diff options
authorGregorio Guidi <>2005-01-24 11:10:04 +0000
committerGregorio Guidi <>2005-01-24 11:10:04 +0000
commit2b89c2bf4364c6dc4929921fec57c79b9a390c53 (patch)
tree744c1041eb00e7ad0911ed41bb131b452c15e301 /x11-libs
parentInitial commit; ebuild by me. (diff)
New revision. Removed icc USE flag (#68664). Removed dependency on gif libraries (#78569). Added patch for fullscreen problem on amd64 (kde bug 92992). Added patch for kde freeze (kde bug 80072). Added performance patches (#64449).
(Portage version: 2.0.51-r14)
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-libs')
9 files changed, 553 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/ChangeLog b/x11-libs/qt/ChangeLog
index 251e5f4b1f9b..c8709904e4ea 100644
--- a/x11-libs/qt/ChangeLog
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
# ChangeLog for x11-libs/qt
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/qt/ChangeLog,v 1.184 2005/01/18 05:11:08 eradicator Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/qt/ChangeLog,v 1.185 2005/01/24 11:10:03 greg_g Exp $
+*qt-3.3.3-r3 (24 Jan 2005)
+ 24 Jan 2005; Gregorio Guidi <>
+ +files/qt-3.3.3-amd64-fullscreen.patch,
+ +files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qiconview_buffered.patch,
+ +files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qscrollview_fixwindowactivate.patch,
+ +files/qt-3.3.3-qclipboard-hack.patch, +qt-3.3.3-r3.ebuild,
+ qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild:
+ Removed icc USE flag (#68664). Removed dependency on gif libraries (#78569).
+ Added patch for fullscreen problem on amd64 (kde bug 92992). Added patch for
+ kde freeze (kde bug 80072). Added performance patches (#64449).
17 Jan 2005; Jeremy Huddleston <> qt-2.3.2-r2.ebuild,
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/Manifest b/x11-libs/qt/Manifest
index 25f2737f57fa..b8490415c884 100644
--- a/x11-libs/qt/Manifest
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/Manifest
@@ -1,54 +1,48 @@
-Hash: SHA1
-MD5 cf6b2361f4bce0e7176c91caf872fd7b ChangeLog 30813
+MD5 3f30d4e96664ba2574dfb069b708f4a1 qt-3.3.3.ebuild 6897
+MD5 7daec76f47482903184ed2b6d6d5640f qt-3.3.3-r1.ebuild 8039
MD5 512150b47a904b0240101e319856aab1 metadata.xml 156
+MD5 2fc3522ad56999fa1dd99fd8f72c96c4 qt-3.3.3-r2.ebuild 8171
MD5 f48889277f11c39d5f2160b262e7c314 qt-2.3.2-r1.ebuild 2289
+MD5 959932485a6c491dd51ed99f0d976341 ChangeLog 30693
MD5 0c35ff70fb6ff95611499d6fb69d8afc qt-3.3.1-r2.ebuild 5745
+MD5 dd2127b3c7bc12b24621d172b6a075af qt-3.2.3-r1.ebuild 5159
+MD5 0d3f3a17563fe3e6e6ff2c00bf094ed8 qt-3.3.3-r3.ebuild 8355
+MD5 13c659d1e84ee9edb8e9c64d08fb06a9 qt-4.0.0_beta1.ebuild 4777
+MD5 25fa7abc414dec2597f1d53575a1434e qt-2.3.2-r2.ebuild 2595
MD5 fbe7f8bc183824f9c17974b1a493c94d qt-3.3.2.ebuild 6895
-MD5 7daec76f47482903184ed2b6d6d5640f qt-3.3.3-r1.ebuild 8039
-MD5 3f30d4e96664ba2574dfb069b708f4a1 qt-3.3.3.ebuild 6897
MD5 6eabb11b45974186ee77341995c7b215 qt-4.0.0_beta1-r1.ebuild 5702
-MD5 13c659d1e84ee9edb8e9c64d08fb06a9 qt-4.0.0_beta1.ebuild 4777
-MD5 3d1cc787b98b33e20bdb4768bd8e8ecc qt-3.3.3-r2.ebuild 8375
-MD5 2a5d402b9d5ceff465069a1651f3b329 qt-2.3.2-r2.ebuild 2765
MD5 71338b6ba782422f79354dae6a3336e0 qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild 5761
-MD5 dd2127b3c7bc12b24621d172b6a075af qt-3.2.3-r1.ebuild 5159
-MD5 08cdd879d3418837cf4bad594dc0f91f files/45qtdir2 16
