diff options
authorMarco Leise (mleise) <>2011-09-06 19:18:59 +0000
committerMarco Leise (mleise) <>2011-09-06 19:18:59 +0000
commit47610a68d96844cf510db99a88a79050175d1947 (patch)
tree378cca3357c76fe05b5c47d03644a404ad208a6f /dev-lang
parentsci-electronics/gerbmerge: Remove old v1.6. (diff)
dev-lang/dmd: New Ebuild for bug 376519, builds dmd from source, 64-bit support. Thanks to kahrl for the patch regarding the QA notices about executable stacks!
Reviewed by: binki, mgorny, Tommy svn path=/sunrise/; revision=12364
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
7 files changed, 488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/dmd/ChangeLog b/dev-lang/dmd/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4b8d2b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/dmd/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# ChangeLog for dev-lang/dmd
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: $
+ 06 Sep 2011; Marco Leise (mleise) <> +dmd-2.054.ebuild,
+ +files/dmd-2.054-makefile.patch, +files/dmd-2.054-no-execstack.patch,
+ +files/dmd.bashcomp, +metadata.xml:
+ New Ebuild for bug 376519, builds dmd from source, 64-bit support. Thanks to
+ kahrl for the patch regarding the QA notices about executable stacks!
+ Reviewed by: binki, mgorny, Tommy
diff --git a/dev-lang/dmd/Manifest b/dev-lang/dmd/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7c133301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/dmd/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+AUX dmd-2.054-makefile.patch 2709 RMD160 dbfb8a0c7a03f91a51a5f2d895e77b9a0eea79a3 SHA1 48ccddc733c144e84f1f3a7f59c8fa07f64f371e SHA256 7fa7b876ebfa01dcc1da4d945bbeacb922a29a63806a9790bebf52fa427d16bf
+AUX dmd-2.054-no-execstack.patch 3962 RMD160 849f59f9921dea1b9a9b78d6d54fdeba9df29f38 SHA1 94268fb2653cc6813ffdff7406d394bafcd1bee3 SHA256 6603dfb05beff79039f0e63a409e8237c6a271ae73ce7ec752fef3c164073423
+AUX dmd.bashcomp 4304 RMD160 1907b62c150f074088084141a0f10b92de17f1a0 SHA1 2bea8aef8cba4d4817b7070e7f5c8e2e0628f51e SHA256 11c1b7007ea713c60e2f65a7c25bb38fb0b88c263c064a42bf4da1250480245f
+DIST 16114301 RMD160 1764ed7c64ee63857a30633c935eaceb99dc1dc5 SHA1 05dfd83c1083bb93ae43c10e3846ee7120b462fe SHA256 3347dee91d8884b2f105666f085ba0b2c27b989967cf0001b284f3da922ca0c2
+EBUILD dmd-2.054.ebuild 4135 RMD160 5d08e557de2638fdd7d1388e49a558ab5bbf90ce SHA1 ba72afc1d6908cd8b399b43f38b3381c36732b60 SHA256 c2cc9d534057c8777bfb3ce7d7744c1a0e8205d59d5c03accec6d714689be892
+MISC ChangeLog 487 RMD160 e55f9a569e7211bc3bde9a949f8802c038a07ec1 SHA1 84dd75262ca485de13a3197e04f07ad885cbcc67 SHA256 b0593d5c40c708544a8d65879a1c6ae4a80a785551bfe103602cc6cb0c46ab44
+MISC metadata.xml 229 RMD160 f0f6417bec31ce8baba6d476664f7210c8c84c98 SHA1 e5f94f5caadc6f843fc90bb7959570cd503676fd SHA256 3b08fca3c878bdfc4e7639f477dd542d55a4ab5dce39a475e82633071d13eb3f
diff --git a/dev-lang/dmd/dmd-2.054.ebuild b/dev-lang/dmd/dmd-2.054.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e499eb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/dmd/dmd-2.054.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils multilib bash-completion
+DESCRIPTION="Reference compiler for the D programming language"
+# DMD supports amd64/x86 exclusively
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="multilib doc examples"
+# License doesn't allow redistribution
+ app-arch/unzip"
+rdos2unix() {
+ edos2unix $(find . -name '*'.$1 -type f) || die "Failed to convert line-endings of all .$1 files"
+src_prepare() {
+ cd .. || die
+ rm -r osx linux windows freebsd README.TXT || die "Failed to remove included binaries"
+ # convert line-endings of file-types that start as cr-lf and are
+ # patched or installed later on
+ rdos2unix c
+ rdos2unix d
+ rdos2unix txt
+ rdos2unix css
+ # misc patches for the build process
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-makefile.patch"
+ # fix the compile of an assembly file in druntime and the output of
+ # DMD to produce binaries with no executable stack
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-no-execstack.patch"
+src_compile() {
+ # DMD
+ ln -s . "dmd/mars" || die "Failed to add recursive symbolic link to DMD sources."
