diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc/zaptel/zaptel-1.2.2.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/zaptel/zaptel-1.2.2.ebuild b/net-misc/zaptel/zaptel-1.2.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 206f582..0000000
--- a/net-misc/zaptel/zaptel-1.2.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/zaptel/zaptel-1.2.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/12/16 20:49:44 stkn Exp $
-inherit toolchain-funcs eutils linux-mod
-## TODO:
-# - bristuff (waiting for next upstream release...)
-# - cleanup (work-in-progress)
-# - testing of new features (zapras / -net)
-IUSE="bri devfs26 ecmark ecmark2 ecmark3 ecaggressive eckb1 ecmg2 ecsteve ecsteve2 florz rtc ukcid watchdog zapras zapnet"
-DESCRIPTION="Drivers for Digium and ZapataTelephony cards"
- bri? (${BRI_VERSION}.tar.gz )
- florz? (${FLORZ_VERSION}.diff.gz )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
- virtual/linux-sources
- >=dev-libs/newt-0.50.0"
-# list of echo canceller use flags,
-# first active in this list is selected (=order does matter)
-ZAP_EC_FLAGS="ecmark ecmark2 ecmark3 ecsteve ecsteve2 eckb1 ecmg2"
-### Begin: Helper functions
-select_echo_cancel() {
- local myEC=""
- for x in ${ZAP_EC_FLAGS}; do
- if use $x; then
- myEC=$(echo "$x" | sed -e "s:^ec::" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
- break;
- fi
- done
- echo ${myEC}
-zconfig_disable() {
- if grep -q "${1}" ${S}/zconfig.h; then
- # match a little more than ${1} so we can use zconfig_disable
- # to disable all echo cancellers in zconfig.h w/o calling it several times
- sed -i -e "s:^[ \t]*#define[ \t]\+\(${1}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\).*:#undef \1:" \
- ${S}/zconfig.h
- fi
- return $?
-zconfig_enable() {
- if grep -q "${1}" ${S}/zconfig.h; then
- sed -i -e "s:^/\*[ \t]*#define[ \t]\+\(${1}\).*:#define \1:" \
- -e "s:^[ \t]*#undef[ \t]\+\(${1}\).*:#define \1:" \
- ${S}/zconfig.h
- fi
- return $?
-### End: Helper functions
-pkg_setup() {
- local result=0 numec=0
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
- einfo "Running pre-flight checks..."
- # basic zaptel checks
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present CRC_CCITT; then
- echo
- eerror "Your kernel lacks CRC_CCIT support!"
- eerror "Enable CONFIG_CRC_CCIT!"
- result=$((result+1))
- fi
- # check if multiple echo cancellers have been selected
- for x in ${ZAP_EC_FLAGS}; do
- use $x && numec=$((numec+1))
- done
- if [[ $numec -gt 1 ]]; then
- # multiple flags are active, only the first in the ZAP_EC_FLAGS list
- # will be used, make sure the user knows about this
- echo
- ewarn "Multiple echo canceller flags are active but only one will be used!"
- ewarn "Selected: $(select_echo_cancel)"
- fi
- # we need at least HDLC generic support
- if use zapnet && ! linux_chkconfig_present HDLC; then
- echo
- eerror "zapnet: Your kernel lacks HDLC support!"
- eerror "zapnet: Enable CONFIG_HDLC* to use zaptel network support!"
- result=$((result+1))
- fi
- # zapras needs PPP support
- if use zapras && ! linux_chkconfig_present PPP; then
- echo
- eerror "zapras: Your kernel lacks PPP support!"
- eerror "zapras: Enable CONFIG_PPP* to use zaptel ras support!"
- result=$((result+1))
- fi
- # rtc needs linux-2.6 and CONFIG_RTC
- if use rtc; then
- if ! kernel_is 2 6; then
- echo
- eerror "rtc: >=Linux-2.6.0 is needed for rtc support!"
- result=$((result+1))
- fi
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present RTC; then
- eerror "rtc: Your kernel lacks RealTime-Clock support!"
- result=$((result+1))
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $result -gt 0 ]]; then
- echo
- ewarn "One or more of the neccessary precondition(s) is/are not met!"
- ewarn "Look at the messages above, resolve the problem (or disable the use-flag) and try again"
- echo
- if [[ $result -lt 3 ]]; then
- eerror "[$result Error(s)] Zaptel is not happy :("
- else
- eerror "[$result Error(s)] You're making zaptel cry :'("
- fi
- die "[$result] Precondition(s) not met"
- fi
- echo
- einfo "Zaptel is happy and continues... :)"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.2.2-gentoo.diff
- if kernel_is 2 6 && use devfs26; then
- if [[ ${KV_PATCH} -ge 14 ]]; then
- eerror "Devfs has been removed in linux-2.6.14, skipping devfs26!"
