diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www-client/google-chrome-beta/google-chrome-beta-33.0.1750.58_p1.ebuild')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-client/google-chrome-beta/google-chrome-beta-33.0.1750.58_p1.ebuild b/www-client/google-chrome-beta/google-chrome-beta-33.0.1750.58_p1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb0e3527e8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-client/google-chrome-beta/google-chrome-beta-33.0.1750.58_p1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/google-chrome-beta/google-chrome-beta-33.0.1750.58_p1.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/01/30 02:59:42 floppym Exp $
+CHROMIUM_LANGS="am ar bg bn ca cs da de el en_GB es es_LA et fa fi fil fr gu he
+ hi hr hu id it ja kn ko lt lv ml mr ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr
+ sv sw ta te th tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
+inherit readme.gentoo chromium eutils multilib pax-utils unpacker
+DESCRIPTION="The web browser from Google"
+if [[ ${PN} == google-chrome ]]; then
+ MY_PN=${PN}-stable
+ MY_PN=${PN}
+# Bundle a copy of libgcrypt, bug 494596
+ amd64? (
+ )
+ x86? (
+ )
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RESTRICT="bindist mirror strip"
+ app-arch/bzip2
+ app-misc/ca-certificates
+ dev-libs/atk
+ dev-libs/expat
+ dev-libs/glib:2
+ dev-libs/libgcrypt
+ dev-libs/nspr
+ dev-libs/nss
+ gnome-base/gconf:2
+ media-libs/alsa-lib
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ media-libs/freetype
+ net-print/cups
+ sys-apps/dbus
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-4.4.0[cxx]
+ x11-libs/cairo
+ x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf
+ x11-libs/gtk+:2
+ >=x11-libs/libX11-1.5.0
+ x11-libs/libXcomposite
+ x11-libs/libXdamage
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXi
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ x11-libs/libXScrnSaver
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ x11-libs/pango
+ x11-misc/xdg-utils
+if [[ ${PN} == google-chrome ]]; then
+ !www-client/google-chrome:beta
+ !www-client/google-chrome:stable
+ !www-client/google-chrome:unstable
+ "
+for x in google-chrome{,-beta,-unstable}; do
+ if [[ ${PN} != ${x} ]]; then
+ RDEPEND+=" !www-client/${x}"
+ fi
+unset x
+Some web pages may require additional fonts to display properly.
+Try installing some of the following packages if some characters
+are not displayed properly:
+- media-fonts/arphicfonts
+- media-fonts/bitstream-cyberbit
+- media-fonts/droid
+- media-fonts/ipamonafont
+- media-fonts/ja-ipafonts
+- media-fonts/takao-fonts
+- media-fonts/wqy-microhei
+- media-fonts/wqy-zenhei
+Depending on your desktop environment, you may need
+to install additional packages to get icons on the Downloads page.
+For KDE, the required package is kde-base/oxygen-icons.
+For other desktop environments, try one of the following:
+- x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme
+- x11-themes/tango-icon-theme
+Please notice the bundled flash player (PepperFlash).
+You can (de)activate all flash plugins via chrome://plugins
+pkg_nofetch() {
+ eerror "Please wait 24 hours before reporting a bug for google-chrome fetch failures."
+pkg_setup() {
+ chromium_suid_sandbox_check_kernel_config
+src_install() {
+ CHROME_HOME="opt/google/chrome${PN#google-chrome}"
+ rm -r usr/share/menu || die
+ rmdir usr/share/doc/google-chrome || die
+ mv usr/share/doc/${MY_PN} usr/share/doc/${PF} || die
+ pushd "${CHROME_HOME}/locales" > /dev/null || die
+ chromium_remove_language_paks
+ popd > /dev/null || die
+ if use plugins ; then
+ local plugins="--extra-plugin-dir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/nsbrowser/plugins"
+ sed -e "/^exec/ i set -- \"${plugins}\" \"\$@\"" \
+ -i "${CHROME_HOME}/google-chrome" || die
+ fi
+ local size
+ for size in 16 22 24 32 48 64 128 256 ; do
+ newicon -s ${size} "${CHROME_HOME}/product_logo_${size}.png" google-chrome.png
+ done
+ insinto /
+ doins -r opt usr
+ fperms 755 "/${CHROME_HOME}"/{{,google-}chrome,nacl_helper{,_bootstrap},xdg-{mime,settings}}
+ fperms 4755 "/${CHROME_HOME}/chrome-sandbox"
+ pax-mark m "${ED}${CHROME_HOME}/chrome"
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/ "${CHROME_HOME}/"
+ insinto "${CHROME_HOME}"
+ newins "${WORKDIR}/${LIBGCRYPT}-$(usev amd64)$(usev x86)"
+ readme.gentoo_create_doc
+any_cpu_missing_flag() {
+ local value=$1
+ grep '^flags' /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qv "$value"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ chromium_pkg_preinst
+ if any_cpu_missing_flag sse2; then
+ ewarn "The bundled PepperFlash plugin requires a CPU that supports the"
+ ewarn "SSE2 instruction set, and at least one of your CPUs does not"
+ ewarn "support this feature. Disabling PepperFlash."
+ sed -e "/^exec/ i set -- --disable-bundled-ppapi-flash \"\$@\"" \
+ -i "${ED}${CHROME_HOME}/google-chrome" || die
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
+ readme.gentoo_print_elog