diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'iutil.py')
1 files changed, 1024 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/iutil.py b/iutil.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41ea98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iutil.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+# iutil.py - generic install utility functions
+# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
+# Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Author(s): Erik Troan <ewt@redhat.com>
+import glob
+import os, string, stat, sys
+import signal
+import os.path
+from errno import *
+import warnings
+import subprocess
+from flags import flags
+from constants import *
+import re
+import threading
+import gettext
+_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
+program_log = logging.getLogger("program")
+#Python reimplementation of the shell tee process, so we can
+#feed the pipe output into two places at the same time
+class tee(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, inputdesc, outputdesc, logmethod):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.inputdesc = os.fdopen(inputdesc, "r")
+ self.outputdesc = outputdesc
+ self.logmethod = logmethod
+ self.running = True
+ def run(self):
+ while self.running:
+ data = self.inputdesc.readline()
+ if data == "":
+ self.running = False
+ else:
+ self.logmethod(data.rstrip('\n'))
+ os.write(self.outputdesc, data)
+ def stop(self):
+ self.running = False
+ return self
+## Run an external program and redirect the output to a file.
+# @param command The command to run.
+# @param argv A list of arguments.
+# @param stdin The file descriptor to read stdin from.
+# @param stdout The file descriptor to redirect stdout to.
+# @param stderr The file descriptor to redirect stderr to.
+# @param root The directory to chroot to before running command.
+# @return The return code of command.
+def execWithRedirect(command, argv, stdin = None, stdout = None,
+ stderr = None, root = '/'):
+ def chroot ():
+ os.chroot(root)
+ stdinclose = stdoutclose = stderrclose = lambda : None
+ argv = list(argv)
+ if isinstance(stdin, str):
+ if os.access(stdin, os.R_OK):
+ stdin = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY)
+ stdinclose = lambda : os.close(stdin)
+ else:
+ stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(stdin, int):
+ pass
+ elif stdin is None or not isinstance(stdin, file):
+ stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ if isinstance(stdout, str):
+ stdout = os.open(stdout, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)
+ stdoutclose = lambda : os.close(stdout)
+ elif isinstance(stdout, int):
+ pass
+ elif stdout is None or not isinstance(stdout, file):
+ stdout = sys.stdout.fileno()
+ if isinstance(stderr, str):
+ stderr = os.open(stderr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)
+ stderrclose = lambda : os.close(stderr)
+ elif isinstance(stderr, int):
+ pass
+ elif stderr is None or not isinstance(stderr, file):
+ stderr = sys.stderr.fileno()
+ program_log.info("Running... %s" % (" ".join([command] + argv),))
+ #prepare os pipes for feeding tee proceses
+ pstdout, pstdin = os.pipe()
+ perrout, perrin = os.pipe()
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env.update({"LC_ALL": "C", "LANGUAGE": "C", "LANG": "C"})
+ try:
+ #prepare tee proceses
+ proc_std = tee(pstdout, stdout, program_log.info)
+ proc_err = tee(perrout, stderr, program_log.error)
+ #start monitoring the outputs
+ proc_std.start()
+ proc_err.start()
+ proc = subprocess.Popen([command] + argv, stdin=stdin,
+ stdout=pstdin,
+ stderr=perrin,
+ preexec_fn=chroot, cwd=root,
+ env=env)
+ proc.wait()
+ ret = proc.returncode
+ #close the input ends of pipes so we get EOF in the tee processes
+ os.close(pstdin)
+ os.close(perrin)
+ #wait for the output to be written and destroy them
+ proc_std.join()
+ del proc_std
+ proc_err.join()
+ del proc_err
+ stdinclose()
+ stdoutclose()
+ stderrclose()
+ except OSError as e:
+ errstr = "Error running %s: %s" % (command, e.strerror)
+ log.error(errstr)
+ program_log.error(errstr)
+ #close the input ends of pipes so we get EOF in the tee processes
+ os.close(pstdin)
+ os.close(perrin)
+ proc_std.join()
+ proc_err.join()
+ stdinclose()
+ stdoutclose()
+ stderrclose()
+ raise RuntimeError, errstr
+ return ret
+## Run an external program and capture standard out.
