diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-scripts/net.modules.d/')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-scripts/net.modules.d/ b/net-scripts/net.modules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97caf6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-scripts/net.modules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# void pppd_depend(void)
+# Sets up the dependancies for the module
+pppd_depend() {
+ after interface
+ before dhcp
+ provide ppp
+# bool pppd_check_installed(void)
+# Returns 1 if pppd is installed, otherwise 0
+pppd_check_installed() {
+ if [[ ! -x /usr/sbin/pppd ]] ; then
+ ${1:-false} && eerror "For PPP support, emerge net-dialup/ppp"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+# char *pppd_regex_escape(char *string)
+# Returns the supplied string with any special regex
+# characters escaped so they don't provide regex intructions
+# This may be a candidate for adding to /sbin/ or
+# net-scripts functions at some point
+pppd_regex_escape() {
+ local escaped_result="$*"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//\\/\\\\}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//./\\.}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//+/\\+}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//(/\\(}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//)/\\)}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//[/\\[}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//]/\\]}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//\{/\\\{}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//\}/\\\}}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//\?/\\\?}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//\*/\\\*}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//\//\\/}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//|/\\|}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//&/\\&}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//~/\\~}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//^/\\^}"
+ escaped_result="${escaped_result//$/\\$}"
+ echo "${escaped_result}"
+# bool pppd_update_secrets_file(char* filepath, char* username, \
+# char* remotename, char* password)
+# Add/update PAP/CHAP authentication information
+pppd_update_secrets_file() {
+ local filepath="$1" username="$2" remotename="$3" password="$4"
+ if [[ ! -s ${filepath} ]] ; then
+ echo '#'client$'\t'server$'\t'secret$'\t'IP addresses > "${filepath}" \
+ && chmod 0600 "${filepath}" \
+ || return 1
+ fi
+ #escape username and remotename, used in following sed calls
+ local regex_username="$(pppd_regex_escape "${username}")"
+ local regex_remotename="$(pppd_regex_escape "${remotename}")"
+ local regex_password
+ local regex_filter="[ \t]*\"?${regex_username}\"?[ \t]*\"?${regex_remotename}\"?[ \t]*"
+ #read old password, including " chars
+ #for being able to distinct when we need to add or update auth info
+ local old_password="$(
+ sed -r -e "/^${regex_filter}\".*\"[ \t]*\$/\
+ {s/^${regex_filter}(\".*\")[ \t]*\$/\1/;q;};\
+ d;" \
+ "${filepath}"
+ )"
+ if [[ -z "${old_password}" ]] ; then
+ regex_username="${username//\\/\\\\}"
+ regex_remotename="${remotename//\\/\\\\}"
+ regex_password="${password//\\/\\\\}"
+ regex_password=${password//"/\\\\"}
+ sed -r -i -e "\$a\"${regex_username}\" ${regex_remotename} \"${regex_password}\"" ${filepath}
+ vewarn "Authentication info has been added to ${filepath}"
+ elif [[ "\"${password//\"/\\\"}\"" != "${old_password}" ]] ; then
+ regex_password="${password//\\/\\\\}"
+ regex_password="${regex_password//\//\\/}"
+ regex_password="${regex_password//&/\\&}"
+ regex_password=${regex_password//\"/\\\\\"}
+ sed -r -i -e "s/^(${regex_filter}\").*(\"[ \t]*)\$/\1${regex_password}\2/" ${filepath}
+ vewarn "Authentication info has been updated in ${filepath}"
+ fi
+ return 0
+# bool pppd_start(char *iface)
+# Start PPP on an interface by calling pppd
+# Returns 0 (true) when successful, otherwise 1
+pppd_start() {
+ ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
+ local iface="$1" ifvar="$(bash_variable "$1")" opts="" link
+ if [[ ${iface%%[0-9]*} != "ppp" ]] ; then
+ eerror "PPP can only be invoked from net.ppp[0-9]"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local unit="${iface#ppp}"
+ if [[ -z ${unit} ]] ; then
+ eerror "PPP requires a unit - use net.ppp[0-9] instead of net.ppp"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # PPP requires a link to communicate over - normally a serial port
+ # PPPoE communicates over Ethernet
+ # PPPoA communicates over ATM
+ # In all cases, the link needs to be available before we start PPP
+ link="link_${ifvar}"
+ if [[ -z ${!link} ]] ; then
