dnl of resolv.conf for its use. If neither of these work on your system
+dnl in multi-threaded programs (e.g. OpenBSD 3.7 and later), then you
+dnl may need to enable code that parses that file manually. This will
+dnl also be required if you've got any IPv6 addresses in /etc/resolv.conf.
+dnl In that case, enable this next line by deleting the "dnl" at the front
+dnl of it.
+dnl APPENDDEF(`conf_libar_ENVDEF', `-DAR_RES_MANUAL')
+dnl POPAUTH -- POP-before-SMTP authentication
+dnl If you use any POP-before-SMTP authentication, dkim-filter can
+dnl query that database to see if a client sending a message for signing
+dnl is legitimate, enable this next line by deleting the "dnl" at the
+dnl front of it.
+dnl APPENDDEF(`conf_dkim_filter_ENVDEF', `-DPOPAUTH ')
+dnl BerkeleyDB -- Berkeley DB ("Sleepycat") database
+dnl Several optional features in this package need the Berkeley DB library.
+dnl Sometimes this is built into your libc, but perhaps not, or perhaps
+dnl you have a newer version that you want to use. If that's the case,
+dnl edit the following lines as needed and enable the ones that apply
+dnl by deleting "dnl" from the front of them:
+dnl APPENDDEF(`confINCDIRS', `-I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/include ')
+dnl APPENDDEF(`confLIBDIRS', `-L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB/lib ')
+dnl APPENDDEF(`confLIBS', `-ldb ')
+dnl OpenSSL -- cryptography library
+dnl DKIM requires several algorithms provided by this library. You must
+dnl have v0.9.8 or later for SHA256 support. If necessary, enable these
+dnl lines by deleting "dnl" from the front of them and edit paths as needed.
+APPENDDEF(`confINCDIRS', `-I/usr/include/ssl ')
+APPENDDEF(`confLIBDIRS', `-L/usr/lib ')
+dnl TRE -- Approximate regular expression matching
+dnl If you want to use the dkim_diffheaders() function, you also need
+dnl to have the "tre" library and its header files installed. If necessary,
+dnl enable these lines by deleting "dnl" from the front of them and edit
+dnl paths as needed.
+dnl APPENDDEF(`confINCDIRS', `-I/usr/local/include ')
+dnl APPENDDEF(`confLIBDIRS', `-L/usr/local/lib ')
+APPENDDEF(`confLIBS', `-ltre ')
+dnl Code For Future Release (FFRs):
+dnl See the FEATURES file for descriptions of the features available
+dnl as options. Many of these are untested and/or undocumented, so use
+dnl at your own risk. To enable one, delete "dnl" from the front of its
+dnl line.
+dnl DomainKeys -- Yahoo DomainKeys verification support
+dnl If you also want to verify messages signed with DomainKeys, enable this
+dnl line by deleting "dnl" from the front of it. See also the README as it
+dnl requires an additional library not included in this package.
+dnl define(`bld_VERIFY_DOMAINKEYS', `true')
+dnl libmilter -- Sendmail's milter library
+dnl This must be in the search rules for your compile. If necessary,
+dnl adjust the paths below and enable the lines by deleting "dnl" from the
+dnl front of them.
+APPENDDEF(`bld_dkim_filter_INCDIRS', `-I/usr/include/libmilter')
+APPENDDEF(`bld_dkim_filter_LIBDIRS', `-L/usr/lib')
+dnl smfi_addheader() -- older versions of libmilter
+dnl If you run a version of libmilter too old to have the smfi_insheader()
+dnl primitive, you can enable this to have dkim-filter use smfi_addheader()
+dnl instead. It will still work, but it breaks the DKIM specification.
+dnl To enable this, remove the "dnl" from the front of the line.
+dnl APPENDDEF(`conf_dkim_filter_ENVDEF', `-DNO_SMFI_INSHEADER ')
+dnl # devtools/OS/Linux has our MANROOT wrong and owner/group wrong
+define(`confMANROOT', `/usr/share/man/man')
+define(`confMANOWN', `root')
+define(`confMANGRP', `root')
diff --git a/mail-filter/dkim-milter/metadata.xml b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c1a76dd4a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/dkim-milter/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel Black</name>
+ <description>If you have a change you want to make - go for it</description>