+# @param command The command to run.
+# @param argv A list of arguments.
+# @param stdin The file descriptor to read stdin from.
+# @param stderr The file descriptor to redirect stderr to.
+# @param root The directory to chroot to before running command.
+# @return The output of command from stdout.
+def execWithCapture(command, argv, stdin = None, stderr = None, root='/'):
+ def chroot():
+ os.chroot(root)
+ def closefds ():
+ stdinclose()
+ stderrclose()
+ stdinclose = stderrclose = lambda : None
+ rc = ""
+ argv = list(argv)
+ if isinstance(stdin, str):
+ if os.access(stdin, os.R_OK):
+ stdin = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY)
+ stdinclose = lambda : os.close(stdin)
+ else:
+ stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(stdin, int):
+ pass
+ elif stdin is None or not isinstance(stdin, file):
+ stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ if isinstance(stderr, str):
+ stderr = os.open(stderr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)
+ stderrclose = lambda : os.close(stderr)
+ elif isinstance(stderr, int):
+ pass
+ elif stderr is None or not isinstance(stderr, file):
+ stderr = sys.stderr.fileno()
+ program_log.info("Running... %s" % (" ".join([command] + argv),))
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env.update({"LC_ALL": "C"})
+ try:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen([command] + argv, stdin=stdin,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ preexec_fn=chroot, cwd=root,
+ env=env)
+ while True:
+ (outStr, errStr) = proc.communicate()
+ if outStr:
+ map(program_log.info, outStr.splitlines())
+ rc += outStr
+ if errStr:
+ map(program_log.error, errStr.splitlines())
+ os.write(stderr, errStr)
+ if proc.returncode is not None:
+ break
+ except OSError as e:
+ log.error ("Error running " + command + ": " + e.strerror)
+ closefds()
+ raise RuntimeError, "Error running " + command + ": " + e.strerror
+ closefds()
+ return rc
+def execWithCallback(command, argv, stdin = None, stdout = None,
+ stderr = None, echo = True, callback = None,
+ callback_data = None, root = '/'):
+ def chroot():
+ os.chroot(root)
+ def closefds ():
+ stdinclose()
+ stdoutclose()
+ stderrclose()
+ stdinclose = stdoutclose = stderrclose = lambda : None
+ argv = list(argv)
+ if isinstance(stdin, str):
+ if os.access(stdin, os.R_OK):
+ stdin = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY)
+ stdinclose = lambda : os.close(stdin)
+ else:
+ stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(stdin, int):
+ pass
+ elif stdin is None or not isinstance(stdin, file):
+ stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ if isinstance(stdout, str):
+ stdout = os.open(stdout, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)
+ stdoutclose = lambda : os.close(stdout)
+ elif isinstance(stdout, int):
+ pass
+ elif stdout is None or not isinstance(stdout, file):
+ stdout = sys.stdout.fileno()
+ if isinstance(stderr, str):
+ stderr = os.open(stderr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)
+ stderrclose = lambda : os.close(stderr)
+ elif isinstance(stderr, int):
+ pass
+ elif stderr is None or not isinstance(stderr, file):
+ stderr = sys.stderr.fileno()
+ program_log.info("Running... %s" % (" ".join([command] + argv),))
+ p = os.pipe()
+ p_stderr = os.pipe()
+ childpid = os.fork()
+ if not childpid:
+ os.close(p[0])
+ os.close(p_stderr[0])
+ os.dup2(p[1], 1)
+ os.dup2(p_stderr[1], 2)
+ os.dup2(stdin, 0)
+ os.close(stdin)
+ os.close(p[1])
+ os.close(p_stderr[1])
+ os.execvp(command, [command] + argv)
+ os._exit(1)
+ os.close(p[1])
+ os.close(p_stderr[1])
+ logline = ''
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ s = os.read(p[0], 1)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != 4:
+ raise IOError, e.args
+ if echo:
+ os.write(stdout, s)
+ if s == '\n':
+ program_log.info(logline)
+ logline = ''
+ else:
+ logline += s
+ if callback:
+ callback(s, callback_data=callback_data)
+ # break out early if the sub-process changes status.