-MD5 ad4921b9f10a62c1e211d064f5c7fd9a files/44qt4 121
-MD5 c7f65a0625242eccf159e2b8ee74976d files/45qt3 109
+MD5 3e5e045d0c1448839a8dc1c82aeef21b files/qt-3.3.3-qclipboard-hack.patch 1662
+MD5 77ee6484af384828441336443499ec0e files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r2 238
MD5 7dc4f78d52452c28ba797ffc7db34f23 files/50qtdir3 16
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MD5 24486c56d654be71e66b7c01b143c9a9 files/digest-qt-3.2.3-r1 72
-MD5 87c645dbad7233316ff3340847a59f22 files/digest-qt-3.3.1-r2 72
-MD5 698d5ff434cbace76297754f49699b7e files/digest-qt-3.3.2 165
-MD5 494ea57bec4dcfe3a4ca65e413d81791 files/digest-qt-3.3.3 165
-MD5 77ee6484af384828441336443499ec0e files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r1 238
-MD5 1402aee539796a7165cdd4646346da50 files/digest-qt-4.0.0_beta1 81
MD5 5754b897216dcf52901cfb4de6770d6e files/digest-qt-4.0.0_beta1-r1 99
-MD5 8c01ee8bb9af451f93082717ed8f4c49 files/qfontdatabase_x11.diff 1147
-MD5 057679471a1149cfba2cabd7a1fd2b55 files/qt-3.2.3-qfontdatabase-i18n-20031024.patch 10536
-MD5 9ac22fe721162a565a7507763f785ab5 files/qt-3.2.3-qpsprinter-useFreeType2-20031128.patch 9972
-MD5 687ac003fc61501eda26cb2cf068cb2a files/qt-3.2.3-scriptForChar-20031128.patch 18095
+MD5 698d5ff434cbace76297754f49699b7e files/digest-qt-3.3.2 165
MD5 33d20a19eba2cb13a7eb156d4eea10db files/qt-3.3.1-mips-relax-branches.patch 688
-MD5 9bd231bda8dcf1508a797c80002bfaa3 files/qt-3.3.1-qclipboard-fix.patch 2878
+MD5 5754b897216dcf52901cfb4de6770d6e files/digest-qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2 99
+MD5 c7f65a0625242eccf159e2b8ee74976d files/45qt3 109
+MD5 7a287bc7609ad2420f70af6d4c58302f files/50qt2 63
+MD5 08cdd879d3418837cf4bad594dc0f91f files/45qtdir2 16
MD5 dd5958e335d63c95fc1e5051aa5224ca files/qt-3.3.2-immodule-20040819.patch 1761
-MD5 33d20a19eba2cb13a7eb156d4eea10db files/qt-3.3.2-mips-relax-branches.patch 688
-MD5 471c09f2792eec732d715a983b7f7244 files/qt-3.3.3-immodule-20040819-event-inversion-20040908.diff 4150
+MD5 1402aee539796a7165cdd4646346da50 files/digest-qt-4.0.0_beta1 81
MD5 2df2442dc59faeb8b545a81d2523cf28 files/qt-3.3.3-immodule-r123-event-inversion-20040909.diff 327
-MD5 da2eb517a4c29a58002e92864ff966e5 files/qt-no-rpath-uic.patch 294
-MD5 37722e33e1a10fcc58463d13979e0f05 files/qt4-qtprf.patch 470
+MD5 87c645dbad7233316ff3340847a59f22 files/digest-qt-3.3.1-r2 72
MD5 2f121ac14a939da7f1958ffc866f8560 files/qt4-rpath.patch 353
+MD5 da2eb517a4c29a58002e92864ff966e5 files/qt-no-rpath-uic.patch 294
+MD5 494ea57bec4dcfe3a4ca65e413d81791 files/digest-qt-3.3.3 165
+MD5 77ee6484af384828441336443499ec0e files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r1 238
+MD5 057679471a1149cfba2cabd7a1fd2b55 files/qt-3.2.3-qfontdatabase-i18n-20031024.patch 10536
+MD5 8c01ee8bb9af451f93082717ed8f4c49 files/qfontdatabase_x11.diff 1147
+MD5 ad4921b9f10a62c1e211d064f5c7fd9a files/44qt4 121
+MD5 037b7ee164790946df6a2d6ea89f01fc files/digest-qt-2.3.2-r2 65
+MD5 33d20a19eba2cb13a7eb156d4eea10db files/qt-3.3.2-mips-relax-branches.patch 688
+MD5 9bd231bda8dcf1508a797c80002bfaa3 files/qt-3.3.1-qclipboard-fix.patch 2878
MD5 383147673319909aa3b692646be3c3dd files/qt4b1.patch 564
+MD5 687ac003fc61501eda26cb2cf068cb2a files/qt-3.2.3-scriptForChar-20031128.patch 18095
MD5 3c0e22a55628691f1789f7bf18426ba0 files/qt4b1_20041228.patch 297