+ if use x86; then
+ einfo 'Building DMD for x86 ...'
+ emake -C dmd -f posix.mak MODEL=32
+ elif use amd64; then
+ einfo 'Building DMD for amd64 ...'
+ emake -C dmd -f posix.mak MODEL=64
+ fi
+ # druntime & Phobos
+ if use x86 || (use amd64 && use multilib); then
+ einfo 'Building druntime for x86 ...'
+ emake -C druntime -f posix.mak MODEL=32 "DMD=../dmd/dmd"
+ einfo 'Building Phobos for x86 ...'
+ emake -C phobos -f posix.mak MODEL=32 "DMD=../dmd/dmd"
+ fi
+ if use amd64; then
+ einfo 'Building druntime for amd64 ...'
+ emake -C druntime -f posix.mak MODEL=64 "DMD=../dmd/dmd"
+ einfo 'Building Phobos for amd64 ...'
+ emake -C phobos -f posix.mak MODEL=64 "DMD=../dmd/dmd"
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ local DFLAGS="-Iphobos -Idruntime/import -L-lrt"
+ local DMD="dmd/dmd"
+ if use x86 || (use amd64 && use multilib); then
+ ${DMD} -m32 ${DFLAGS} -Lphobos/generated/linux/release32/libphobos2.a ../samples/d/hello.d || die "Failed to build hello.d (32bit)"
+ ./hello 32bit || die "Failed to run test sample (32bit)"
+ fi
+ if use amd64; then
+ ${DMD} -m64 ${DFLAGS} -Lphobos/generated/linux/release64/libphobos2.a ../samples/d/hello.d || die "Failed to build hello.d (64bit)"
+ ./hello 64bit || die "Failed to run test sample (64bit)"
+ fi
+ rm hello.o hello
+src_install() {
+ # prepeare and install config
+ cd "dmd" || die
+ cat > dmd.conf << EOF
+DFLAGS=-I/usr/include/phobos2 -I/usr/include/druntime -L-L--no-warn-search-mismatch -L--export-dynamic -L-lrt
+ insinto /etc
+ doins dmd.conf
+ dobashcompletion "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.bashcomp"
+ # Compiler
+ dobin "dmd"
+ # Man pages, docs and samples
+ cd ".." || die
+ doman ../man/man1/dmd.1
+ doman ../man/man1/dmd.conf.5
+ use doc && dohtml -r ../html/*
+ docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/samples/
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/samples/
+ if use examples; then
+ doins -r ../samples/d/*
+ fi
+ # druntime & Phobos
+ if use amd64; then
+ dolib.a "druntime/lib64/libdruntime.a"
+ dolib.a "phobos/generated/linux/release64/libphobos2.a"
+ fi
+ if use x86 || (use amd64 && use multilib); then
+ use amd64 && multilib_toolchain_setup x86
+ dolib.a "druntime/lib32/libdruntime.a"
+ dolib.a "phobos/generated/linux/release32/libphobos2.a"
+ # TODO: restore target architecture
+ fi
+ # cleanup builds
+ rm -r "druntime/obj"* "druntime/lib"* || die
+ rm -r "phobos/generated" || die
+ # remove files that are not required
+ rm "phobos/posix.mak" || die
+ rm "phobos/win32.mak" || die
+ rm "phobos/std.ddoc" || die
+ rm "phobos/index.d" || die
+ rm -r "phobos/etc/c/zlib" || die
+ # imports
+ insinto /usr/include/druntime/
+ doins -r druntime/import/*
+ insinto /usr/include/phobos2
+ doins -r phobos/*
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use doc || use examples; then
+ elog "The bundled docs and/or samples may be found in"
+ elog "/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
+ fi
diff --git a/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd-2.054-makefile.patch b/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd-2.054-makefile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9aed215b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd-2.054-makefile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+--- dmd2.054/src/dmd/posix.mak.orig 2011-07-10 22:19:30.000000000 +0200
++++ dmd2.054/src/dmd/posix.mak 2011-07-22 19:39:07.797180890 +0200
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ C=backend
+ TK=tk
+ ROOT=root
+ ifeq (OSX,$(TARGET))
+ ## See:
+--- dmd2/src/druntime/posix.mak.orig 2011-06-25 02:39:28.000000000 +0200
++++ dmd2/src/druntime/posix.mak 2011-07-22 17:42:40.570533111 +0200
+@@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ ifeq (,$(OS))
+ endif
+ endif
+ DOCDIR=doc
+ IMPDIR=import
+ DFLAGS=-m$(MODEL) -O -release -inline -nofloat -w -d -Isrc -Iimport
+ UDFLAGS=-m$(MODEL) -O -release -nofloat -w -d -Isrc -Iimport
+ DRUNTIME_BASE=druntime
+--- dmd2/src/phobos/etc/c/zlib/gzio.c.orig 2011-07-26 23:58:57.240222466 +0200
++++ dmd2/src/phobos/etc/c/zlib/gzio.c 2011-07-26 23:59:20.136336207 +0200
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ /* @(#) $Id$ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <errno.h>
+ #include "zutil.h"
+--- dmd2/src/phobos/posix.mak.orig 2011-07-10 22:19:30.000000000 +0200
++++ dmd2/src/phobos/posix.mak 2011-07-22 17:51:00.901014107 +0200
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ endif
+ DRUNTIME_PATH = ../druntime
+ ROOT_OF_THEM_ALL = generated
+ # Documentation-related stuff
+ DOCSRC = ../
+ WEBSITE_DIR = ../web
+@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ DDOCFLAGS=-m$(MODEL) -d -c -o- -version=
+ # Variable defined in an OS-dependent manner (see below)
+ CC =
+-DMD =
+-DDOC =
+@@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ MAKEFILE:=$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ # Set DRUNTIME name and full path
+ ifeq (,$(findstring win,$(OS)))
+- DRUNTIME = $(DRUNTIME_PATH)/lib/libdruntime.a
++ DRUNTIME = $(DRUNTIME_PATH)/lib$(MODEL)/libdruntime.a
+ else
+ DRUNTIME = $(DRUNTIME_PATH)/lib/druntime.lib
+ endif
+@@ -83,14 +81,14 @@ endif
+ # Set CC and DMD
+ ifeq ($(OS),win32wine)
+ CC = wine dmc.exe
+- DMD = wine dmd.exe
++ DMD ?= wine dmd.exe
+ RUN = wine
+ else
+ ifeq ($(OS),win32remote)
+- DMD = ssh "cd code/dmd/phobos && dmd"
++ DMD ?= ssh "cd code/dmd/phobos && dmd"
+ CC = ssh "cd code/dmd/phobos && dmc"
+ else
+- DMD = dmd
++ DMD ?= dmd
+ ifeq ($(OS),win32)
+ CC = dmc
+ else
+@@ -141,7 +139,7 @@ else
+ endif
+ # Set DDOC, the documentation generator
+ # Set LIB, the ultimate target
+ ifeq (,$(findstring win,$(OS)))
diff --git a/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd-2.054-no-execstack.patch b/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd-2.054-no-execstack.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f25a4e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd-2.054-no-execstack.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+--- dmd2/src/druntime/posix.mak.orig 2011-06-25 02:39:28.000000000 +0200
++++ dmd2/src/druntime/posix.mak 2011-07-22 17:42:40.570533111 +0200
+@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/errno_c.o : src/core/stdc/errn
+ $(OBJDIR)/threadasm.o : src/core/threadasm.S
+ @mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
+- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o$@
++ $(CC) -Wa,-noexecstack -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o$@
+ ################### Library generation #########################
+--- dmd2/src/dmd/backend/elfobj.c.orig 2011-07-27 02:34:47.270542457 +0200
++++ dmd2/src/dmd/backend/elfobj.c 2011-07-27 02:37:47.290542532 +0200
+@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
+ if (I64)
+ {
+ static char section_names_init64[] =
+- "\0.symtab\0.strtab\0.shstrtab\0.text\\0.bss\0.note\0.comment\0.rodata\0.rela.text\";
++ "\0.symtab\0.strtab\0.shstrtab\0.text\\0.bss\0.note\0.comment\0.rodata\0.note.GNU-stack\0.rela.text\";
+ #define NAMIDX_NONE 0
+ #define NAMIDX_SYMTAB 1 // .symtab
+ #define NAMIDX_STRTAB 9 // .strtab
+@@ -663,9 +663,10 @@
+ #define NAMIDX_NOTE 44 // .note
+ #define NAMIDX_COMMENT 50 // .comment