+ # no need to flush the stream if the process has exited
+ try:
+ (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid,os.WNOHANG)
+ if pid != 0:
+ break
+ except OSError as e:
+ log.critical("exception from waitpid: %s %s" %(e.errno, e.strerror))
+ if len(s) < 1:
+ break
+ if len(logline) > 0:
+ program_log.info(logline)
+ log_errors = ''
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ err = os.read(p_stderr[0], 128)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != 4:
+ raise IOError, e.args
+ break
+ log_errors += err
+ if len(err) < 1:
+ break
+ map(program_log.error, log_errors.splitlines())
+ os.close(p[0])
+ os.close(p_stderr[0])
+ try:
+ #if we didn't already get our child's exit status above, do so now.
+ if not pid:
+ (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid, 0)
+ except OSError as e:
+ log.critical("exception from waitpid: %s %s" %(e.errno, e.strerror))
+ closefds()
+ # *shrug* no clue why this would happen, but hope that things are fine
+ if status is None:
+ return 0
+ if os.WIFEXITED(status):
+ return os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
+ return 1
+def _pulseProgressCallback(data, callback_data=None):
+ if callback_data:
+ callback_data.pulse()
+def execWithPulseProgress(command, argv, stdin = None, stdout = None,
+ stderr = None, echo = True, progress = None,
+ root = '/'):
+ return execWithCallback(command, argv, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout,
+ stderr=stderr, echo=echo, callback=_pulseProgressCallback,
+ callback_data=progress, root=root)
+## Run a shell.
+def execConsole():
+ try:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh"])
+ proc.wait()
+ except OSError as e:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Error running /bin/sh: " + e.strerror
+## Get the size of a directory and all its subdirectories.
+# @param dir The name of the directory to find the size of.
+# @return The size of the directory in kilobytes.
+def getDirSize(dir):
+ def getSubdirSize(dir):
+ # returns size in bytes
+ mydev = os.lstat(dir)[stat.ST_DEV]
+ dsize = 0
+ for f in os.listdir(dir):
+ curpath = '%s/%s' % (dir, f)
+ sinfo = os.lstat(curpath)
+ if stat.S_ISDIR(sinfo[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ if mydev == sinfo[stat.ST_DEV]:
+ dsize += getSubdirSize(curpath)
+ elif stat.S_ISREG(sinfo[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ dsize += sinfo[stat.ST_SIZE]
+ else:
+ pass
+ return dsize
+ return getSubdirSize(dir)/1024
+## Get the amount of RAM not used by /tmp.
+# @return The amount of available memory in kilobytes.
+def memAvailable():
+ tram = memInstalled()
+ ramused = getDirSize("/tmp")
+ return tram - ramused
+## Get the amount of RAM installed in the machine.
+# @return The amount of installed memory in kilobytes.
+def memInstalled():
+ f = open("/proc/meminfo", "r")
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for l in lines:
+ if l.startswith("MemTotal:"):
+ fields = string.split(l)
+ mem = fields[1]
+ break
+ return int(mem)
+## Suggest the size of the swap partition that will be created.
+# @param quiet Should size information be logged?
+# @return A tuple of the minimum and maximum swap size, in megabytes.
+def swapSuggestion(quiet=0):
+ mem = memInstalled()/1024
+ mem = ((mem/16)+1)*16
+ if not quiet:
+ log.info("Detected %sM of memory", mem)
+ if mem <= 256:
+ minswap = 256
+ maxswap = 512
+ else:
+ if mem > 2048:
+ minswap = 1024
+ maxswap = 2048 + mem
+ else:
+ minswap = mem
+ maxswap = 2*mem
+ if not quiet:
+ log.info("Swap attempt of %sM to %sM", minswap, maxswap)
+ return (minswap, maxswap)
+## Create a directory path. Don't fail if the directory already exists.
