diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /eclass/git-r3.eclass
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass/git-r3.eclass')
1 files changed, 988 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/git-r3.eclass b/eclass/git-r3.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ee70bc4a51a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/git-r3.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# @ECLASS: git-r3.eclass
+# Michał Górny <>
+# @BLURB: Eclass for fetching and unpacking git repositories.
+# Third generation eclass for easing maintenance of live ebuilds using
+# git as remote repository.
+case "${EAPI:-0}" in
+ 0|1|2|3|4|5)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI} (unknown) for ${ECLASS}"
+ ;;
+if [[ ! ${_GIT_R3} ]]; then
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ! ${_GIT_R3} ]]; then
+if [[ ! ${_INHERITED_BY_GIT_2} ]]; then
+ DEPEND=">=dev-vcs/git-"
+# Type of clone that should be used against the remote repository.
+# This can be either of: 'mirror', 'single', 'shallow'.
+# This is intended to be set by user in make.conf. Ebuilds are supposed
+# to set EGIT_MIN_CLONE_TYPE if necessary instead.
+# The 'mirror' type clones all remote branches and tags with complete
+# history and all notes. EGIT_COMMIT can specify any commit hash.
+# Upstream-removed branches and tags are purged from the local clone
+# while fetching. This mode is suitable for cloning the local copy
+# for development or hosting a local git mirror. However, clones
+# of repositories with large diverged branches may quickly grow large.
+# The 'single+tags' type clones the requested branch and all tags
+# in the repository. All notes are fetched as well. EGIT_COMMIT
+# can safely specify hashes throughout the current branch and all tags.
+# No purging of old references is done (if you often switch branches,
+# you may need to remove stale branches yourself). This mode is intended
+# mostly for use with broken git servers such as Google Code that fail
+# to fetch tags along with the branch in 'single' mode.
+# The 'single' type clones only the requested branch or tag. Tags
+# referencing commits throughout the branch history are fetched as well,
+# and all notes. EGIT_COMMIT can safely specify only hashes
+# in the current branch. No purging of old references is done (if you
+# often switch branches, you may need to remove stale branches
+# yourself). This mode is suitable for general use.
+# The 'shallow' type clones only the newest commit on requested branch
+# or tag. EGIT_COMMIT can only specify tags, and since the history is
+# unavailable calls like 'git describe' will not reference prior tags.
+# No purging of old references is done. This mode is intended mostly for
+# embedded systems with limited disk space.
+: ${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE:=single}
+# 'Minimum' clone type supported by the ebuild. Takes same values
+# as EGIT_CLONE_TYPE. When user sets a type that's 'lower' (that is,
+# later on the list) than EGIT_MIN_CLONE_TYPE, the eclass uses
+# This variable is intended to be used by ebuilds only. Users are
+# supposed to set EGIT_CLONE_TYPE instead.
+# A common case is to use 'single' whenever the build system requires
+# access to full branch history, or 'single+tags' when Google Code
+# or a similar remote is used that does not support shallow clones
+# and fetching tags along with commits. Please use sparingly, and to fix
+# fatal errors rather than 'non-pretty versions'.
+: ${EGIT_MIN_CLONE_TYPE:=shallow}
+# Storage directory for git sources.
+# This is intended to be set by user in make.conf. Ebuilds must not set
+# it.
+# EGIT3_STORE_DIR=${DISTDIR}/git3-src
+# 'Top' URI to a local git mirror. If specified, the eclass will try
+# to fetch from the local mirror instead of using the remote repository.
+# The mirror needs to follow EGIT3_STORE_DIR structure. The directory
+# created by eclass can be used for that purpose.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# EGIT_MIRROR_URI="git://mirror.lan/"
+# @CODE
+# URIs to the repository, e.g. git://foo, https://foo. If multiple URIs
+# are provided, the eclass will consider them as fallback URIs to try
+# if the first URI does not work. For supported URI syntaxes, read up
+# the manpage for git-clone(1).
+# It can be overriden via env using ${PN}_LIVE_REPO variable.
+# Can be a whitespace-separated list or an array.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# EGIT_REPO_URI="git://a/b.git https://c/d.git"
+# @CODE
+# If non-empty, this variable prevents any online operations.