-MD5 037b7ee164790946df6a2d6ea89f01fc files/digest-qt-2.3.2-r2 65
-MD5 77ee6484af384828441336443499ec0e files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r2 238
-MD5 5754b897216dcf52901cfb4de6770d6e files/digest-qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2 99
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 471c09f2792eec732d715a983b7f7244 files/qt-3.3.3-immodule-20040819-event-inversion-20040908.diff 4150
+MD5 e0a483959b1d3dad0fc58adc242624c1 files/qt-3.3.3-amd64-fullscreen.patch 1220
+MD5 9ac22fe721162a565a7507763f785ab5 files/qt-3.2.3-qpsprinter-useFreeType2-20031128.patch 9972
+MD5 77ee6484af384828441336443499ec0e files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r3 238
+MD5 37722e33e1a10fcc58463d13979e0f05 files/qt4-qtprf.patch 470
+MD5 037b7ee164790946df6a2d6ea89f01fc files/digest-qt-2.3.2-r1 65
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r3 b/x11-libs/qt/files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..caaa95d83463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/files/digest-qt-3.3.3-r3
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 3e0a0c8429b0a974b39b5f535ddff01c qt-x11-free-3.3.3.tar.bz2 14424812
+MD5 1053683f0d27854babc2a03db7360e23 qt-x11-immodule-unified-qt3.3.3-20040910.diff.gz 135277
+MD5 5ba58ddd3bf3d9c6f717b2366d1a5743 qt-3.3.3-darwin-fink.patch.gz 22581
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-amd64-fullscreen.patch b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-amd64-fullscreen.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..428211744a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-amd64-fullscreen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+--- src/kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp.sav 2004-08-12 14:40:36.000000000 +0200
++++ src/kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp 2004-10-07 15:38:05.576444791 +0200
+@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ void qt_get_net_supported()
+ False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data);
+ if (type == XA_ATOM && format == 32) {
+- ts.writeBlock((const char *) data, nitems * 4);
++ ts.writeBlock((const char *) data, nitems * sizeof(long));
+ offset += nitems;
+ } else
+ after = 0;
+@@ -4574,7 +4574,8 @@ bool QETWidget::translatePropertyEvent(c
+ if (max && !isMaximized()) {
+ setWState(WState_Maximized);
+ send_event = TRUE;
+- } else if (!max && isMaximized()) {
++ } else if (!max && isMaximized()
++ && (qt_net_supports(qt_net_wm_state_max_v) || qt_net_supports(qt_net_wm_state_max_h))) {
+ clearWState(WState_Maximized);
+ send_event = TRUE;
+ }
+@@ -4582,7 +4583,7 @@ bool QETWidget::translatePropertyEvent(c
+ if (full && !isFullScreen()) {
+ setWState(WState_FullScreen);
+ send_event = TRUE;
+- } else if (!full && isFullScreen()) {
++ } else if (!full && isFullScreen() && qt_net_supports(qt_net_wm_state_fullscreen)) {
+ clearWState(WState_FullScreen);
+ send_event = TRUE;
+ }
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qiconview_buffered.patch b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qiconview_buffered.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..593fb2518e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qiconview_buffered.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Buffered QIconView.