+# @param dir The directory path to create.
+def mkdirChain(dir):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir, 0755)
+ except OSError as e:
+ try:
+ if e.errno == EEXIST and stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(dir).st_mode):
+ return
+ except:
+ pass
+ log.error("could not create directory %s: %s" % (dir, e.strerror))
+## Get the total amount of swap memory.
+# @return The total amount of swap memory in kilobytes, or 0 if unknown.
+def swapAmount():
+ f = open("/proc/meminfo", "r")
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for l in lines:
+ if l.startswith("SwapTotal:"):
+ fields = string.split(l)
+ return int(fields[1])
+ return 0
+## Copy a device node.
+# Copies a device node by looking at the device type, major and minor device
+# numbers, and doing a mknod on the new device name.
+# @param src The name of the source device node.
+# @param dest The name of the new device node to create.
+def copyDeviceNode(src, dest):
+ filestat = os.lstat(src)
+ mode = filestat[stat.ST_MODE]
+ if stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
+ type = stat.S_IFBLK
+ elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
+ type = stat.S_IFCHR
+ else:
+ # XXX should we just fallback to copying normally?
+ raise RuntimeError, "Tried to copy %s which isn't a device node" % (src,)
+ os.mknod(dest, mode | type, filestat.st_rdev)
+## Get the SPARC machine variety type.
+# @return The SPARC machine type, or 0 if not SPARC.
+def getSparcMachine():
+ if not isSparc():
+ return 0
+ machine = None
+ f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.find('type') != -1:
+ machine = line.split(':')[1].strip()
+ return machine
+ return None
+## Get the PPC machine variety type.
+# @return The PPC machine type, or 0 if not PPC.
+def getPPCMachine():
+ if not isPPC():
+ return 0
+ ppcMachine = None
+ machine = None
+ platform = None
+ # ppc machine hash
+ ppcType = { 'Mac' : 'PMac',
+ 'Book' : 'PMac',
+ 'CHRP IBM' : 'pSeries',
+ 'Pegasos' : 'Pegasos',
+ 'Efika' : 'Efika',
+ 'iSeries' : 'iSeries',
+ 'pSeries' : 'pSeries',
+ 'PReP' : 'PReP',
+ 'CHRP' : 'pSeries',
+ 'Amiga' : 'APUS',
+ 'Gemini' : 'Gemini',
+ 'Shiner' : 'ANS',
+ 'BRIQ' : 'BRIQ',
+ 'Teron' : 'Teron',
+ 'AmigaOne' : 'Teron',
+ 'Maple' : 'pSeries',
+ 'Cell' : 'pSeries',
+ 'Momentum' : 'pSeries',
+ 'PS3' : 'PS3'
+ }
+ f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.find('machine') != -1:
+ machine = line.split(':')[1]
+ elif line.find('platform') != -1:
+ platform = line.split(':')[1]
+ for part in (machine, platform):
+ if ppcMachine is None and part is not None:
+ for type in ppcType.items():
+ if part.find(type[0]) != -1:
+ ppcMachine = type[1]
+ if ppcMachine is None:
+ log.warning("Unable to find PowerPC machine type")
+ elif ppcMachine == 0:
+ log.warning("Unknown PowerPC machine type: %s" %(ppcMachine,))
+ return ppcMachine
+## Get the powermac machine ID.
+# @return The powermac machine id, or 0 if not PPC.
+def getPPCMacID():
+ machine = None
+ if not isPPC():
+ return 0
+ if getPPCMachine() != "PMac":
+ return 0
+ f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.find('machine') != -1:
+ machine = line.split(':')[1]
+ machine = machine.strip()
+ return machine
+ log.warning("No Power Mac machine id")
+ return 0
+## Get the powermac generation.