+# Set this variable to a custom umask. This is intended to be set by
+# users. By setting this to something like 002, it can make life easier
+# for people who do development as non-root (but are in the portage
+# group), and then switch over to building with FEATURES=userpriv.
+# Or vice-versa. Shouldn't be a security issue here as anyone who has
+# portage group write access already can screw the system over in more
+# creative ways.
+# The branch name to check out. If unset, the upstream default (HEAD)
+# will be used.
+# It can be overriden via env using ${PN}_LIVE_BRANCH variable.
+# The tag name or commit identifier to check out. If unset, newest
+# commit from the branch will be used. If set, EGIT_BRANCH will
+# be ignored.
+# It can be overriden via env using ${PN}_LIVE_COMMIT variable.
+# The directory to check the git sources out to.
+# @FUNCTION: _git-r3_env_setup
+# Set the eclass variables as necessary for operation. This can involve
+# setting EGIT_* to defaults or ${PN}_LIVE_* variables.
+_git-r3_env_setup() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ # check the clone type
+ case "${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE}" in
+ mirror|single+tags|single|shallow)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ esac
+ case "${EGIT_MIN_CLONE_TYPE}" in
+ shallow)
+ ;;
+ single)
+ if [[ ${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE} == shallow ]]; then
+ einfo "git-r3: ebuild needs to be cloned in '\e[1msingle\e[22m' mode, adjusting"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ single+tags)
+ if [[ ${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE} == shallow || ${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE} == single ]]; then
+ einfo "git-r3: ebuild needs to be cloned in '\e[1msingle+tags\e[22m' mode, adjusting"
+ EGIT_CLONE_TYPE=single+tags
+ fi
+ ;;
+ mirror)
+ if [[ ${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE} != mirror ]]; then
+ einfo "git-r3: ebuild needs to be cloned in '\e[1mmirror\e[22m' mode, adjusting"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ esac
+ local esc_pn livevar
+ esc_pn=${PN//[-+]/_}
+ livevar=${esc_pn}_LIVE_REPO
+ EGIT_REPO_URI=${!livevar:-${EGIT_REPO_URI}}
+ [[ ${!livevar} ]] \
+ && ewarn "Using ${livevar}, no support will be provided"
+ livevar=${esc_pn}_LIVE_BRANCH
+ EGIT_BRANCH=${!livevar:-${EGIT_BRANCH}}
+ [[ ${!livevar} ]] \
+ && ewarn "Using ${livevar}, no support will be provided"
+ livevar=${esc_pn}_LIVE_COMMIT
+ EGIT_COMMIT=${!livevar:-${EGIT_COMMIT}}
+ [[ ${!livevar} ]] \
+ && ewarn "Using ${livevar}, no support will be provided"
+ # Migration helpers. Remove them when git-2 is removed.
+ if [[ ${EGIT_SOURCEDIR} ]]; then
+ eerror "EGIT_SOURCEDIR has been replaced by EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR. While updating"
+ eerror "your ebuild, please check whether the variable is necessary at all"
+ eerror "since the default has been changed from \${S} to \${WORKDIR}/\${P}."
+ eerror "Therefore, proper setting of S may be sufficient."
+ die "EGIT_SOURCEDIR has been replaced by EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR."
+ fi
+ if [[ ${EGIT_MASTER} ]]; then
+ eerror "EGIT_MASTER has been removed. Instead, the upstream default (HEAD)"
+ eerror "is used by the eclass. Please remove the assignment or use EGIT_BRANCH"
+ eerror "as necessary."
+ die "EGIT_MASTER has been removed."
+ fi
+ if [[ ${EGIT_HAS_SUBMODULES} ]]; then
+ eerror "EGIT_HAS_SUBMODULES has been removed. The eclass no longer needs"
+ eerror "to switch the clone type in order to support submodules and therefore"
+ eerror "submodules are detected and fetched automatically."
+ die "EGIT_HAS_SUBMODULES is no longer necessary."
+ fi
+ if [[ ${EGIT_PROJECT} ]]; then
+ eerror "EGIT_PROJECT has been removed. Instead, the eclass determines"
+ eerror "the local clone path using path in canonical EGIT_REPO_URI."
+ eerror "If the current algorithm causes issues for you, please report a bug."
+ die "EGIT_PROJECT is no longer necessary."