+For every QIconView this patch creates a backbuffer where the image will
+grow up (aka will be painted) before blitting the results to the screen.
+This solves the konqueror flickering problems at its roots. There are
+some more bugs that make conqueror repaint without reason.. patches
+will follow.
+ Enrico Ros <>
+--- src.orig/iconview/qiconview.cpp 2004-03-24 15:58:05.000000000 +0000
++++ src/iconview/qiconview.cpp 2004-03-30 16:23:32.521253280 +0000
+@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@
+ QIconViewItem *currentItem, *tmpCurrentItem, *highlightedItem,
+ *startDragItem, *pressedItem, *selectAnchor, *renamingItem;
+ QRect *rubber;
++ QPixmap *backBuffer;
+ QTimer *scrollTimer, *adjustTimer, *updateTimer, *inputTimer,
+ *fullRedrawTimer;
+ int rastX, rastY, spacing;
+@@ -2731,6 +2732,7 @@
+ d->currentItem = 0;
+ d->highlightedItem = 0;
+ d->rubber = 0;
++ d->backBuffer = 0;
+ d->scrollTimer = 0;
+ d->startDragItem = 0;
+ d->tmpCurrentItem = 0;
+@@ -2883,6 +2885,8 @@
+ delete item;
+ item = tmp;
+ }
++ delete d->backBuffer;
++ d->backBuffer = 0;
+ delete d->fm;
+ d->fm = 0;
+ #ifndef QT_NO_TOOLTIP
+@@ -4845,6 +4849,47 @@
+ #endif
+ /*!
++ This function grabs all paintevents that otherwise would have been
++ processed by the QScrollView::viewportPaintEvent(). Here we use a
++ doublebuffer to reduce 'on-paint' flickering on QIconView
++ (and of course its childs).
++ \sa QScrollView::viewportPaintEvent(), QIconView::drawContents()
++void QIconView::bufferedPaintEvent( QPaintEvent* pe )
++ QWidget* vp = viewport();
++ QRect r = pe->rect() & vp->rect();
++ int ex = r.x() + contentsX();
++ int ey = r.y() + contentsY();
++ int ew = r.width();
++ int eh = r.height();
++ if ( !d->backBuffer )
++ d->backBuffer = new QPixmap(vp->size());
++ if ( d->backBuffer->size() != vp->size() ) {
++ //Resize function (with hysteesis). Uses a good compromise between memory
++ //consumption and speed (number) of resizes.
++ float newWidth = (float)vp->width();
++ float newHeight = (float)vp->height();
++ if ( newWidth > d->backBuffer->width() || newHeight > d->backBuffer->height() )
++ {
++ newWidth *= 1.1892;
++ newHeight *= 1.1892;
++ d->backBuffer->resize( (int)newWidth, (int)newHeight );
++ } else if ( 1.5*newWidth < d->backBuffer->width() || 1.5*newHeight < d->backBuffer->height() )
++ d->backBuffer->resize( (int)newWidth, (int)newHeight );
++ }
++ QPainter p;
++ p.begin(d->backBuffer, vp);
++ drawContentsOffset(&p, contentsX(), contentsY(), ex, ey, ew, eh);
++ p.end();
++ bitBlt(vp, r.x(), r.y(), d->backBuffer, r.x(), r.y(), ew, eh);
+ \reimp
+ */
+@@ -5627,7 +5676,7 @@
+ if ( !d->rubber )
+ drawDragShapes( d->oldDragPos );
+ }
+- viewportPaintEvent( (QPaintEvent*)e );
++ bufferedPaintEvent( (QPaintEvent*)e );
+ if ( d->dragging ) {
+ if ( !d->rubber )
+ drawDragShapes( d->oldDragPos );
+--- src.orig/iconview/qiconview.h 2004-03-30 16:00:47.605751976 +0000
++++ src/iconview/qiconview.h 2003-05-16 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
+@@ -445,6 +445,7 @@
+ void contentsDropEvent( QDropEvent *e );
+ #endif
++ void bufferedPaintEvent( QPaintEvent* );
+ void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e );
+ void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
+ void focusInEvent( QFocusEvent *e );
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qscrollview_fixwindowactivate.patch b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qscrollview_fixwindowactivate.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5721db8c7690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-flickerfree_qscrollview_fixwindowactivate.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+QScrollView unwanted repaint fix.
