diff options
authorAndrew Ammerlaan <>2023-03-03 15:24:21 +0100
committerAndrew Ammerlaan <>2023-03-03 15:25:58 +0100
commit4ff1e59ed4d38db1f906f022a80ae130f5fa1d08 (patch)
tree9a233062192bf420cc8db12d32d2eeafc9f7196b /sci-mathematics
parentsys-power/power-profiles-daemon: new package, add 0.12 (diff)
sci-mathematics/mathematica: add 13.2.1
Closes: Signed-off-by: Andrew Ammerlaan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics')
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/mathematica/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/mathematica/Manifest
index 7a6a8e62ab4a..35f7e055fb48 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/mathematica/Manifest
+++ b/sci-mathematics/mathematica/Manifest
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ DIST 4454613844 BLAKE2B 03b0567afe001fd0781ea6daf0f2
DIST 5118155611 BLAKE2B ff15a9def53f7fb808b117ecf2573f415b928c13a86d15634e6282c8f8542b32fa42ff76baeac95faa1242dc4350b0db28231c5cb7f36bc5b57425c2804bf996 SHA512 05008559c531a6920745d0047be0f2c42cb6994309db3f2ee2ad44151655f43d88de063a4952c5ac5544818e2da8973305ee46f44e74d7301da21cdf710cbd5b
DIST 5094982487 BLAKE2B 55375b6038422fd5f11db36b33bc1162064c8d6a88575c982ce53b15678bf7b19dc62d66336b2105cbaa18a7fe86ba64f09db40e494c15d558f3ebd92ea025fe SHA512 cf4106202dfcf290f0dbe9e8062457eb705c2802f608e60f2810fc31e166ab60b5726c0c9bf675fadb02f5628af1dc2d25db8d02119dc63381eef8a88cdb6ec6
DIST 2032362325 BLAKE2B d044fe1ed3c71e6ebc2357c440af6feaeb360962aea32843abbdfe40f124a29bd07bf0c3a5a35f8bac29c97a7d23dbcd79967b6d0028d01e09c9b662fc1f2b95 SHA512 3d84313be4da86d72cc652b0ec7dbbbf6d815debbde4c9ab855f447dda36aeccb416e90d298f0be975ae86fdf55f20aa7597b0d96d291ebdf6e4eb0dc2ca5433
+DIST 5512713048 BLAKE2B 266a6979faab891c6fc10a1bc690ee21ad3af01413a2af29d81c27dffc92d8a10a2947aefe978dfcf16378e8f8f0d33145f99930840eeb2843d73270d2ad0de9 SHA512 2062b2ce7f6e7f33b8623607ef71475091b877112f03ffbc32671f513b71925aad8489f25e1b01ec75b5d4d7bee03bb2dc8b2627f767633de578ecae1d86b7f6
DIST 3546448755 BLAKE2B e5dbf6bf9cd60a313329df8591c281215039d7efa7c83a53f3b2d4e176765b62efae3ff04628ecf6905e76bbaf6867e87c96bd6188d13df2b981bea5a633335a SHA512 2107b37b30fc76974d040e746ca26ddb5df23bbacb9d8fabcd546a7cf789f1daaf70179c53890bed2385430665f601fbbc1f9829bf64f61068909ea8774f91d2
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/mathematica/mathematica-13.2.1.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/mathematica/mathematica-13.2.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5bae7e2927e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/mathematica/mathematica-13.2.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit check-reqs desktop unpacker xdg
+DESCRIPTION="Wolfram Mathematica"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64"
+IUSE="cuda doc ffmpeg R"
+RESTRICT="strip mirror bindist fetch"
+# Mathematica comes with a lot of bundled stuff. We should place here only what we
+# explicitly override with LD_PRELOAD.
+# RLink ( requires dev-lang/R
+# FFmpegTools ( requires media-video/ffmpeg
+ cuda? ( dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit )
+ media-libs/freetype
+ ffmpeg? ( <media-video/ffmpeg-5 )
+ R? ( dev-lang/R )
+ virtual/libcrypt
+ dev-util/patchelf
+# we need this a few times
+MPV=$(ver_cut 1-2)
+M_BINARIES="MathKernel Mathematica WolframKernel wolframscript math mathematica mcc wolfram"
+# we might as well list all files in all QA variables...
