diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-irc/epic4/files/local')
1 files changed, 882 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-irc/epic4/files/local b/net-irc/epic4/files/local
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e6777bc4395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-irc/epic4/files/local
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+# uncomment this if you don't want time stamping
+# timestamp off
+# uncomment this if you want ctcp cloaking
+# cloak on
+# *** key bindings ***
+bind ^[1 parse_command window swap 1
+bind ^[2 parse_command window swap 2
+bind ^[3 parse_command window swap 3
+bind ^[4 parse_command window swap 4
+bind ^[5 parse_command window swap 5
+bind ^[6 parse_command window swap 6
+bind ^[7 parse_command window swap 7
+bind ^[8 parse_command window swap 8
+bind ^[9 parse_command window swap 9
+# *** variable sets ***
+set -continued_line
+set dcc_auto_send_rejects off
+set dcc_timeout 60
+set dcc_sliding_window 1000
+set auto_rejoin off
+set mirc_broken_dcc_resume on
+set status_format 16,12%T [%R] %=%@%N%*%#%S%H%B%Q%A%C%+%I%O%M%F%L %D
+# *** aliases ***
+alias ban {
+ if ([$0] == []) {
+ xecho -b Usage: /ban <nickname>
+ return
+ }
+ userhost $0 -cmd {
+ @:usr_nick = [$0]
+ @:usr_id = [$3]
+ @:usr_host = [$4]
+ }
+ @:re = regcomp(^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\$)
+ if (regexec($re $usr_host)) {
+ @:usr_dom = count(. $usr_host) > 1 ? [*.$after(-2 . $usr_host)] : [*.$usr_host]
+ } {
+ @:usr_dom = [$before(-1 . $usr_host).*]
+ }
+ switch ($1) {
+ (1) {
+ //mode $C +b $usr_nick!*@*
+ }
+ (2) {
+ //mode $C +b *!*@$usr_host
+ }
+ (3) {
+ //mode $C +b *!*$usr_id@$usr_dom
+ }
+ (4) {
+ //mode $C +b *!*@$usr_dom
+ }
+ (*) {
+ ban $0 2
+ }
+ }
+alias bans { if ( [$0] ) { mode $0 +b } { mode $C +b } }
+alias chanserv { quote chanserv $* }
+alias clearall { //clear -all }
+alias client {
+ ctcp $0 VERSION
+alias cloak {
+ switch ($0) {
+ (on) {
+ ^on ctcp_request -"*"
+ ^on ^ctcp_request "*"
+ ^on -ctcp_request ^"% % ACTION *"
+ ^on -ctcp_request ^"% % DCC *"
+ ^on -ctcp_request ^"% % PING *"
+ xecho -b -w 1 ctcp cloaking is now on
+ }
+ (all) {
+ ^on ctcp_request -"*"
+ ^on ^ctcp_request "*"
+ ^on -ctcp_request ^"% % ACTION *"
+ ^on -ctcp_request ^"% % DCC *"
+ xecho -b -w 1 complete ctcp cloaking is now on
+ }
+ (off) {
+ ^on ctcp_request -"*"
+ }
+ (*) {
+ xecho -b -w 1 you must specify on, off, or all
+ }
+ }
+alias cs chanserv
+alias ctcpreply { eval notice $0 $chr(1)$1-$chr(1)}
+alias cycle {
+ @:chan_name = C
+ @:chan_key = key($C)
+ leave *
+ wait
+ join $chan_name $chan_key
+alias dccallow { quote dccallow $* }
+alias dns {
+ userhost $0 -cmd {
+ echo Looking up $4 ...