+This fixes the 'flashing' konqueror window on activation / deactivation by
+saving 1 unwanted repaint (when konqueror window has background).
+I tracked down to the problem to the internal QViewportWidget of the
+QScrollView class.
+When a window is activated the activation event is recursively propagated
+to all childs triggering the windowActivationChange() functions in the
+widget it passes by.
+What happens when the event gets to the Viewport?
+At this point the event has already been handled by windowActivationChange()
+of the parent widget (a QIconView for example) and has then been propagated
+to the Viewport that will handle it with the default
+QWidget::windowActivationChange implementation, maybe raising an unwanted
+update(); so here we stop the event.
+As an addition: if the parent reimplements the windowActivationChange()
+function, mainly to block the update, it won't be happy if the child will
+trigger the update. If the parent do not reimplement the function il will
+inherits the default implementation and there is no need for the viewport's
+Enrico Ros <>
+--- src.orig/widgets/qscrollview.cpp 2004-03-29 10:17:04.000000000 +0000
++++ src/widgets/qscrollview.cpp 2004-03-30 16:40:07.599978320 +0000
+@@ -1551,6 +1551,9 @@
+ case QEvent::LayoutHint:
+ d->autoResizeHint(this);
+ break;
++ case QEvent::WindowActivate:
++ case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
++ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-qclipboard-hack.patch b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-qclipboard-hack.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74c60fb25588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/files/qt-3.3.3-qclipboard-hack.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+qt-bugs@ issue : none, probably even won't be number : 80072
+applied: no
+author: Lubos Lunak <>
+A crude hack for KDE #80072. No good idea how to fix it properly yet :(.
+--- src/kernel/qclipboard_x11.cpp.sav 2004-04-30 12:00:06.000000000 +0200
++++ src/kernel/qclipboard_x11.cpp 2004-05-09 21:18:10.269264304 +0200
+@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ static int pending_timer_id = 0;
+ static bool pending_clipboard_changed = FALSE;
+ static bool pending_selection_changed = FALSE;
++Q_EXPORT bool qt_qclipboard_bailout_hack = false;
+ // event capture mechanism for qt_xclb_wait_for_event
+ static bool waiting_for_data = FALSE;
+@@ -453,6 +454,15 @@ static int qt_xclb_event_filter(XEvent *
+ return 0;
+ }
++static bool selection_request_pending = false;
++static Bool check_selection_request_pending( Display*, XEvent* e, XPointer )
++ {
++ if( e->type == SelectionRequest && e->xselectionrequest.owner == owner->winId())
++ selection_request_pending = true;
++ return False;
++ }
+ bool qt_xclb_wait_for_event( Display *dpy, Window win, int type, XEvent *event,
+ int timeout )
+ {
+@@ -504,6 +514,14 @@ bool qt_xclb_wait_for_event( Display *dp
+ do {
+ if ( XCheckTypedWindowEvent(dpy,win,type,event) )
+ return TRUE;
++ if( qt_qclipboard_bailout_hack ) {
++ XEvent dummy;
++ selection_request_pending = false;
++ if ( owner != NULL )
++ XCheckIfEvent(dpy,&dummy,check_selection_request_pending,NULL);
++ if( selection_request_pending )
++ return TRUE;
++ }
+ now = QTime::currentTime();
+ if ( started > now ) // crossed midnight