+ eerror "${link} has not been set in /etc/conf.d/net"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Might or might not be set in conf.d/net
+ local user password i
+ username="username_${ifvar}"
+ password="password_${ifvar}"
+ #Add/update info in PAP/CHAP secrets files
+ if [[ -n ${!username} && -n ${!password} ]] ; then
+ for i in chap pap ; do
+ if ! pppd_update_secrets_file "/etc/ppp/${i}-secrets" \
+ "${!username}" "${iface}" "${!password}" ; then
+ eerror "Failed to update /etc/ppp/${i}-secrets"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Load any commandline options
+ opts="pppd_${ifvar}[@]"
+ opts="${!opts}"
+ # We don't work with these options set by the user
+ for i in unit nodetach linkname ; do
+ if [[ " ${opts} " == *" ${i} "* ]] ; then
+ eerror "The option \"${i}\" is not allowed in pppd_${ifvar}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+ # Check for mtu/mru
+ local mtu="mtu_${ifvar}"
+ if [[ -n ${!mtu} ]] ; then
+ [[ " ${opts} " != *" mtu "* ]] && opts="${opts} mtu ${!mtu}"
+ [[ " ${opts} " != *" mru "* ]] && opts="${opts} mru ${!mtu}"
+ fi
+ # Set linkname because we need /var/run/ppp-${linkname}.pid
+ # This pidfile has the advantage of being there, even if ${iface} interface was never started
+ opts="linkname ${iface} ${opts}"
+ # Setup auth info
+ [[ -n ${!username} ]] && opts="user '"${!username}"' ${opts}"
+ opts="remotename ${iface} ${opts}"
+ # Load a custom interface configuration file if it exists
+ [[ -f "/etc/ppp/options.${iface}" ]] \
+ && opts="${opts} file /etc/ppp/options.${iface}"
+ # Set unit
+ opts="unit ${unit} ${opts}"
+ # Default maxfail to 0 unless specified
+ [[ " ${opts} " != *" maxfail "* ]] && opts="${opts} maxfail 0"
+ # Append persist
+ [[ " ${opts} " != *" persist "* ]] && opts="${opts} persist"
+ # Setup connect script
+ local chat="chat_${ifvar}[@]"
+ if [[ -n "${!chat}" ]] ; then
+ local chatopts="/usr/sbin/chat -e -E -v"
+ local -a phone_number="phone_number_${ifvar}[@]"
+ phone_number=( "${!phone_number}" )
+ if [[ ${#phone_number[@]} -ge 1 ]] ; then
+ chatopts="${chatopts} -T '${phone_number[0]}'"
+ if [[ ${#phone_number[@]} -ge 2 ]] ; then
+ chatopts="${chatopts} -U '${phone_number[1]}'"
+ fi
+ fi
+ opts="${opts} connect $(requote "${chatopts} $(requote "${!chat}")")"
+ fi
+ # Add plugins
+ local plugins="plugins_${ifvar}[@]"
+ for i in "${!plugins}" ; do
+ local -a plugin=( ${i} )
+ # Bound to be some users who do this
+ [[ ${plugin[0]} == "pppoe" ]] && plugin[0]="rp-pppoe"
+ [[ ${plugin[0]} == "pppoa" ]] && plugin[0]="pppoatm"
+ [[ ${plugin[0]} == "capi" ]] && plugin[0]="capiplugin"
+ [[ ${plugin[0]} == "rp-pppoe" ]] && opts="${opts} connect true"
+ opts="${opts} plugin ${plugin[0]}.so ${plugin[@]:1}"
+ [[ ${plugin[0]} == "rp-pppoe" ]] && opts="${opts} ${!link}"
+ done
+ #Specialized stuff. Insert here actions particular to connection type (pppoe,pppoa,capi)
+ local insert_link_in_opts=1
+ if [[ " ${opts} " == *" plugin "* ]] ; then
+ if [[ ! -e /proc/net/pppoe ]] ; then
+ # Load the PPPoE kernel module
+ if ! modprobe pppoe ; then
+ eerror "kernel does not support PPPoE"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Ensure that the link exists and is up
+ interface_exists "${!link}" true || return 1
+ interface_up "${!link}"
+ insert_link_in_opts=0
+ fi
+ if [[ " ${opts} " == *" plugin "* ]] ; then
+ if [[ ! -d /proc/net/atm ]] ; then
+ # Load the PPPoA kernel module
+ if ! modprobe pppoatm ; then
+ eerror "kernel does not support PPPoATM"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ [[ ${insert_link_in_opts} -eq 0 ]] || opts="${!link} ${opts}"
+ ebegin "Running pppd"
+ mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
+ eval start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/pppd \
+ --pidfile "/var/run/ppp-${iface}.pid" -- "${opts}" >/dev/null
+ if [[ $? != "0" ]] ; then
+ eend $? "Failed to start PPP"
+ mark_service_starting "net.${iface}"
+ return $?
+ fi
+ if [[ " ${opts} " == *" updetach "* ]] ; then
+ local addr="$(interface_get_address "${iface}")"
+ einfo "${iface} received address ${addr}"
+ else
+ einfo "Backgrounding ..."
+ fi
+ # pppd will re-call us when we bring the interface up
+ exit 0
+# bool pppd_stop(char *iface)
+# Stop PPP link by killing the associated pppd process
+# Returns 0 (true) if no process to kill or it terminates successfully,
+# otherwise non-zero (false)
+pppd_stop() {
+ ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
+ local iface="$1" pidfile="/var/run/ppp-$"
+ [[ ! -s ${pidfile} ]] && return 0
+ einfo "Stopping pppd on ${iface}"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /usr/sbin/pppd --pidfile "${pidfile}"
+ eend $?
+# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 :