+ fi
+ if [[ ${EGIT_BOOTSTRAP} ]]; then
+ eerror "EGIT_BOOTSTRAP has been removed. Please create proper src_prepare()"
+ eerror "instead."
+ die "EGIT_BOOTSTRAP has been removed."
+ fi
+ if [[ ${EGIT_NOUNPACK} ]]; then
+ eerror "EGIT_NOUNPACK has been removed. The eclass no longer calls default"
+ eerror "unpack function. If necessary, please declare proper src_unpack()."
+ die "EGIT_NOUNPACK has been removed."
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: _git-r3_set_gitdir
+# @USAGE: <repo-uri>
+# Obtain the local repository path and set it as GIT_DIR. Creates
+# a new repository if necessary.
+# <repo-uri> may be used to compose the path. It should therefore be
+# a canonical URI to the repository.
+_git-r3_set_gitdir() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local repo_name=${1#*://*/}
+ # strip the trailing slash
+ repo_name=${repo_name%/}
+ # strip common prefixes to make paths more likely to match
+ # e.g. git://X/Y.git vs https://X/git/Y.git
+ # (but just one of the prefixes)
+ case "${repo_name}" in
+ # who else?
+ browse/*) repo_name=${repo_name#browse/};;
+ # cgit can proxy requests to git
+ cgit/*) repo_name=${repo_name#cgit/};;
+ # pretty common
+ git/*) repo_name=${repo_name#git/};;
+ #
+ gitroot/*) repo_name=${repo_name#gitroot/};;
+ # google code, sourceforge
+ p/*) repo_name=${repo_name#p/};;
+ #
+ pub/scm/*) repo_name=${repo_name#pub/scm/};;
+ esac
+ # ensure a .git suffix, same reason
+ repo_name=${repo_name%.git}.git
+ # now replace all the slashes
+ repo_name=${repo_name//\//_}
+ : ${EGIT3_STORE_DIR:=${distdir}/git3-src}
+ GIT_DIR=${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}/${repo_name}
+ if [[ ! -d ${EGIT3_STORE_DIR} ]]; then
+ (
+ addwrite /
+ mkdir -p "${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}" || die
+ ) || die "Unable to create ${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}"
+ fi
+ addwrite "${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}"
+ if [[ ! -d ${GIT_DIR} ]]; then
+ local saved_umask
+ if [[ ${EVCS_UMASK} ]]; then
+ saved_umask=$(umask)
+ umask "${EVCS_UMASK}" || die "Bad options to umask: ${EVCS_UMASK}"
+ fi
+ mkdir "${GIT_DIR}" || die
+ git init --bare || die
+ if [[ ${saved_umask} ]]; then
+ umask "${saved_umask}" || die
+ fi
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: _git-r3_set_submodules
+# @USAGE: <file-contents>
+# Parse .gitmodules contents passed as <file-contents>
+# as in "$(cat .gitmodules)"). Composes a 'submodules' array that
+# contains in order (name, URL, path) for each submodule.
+_git-r3_set_submodules() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local data=${1}
+ # ( name url path ... )
+ submodules=()
+ local l
+ while read l; do
+ # submodule.<path>.path=<path>
+ # submodule.<path>.url=<url>
+ [[ ${l} == submodule.*.url=* ]] || continue
+ l=${l#submodule.}
+ local subname=${l%%.url=*}
+ # skip modules that have 'update = none', bug #487262.
+ local upd=$(echo "${data}" | git config -f /dev/fd/0 \
+ submodule."${subname}".update)
+ [[ ${upd} == none ]] && continue
+ submodules+=(
+ "${subname}"
+ "$(echo "${data}" | git config -f /dev/fd/0 \
+ submodule."${subname}".url || die)"
+ "$(echo "${data}" | git config -f /dev/fd/0 \
+ submodule."${subname}".path || die)"
+ )
+ done < <(echo "${data}" | git config -f /dev/fd/0 -l || die)
+# @FUNCTION: _git-r3_set_subrepos
+# @USAGE: <submodule-uri> <parent-repo-uri>...
+# Create 'subrepos' array containing absolute (canonical) submodule URIs
+# for the given <submodule-uri>. If the URI is relative, URIs will be
+# constructed using all <parent-repo-uri>s. Otherwise, this single URI
+# will be placed in the array.