+ exec host $4
+ }
+alias dop {
+ fe ($*) n1 n2 n3 n4 {
+ mode $C -oooo $n1 $n2 $n3 $n4
+ }
+alias dvoice {
+ fe ($*) n1 n2 n3 n4 {
+ mode $C -vvvv $n1 $n2 $n3 $n4
+ }
+alias finger {
+ ctcp $0 FINGER
+alias format_idle_time {
+ if ( [$0] >= 3600 ) {
+ return ${[$0] / 3600} hours ${([$0] % 3600) / 60} mins ${[$0] % 60} sec
+ }
+ if ( [$0] >= 60 ) {
+ return ${([$0] % 3600) / 60} mins ${[$0] % 60} sec
+ }
+ return ${[$0] % 60} seconds
+alias k {
+ kick $C $*
+alias kb {
+ ban $0
+ k $*
+alias memoserv { quote memoserv $* }
+alias mdop {
+ fe ($remw($N $chops())) n1 n2 n3 n4 {
+ mode $C -oooooo $n1 $n2 $n3 $n4
+ }
+alias mop {
+ fe ($nochops()) n1 n2 n3 n4 {
+ mode $C +oooooo $n1 $n2 $n3 $n4
+ }
+alias names scan
+alias nickserv { quote nickserv $* }
+alias ns nickserv
+alias o onotice
+alias onotice {
+ quote notice @$C :ops: $*
+ xecho -c $ts()-> ops: $*
+alias op {
+ fe ($*) n1 n2 n3 n4 {
+ mode $C +oooo $n1 $n2 $n3 $n4
+ }
+alias operserv { quote operserv $* }
+alias os operserv
+alias q query
+alias sc scan
+alias scan {
+ @:num = 0
+ if (ischannel($0)) {
+ @:chan = [$0]
+ } {
+ @:chan = C
+ }
+ xecho -w $winchan($chan)
+ xecho -w $winchan($chan) -b 16Users on $chan:
+ fe ($strip(?. $channel($chan))) n1 n2 n3 n4
+ {
+ xecho -w $winchan($chan) 14| 13$[17]n1 $[17]n2 $[17]n3 $[17]n414 |
+ if (n4) {
+ @:num += 4
+ } {
+ if (n3) {
+ @:num += 3
+ } {
+ if (n2) {
+ @:num += 2
+ } { @:num++ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ xecho -w $winchan($chan) Total number of users on $chan: $num
+ xecho -w $winchan($chan)
+# sping from wd's anduril
+alias sping (server) {
+ if (server == []) @:server = builtin_expando(S)
+ @a.server.sping #= [$server $utime() ]
+ quote ping $server $server
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner Sent PING to $server
+# tdiff3 from wd's anduril
+alias tdiff3 {
+ if (![$0]) {
+ return 0s
+ }
+ @:y=:m=:w=0
+ @:t=[$0]
+ ^local r
+ @:y=floor(${t/31536000})
+ @:t%=31536000
+ @:m=floor(${t/2419200})
+ @:t%=2419200
+ @:w=floor(${t/604800})
+ @:t%=604800
+ @:l=tdiff2($t)
+ if (y) {
+ @:r=[${y}y ]
+ }
+ if (m) {
+ @:r#=[${m}m ]
+ }
+ if (w) {
+ @r#=[${w}w ]
+ }
+ return $r$l
+alias timestamp {
+ switch ($0) {
+ (off) {
+ @time_stamp = [off]
+ xecho -b -w 1 Time stamping is now off
+ }
+ (on) {
+ @time_stamp = [on]
+ xecho -b -w 1 Time stamping is now on
+ }
+ (*) {
+ if (time_stamp == [off]) {
+ xecho -b -w 1 Time stamping is currently off
+ } {
+ xecho -b -w 1 Time stamping is currently on
+ }
+ }
+ }
+alias ts {
+ if (time_stamp == [off]) {
+ return
+ } {
+ return 10$strftime($time() (%I:%M:%S %P)) 15
+ }
+alias untopic {
+ if (ischannel($0)) {
+ @:chan = [$0]
+ } {
+ @:chan = C
+ }
+ quote TOPIC $chan :
+alias ver client
+alias voice {
+ fe ($*) n1 n2 n3 n4 {
+ mode $C +vvvv $n1 $n2 $n3 $n4
+ }
+alias wall {
+ fe ($remw($N $onchannel())) n1 {
+ quote notice $n1 :wall: $*
+ }
+ xecho -c -> $C/wall: $*
+alias wii { whois $0 $0 }
+alias wk { window kill }
+alias wops {
+ fe ($remw($N $chops())) n1 {
+ quote notice $n1 :ops: $*
+ xecho -c -> $n1: ops: $*
+ }
+alias ws { window swap $0 }
+# *** named on hooks ***
+on ^action "*" {
+ if (rmatch($1 #* &* +*)) {
+ if ([$1] == winchan($winchan($1))) {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()* $0 $2-
+ } {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()* $0/$1 $2-
+ }
+ } {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()* $0 $2-
+ }
+on ^channel_nick "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($0) $ts()$banner 16Nick: 10$1 15is now known as 8$2
+on ^channel_signoff "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($0) $ts()$banner 16Quit: 10$1 15has quit irc \($2-\)
+on ^ctcp "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner CTCP $2 request from $0 to $1: $3-
+on ^ctcp_reply "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner CTCP $2 reply from $0 to $1: $3-
+on ^dcc_chat "*" {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()=$0= $1-
+on ^dcc_connect "*" {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()$banner DCC $1 connection with $0[$2:$3] established
+on ^dcc_lost "*" {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()$banner DCC $1 connection with $0 stopped \($2-\)
+on ^dcc_request "% CHAT *" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner DCC CHAT request received from $0!$userhost() [$3:$4]
+on ^dcc_request "% SEND *" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner DCC SEND \($5 $6\) request received from $0!$userhost() [$3:$4]
+on ^exec_exit * #