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/qt-3.3.3-r3.ebuild b/x11-libs/qt/qt-3.3.3-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..04bf8778bbe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/qt-3.3.3-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/qt/qt-3.3.3-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/01/24 11:10:04 greg_g Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic
+DESCRIPTION="QT version ${PV}"
+ immqt? (${IMMQT_P}.diff.gz )
+ immqt-bc? (${IMMQT_P}.diff.gz )
+ ppc-macos? (${P}-darwin-fink.patch.gz )"
+LICENSE="|| ( QPL-1.0 GPL-2 )"
+#KEYWORDS="~x86 ~alpha ~ppc amd64 ~sparc ~hppa ~mips ~ppc64 ~ia64 ~ppc-macos"
+#-r2 is the same as -r1 but with multilib fixes
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64 ~hppa ~mips ~ppc64 ~sparc"
+IUSE="cups debug doc firebird gif ipv6 mysql nas odbc opengl postgres sqlite xinerama zlib immqt immqt-bc"
+DEPEND="virtual/x11 virtual/xft
+ media-libs/libpng media-libs/jpeg media-libs/libmng
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2
+ nas? ( >=media-libs/nas-1.5 )
+ odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql )
+ sqlite? ( =dev-db/sqlite-2* )
+ firebird? ( dev-db/firebird )
+ opengl? ( virtual/opengl virtual/glu )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )
+ cups? ( net-print/cups )
+ zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )"
+# old immodules may cause segfaults on some qt applications,
+# especially qtconfig
+ !<=app-i18n/uim-qt-0.1.7"
+export QTDIR=${S}
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use immqt ; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You are going to compile binary imcompatible immodule for Qt. This means"
+ ewarn "you have to recompile everything depending on Qt after you install it."
+ ewarn "Be aware."
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ if useq ppc-macos ; then
+ export PLATFORM=darwin-g++
+ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${QTDIR}/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
+ export INSTALL_ROOT=""
+ else
+ export PLATFORM=linux-g++
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ export QTDIR=${S}
+ cd ${S}
+ cp configure configure.orig
+ sed -e 's:read acceptance:acceptance=yes:' configure.orig > configure
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/qt-no-rpath-uic.patch
+ # fix fullscreen mode for 64 bit archs (kde bug 92992)
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-amd64-fullscreen.patch
+ # fix freeze caused by bad interaction with kde klipper (kde bug 80072)
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-qclipboard-hack.patch
+ # performance patches (see
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-flickerfree_qiconview_buffered.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-flickerfree_qscrollview_fixwindowactivate.patch
+ if use immqt || use immqt-bc ; then
+ epatch ../${IMMQT_P}.diff
+ sh || die "make symlinks failed"
+ fi
+ if use ppc-macos ; then
+ gzcat ${FILESDIR}/${P}-darwin-fink.patch.gz | sed -e "s:@QTBASE@:${QTBASE}:g" > ${T}/${P}-darwin-fink.patch
+ epatch ${T}/${P}-darwin-fink.patch
+ fi
+ cd mkspecs/${PLATFORM}
+ # set c/xxflags and ldflags
+ strip-flags
+ qmake.conf || die
+ cd ${S}
+src_compile() {
+ export QTDIR=${S}
+ export SYSCONF=${D}${QTBASE}/etc/settings
+ # Let's just allow writing to these directories during Qt emerge
+ # as it makes Qt much happier.