+_git-r3_set_subrepos() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local suburl=${1}
+ subrepos=( "${@:2}" )
+ if [[ ${suburl} == ./* || ${suburl} == ../* ]]; then
+ # drop all possible trailing slashes for consistency
+ subrepos=( "${subrepos[@]%%/}" )
+ while true; do
+ if [[ ${suburl} == ./* ]]; then
+ suburl=${suburl:2}
+ elif [[ ${suburl} == ../* ]]; then
+ suburl=${suburl:3}
+ # XXX: correctness checking
+ # drop the last path component
+ subrepos=( "${subrepos[@]%/*}" )
+ # and then the trailing slashes, again
+ subrepos=( "${subrepos[@]%%/}" )
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # append the preprocessed path to the preprocessed URIs
+ subrepos=( "${subrepos[@]/%//${suburl}}")
+ else
+ subrepos=( "${suburl}" )
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: _git-r3_is_local_repo
+# @USAGE: <repo-uri>
+# Determine whether the given URI specifies a local (on-disk)
+# repository.
+_git-r3_is_local_repo() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local uri=${1}
+ [[ ${uri} == file://* || ${uri} == /* ]]
+# @FUNCTION: _git-r3_find_head
+# @USAGE: <head-ref>
+# Given a ref to which remote HEAD was fetched, try to find
+# a branch matching the commit. Expects 'git show-ref'
+# or 'git ls-remote' output on stdin.
+_git-r3_find_head() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local head_ref=${1}
+ local head_hash=$(git rev-parse --verify "${1}" || die)
+ local matching_ref
+ # TODO: some transports support peeking at symbolic remote refs
+ # find a way to use that rather than guessing
+ # (based on guess_remote_head() in git-1.9.0/remote.c)
+ local h ref
+ while read h ref; do
+ # look for matching head
+ if [[ ${h} == ${head_hash} ]]; then
+ # either take the first matching ref, or master if it is there
+ if [[ ! ${matching_ref} || ${ref} == refs/heads/master ]]; then
+ matching_ref=${ref}
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ! ${matching_ref} ]]; then
+ die "Unable to find a matching branch for remote HEAD (${head_hash})"
+ fi
+ echo "${matching_ref}"
+# @FUNCTION: git-r3_fetch
+# @USAGE: [<repo-uri> [<remote-ref> [<local-id>]]]
+# Fetch new commits to the local clone of repository.
+# <repo-uri> specifies the repository URIs to fetch from, as a space-
+# -separated list. The first URI will be used as repository group
+# identifier and therefore must be used consistently. When not
+# specified, defaults to ${EGIT_REPO_URI}.
+# <remote-ref> specifies the remote ref or commit id to fetch.
+# It is preferred to use 'refs/heads/<branch-name>' for branches
+# and 'refs/tags/<tag-name>' for tags. Other options are 'HEAD'
+# for upstream default branch and hexadecimal commit SHA1. Defaults
+# to the first of EGIT_COMMIT, EGIT_BRANCH or literal 'HEAD' that
+# is set to a non-null value.
+# <local-id> specifies the local branch identifier that will be used to
+# locally store the fetch result. It should be unique to multiple
+# fetches within the repository that can be performed at the same time
+# (including parallel merges). It defaults to ${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${SLOT%/*}.
+# This default should be fine unless you are fetching multiple trees
+# from the same repository in the same ebuild.
+# The fetch operation will affect the EGIT_STORE only. It will not touch
+# the working copy, nor export any environment variables.
+# If the repository contains submodules, they will be fetched
+# recursively.
