diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs/mkl/mkl-9.1.023.ebuild')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/mkl/mkl-9.1.023.ebuild b/sci-libs/mkl/mkl-9.1.023.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d87fe92aa038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/mkl/mkl-9.1.023.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/mkl/mkl-9.1.023.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/10/10 12:41:47 bicatali Exp $
+inherit eutils versionator toolchain-funcs fortran
+DESCRIPTION="Intel(R) Math Kernel Library: linear algebra, fft, random number generators."
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64 ~ia64"
+SRC_URI="!int64? ( !serial? (${PID}/l_${PN}_p_${PV}.tgz ) )
+ int64? (${PID}/l_${PN}_enh_p_${PV}.tgz )
+ serial? (${PID}/l_${PN}_enh_p_${PV}.tgz )"
+MAJOR=$(get_major_version ${PV})
+MINOR=$(get_version_component_range 2 ${PV})
+#slotting not yet supported
+IUSE="serial int64 fortran95 fftw doc examples"
+RESTRICT="strip mirror"
+ app-admin/eselect-cblas
+ app-admin/eselect-lapack"
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ doc? ( app-doc/blas-docs app-doc/lapack-docs )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # setting up license
+ [[ -z ${MKL_LICENSE} && -d /opt/intel/licenses ]] && \
+ MKL_LICENSE=$(find /opt/intel/licenses -name *MKL*.lic)
+ if [[ -z ${MKL_LICENSE} ]]; then
+ eerror "Did not find any valid mkl license."
+ eerror "Please locate your license file and run:"
+ eerror "\t MKL_LICENSE=/my/license/dir emerge ${PN}"
+ eerror "or place your license in /opt/intel/licenses"
+ eerror "Hint: the license file is in the email Intel sent you"
+ die "setup mkl license failed"
+ fi
+ # setting up compilers
+ MKL_CC=gnu
+ [[ $(tc-getCC) == icc ]] && MKL_CC=icc
+ FORTRAN="gfortran ifc g77"
+ use fortran95 && FORTRAN="gfortran ifc"
+ use int64 && FORTRAN="gfortran ifc"
+ fortran_pkg_setup
+src_unpack() {
+ ewarn
+ local dp=950
+ ! use serial && ! use int64 && dp=400
+ ewarn "Intel ${PN} requires ${dp}Mb of disk space"
+ ewarn "Make sure you have enough in ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}, /tmp and in /opt"
+ ewarn
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd l_${PN}_*_${PV}/install
+ # need to make a file to install non-interactively.
+ # to produce such a file, first do it interactively
+ # tar xf l_*; ./ --duplicate mkl.ini;
+ # the file will be instman/mkl.ini
+ # binary blob extractor installs rpm leftovers in /opt/intel
+ addwrite /opt/intel
+ MKL_LIC="$(basename ${MKL_LICENSE})"
+ cat > mkl.ini << EOF
+ einfo "Extracting ..."
+ ./install \
+ --silent ${PWD}/mkl.ini \
+ --log log.txt &> /dev/null
+ if [[ -z $(find "${S}" -name ]]; then
+ eerror "could not find extracted files"
+ eerror "see ${PWD}/log.txt to see why"
+ die "extracting failed"
+ fi
+ # remove unused stuff and set up intel names
+ rm -rf "${WORKDIR}"/l_*
+ case ${ARCH} in
+ x86) MKL_ARCH=32
+ MKL_KERN=ia32
+ rm -rf "${S}"/lib*/*64*
+ ;;
+ amd64) MKL_ARCH=em64t
+ MKL_KERN=em64t
+ rm -rf "${S}"/lib*/32 "${S}"/lib*/64
+ ;;
+ ia64) MKL_ARCH=64
+ MKL_KERN=ipf
+ rm -rf "${S}"/lib*/32 "${S}"/lib*/em64t
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cd "${S}"
+ # default profile regular is threaded
+ MKL_PROF="regular"
+ if use serial; then
+ MKL_PROF="${MKL_PROF} serial"
+ else
+ [[ -d lib_serial ]] && rm -rf lib_serial
+ fi
+ if use int64; then
+ MKL_PROF="${MKL_PROF} ilp64"
+ else
+ [[ -d lib_ilp64 ]] && rm -rf lib_ilp64
+ fi
+ # fix a bad makefile in the test
+ if [[ ${FORTRANC} == gfortran ]] || [[ ${FORTRANC} == if* ]]; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s/g77/${FORTRANC}/" \
+ -e 's/-DGNU_USE//' \
+ tests/fftf/makefile || die "sed fftf test failed"
+ fi
+ # fix bad permissions on tools
+ find tools -type f -perm /a+w ! -perm /a+x -exec chmod 644 '{}' \; \
+ || die "permissions fix failed"
+src_compile() {
+ if use fortran95; then
+ for p in ${MKL_PROF}; do
+ einfo "Compiling fortan95 static lib wrappers for ${p}"
+ for x in blas95 lapack95; do
+ cd "${S}"/interfaces/${x}
+ emake \
+ MKL_SUBVERS=${p} \
+ lib${MKL_ARCH} \
+ || die "emake $(basename ${x}) failed"
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ if use fftw; then
+ for p in ${MKL_PROF}; do
+ einfo "Compiling fftw static lib wrappers for ${p}"
+ for x in "${S}"/interfaces/fft*; do
+ cd "${x}"
+ emake \
+ F=${MKL_CC} \
+ MKL_SUBVERS=${p} \
+ lib${MKL_ARCH} \
+ || die "emake $(basename ${x}) failed"
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ local usegnu
+ [[ ${FORTRANC} = g* ]] && usegnu=gnu
+ # restrict tests for blas and lapack for now.