+on ^general_notice "% @% *" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($rest($1)) -- $ts()-13$0:$115- $2-
+on ^general_notice "% #% *" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) -- $ts()13$0:$115- $2-
+on ^invite "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner 16Invite: 10$0 15invites you to join $1
+on ^join "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner 16Join: 10$0 15\(10$215\) has joined $1
+on ^kick "*" {
+ if ( [$0] == N ) {
+ xecho $ts()$banner 16Kick: 15You have been kicked from $2 by $1 \($3-\)
+ } {
+ xecho -w $winchan($2) $ts()$banner 16Kick: 10$0 15has been kicked from $2 by $1 \($3-\)
+ }
+on ^leave "*" {
+ if ([$0] == N) {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner You have left $1 \($3-\)
+ } {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner 16Part: 10$0 15has left $1 \($3-\)
+ }
+on ^mode "*" {
+ if ([$1] == N) {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner 16Mode: 11$1 $2- by $0
+ } {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner 16Mode: 11$1 $2- by $0
+ }
+on ^msg "*" {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()*$0* $1-
+on ^msg "% @% %" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($rest($1)) -- $ts()<-$0:$1\-> $2-
+on ^notice "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 -- $ts()-13$015- $1-
+on ^notify_signoff "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner 16Signoff: 10$015 has left
+on ^notify_signon "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner 16Signon: 10$0 15\(10$115\) is on
+# pong on hook from wd's anduril
+on ^pong "% % %" {
+ @:ind = findw($0 $a.server.sping)
+ if (ind == -1) {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner $0\: PONG received from $1 \($2\)
+ } else {
+ @:ut = utime()
+ @:usec = word(${ind + 2} $a.server.sping)
+ @:sec = word(${ind + 1} $a.server.sping)
+ @a.server.sping = remw($0 $remw($sec $remw($usec $a.server.sping)))
+ @:sec = word(0 $ut) - sec
+ @:usec = word(1 $ut) - usec
+ if (usec < 0) {
+ @:usec += 1000000 , sec--
+ }
+ @:sec = tdiff3($sec)
+ if (pass(s $sec) == []) {
+ @:sec = [${sec}0.$left(3 $usec)s]
+ } else {
+ @:sec = [$before(s $sec).$left(3 $usec)s]
+ }
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner PONG received from $1 in $sec
+ }
+on ^public "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()14<15$014> 15$2-
+on ^public_msg "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()14<15$0:$114> 15$2-
+on ^public_other "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()14<15$0:$114> 15$2-
+on ^send_action "*" {
+ if (rmatch($0 #* &* +*) ) {
+ xecho -w $winchan($0) $ts()* $N $1-
+ } {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()*> $0: $N $1-
+ }
+on ^send_dcc_chat "*" {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()=$0=> $1-
+on ^send_msg "*" {
+ xecho -w queries $ts()*$0*> $1-
+on ^send_notice "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 -- $ts()-> $0: $1-
+on ^send_notice "#% *" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($rest($0)) -- $ts()-> $0: $1-
+on ^send_public "*" {
+ if ([$0] == C) {
+ xecho -w $winchan($0) $ts()14<15$N14> 15$1-
+ } {
+ xecho -w $winchan($0) $ts()14<15$N:$014> 15$1-
+ }
+on ^topic "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner 16Topic: 10$0 15has changed the topic on $1 to: $2-
+on ^window "% % SWAP: Window % is not hidden!"
+on ^window "% % SWAP: No such window: %"
+on ^yell "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $ts()$banner $*
+on ^yell ^"Defaulting % to CHANMODE type D"
+# *** numeric hooks ***
+on ^317 "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $banner $1 has been idle $format_idle_time($2), Signon $strftime($3 %c)
+on ^331 "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner $1-
+on ^332 "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner Topic for $1: $2-
+on ^333 "*" {
+ xecho -w $winchan($1) $ts()$banner Topic set by $2 $strftime($3 %c)
+on ^367 "*" {
+ xecho -w 1 $banner $1 $2 $3 $strftime($4 %c)
+# a full-featured tab key module for epic
+# written by nsx
+# Here's the plan:
+# First off, the word fragment (which may not be a fragment at all, but
+# rather, a complete word, though we have no way of knowing this yet) that
+# we're going to attempt to complete is determined. If the current word
+# pointed to by the input line cursor is quoted, then that word becomes the
+# word fragment we'll attempt to complete. If the word is not quoted, then all
+# characters from the beginning of the word pointed to by the input line cursor
+# to the cursor itself become the fragment we'll try to complete.