+ #define NAMIDX_RODATA 59 // .rodata
+- #define NAMIDX_RELTEXT 67 // .rel.text and .rela.text
+- #define NAMIDX_RELDATA 77 //
+- #define NAMIDX_RELDATA64 78 //
++ #define NAMIDX_GNUSTACK 67 // .note.GNU-stack
++ #define NAMIDX_RELTEXT 83 // .rel.text and .rela.text
++ #define NAMIDX_RELDATA 93 //
++ #define NAMIDX_RELDATA64 94 //
+ if (section_names)
+ section_names->setsize(sizeof(section_names_init64));
+@@ -692,6 +693,7 @@
+ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_SHSTRTAB,SHT_STRTAB, 0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
+ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_COMMENT, SHT_PROGDEF,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
+ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_NOTE,SHT_NOTE, 0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
++ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_GNUSTACK,SHT_PROGDEF,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
+ IDXSTR namidx;
+ namidx = NAMIDX_TEXT; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+@@ -705,11 +707,12 @@
+ namidx = NAMIDX_SHSTRTAB; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+ namidx = NAMIDX_COMMENT; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+ namidx = NAMIDX_NOTE; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
++ namidx = NAMIDX_GNUSTACK; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static char section_names_init[] =
+- "\0.symtab\0.strtab\0.shstrtab\0.text\\0.bss\0.note\0.comment\0.rodata\0.rel.text\";
++ "\0.symtab\0.strtab\0.shstrtab\0.text\\0.bss\0.note\0.comment\0.rodata\0.note.GNU-stack\0.rel.text\";
+ if (section_names)
+ section_names->setsize(sizeof(section_names_init));
+@@ -736,6 +739,7 @@
+ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_SHSTRTAB,SHT_STRTAB, 0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
+ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_COMMENT, SHT_PROGDEF,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
+ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_NOTE,SHT_NOTE, 0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
++ elf_newsection2(NAMIDX_GNUSTACK,SHT_PROGDEF,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 1,0);
+ IDXSTR namidx;
+ namidx = NAMIDX_TEXT; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+@@ -749,6 +753,7 @@
+ namidx = NAMIDX_SHSTRTAB; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+ namidx = NAMIDX_COMMENT; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+ namidx = NAMIDX_NOTE; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
++ namidx = NAMIDX_GNUSTACK; *(IDXSTR *)section_names_hashtable->get(&namidx) = namidx;
+ }
+ if (SYMbuf)
diff --git a/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd.bashcomp b/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd.bashcomp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f96437a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/dmd/files/dmd.bashcomp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+_dmd_opts="$(dmd --help 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^\s*\(-\+\w*=*-*\).*/\1/p' | \
+ sed 's/filename\|docdir\|directory\|path\|linkerflag\|objdir//g')"
+_ld_opts_dmd="$(ld --help 2>&1 | sed -n 's/.*\(--[-a-z0-9]\{1,\}\).*/-L\1/p')"
+_env_vars_dmd="$(printenv | cut -d = -f 1 | sort -u)"
+ cur=$(echo "${cur}" | sed 's:^'${1}'::')
+ if test "${2}" == "(*)" ;then
+ _filedir
+ else
+ _filedir '@'${2}
+ fi
+ cur="${1}${cur}"
+ J=0
+ F=0
+ for I in ${COMPREPLY[@]}
+ do
+ if test -d ${I} ;then
+ COMPREPLY[${J}]="${1}${I}/"
+ else
+ COMPREPLY[${J}]="${1}${I}"
+ F=1
+ fi
+ J=$((J + 1))