+git-r3_fetch() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ [[ ${EVCS_OFFLINE} ]] && return
+ local repos
+ if [[ ${1} ]]; then
+ repos=( ${1} )
+ elif [[ $(declare -p EGIT_REPO_URI) == "declare -a"* ]]; then
+ repos=( "${EGIT_REPO_URI[@]}" )
+ else
+ repos=( ${EGIT_REPO_URI} )
+ fi
+ local branch=${EGIT_BRANCH:+refs/heads/${EGIT_BRANCH}}
+ local remote_ref=${2:-${EGIT_COMMIT:-${branch:-HEAD}}}
+ local local_id=${3:-${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${SLOT%/*}}
+ local local_ref=refs/git-r3/${local_id}/__main__
+ [[ ${repos[@]} ]] || die "No URI provided and EGIT_REPO_URI unset"
+ local -x GIT_DIR
+ _git-r3_set_gitdir "${repos[0]}"
+ # prepend the local mirror if applicable
+ if [[ ${EGIT_MIRROR_URI} ]]; then
+ repos=(
+ "${EGIT_MIRROR_URI%/}/${GIT_DIR##*/}"
+ "${repos[@]}"
+ )
+ fi
+ # try to fetch from the remote
+ local r success saved_umask
+ if [[ ${EVCS_UMASK} ]]; then
+ saved_umask=$(umask)
+ umask "${EVCS_UMASK}" || die "Bad options to umask: ${EVCS_UMASK}"
+ fi
+ for r in "${repos[@]}"; do
+ einfo "Fetching \e[1m${r}\e[22m ..."
+ local fetch_command=( git fetch "${r}" )
+ local clone_type=${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE}
+ if [[ ${r} == https://* ]] && ! ROOT=/ has_version 'dev-vcs/git[curl]'; then
+ eerror "git-r3: fetching from https:// requested. In order to support https,"
+ eerror "dev-vcs/git needs to be built with USE=curl. Example solution:"
+ eerror
+ eerror " echo dev-vcs/git curl >> /etc/portage/package.use"
+ eerror " emerge -1v dev-vcs/git"
+ die "dev-vcs/git built with USE=curl required."
+ fi
+ if [[ ${r} ==* ]]; then
+ # Google Code has special magic on top of git that:
+ # 1) can't handle shallow clones at all,
+ # 2) fetches duplicately when tags are pulled in with branch
+ # so automatically switch to single+tags mode.
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == shallow ]]; then
+ einfo " Google Code does not support shallow clones"
+ einfo " using \e[1mEGIT_CLONE_TYPE=single+tags\e[22m"
+ clone_type=single+tags
+ elif [[ ${clone_type} == single ]]; then
+ einfo " git-r3: Google Code does not send tags properly in 'single' mode"
+ einfo " using \e[1mEGIT_CLONE_TYPE=single+tags\e[22m"
+ clone_type=single+tags
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == mirror ]]; then
+ fetch_command+=(
+ --prune
+ # mirror the remote branches as local branches
+ "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
+ # pull tags explicitly in order to prune them properly
+ "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
+ # notes in case something needs them
+ "+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*"
+ # and HEAD in case we need the default branch
+ # (we keep it in refs/git-r3 since otherwise --prune interferes)
+ "+HEAD:refs/git-r3/HEAD"
+ )
+ else # single or shallow
+ local fetch_l fetch_r
+ if [[ ${remote_ref} == HEAD ]]; then
+ # HEAD
+ fetch_l=HEAD
+ elif [[ ${remote_ref} == refs/heads/* ]]; then
+ # regular branch
+ fetch_l=${remote_ref}
+ else
+ # tag or commit...
+ # let ls-remote figure it out
+ local tagref=$(git ls-remote "${r}" "refs/tags/${remote_ref}")
+ # if it was a tag, ls-remote obtained a hash
+ if [[ ${tagref} ]]; then
+ # tag
+ fetch_l=refs/tags/${remote_ref}
+ else
+ # commit
+ # so we need to fetch the branch
+ if [[ ${branch} ]]; then
+ fetch_l=${branch}
+ else
+ fetch_l=HEAD
+ fi
+ # fetching by commit in shallow mode? can't do.