- else
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.2.0-devfs26.diff
- # fix Makefile to not create device nodes for
- # devfs enabled 2.6 kernels
- sed -i -e 's:grep -q udevd:grep -q \"udevd\\|devfsd\":' \
- Makefile
- # disable udev support on devfs26 systems
- zconfig_disable CONFIG_ZAP_UDEV
- fi
- fi
- use ukcid && \
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.2.0-ukcid.patch
- # try to apply bristuff patch
- if use bri; then
- # fix for userpriv
- chmod -R a=rwX ${S_BRI}
- einfo "Patching zaptel w/ BRI stuff (${BRI_VERSION})"
- epatch ${S_BRI}/patches/zaptel.patch
- cd ${S_BRI}
- if use florz; then
- einfo "Using florz patches (${FLORZ_VERSION}) for zaphfc"
- # remove as soon as there's a new florz patch available
- sed -i -e "s:zaptel-1\.2\.1:zaptel-1.2.2:g" \
- ${WORKDIR}/zaphfc_${FLORZ_VERSION}.diff
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/zaphfc_${FLORZ_VERSION}.diff
- fi
- # patch includes
- sed -i -e "s:^#include.*zaptel\.h.*:#include <zaptel.h>:" \
- qozap/qozap.c \
- zaphfc/zaphfc.c \
- cwain/cwain.c
- # patch makefiles
- sed -i -e "s:^ZAP[\t ]*=.*:ZAP=-I${S}:" \
- -e "s:^MODCONF=.*:MODCONF=/etc/modules.d/zaptel:" \
- -e "s:linux-2.6:linux:g" \
- qozap/Makefile \
- zaphfc/Makefile \
- cwain/Makefile
- sed -i -e "s:^\(CFLAGS+=-I. \).*:\1 \$(ZAP):" \
- zaphfc/Makefile
- cd ${S}
- fi
-### Configuration changes
- local myEC
- # prepare zconfig.h
- myEC=$(select_echo_cancel)
- if [[ -n "${myEC}" ]]; then
- einfo "Selected echo canceller: ${myEC}"
- # disable default first, set new selected ec afterwards
- zconfig_disable ECHO_CAN
- zconfig_enable ECHO_CAN_${myEC}
- fi
- # enable rtc support on 2.6
- if use rtc && linux_chkconfig_present RTC && kernel_is 2 6; then
- einfo "Enabling ztdummy RTC support"
- zconfig_enable USE_RTC
- fi
- # enable agressive echo surpression
- use ecaggressive && \
- # ppp ras support
- use zapras && \
- zconfig_enable CONFIG_ZAPATA_PPP
- # frame relay, syncppp...
- use zapnet && \
- zconfig_enable CONFIG_ZAPATA_NET
- # zaptel watchdog
- use watchdog && \
-src_compile() {
- # build
- make KVERS=${KV_FULL} \
- KSRC=/usr/src/linux ARCH=$(tc-arch-kernel) || die
- if use bri; then
- cd ${S_BRI}
- for x in cwain qozap zaphfc; do
- einfo "Building ${x}..."
- make KVERS=${KV_FULL} \
- KSRC=/usr/src/linux \
- ARCH=$(tc-arch-kernel) \
- -C ${x} || die "make ${x} failed"
- done
- fi
-src_install() {
- make INSTALL_PREFIX=${D} ARCH=$(tc-arch-kernel) \
- KVERS=${KV_FULL} KSRC=/usr/src/linux install || die
- dodoc ChangeLog README README.udev README.Linux26 README.fxsusb zaptel.init
- dodoc zaptel.conf.sample LICENSE zaptel.sysconfig
- # additional tools
- dobin ztmonitor ztspeed zttest
- # install all header files, several packages need the complete set
- # (e.g. sangoma wanpipe)
- insinto /usr/include/zaptel
- doins *.h
- if use bri; then
- einfo "Installing bri"
- cd ${S_BRI}
- insinto /lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/misc
- doins qozap/qozap.${KV_OBJ}
- doins zaphfc/zaphfc.${KV_OBJ}
- doins cwain/cwain.${KV_OBJ}
- # install example configs for octoBRI and quadBRI
- insinto /etc
- doins qozap/zaptel.conf.octoBRI
- newins qozap/zaptel.conf zaptel.conf.quadBRI
- newins zaphfc/zaptel.conf zaptel.conf.zaphfc
- insinto /etc/asterisk
- doins qozap/zapata.conf.octoBRI
- newins qozap/zapata.conf zapata.conf.quadBRI
- newins zaphfc/zapata.conf zapata.conf.zaphfc
- docinto bristuff
- docinto bristuff/qozap
- dodoc qozap/LICENSE qozap/TODO qozap/*.conf*
- docinto bristuff/zaphfc
- dodoc zaphfc/LICENSE zaphfc/*.conf
- docinto bristuff/cwain
- dodoc cwain/TODO cwain/LICENSE
- cd ${S}
- fi
- # install init script
- newinitd ${FILESDIR}/zaptel.rc6 zaptel
- newconfd ${FILESDIR}/zaptel.confd zaptel
- # install devfsd rule file
- insinto /etc/devfs.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/zaptel.devfsd zaptel
- # install udev rule file
- insinto /etc/udev/rules.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/zaptel.udevd 10-zaptel.rules
- # fix permissions if there's no udev / devfs around
- if [[ -d ${D}/dev/zap ]]; then
- chown -R root:dialout ${D}/dev/zap
- chmod -R u=rwX,g=rwX,o= ${D}/dev/zap
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- if kernel_is 2 6 && [[ ${KV_PATCH} -lt 14 ]] && use devfs26; then
- ewarn "*** Warning! ***"
- ewarn "Devfs support for linux-2.6 is experimental and not"
- ewarn "supported by digium or the asterisk project!"
- echo
- ewarn "Send bug-reports to:"
- fi
- echo
- einfo "Use the /etc/init.d/zaptel script to load zaptel.conf settings on startup!"
- echo
- if use bri; then
- einfo "Bristuff configs have been merged as:"
- einfo ""
- einfo "${ROOT}etc/"
- einfo " zaptel.conf.zaphfc"
- einfo " zaptel.conf.quadBRI"
- einfo " zaptel.conf.octoBRI"
- einfo ""
- einfo "${ROOT}etc/asterisk/"
- einfo " zapata.conf.zaphfc"
- einfo " zapata.conf.quadBRI"
- einfo " zapata.conf.octoBRI"
- echo
- fi
- # fix permissions if there's no udev / devfs around
- if [[ -d ${ROOT}dev/zap ]]; then
- chown -R root:dialout ${ROOT}dev/zap
- chmod -R u=rwX,g=rwX,o= ${ROOT}dev/zap
- fi