diff options
authorMichał Górny <>2014-08-31 21:18:57 +0200
committerMichał Górny <>2014-08-31 21:18:57 +0200
commit1781d5b81021858db447d4c63f68e081e320fd00 (patch)
treead712da72cf6ec26cb824dd3f947ab4efe1d263b /completions/java-config
parentSplit common functions out of completions. (diff)
Split completions by completed command.
Diffstat (limited to 'completions/java-config')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/completions/java-config b/completions/java-config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42bf11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/completions/java-config
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Gentoo Linux Bash Shell Command Completion
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
+# java-config completion command
+ local cur prev curword numwords opts args arg spec flag sedcmd grepcmd
+ local multiplepkgs pkgs execopts
+ prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
+ numwords=${#COMP_WORDS[*]}
+ curword=${COMP_CWORD}
+ opts=""
+ args=""
+ pkgs=""
+ sedcmd="sed -r -e s/\[([^]]+)\].*/\1/"
+ vmsedcmd="sed -r -e s/\[([^]]+)\]/\1/"
+ grepcmd="egrep -o (--set-(system|user)-(classpath|vm)=)"
+ multiplepkgs=""
+ execopts="HtmlConverter JavaPluginControlPanel \
+ appletviewer awt_robot \
+ extcheck \
+ idlj \
+ j2sdk-config jar jarsigner \
+ java java-rmi.cgi java_vm javac javadoc javah javap jdb \
+ keytool kinit klist ktab \
+ native2ascii \
+ oldjava oldjavac oldjdb orbd \
+ policytool \
+ realpath rmic rmid rmiregistry \
+ serialver servertool \
+ tnameserv"
+ if [[ "${cur}" == -* ]] || [ ${curword} -eq 1 ]; then
+ case "${cur}" in
+ --java)
+ opts="--java --javac --java-version"
+ ;;
+ --j@(a@(r|va@(c|-version))|@(dk|re)-home))
+ opts=""
+ ;;
+ --list-available-@(packages|vms))
+ opts=""
+ ;;
+ --@(exec|set-@(user|system)-@(classpath|vm)))
+ opts="${cur}="
+ ;;
+ --set-@(user|system)-@(classpath|vm)=)
+ if [[ "${cur}" == "--set-system-vm=" ]] || [[ "${cur}" == "--set-user-vm=" ]]; then
+ flag="--list-available-vms"
+ args=$(java-config --nocolor "${flag}" | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=2 | ${vmsedcmd})
+ else
+ flag="--list-available-packages"
+ args=$(java-config --nocolor "${flag}" | ${sedcmd})
+ fi
+ for arg in ${args}; do
+ [[ -n "${opts}" ]] && opts="${opts} ${arg}" || opts="${arg}"
+ done
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen $nospace -W "${opts}"))
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ --exec=)
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen $nospace -W "${execopts}"))
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [[ "${cur}" == "--set-system-vm="* ]] || [[ "${cur}" == "--set-user-vm="* ]]; then
+ args=$(java-config --nocolor --list-available-vms | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=2 | ${vmsedcmd})
+ if [[ "${cur}" == "--set-system-vm="* ]]; then
+ spec=${cur##--set-system-vm=}
+ else
+ spec=${cur##--set-user-vm=}
+ fi
+ for arg in ${args}; do
+ if [[ "${arg:0:${#spec}}" == "${spec}" ]]; then
+ [[ -n "${opts}" ]] && opts="${opts} ${arg}" || opts="${arg}"
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ "${opts}" == "${spec}" ]] && opts=""
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}"))
+ return 0
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "--set-system-classpath="* ]] || [[ "${cur}" == "--set-user-classpath="* ]]; then
+ args=$(java-config --nocolor --list-available-packages | ${sedcmd})
+ [[ $(echo "${cur}" | grep -c ",") -gt 0 ]] && multiplepkgs="true"
+ if [[ "${cur}" == "--set-system-classpath="* ]]; then
+ spec="${cur##--set-system-classpath=}"
+ else
+ spec="${cur##--set-user-classpath=}"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${multiplepkgs}" ]]; then
+ pkgs="${spec%,*}"
+ spec="${spec##*,}"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${multiplepkgs}" ]]; then
+ for arg in ${args}; do
+ if [[ "${spec}" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${arg:0:${#spec}}" == "${spec}" ]] \
+ && [[ ! $(echo "${cur}" | egrep -o "(=|,)${arg},") ]]
+ then
+ [[ -n "${opts}" ]] && opts="${opts} ${pkgs},${arg}" || opts="${pkgs},${arg}"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ ! $(echo "${cur}" | egrep -o "(=|,)${arg},") ]]; then
+ [[ -n "${opts}" ]] && opts="${opts} ${pkgs},${arg}" || opts="${pkgs},${arg}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ "${opts}" == "${pkgs},${spec}" ]] && opts=""
+ else
+ for arg in ${args}; do
+ if [[ "${spec}" ]] && [[ "${arg:0:${#spec}}" == "${spec}" ]]; then
+ [[ -n "${opts}" ]] && opts="${opts} ${arg}" || opts="${arg}"
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ "${opts}" == "${spec}" ]] && opts=""
+ fi
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}"))
+ return 0
+ elif [[ "${cur}" == "--exec="* ]]; then
+ spec=${cur##--exec=}
+ for arg in ${execopts}; do
+ if [[ "${arg:0:${#spec}}" == "${spec}" ]]; then
+ [[ -n "${opts}" ]] && opts="${opts} ${arg}" || opts="${arg}"
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ "${opts}" == "${spec}" ]] && opts=""
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}"))
+ return 0
+ else
+ opts="--classpath --clean-system-classpath --clean-user-classpath \
+ --exec \
+ --full-classpath \
+ --jar --java --javac --java-version --jdk-home --jre-home \
+ --list-available-packages --list-available-vms \
+ --nocolor \
+ --set-system-classpath --set-system-vm --set-user-classpath --set-user-vm"
+ [[ "$prev" == "--nocolor" ]] && opts="${opts/--nocolor}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ elif [[ "$prev" == "--nocolor" ]] && [ ${curword} -eq 2 ] && [ $numwords -le 3 ]; then
+ opts="--classpath --clean-system-classpath --clean-user-classpath \
+ --exec \
+ --full-classpath \
+ --jar --java --javac --java-version --jdk-home --jre-home \
+ --list-available-packages --list-available-vms \
+ --set-system-classpath --set-system-vm --set-user-classpath --set-user-vm"
+ fi
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen $nospace -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}))
+ return 0
+} &&
+complete $nospace -F _javaconfig java-config
+# vim: ft=sh:et:ts=4:sw=4:tw=80