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == shallow ]]; then
+ clone_type=single
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${fetch_l} == HEAD ]]; then
+ fetch_r=refs/git-r3/HEAD
+ else
+ fetch_r=${fetch_l}
+ fi
+ fetch_command+=(
+ "+${fetch_l}:${fetch_r}"
+ )
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == single+tags ]]; then
+ fetch_command+=(
+ # pull tags explicitly as requested
+ "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
+ )
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == shallow ]]; then
+ if _git-r3_is_local_repo; then
+ # '--depth 1' causes sandbox violations with local repos
+ # bug #491260
+ clone_type=single
+ elif [[ ! $(git rev-parse --quiet --verify "${fetch_r}") ]]
+ then
+ # use '--depth 1' when fetching a new branch
+ fetch_command+=( --depth 1 )
+ fi
+ else # non-shallow mode
+ if [[ -f ${GIT_DIR}/shallow ]]; then
+ fetch_command+=( --unshallow )
+ fi
+ fi
+ set -- "${fetch_command[@]}"
+ echo "${@}" >&2
+ if "${@}"; then
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == mirror ]]; then
+ # find remote HEAD and update our HEAD properly
+ git symbolic-ref HEAD \
+ "$(_git-r3_find_head refs/git-r3/HEAD \
+ < <(git show-ref --heads || die))" \
+ || die "Unable to update HEAD"
+ else # single or shallow
+ if [[ ${fetch_l} == HEAD ]]; then
+ # find out what branch we fetched as HEAD
+ local head_branch=$(_git-r3_find_head \
+ refs/git-r3/HEAD \
+ < <(git ls-remote --heads "${r}" || die))
+ # and move it to its regular place
+ git update-ref --no-deref "${head_branch}" \
+ refs/git-r3/HEAD \
+ || die "Unable to sync HEAD branch ${head_branch}"
+ git symbolic-ref HEAD "${head_branch}" \
+ || die "Unable to update HEAD"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # now let's see what the user wants from us
+ local full_remote_ref=$(
+ git rev-parse --verify --symbolic-full-name "${remote_ref}"
+ )
+ if [[ ${full_remote_ref} ]]; then
+ # when we are given a ref, create a symbolic ref
+ # so that we preserve the actual argument
+ set -- git symbolic-ref "${local_ref}" "${full_remote_ref}"
+ else
+ # otherwise, we were likely given a commit id
+ set -- git update-ref --no-deref "${local_ref}" "${remote_ref}"
+ fi
+ echo "${@}" >&2
+ if ! "${@}"; then
+ die "Referencing ${remote_ref} failed (wrong ref?)."
+ fi
+ success=1
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ${saved_umask} ]]; then
+ umask "${saved_umask}" || die
+ fi
+ [[ ${success} ]] || die "Unable to fetch from any of EGIT_REPO_URI"
+ # submodules can reference commits in any branch
+ # always use the 'clone' mode to accomodate that, bug #503332
+ local EGIT_CLONE_TYPE=mirror
+ # recursively fetch submodules
+ if git cat-file -e "${local_ref}":.gitmodules &>/dev/null; then
+ local submodules
+ _git-r3_set_submodules \
+ "$(git cat-file -p "${local_ref}":.gitmodules || die)"
+ while [[ ${submodules[@]} ]]; do
+ local subname=${submodules[0]}
+ local url=${submodules[1]}
+ local path=${submodules[2]}
+ # use only submodules for which path does exist
+ # (this is in par with 'git submodule'), bug #551100
+ # note: git cat-file does not work for submodules
+ if [[ $(git ls-tree -d "${local_ref}" "${path}") ]]
+ then
+ local commit=$(git rev-parse "${local_ref}:${path}" || die)
+ if [[ ! ${commit} ]]; then
+ die "Unable to get commit id for submodule ${subname}"
+ fi
+ local subrepos
+ _git-r3_set_subrepos "${url}" "${repos[@]}"
+ git-r3_fetch "${subrepos[*]}" "${commit}" "${local_id}/${subname}"
+ fi
+ submodules=( "${submodules[@]:3}" ) # shift
+ done
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: git-r3_checkout
+# @USAGE: [<repo-uri> [<checkout-path> [<local-id>]]]
+# Check the previously fetched tree to the working copy.
+# <repo-uri> specifies the repository URIs, as a space-separated list.
+# The first URI will be used as repository group identifier
+# and therefore must be used consistently with git-r3_fetch.
+# The remaining URIs are not used and therefore may be omitted.
+# When not specified, defaults to ${EGIT_REPO_URI}.
+# <checkout-path> specifies the path to place the checkout. It defaults
+# to ${EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR} if set, otherwise to ${WORKDIR}/${P}.
+# <local-id> needs to specify the local identifier that was used
+# for respective git-r3_fetch.
+# The checkout operation will write to the working copy, and export
+# the repository state into the environment. If the repository contains
+# submodules, they will be checked out recursively.