+ addwrite "${QTBASE}/etc/settings"
+ addwrite "$HOME/.qt"
+ use nas && myconf="${myconf} -system-nas-sound"
+ use gif && myconf="${myconf} -qt-gif" || myconf="${myconf} -no-gif"
+ use mysql && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-mysql -I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/lib/mysql" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-mysql"
+ use postgres && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-psql -I/usr/include/postgresql/server -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql/server" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-psql"
+ use firebird && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-ibase" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-ibase"
+ use sqlite && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-sqlite" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-sqlite"
+ use odbc && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-odbc" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-odbc"
+ use cups && myconf="${myconf} -cups" || myconf="${myconf} -no-cups"
+ use opengl && myconf="${myconf} -enable-module=opengl" || myconf="${myconf} -disable-opengl"
+ use debug && myconf="${myconf} -debug" || myconf="${myconf} -release -no-g++-exceptions"
+ use xinerama && myconf="${myconf} -xinerama" || myconf="${myconf} -no-xinerama"
+ use zlib && myconf="${myconf} -system-zlib" || myconf="${myconf} -qt-zlib"
+ use ipv6 && myconf="${myconf} -ipv6" || myconf="${myconf} -no-ipv6"
+ use immqt-bc && myconf="${myconf} -inputmethod"
+ use immqt && myconf="${myconf} -inputmethod -inputmethod-ext"
+ if use ppc-macos ; then
+ myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-cups -lresolv -shared"
+ myconf="${myconf} -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib"
+ myconf="${myconf} -L${S}/lib -I${S}/include"
+ sed -i -e "s,#define QT_AOUT_UNDERSCORE,," mkspecs/${PLATFORM}/qplatformdefs.h || die
+ fi
+ export YACC='byacc -d'
+ ./configure -sm -thread -stl -system-libjpeg -verbose -largefile \
+ -qt-imgfmt-{jpeg,mng,png} -tablet -system-libmng \
+ -system-libpng -lpthread -xft -platform ${PLATFORM} -xplatform \
+ ${PLATFORM} -xrender -prefix ${QTBASE} -libdir ${QTBASE}/$(get_libdir) \
+ -fast ${myconf} -dlopen-opengl || die
+ export QTDIR=${S}
+ emake src-qmake src-moc sub-src || die
+ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}" \
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" emake sub-tools || die
+src_install() {
+ export QTDIR=${S}
+ # binaries
+ into $QTBASE
+ dobin bin/*
+ # libraries
+ if use ppc-macos; then
+ # dolib is broken on BSD because of missing readlink(1)
+ dodir ${QTBASE}/$(get_libdir)
+ cp -fR lib/*.{dylib,la,a} ${D}/${QTBASE}/$(get_libdir) || die
+ cd ${D}/${QTBASE}/$(get_libdir)
+ for lib in libqt-mt* ; do
+ ln -s ${lib} ${lib/-mt/}
+ done
+ else
+ dolib lib/lib{editor,qassistantclient,designercore}.a
+ dolib lib/
+ dolib lib/ lib/
+ cd ${D}/${QTBASE}/$(get_libdir)
+ for x in ; do
+ ln -s $x.1.0.0 $x.1.0
+ ln -s $x.1.0 $x.1
+ ln -s $x.1 $x
+ done
+ # version symlinks - 3.3.3->3.3->3->.so
+ ln -s
+ ln -s
+ ln -s
+ # libqt -> libqt-mt symlinks
+ ln -s
+ ln -s
+ ln -s
+ ln -s
+ fi
+ # plugins
+ cd ${S}
+ plugins=`find plugins -name "lib*.so" -print`
+ for x in $plugins; do
+ exeinto ${QTBASE}/`dirname $x`
+ doexe $x
+ done
+ # Past this point just needs to be done once
+ is_final_abi || return 0
+ # includes
+ cd ${S}
+ dodir ${QTBASE}/include/private
+ cp include/* ${D}/${QTBASE}/include/
+ cp include/private/* ${D}/${QTBASE}/include/private/
+ # misc
+ insinto /etc/env.d
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/{45qt3,50qtdir3}
+ # List all the multilib libdirs
+ local libdirs
+ for libdir in $(get_all_libdirs); do
+ libdirs="${libdirs}:${QTBASE}/${libdir}"
+ done
+ dosed "s~^LDPATH=.*$~LDPATH=${libdirs:1}~" /etc/env.d/45qt3
+ if [ "${SYMLINK_LIB}" = "yes" ]; then
+ dosym $(get_abi_LIBDIR ${DEFAULT_ABI}) ${QTBASE}/lib
+ fi
+ dodir ${QTBASE}/tools/designer/templates
+ cd ${S}
+ cp tools/designer/templates/* ${D}/${QTBASE}/tools/designer/templates
+ dodir ${QTBASE}/translations
+ cd ${S}
+ cp translations/* ${D}/${QTBASE}/translations
+ dodir ${QTBASE}/etc
+ keepdir ${QTBASE}/etc/settings
+ dodir ${QTBASE}/doc