+src_unpack() {
+ /bin/sh "${DISTDIR}/${A}" --nox11 --keep --target "${S}/unpack_app" -- "-help" || die
+src_install() {
+ local ARCH='-x86-64'
+ pushd "${S}/unpack_app" > /dev/null || die
+ # fix ACCESS DENIED issue when installer generate desktop files
+ sed -e "s|xdg-desktop-icon|xdg-dummy-command|g" -i "Unix/Installer/MathInstaller" || die
+ sed -e "s|xdg-desktop-menu|xdg-dummy-command|g" -i "Unix/Installer/MathInstaller" || die
+ sed -e "s|xdg-icon-resource|xdg-dummy-command|g" -i "Unix/Installer/MathInstaller" || die
+ sed -e "s|xdg-mime|xdg-dummy-command|g" -i "Unix/Installer/MathInstaller" || die
+ # fix ACCESS DENIED issue when installer check the avahi-daemon
+ sed -e "s|avahi-daemon -c|true|g" -i "Unix/Installer/MathInstaller" || die
+ /bin/sh "Unix/Installer/MathInstaller" -auto "-targetdir=${S}/${M_TARGET}" "-execdir=${S}/opt/bin" || die
+ popd > /dev/null || die
+ if ! use doc; then
+ einfo "Removing documentation"
+ rm -r "${S}/${M_TARGET}/Documentation" || die
+ fi
+ # fix world writable file QA problem for files
+ while IFS= read -r -d '' i; do
+ chmod o-w "${i}" || die
+ done < <(find "${S}/${M_TARGET}" -type f -print0)
+ einfo 'Removing MacOS- and Windows-specific files'
+ find "${S}/${M_TARGET}" -type d -\( -name Windows -o -name Windows-x86-64 \
+ -o -name MacOSX -o -name MacOSX-x86-64 -o -name Macintosh -\) \
+ -exec rm -rv {} + || die
+ if ! use cuda; then
+ einfo 'Removing cuda support'
+ rm -r "${S}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Components/CUDACompileTools/LibraryResources/Linux-x86-64/" || die
+ fi
+ # Linux-x86-64/AllVersions is the supported version, other versions remove
+ einfo 'Removing unsupported RLink versions'
+ rm -r "${S}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Links/RLink/SystemFiles/Libraries/Linux-x86-64/3.5.0" || die
+ rm -r "${S}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Links/RLink/SystemFiles/Libraries/Linux-x86-64/3.6.0" || die
+ rm -r "${S}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Links/RLink/SystemFiles/Libraries/Linux/AllVersions" || die
+ # RLink can't use if R not used
+ if ! use R; then
+ einfo 'Removing RLink support'
+ rm -r "${S}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Links/RLink/SystemFiles/Libraries/Linux-x86-64/AllVersions/" || die
+ fi
+ # FFmpegTools can't use if ffmpeg not used
+ if ! use ffmpeg; then
+ einfo 'Removing FFmpegTools support'
+ rm -r "${S}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Links/FFmpegTools/LibraryResources/Linux-x86-64/FFmpegToolsSystem"*.so || die
+ fi
+ # fix RPATH
+ while IFS= read -r -d '' i; do
+ # Use \x7fELF header to separate ELF executables and libraries
+ # Skip .o files and static files to avoid surprises
+ [[ $(od -t x1 -N 4 "${i}") == *"7f 45 4c 46"* ]] || continue
+ [[ -f "${i}" && "${i: -2}" != ".o" ]] || continue
+ [[ "$(file "${i}")" == *"dynamically"* ]] || continue
+ einfo "Fixing RPATH of ${i}"
+ patchelf --set-rpath \
+'$ORIGIN' "${i}" || \
+ die "patchelf failed on ${i}"
+ done < <(find "${S}/${M_TARGET}" -type f -print0)
+ # fix broken symbolic link
+ ln -sf "/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux-x86-64/wolframscript" "${S}/${M_TARGET}/Executables/wolframscript" || die
+ # move all over
+ mv "${S}"/opt "${ED}"/opt || die
+ # the autogenerated symlinks point into sandbox, remove
+ rm "${ED}"/opt/bin/* || die
+ # install wrappers instead
+ for name in ${M_BINARIES} ; do
+ einfo "Generating wrapper for ${name}"
+ echo '#!/bin/sh' >> "${T}/${name}" || die
+ echo 'QT_QPA_PLATFORM="wayland;xcb"' >> "${T}/${name}" || die
+ echo "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/$(get_libdir)/$(get_libdir)/$(get_libdir)/ /${M_TARGET}/Executables/${name} \$*" \
+ >> "${T}/${name}" || die
+ dobin "${T}/${name}"
+ done
+ for name in ${M_BINARIES} ; do
+ einfo "Symlinking ${name} to /opt/bin"
+ dosym ../../usr/bin/${name} /opt/bin/${name}
+ done
+ # fix some embedded paths and install desktop files
+ for filename in $(find "${ED}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Installation" -name "wolfram-mathematica*.desktop") ; do
+ einfo "Fixing ${filename}"
+ sed -e "s|${S}||g" -e 's|^\t\t||g' -i "${filename}" || die
+ echo "Categories=Physics;Science;Engineering;2DGraphics;Graphics;" >> "${filename}" || die
+ domenu "${filename}"
+ done
+ # install icons
+ for iconsize in 16 32 64 128 256; do
+ local iconfile="${ED}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/SystemResources/X/App-${iconsize}.png"
+ if [ -e "${iconfile}" ]; then
+ newicon -s "${iconsize}" "${iconfile}" wolfram-mathematica.png
+ fi
+ done
+ # install mime types
+ insinto /usr/share/mime/application
+ for filename in $(find "${ED}/${M_TARGET}/SystemFiles/Installation" -name "application-*.xml"); do
+ basefilename=$(basename "${filename}")
+ mv "${filename}" "${T}/${basefilename#application-}" || die
+ doins "${T}/${basefilename#application-}"
+ done
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ einfo "Please place the Wolfram Mathematica installation file ${SRC_URI}"
+ einfo "in your \$\{DISTDIR\}."
+ einfo "Note that to actually run and use Mathematica you need a valid license."
+ einfo "Wolfram provides time-limited evaluation licenses at ${HOMEPAGE}"