+git-r3_checkout() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local repos
+ if [[ ${1} ]]; then
+ repos=( ${1} )
+ elif [[ $(declare -p EGIT_REPO_URI) == "declare -a"* ]]; then
+ repos=( "${EGIT_REPO_URI[@]}" )
+ else
+ repos=( ${EGIT_REPO_URI} )
+ fi
+ local out_dir=${2:-${EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR:-${WORKDIR}/${P}}}
+ local local_id=${3:-${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${SLOT%/*}}
+ local -x GIT_DIR
+ _git-r3_set_gitdir "${repos[0]}"
+ einfo "Checking out \e[1m${repos[0]}\e[22m to \e[1m${out_dir}\e[22m ..."
+ if ! git cat-file -e refs/git-r3/"${local_id}"/__main__; then
+ if [[ ${EVCS_OFFLINE} ]]; then
+ die "No local clone of ${repos[0]}. Unable to work with EVCS_OFFLINE."
+ else
+ die "Logic error: no local clone of ${repos[0]}. git-r3_fetch not used?"
+ fi
+ fi
+ local remote_ref=$(
+ git symbolic-ref --quiet refs/git-r3/"${local_id}"/__main__
+ )
+ local new_commit_id=$(
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/git-r3/"${local_id}"/__main__
+ )
+ git-r3_sub_checkout() {
+ local orig_repo=${GIT_DIR}
+ local -x GIT_DIR=${out_dir}/.git
+ local -x GIT_WORK_TREE=${out_dir}
+ mkdir -p "${out_dir}" || die
+ # use git init+fetch instead of clone since the latter doesn't like
+ # non-empty directories.
+ git init --quiet || die
+ # setup 'alternates' to avoid copying objects
+ echo "${orig_repo}/objects" > "${GIT_DIR}"/objects/info/alternates || die
+ # now copy the refs
+ # [htn]* safely catches heads, tags, notes without complaining
+ # on non-existing ones, and omits internal 'git-r3' ref
+ cp -R "${orig_repo}"/refs/[htn]* "${GIT_DIR}"/refs/ || die
+ # (no need to copy HEAD, we will set it via checkout)
+ if [[ -f ${orig_repo}/shallow ]]; then
+ cp "${orig_repo}"/shallow "${GIT_DIR}"/ || die
+ fi
+ set -- git checkout --quiet
+ if [[ ${remote_ref} ]]; then
+ set -- "${@}" "${remote_ref#refs/heads/}"
+ else
+ set -- "${@}" "${new_commit_id}"
+ fi
+ echo "${@}" >&2
+ "${@}" || die "git checkout ${remote_ref:-${new_commit_id}} failed"
+ }
+ git-r3_sub_checkout
+ local old_commit_id=$(
+ git rev-parse --quiet --verify refs/git-r3/"${local_id}"/__old__
+ )
+ if [[ ! ${old_commit_id} ]]; then
+ echo "GIT NEW branch -->"
+ echo " repository: ${repos[0]}"
+ echo " at the commit: ${new_commit_id}"
+ else
+ # diff against previous revision
+ echo "GIT update -->"
+ echo " repository: ${repos[0]}"
+ # write out message based on the revisions
+ if [[ "${old_commit_id}" != "${new_commit_id}" ]]; then
+ echo " updating from commit: ${old_commit_id}"
+ echo " to commit: ${new_commit_id}"
+ git --no-pager diff --stat \
+ ${old_commit_id}..${new_commit_id}
+ else
+ echo " at the commit: ${new_commit_id}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ git update-ref --no-deref refs/git-r3/"${local_id}"/{__old__,__main__} || die
+ # recursively checkout submodules
+ if [[ -f ${out_dir}/.gitmodules ]]; then
+ local submodules
+ _git-r3_set_submodules \
+ "$(<"${out_dir}"/.gitmodules)"
+ while [[ ${submodules[@]} ]]; do
+ local subname=${submodules[0]}
+ local url=${submodules[1]}
+ local path=${submodules[2]}
+ # use only submodules for which path does exist
+ # (this is in par with 'git submodule'), bug #551100
+ if [[ -d ${out_dir}/${path} ]]; then
+ local subrepos
+ _git-r3_set_subrepos "${url}" "${repos[@]}"
+ git-r3_checkout "${subrepos[*]}" "${out_dir}/${path}" \
+ "${local_id}/${subname}"
+ fi
+ submodules=( "${submodules[@]:3}" ) # shift
+ done
+ fi
+ # keep this *after* submodules
+ export EGIT_DIR=${GIT_DIR}
+ export EGIT_VERSION=${new_commit_id}
+# @FUNCTION: git-r3_peek_remote_ref
+# @USAGE: [<repo-uri> [<remote-ref>]]
+# Peek the reference in the remote repository and print the matching
+# (newest) commit SHA1.