+ # testing fftw requires checking many C and fortran compilers
+ for t in blas lapack; do
+ cd "${S}"/tests/${t}
+ for p in ${MKL_PROF}; do
+ einfo "Testing ${t} for ${p}"
+ emake -j1 \
+ F=${usegnu} \
+ MKL_SUBVERS=${p} \
+ lib${MKL_ARCH} \
+ || die "emake ${t} failed"
+ done
+ done
+# usage: mkl_install_lib <serial|regular|ilp64>
+mkl_install_lib() {
+ local proflib=lib_${1}
+ local prof=${PN}-${1}
+ [[ "${1}" == "regular" ]] && proflib=lib && prof=${PN}-threads
+ local libdir="${MKL_DIR}/${proflib}/${MKL_ARCH}"
+ local extlibs="-L${libdir} -lguide -lpthread"
+ [[ "${1}" == "serial" ]] && extlibs=""
+ [[ "${FORTRANC}" == "gfortran" ]] && \
+ extlibs="${extlibs} -L${libdir} -lmkl_gfortran"
+ cp -pPR "${S}"/${proflib} "${D}"${MKL_DIR}
+ for x in blas cblas; do
+ cat > eselect.${x}.${prof} << EOF
+${libdir}/libmkl_${MKL_KERN}.a /usr/@LIBDIR@/lib${x}.a
+${libdir}/ /usr/@LIBDIR@/lib${x}.so
+${libdir}/ /usr/@LIBDIR@/lib${x}.so.0
+${libdir}/${x}.pc /usr/@LIBDIR@/pkgconfig/${x}.pc
+ [[ ${x} == cblas ]] && \
+ echo "${MKL_DIR}/include/mkl_cblas.h /usr/include/cblas.h" >> eselect.${x}.${prof}
+ eselect ${x} add $(get_libdir) eselect.${x}.${prof} ${prof}
+ sed -e "s:@LIBDIR@:$(get_libdir):" \
+ -e "s:@PV@:${PV}:" \
+ -e "s:@EXTLIBS@:${extlibs}:g" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${x} > ${x}.pc || die "sed ${x}.pc failed"
+ insinto ${libdir}
+ doins ${x}.pc
+ done
+ cat > eselect.lapack.${prof} << EOF
+${libdir}/libmkl_lapack.a /usr/@LIBDIR@/liblapack.a
+${libdir}/ /usr/@LIBDIR@/
+${libdir}/ /usr/@LIBDIR@/
+${libdir}/lapack.pc /usr/@LIBDIR@/pkgconfig/lapack.pc
+ sed -e "s:@LIBDIR@:$(get_libdir):" \
+ -e "s:@PV@:${PV}:" \
+ -e "s:@EXTLIBS@:${extlibs}:g" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > lapack.pc || die "sed lapack.pc failed"
+ insinto ${libdir}
+ doins lapack.pc
+ eselect lapack add $(get_libdir) eselect.lapack.${prof} ${prof}
+ echo "LDPATH=${libdir}"
+src_install() {
+ # install license
+ if [[ ! -f /opt/intel/licenses/${MKL_LIC} ]]; then
+ insinto /opt/intel/licenses
+ doins "${WORKDIR}"/${MKL_LIC} || die "install license failed"
+ fi
+ dodir ${MKL_DIR}
+ # keep intel dir in /opt as default install
+ einfo "Installing headers, man pages and tools"
+ # use cp, too slow with doins
+ cp -pPR include man tools "${D}"${MKL_DIR} || die "install include|man|tools failed"
+ if use examples; then
+ einfo "Installing examples"
+ cp -pPR examples "${D}"${MKL_DIR} || die "install examples failed"
+ fi
+ insinto ${MKL_DIR}/doc
+ doins doc/*.txt || die "basic doc install failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ einfo "Installing documentation"
+ cp -pPR doc/*.pdf doc/*.htm "${D}"${MKL_DIR}/doc || die "doc failed"
+ fi
+ # take care of lib and eselect files
+ local env_file=35mkl
+ for p in ${MKL_PROF}; do
+ einfo "Installing profile: ${p}"
+ mkl_install_lib ${p} > ${env_file}
+ done
+ echo "MANPATH=${MKL_DIR}/man" >> ${env_file}
+ echo "INCLUDE=${MKL_DIR}/include" >> ${env_file}
+ doenvd ${env_file} || die "doenvd failed"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # set default profile according to upstream
+ local ext=threads
+ if use int64; then
+ ext=int64
+ elif use serial; then
+ ext=serial
+ fi
+ for p in blas cblas lapack; do
+ local current_lib=$(eselect ${p} show | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ if [[ ${current_lib} == ${ESELECT_PROF} || -z ${current_lib} ]]; then
+ # work around eselect bug #189942
+ local configfile="${ROOT}"/etc/env.d/${p}/lib/config
+ [[ -e ${configfile} ]] && rm -f ${configfile}
+ eselect ${p} set ${ESELECT_PROF}
+ elog "${p} has been eselected to ${ESELECT_PROF}"
+ else
+ elog "Current eselected ${p} is ${current_lib}"
+ elog "To use ${p} ${ESELECT_PROF} implementation, you have to issue (as root):"
+ elog "\t eselect ${p} set ${ESELECT_PROF}"
+ fi
+ done