+ if use doc; then
+ cp -r ${S}/doc ${D}/${QTBASE}
+ cd ${S}/examples
+ find . -name Makefile | while read MAKEFILE
+ do
+ cp ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKEFILE}.old
+ sed -e 's:${S}:${QTBASE}:g' ${MAKEFILE}.old > ${MAKEFILE}
+ rm -f ${MAKEFILE}.old
+ done
+ cp -r ${S}/examples ${D}/${QTBASE}
+ cd ${S}/tutorial
+ find . -name Makefile | while read MAKEFILE
+ do
+ cp ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKEFILE}.old
+ sed -e 's:${S}:${QTBASE}:g' ${MAKEFILE}.old > ${MAKEFILE}
+ rm -f ${MAKEFILE}.old
+ done
+ cp -r ${S}/tutorial ${D}/${QTBASE}
+ fi
+ if use immqt || use immqt-bc ; then
+ dodoc ${S}/README.immodule
+ fi
+ # misc build reqs
+ dodir ${QTBASE}/mkspecs
+ cp -R ${S}/mkspecs/${PLATFORM} ${D}/${QTBASE}/mkspecs/
+ sed -e "s:${S}:${QTBASE}:g" \
+ ${S}/.qmake.cache > ${D}${QTBASE}/.qmake.cache
+ if use ppc-macos ; then
+ dosed "s:linux-g++:${PLATFORM}:" /etc/env.d/45qt3 \
+ "s:\$(QTBASE):\$(QTDIR):g" ${QTBASE}/mkspecs/${PLATFORM}/qmake.conf \
+ "s:${S}:${QTBASE}:g" ${QTBASE}/mkspecs/${PLATFORM}/qmake.conf ${QTBASE}/lib/ || die
+ fi
diff --git a/x11-libs/qt/qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild b/x11-libs/qt/qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild
index 5b94e73b08ff..68a402bf6abd 100644
--- a/x11-libs/qt/qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild
+++ b/x11-libs/qt/qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/qt/qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/01/12 04:26:44 eradicator Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/qt/qt-4.0.0_beta1-r2.ebuild,v 1.2 2005/01/24 11:10:04 greg_g Exp $
inherit eutils flag-o-matic
@@ -14,12 +14,11 @@ SRC_URI="${SRCTYPE}-${PV/_beta1/-b2}
LICENSE="|| ( QPL-1.0 GPL-2 )"
-IUSE="accessibility cups debug doc firebird gif icc ipv6 mysql nas nis odbc opengl postgres sqlite xinerama zlib"
+IUSE="accessibility cups debug doc firebird gif ipv6 mysql nas nis odbc opengl postgres sqlite xinerama zlib"
DEPEND="virtual/x11 virtual/xft
media-libs/libpng media-libs/jpeg media-libs/libmng
- gif? ( media-libs/giflib media-libs/libungif )
nas? ( >=media-libs/nas-1.5 )
odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
mysql? ( dev-db/mysql )
@@ -28,8 +27,7 @@ DEPEND="virtual/x11 virtual/xft
opengl? ( virtual/opengl virtual/glu )
postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )
cups? ( net-print/cups )
- zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
- icc? ( dev-lang/icc )"
+ zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )"
@@ -98,15 +96,15 @@ src_compile() {
myconf="${myconf} $(qt_use opengl) $(qt_use nis)"
use nas && myconf="${myconf} -system-nas-sound"
- use gif && myconf="${myconf} -qt-gif"
+ use gif && myconf="${myconf} -qt-gif" || myconf="${myconf} -no-gif"
use debug && myconf="${myconf} -debug" || myconf="${myconf} -release"
use zlib && myconf="${myconf} -system-zlib" || myconf="${myconf} -qt-zlib"
use mysql && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-mysql -I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/$(get_libdir)/mysql" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-mysql"
- use postgres && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-psql -I/usr/include/postgresql/server -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql/server" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-psql"
- use firebird && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-ibase" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-ibase"
+ use postgres && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-psql -I/usr/include/postgresql/server -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql/server" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-psql"
+ use firebird && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-ibase" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-ibase"
use sqlite && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-sqlite" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-sqlite"
- use odbc && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-odbc" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-odbc"
+ use odbc && myconf="${myconf} -plugin-sql-odbc" || myconf="${myconf} -no-sql-odbc"
export YACC='byacc -d'