+# <repo-uri> specifies the repository URIs to fetch from, as a space-
+# -separated list. When not specified, defaults to ${EGIT_REPO_URI}.
+# <remote-ref> specifies the remote ref to peek. It is preferred to use
+# 'refs/heads/<branch-name>' for branches and 'refs/tags/<tag-name>'
+# for tags. Alternatively, 'HEAD' may be used for upstream default
+# branch. Defaults to the first of EGIT_COMMIT, EGIT_BRANCH or literal
+# 'HEAD' that is set to a non-null value.
+# The operation will be done purely on the remote, without using local
+# storage. If commit SHA1 is provided as <remote-ref>, the function will
+# fail due to limitations of git protocol.
+# On success, the function returns 0 and writes hexadecimal commit SHA1
+# to stdout. On failure, the function returns 1.
+git-r3_peek_remote_ref() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local repos
+ if [[ ${1} ]]; then
+ repos=( ${1} )
+ elif [[ $(declare -p EGIT_REPO_URI) == "declare -a"* ]]; then
+ repos=( "${EGIT_REPO_URI[@]}" )
+ else
+ repos=( ${EGIT_REPO_URI} )
+ fi
+ local branch=${EGIT_BRANCH:+refs/heads/${EGIT_BRANCH}}
+ local remote_ref=${2:-${EGIT_COMMIT:-${branch:-HEAD}}}
+ [[ ${repos[@]} ]] || die "No URI provided and EGIT_REPO_URI unset"
+ local r success
+ for r in "${repos[@]}"; do
+ einfo "Peeking \e[1m${remote_ref}\e[22m on \e[1m${r}\e[22m ..." >&2
+ local is_branch lookup_ref
+ if [[ ${remote_ref} == refs/heads/* || ${remote_ref} == HEAD ]]
+ then
+ is_branch=1
+ lookup_ref=${remote_ref}
+ else
+ # ls-remote by commit is going to fail anyway,
+ # so we may as well pass refs/tags/ABCDEF...
+ lookup_ref=refs/tags/${remote_ref}
+ fi
+ # split on whitespace
+ local ref=(
+ $(git ls-remote "${r}" "${lookup_ref}")
+ )
+ if [[ ${ref[0]} ]]; then
+ echo "${ref[0]}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+git-r3_src_fetch() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ if [[ ! ${EGIT3_STORE_DIR} && ${EGIT_STORE_DIR} ]]; then
+ ewarn "You have set EGIT_STORE_DIR but not EGIT3_STORE_DIR. Please consider"
+ ewarn "setting EGIT3_STORE_DIR for git-r3.eclass. It is recommended to use"
+ ewarn "a different directory than EGIT_STORE_DIR to ease removing old clones"
+ ewarn "when git-2 eclass becomes deprecated."
+ fi
+ _git-r3_env_setup
+ git-r3_fetch
+git-r3_src_unpack() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ _git-r3_env_setup
+ git-r3_src_fetch
+ git-r3_checkout
+git-r3_pkg_needrebuild() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local new_commit_id=$(git-r3_peek_remote_ref)
+ [[ ${new_commit_id} && ${EGIT_VERSION} ]] || die "Lookup failed"
+ if [[ ${EGIT_VERSION} != ${new_commit_id} ]]; then
+ einfo "Update from \e[1m${EGIT_VERSION}\e[22m to \e[1m${new_commit_id}\e[22m"
+ else
+ einfo "Local and remote at \e[1m${EGIT_VERSION}\e[22m"
+ fi
+ [[ ${EGIT_VERSION} != ${new_commit_id} ]]
+# 'export' locally until this gets into EAPI
+pkg_needrebuild() { git-r3_pkg_needrebuild; }