+# @return The powermac generation, or 0 if not powermac.
+def getPPCMacGen():
+ # XXX: should NuBus be here?
+ pmacGen = ['OldWorld', 'NewWorld', 'NuBus']
+ if not isPPC():
+ return 0
+ if getPPCMachine() != "PMac":
+ return 0
+ f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ gen = None
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.find('pmac-generation') != -1:
+ gen = line.split(':')[1]
+ break
+ if gen is None:
+ log.warning("Unable to find pmac-generation")
+ for type in pmacGen:
+ if gen.find(type) != -1:
+ return type
+ log.warning("Unknown Power Mac generation: %s" %(gen,))
+ return 0
+## Determine if the hardware is an iBook or PowerBook
+# @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise.
+def getPPCMacBook():
+ if not isPPC():
+ return 0
+ if getPPCMachine() != "PMac":
+ return 0
+ f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ if not string.find(string.lower(line), 'book') == -1:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+cell = None
+## Determine if the hardware is the Cell platform.
+# @return True if so, False otherwise.
+def isCell():
+ global cell
+ if cell is not None:
+ return cell
+ cell = False
+ if not isPPC():
+ return cell
+ f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ if not string.find(line, 'Cell') == -1:
+ cell = True
+ return cell
+mactel = None
+## Determine if the hardware is an Intel-based Apple Mac.
+# @return True if so, False otherwise.
+def isMactel():
+ global mactel
+ if mactel is not None:
+ return mactel
+ if not isX86():
+ mactel = False
+ elif not os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/dmidecode"):
+ mactel = False
+ else:
+ buf = execWithCapture("/usr/sbin/dmidecode",
+ ["dmidecode", "-s", "system-manufacturer"])
+ if buf.lower().find("apple") != -1:
+ mactel = True
+ else:
+ mactel = False
+ return mactel
+efi = None
+## Determine if the hardware supports EFI.
+# @return True if so, False otherwise.
+def isEfi():
+ global efi
+ if efi is not None:
+ return efi
+ efi = False
+ # XXX need to make sure efivars is loaded...
+ if os.path.exists("/sys/firmware/efi"):
+ efi = True
+ return efi
+# Architecture checking functions
+def isX86(bits=None):
+ arch = os.uname()[4]
+ # x86 platforms include:
+ # i*86
+ # athlon*
+ # x86_64
+ # amd*
+ # ia32e
+ if bits is None:
+ if (arch.startswith('i') and arch.endswith('86')) or \
+ arch.startswith('athlon') or arch.startswith('amd') or \
+ arch == 'x86_64' or arch == 'ia32e':
+ return True
+ elif bits == 32:
+ if arch.startswith('i') and arch.endswith('86'):
+ return True
+ elif bits == 64:
+ if arch.startswith('athlon') or arch.startswith('amd') or \
+ arch == 'x86_64' or arch == 'ia32e':
+ return True
+ return False
+def isPPC():
+ return os.uname()[4].startswith('ppc')
+def isS390():
+ return os.uname()[4].startswith('s390')
+def isIA64():
+ return os.uname()[4] == 'ia64'
+def isAlpha():
+ return os.uname()[4].startswith('alpha')
+def isSparc():
+ return os.uname()[4].startswith('sparc')
+def getArch():
+ if isX86(bits=32):
+ return 'i386'
+ elif isX86(bits=64):
+ return 'x86_64'
+ elif isPPC():
+ return 'ppc'
+ elif isAlpha():
+ return 'alpha'
+ elif isSparc():
+ return 'sparc'
+ else:
+ return os.uname()[4]
+def isConsoleOnVirtualTerminal():
+ # XXX PJFIX is there some way to ask the kernel this instead?