+# We now analyze the input line to see if it matches certain patterns, and
+# determine which method of completion we'll use based on which pattern it
+# matches.
+# If our input line matches "/msg <word><space>", we recall the item in our
+# nickname history pointed to by our nickname history index. We then type out
+# the command "/msg <nick><space>", where <nick> is that nickname we recalled
+# from the history. If there are no nicknames in the history, nothing at all
+# is done.
+# If our input line matches "/dcc <word>", then dcc command completion is
+# attempted. This matches the word fragment against all known dcc commands.
+# If our input line begins with "/dcc send <word1> <word2>" or "/load", we
+# attempt file name completion. This matches the word fragment against any
+# local path name that exists.
+# If our input line matches "/<word>" we attempt command completion. This
+# matches the word fragment against both internal commands and aliases.
+# If our input line is empty, we attempt nickname history cycling as described
+# above.
+# If our input line matches none of the above, we analyze the first character
+# of the fragment. If it begins with a '#' or a '&', channel name completion
+# is attempted. This matches the word fragment against all channels we're
+# currently on.
+# If our fragment does not begin with '#' or '&', nickname completion is
+# attempted. This matches the word fragment against all nicknames in the
+# current channel. If no matches are found, we then match the word fragment
+# against all nicknames in all other channels we're on.
+# If there was multiple matches for the word fragment, we replace the word
+# fragment with the common prefix for these matches, if any. We also display
+# all of the possible matches on the screen, unless they're the same list of
+# possible matches we displayed less than 5 seconds ago. This way, we hope to
+# avoid unnecessary repetition.
+# If there was only one match for the word fragment, we replace the word
+# fragment with that match. We also append a space unless nickname completion
+# took place, and the completed word is the only word in the input line. Most
+# of the time this occurs, I assume people are trying to address somebody. I
+# do this so that the optional colon can be appended after the nickname,
+# without having to backspace.
+# If we perform file name completion and the completed path name is a
+# directory, we treat the completed word as if it's a partial completion (in
+# that no space is appended), since we cannot be certain whether or not the
+# path name is complete, unless it's a file.
+# If the completed word (partial or complete) needs to be enclosed in
+# quotation marks, we meet this provision. If the completed word is partial,
+# we place the cursor on the enclosing quotation mark, so that further
+# completion can take place without having to manually reposition the cursor.
+# For each outgoing msg or outgoing DCC CHAT message, we add the recipient
+# to our nickname history.
+# For each incoming msg or incoming DCC CHAT message, we add the sender to
+# our nickname history.
+# For each DCC CHAT connection that takes place, we add the other party to
+# our nickname history.
+# Each time a nickname is added to our nickname history, we first remove any
+# prior occurrences of the nickname that may exist. We then check to see if
+# our nickname history is at its capacity (10 nicknames). If it is, the oldest
+# nickname in our history is discarded. Next, we add the nickname to the
+# history. Lastly, we set our nickname index to point to the nickname that was
+# just added.
+# *** global variables ***
+# nickname history array
+# nickname history index
+@nick_index = -1
+# the matches from the last tab key press
+@last_matches = []
+# how far the cursor is from the end of the word fragment
+@end_offset = 0
+# whether or not the word fragment needs to be quoted (0 or 1)
+@word_fragq = 0
+bind ^I parse_command do_tabkey
+alias do_tabkey {
+ @:cur_pos = curpos()
+ @:cur_word = word($indextoword($cur_pos $L ) $L )
+ @:frag_start = wordtoindex($indextoword($cur_pos $L ) $L )
+ if (index("$chr($jot(32 1))" $cur_word) == -1) {
+ @word_fragq = 0
+ @end_offset = 0
+ @:word_frag = mid($frag_start ${cur_pos - frag_start} $L)
+ } {
+ @word_fragq = 1
+ @end_offset = (frag_start + @cur_word - cur_pos) + 2
+ @:word_frag = cur_word
+ if (end_offset < 0) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if (leftw(1 $L) == [/msg] && #L == 2 && mid(${@L - 1} 1 $L) == [ ]) {
+ @msg_cycle()
+ return
+ }
+ switch ($L) {
+ (/dcc %) {
+ @dcc_complete($word_frag)
+ }
+ (/dcc send % *)
+ (/load *) {
+ @file_complete($word_frag)
+ }
+ (/%) {
+ @command_complete($right(${@L - 1} $L))
+ }
+ () {
+ @msg_cycle()
+ }
+ (*) {
+ @:firstc = left(1 $word_frag)
+ if (firstc == [#] || firstc == [&]) {
+ @chan_complete($word_frag)
+ } {
+ @nick_complete($word_frag)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# replace_fragment (frag_len, matches...)