+ done
+ if test ${F} -eq 1 -a ${J} -eq 1 ;then
+ compopt +o nospace
+ fi
+ local cur
+ _get_comp_words_by_ref -n = cur
+ local IFS=$'\t\n'
+ case "${cur}" in
+ -L-L*) # match linker paths
+ compopt -o nospace
+ _filedir_dmd "-L-L" "(/)"
+ ;;
+ -L--*) # match linker options
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${_ld_opts_dmd}" -- ${cur} ) )
+ ;;
+ -L*) # match linker options
+ local opts=$(echo -e "-L-L\n-L--")
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
+ ;;
+ -*) # match dmd options
+ compopt -o nospace
+ if [[ "${cur}" == "-Dd"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-Dd" "(/)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-Df"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-Df" "(*)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-debug="* ]] ;then
+ cur=${cur#*=}
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-debuglib="* ]] ;then
+ cur=${cur#*=}
+ _filedir
+ if [ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 1 ] && [ -f ${COMPREPLY[@]} ] ;then
+ compopt +o nospace
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-defaultlib="* ]] ;then
+ cur=${cur#*=}
+ _filedir
+ if [ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 1 ] && [ -f ${COMPREPLY[@]} ] ;then
+ compopt +o nospace
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-deps="* ]] ;then
+ cur=${cur#*=}
+ _filedir
+ if [ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 1 ] && [ -f ${COMPREPLY[@]} ] ;then
+ compopt +o nospace
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-Hd"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-Hd" "(/)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-Hf"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-Hf" "(*)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-I"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-I" "(/)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-J"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-J" "(/)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-od"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-od" "(/)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-of"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-of" "(*)"
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-version="* ]] ;then
+ cur=${cur#*=}
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "-Xf"* ]] ;then
+ _filedir_dmd "-Xf" "(*)"
+ else
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${_dmd_opts}" -- ${cur}) )
+ C='\n'
+ L=$(echo -e "-cov${C}-fPIC${C}-gc${C}--help${C}-ignore\
+ ${C}-inline${C}-lib${C}-m32${C}-m64${C}-man${C}-map\
+ ${C}-noboundscheck${C}-nofloat${C}-O${C}-o-${C}-op\
+ ${C}-profile${C}-property${C}-quiet${C}-release\
+ ${C}-run${C}-unittest${C}-vtls${C}-wi" | sed 's: ::g')
+ if test ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 1 ;then
+ for I in ${L}
+ do
+ if test "${COMPREPLY[@]}" == "$I" ; then
+ compopt +o nospace
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ @*) # match arguments variable/file
+ compopt -o nospace
+ TMP=( $(compgen -W "${_env_vars_dmd}" -P "@" -- ${cur#@}) )
+ _filedir_dmd "@" "(*)"
+ COMPREPLY=( "${TMP[@]}" "${COMPREPLY[@]}" )
+ if test ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 1 ;then compopt +o nospace ; fi
+ ;;
+ *) # match d files
+ _filedir '@(d|dd|di|o|a|/)'
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+complete -F _dmd dmd
diff --git a/dev-lang/dmd/metadata.xml b/dev-lang/dmd/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6233b5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/dmd/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">