+ if isS390():
+ return False
+ return not flags.serial
+def strip_markup(text):
+ if text.find("<") == -1:
+ return text
+ r = ""
+ inTag = False
+ for c in text:
+ if c == ">" and inTag:
+ inTag = False
+ continue
+ elif c == "<" and not inTag:
+ inTag = True
+ continue
+ elif not inTag:
+ r += c
+ return r.encode("utf-8")
+def notify_kernel(path, action="change"):
+ """ Signal the kernel that the specified device has changed. """
+ log.debug("notifying kernel of '%s' event on device %s" % (action, path))
+ path = os.path.join(path, "uevent")
+ if not path.startswith("/sys/") or not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
+ log.debug("sysfs path '%s' invalid" % path)
+ raise ValueError("invalid sysfs path")
+ f = open(path, "a")
+ f.write("%s\n" % action)
+ f.close()
+def get_sysfs_path_by_name(dev_name, class_name="block"):
+ dev_name = os.path.basename(dev_name)
+ sysfs_class_dir = "/sys/class/%s" % class_name
+ dev_path = os.path.join(sysfs_class_dir, dev_name)
+ if os.path.exists(dev_path):
+ return dev_path
+def numeric_type(num):
+ """ Verify that a value is given as a numeric data type.
+ Return the number if the type is sensible or raise ValueError
+ if not.
+ """
+ if num is None:
+ num = 0
+ elif not (isinstance(num, int) or \
+ isinstance(num, long) or \
+ isinstance(num, float)):
+ raise ValueError("value (%s) must be either a number or None" % num)
+ return num
+def writeReiplMethod(reipl_path, reipl_type):
+ filename = "%s/reipl_type" % (reipl_path,)
+ try:
+ f = open(filename, "w")
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: On open, cannot set reIPL method to %(reipl_type)s "
+ "(%(filename)s: %(e)s)" % {'reipl_type': reipl_type,
+ 'filename': filename,
+ 'e': e})
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+ try:
+ f.write(reipl_type)
+ f.flush()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: On write, cannot set reIPL method to "
+ "%(reipl_type)s (%(filename)s: %(e)s)" \
+ % {'reipl_type': reipl_type, 'filename': filename, 'e': e})
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+ try:
+ f.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: On close, cannot set reIPL method to "
+ "%(reipl_type)s (%(filename)s: %(e)s)" \
+ % {'reipl_type': reipl_type, 'filename': filename, 'e': e})
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+def reIPLonCCW(iplsubdev, reipl_path):
+ device = "<unknown>"
+ try:
+ device = os.readlink("/sys/block/" + iplsubdev + "/device").split('/')[-1]
+ writeReiplMethod(reipl_path, 'ccw')
+ try:
+ f = open("%s/ccw/device" % (reipl_path,), "w")
+ f.write(device)
+ f.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: Could not set %(device)s as reIPL device "
+ "(%(e)s)" % {'device': device, 'e': e})
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+ try:
+ f = open("%s/ccw/loadparm" % (reipl_path,), "w")
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: Could not reset loadparm (%s)" % (e,))
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+ try:
+ f = open("%s/ccw/parm" % (reipl_path,), "w")
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Warning: Could not reset parm (%s)" % (e,))
+ log.warning(message)
+ # do NOT raise an exception since this might not exist or not be writable
+ log.info("ccw reIPL using DASD %s" % (device,))
+ except Exception, e:
+ try:
+ message = e.args[0]
+ except:
+ message = e.__str__ ()
+ log.info("Caught exception %s", (message,))
+ return (message,
+ (_("After shutdown, please perform a manual IPL from DASD device %s to continue "
+ "installation") % (device,)))
+ return None
+def reIPLonFCP(iplsubdev, reipl_path):
+ fcpvalue = { "device": "<unknown>", "wwpn": "<unknown>", "lun": "<unknown>" }
+ try:
+ syspath = "/sys/block/" + iplsubdev + "/device"
+ fcpprops = [ ("hba_id", "device"), ("wwpn", "wwpn"), ("fcp_lun", "lun") ]
+ # Read in values to change.
+ # This way, if we can't set FCP mode, we can tell the user what to manually reboot to.