+# This function replaces the word fragment. If given a single match, the word
+# fragment is replaced with that match. If multiple matches are given, the
+# common prefix for those matches replaces the word fragment. If no matches
+# are given, this function does nothing.
+# It expects the fragment length (so it can know how many times to backspace)
+# to be its first argument, and all matches for the word fragment to be the
+# rest of its arguments. This function also expects the global variable
+# end_offset to be set, so that it can position the cursor after the word
+# fragment, if needed, before backspacing to clear it. This needs to be done,
+# for example, when the tab key was pressed while the cursor was in the middle
+# of a quoted word.
+alias replace_fragment {
+ @:matches = [$1-]
+ @:match_pfx = prefix($1-)
+ @:frag_len = word_fragq ? [$0] + 2 : [$0]
+ if (#matches && #match_pfx) {
+ repeat $end_offset parsekey forward_character
+ repeat $frag_len parsekey backspace
+ if (index("$chr($jot(32 1))" $match_pfx) != -1) {
+ @:match_pfx = ["$match_pfx"]
+ @word_fragq = 1
+ }
+ if (#matches > 1) {
+ unless (matches == last_matches) {
+ xecho -c Possible matches:
+ xecho -c $matches
+ xecho -c
+ @last_matches = matches
+ timer 5 @last_matches = []
+ }
+ xtype -l $match_pfx
+ if (word_fragq) {
+ parsekey backward_character
+ }
+ } {
+ xtype -l $matches$chr(32)
+ }
+ }
+alias chan_complete {
+ @:word_frag = [$*]
+ @:frag_matches = pattern("$word_frag*" $mychannels())
+ @replace_fragment($@word_frag $frag_matches)
+alias command_complete {
+ @:word_frag = [$*]
+ @:frag_matches = getcommands($word_frag*)
+ @push(frag_matches $aliasctl(alias pmatch $word_frag*))
+ @replace_fragment($@word_frag $frag_matches)
+alias dcc_complete {
+ @:word_frag = [$*]
+ @:dcc_cmds = [chat close closeall get list raw rename resume send]
+ @:frag_matches = pattern($word_frag% $dcc_cmds)
+ @replace_fragment($@word_frag $frag_matches)
+alias file_complete {
+ @:word_frag = [$*]
+ @:frag_matches = glob("$word_frag*")
+ @replace_fragment($@word_frag $frag_matches)
+ if (#frag_matches == 1) {
+ @:stat_ret = stat($frag_matches)
+ if (left(1 $word(2 $stat_ret)) == 4) {
+ parsekey backspace
+ if (word_fragq) {
+ parsekey backward_character
+ }
+ }
+ }
+alias nick_complete {
+ @:word_frag = [$*]
+ @:frag_matches = pattern("$word_frag*" $onchannel())
+ if (frag_matches == []) {
+ ^local nick_list
+ fe ($remw($C $mychannels())) channel {
+ @push(nick_list $onchannel($channel))
+ }
+ @:nick_list = uniq($nick_list)
+ @:frag_matches = pattern($word_frag% $nick_list)
+ }
+ @replace_fragment($@word_frag $frag_matches)
+ if (#L == 1 && #frag_matches == 1) {
+ parsekey backspace
+ }
+alias add_nickname {
+ @:nick_items = numitems(nick_hist)
+ @:prev_oc = finditem(nick_hist $0)
+ if (prev_oc > -1) {
+ @delitem(nick_hist $prev_oc)
+ @:nick_items--
+ }
+ if (nick_items > 9) {
+ @delitem(nick_hist 0)
+ @:nick_items--
+ }
+ @setitem(nick_hist $nick_items $0)
+ @nick_index = nick_items
+alias msg_cycle {
+ @:nick_items = numitems(nick_hist)
+ if (!(nick_items)) {
+ return
+ }
+ parsekey erase_line
+ xtype -l /msg $getitem(nick_hist $nick_index)$chr(32)
+ @nick_index = nick_index == 0 ? nick_items - 1 : nick_index - 1
+on #^dcc_chat 10 "*" {
+ @add_nickname(=$0)
+on #^dcc_connect 10 "% CHAT *" {
+ @add_nickname(=$0)
+on #^msg 10 "*" {
+ @add_nickname($0)
+on #^send_dcc_chat 10 "*" {
+ @add_nickname(=$0)
+on #^send_msg 10 "*" {
+ @add_nickname($0)