+ for (syspath_property, reipl_property) in fcpprops:
+ try:
+ f = open(syspath + "/" + syspath_property, "r")
+ value = f.read().strip()
+ fcpvalue[reipl_property] = value
+ f.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: reading FCP property %(syspath_property)s "
+ "for reIPL (%(e)s)" \
+ % {'syspath_property': syspath_property, 'e': e})
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+ writeReiplMethod(reipl_path, 'fcp')
+ # Write out necessary parameters.
+ for (syspath_property, reipl_property) in fcpprops:
+ try:
+ f = open("%s/fcp/%s" % (reipl_path, reipl_property,), "w")
+ f.write(fcpvalue[reipl_property])
+ f.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: writing FCP property %(reipl_property)s "
+ "for reIPL (%(e)s)" \
+ % {'reipl_property': reipl_property, 'e': e})
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+ defaultprops = [ ("bootprog", "0"), ("br_lba", "0") ]
+ # Write out default parameters.
+ for (reipl_property, default_value) in defaultprops:
+ try:
+ f = open("%s/fcp/%s" % (reipl_path, reipl_property,), "w")
+ f.write (default_value)
+ f.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = _("Error: writing default FCP property "
+ "%(reipl_property)s for reIPL (%(e)s)" \
+ % {'reipl_property': reipl_property, 'e': e})
+ log.warning(message)
+ raise Exception (message)
+ log.info("fcp reIPL using FCP %(device)s, WWPN %(wwpn)s, LUN %(lun)s" % (fcpvalue))
+ except Exception, e:
+ try:
+ message = e.args[0]
+ except:
+ message = e.__str__ ()
+ log.info("Caught exception %s", (message,))
+ return (message,
+ (_("After shutdown, please perform a manual IPL from FCP %(device)s with WWPN %(wwpn)s "
+ "and LUN %(lun)s to continue installation") % (fcpvalue)))
+ return None
+def reIPLtrigger(anaconda):
+ if not isS390():
+ return
+ if anaconda.canReIPL:
+ log.info("reIPL configuration successful => reboot")
+ os.kill(os.getppid(), signal.SIGUSR2)
+ else:
+ log.info("reIPL configuration failed => halt")
+ os.kill(os.getppid(), signal.SIGUSR1)
+def reIPL(anaconda, loader_pid):
+ instruction = _("After shutdown, please perform a manual IPL from the device "
+ "now containing /boot to continue installation")
+ reipl_path = "/sys/firmware/reipl"
+ try:
+ ipldev = anaconda.platform.bootDevice().disk.name
+ except:
+ ipldev = None
+ if ipldev is None:
+ message = _("Error determining boot device's disk name")
+ log.warning(message)
+ return (message, instruction)
+ message = (_("The mount point /boot or / is on a disk that we are not familiar with"), instruction)
+ if ipldev.startswith("dasd"):
+ message = reIPLonCCW(ipldev, reipl_path)
+ elif ipldev.startswith("sd"):
+ message = reIPLonFCP(ipldev, reipl_path)
+ if message is None:
+ anaconda.canReIPL = True
+ else:
+ anaconda.canReIPL = False
+ log.info(message)
+ reIPLtrigger(anaconda)
+ # the final return is either None if reipl configuration worked (=> reboot),
+ # or a two-item list with errorMessage and rebootInstr (=> shutdown)
+ return message
+def resetRpmDb(rootdir):
+ for rpmfile in glob.glob("%s/var/lib/rpm/__db.*" % rootdir):
+ try:
+ os.unlink(rpmfile)
+ except Exception, e:
+ log.debug("error %s removing file: %s" %(e,rpmfile))
+def parseNfsUrl(nfsurl):
+ options = ''
+ host = ''
+ path = ''
+ if nfsurl:
+ s = nfsurl.split(":")
+ s.pop(0)
+ if len(s) >= 3:
+ (options, host, path) = s[:3]
+ elif len(s) == 2:
+ (host, path) = s
+ else:
+ host = s[0]
+ return (options, host, path)