diff options
authorMike Frysinger <>2003-09-29 03:54:29 +0000
committerMike Frysinger <>2003-09-29 03:54:29 +0000
commit51999bca283e76455da024d8caaa706f2b234372 (patch)
treed5127d626dc911090834c0df4b167aa20699a038 /dev-libs/openssl
parentfix URL for #29861 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs/openssl')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/openssl/files/digest-openssl-0.9.7b-r1 b/dev-libs/openssl/files/digest-openssl-0.9.7b-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index 66cf2a4306da..000000000000
--- a/dev-libs/openssl/files/digest-openssl-0.9.7b-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 fae4bec090fa78e20f09d76d55b6ccff openssl-0.9.7b.tar.gz 2784331
diff --git a/dev-libs/openssl/files/digest-openssl-0.9.7b-r2 b/dev-libs/openssl/files/digest-openssl-0.9.7b-r2
deleted file mode 100644
index e4517ebe6214..000000000000
--- a/dev-libs/openssl/files/digest-openssl-0.9.7b-r2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-MD5 fae4bec090fa78e20f09d76d55b6ccff openssl-0.9.7b.tar.gz 2784331
-MD5 52ea996e52bcea5120f193f51469bbb1 openssl-0.9.6j.tar.gz 2182643
diff --git a/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r1.ebuild b/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a21559cbdd..000000000000
--- a/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2003/09/29 03:52:58 vapier Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Toolkit for SSL v2/v3 and TLS v1"
-DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=dev-lang/perl-5"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~alpha ~sparc ~mips ~hppa ~arm"
-warning() {
- ewarn "BIG FAT WARNING!!!"
- ewarn "You must re-emerge every package that links to openssl after you have merged ${P}"
- ewarn "This is becuse packages that links against ${PN} links against the full version"
- ewarn "Also, if you don't have the sources for the packages you need to re-emerge you"
- ewarn "should download them with emerge -f prior to the installation of ${P}."
- ewarn "This is becuse wget may be linked against ${PN}."
- ewarn "To generate a list of packages that links against ${PN} you can download"
- ewarn "and run the script from"
- ewarn "If you are using binary packages you need to rebuild those against the"
- ewarn "new version of ${PN}"
- sleep 10
-src_unpack() {
- warning
- unpack ${A} ; cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.9.7a-gentoo.diff
- if [ "${ARCH}" = "hppa" ]; then
- sed -e \
- 's!^"linux-parisc"\(.*\)::BN\(.*\)::!"linux-parisc"\1:-ldl:BN\\\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\\$(SHLIB_MINOR)!' \
- Configure > Configure.orig
- else
- cp Configure Configure.orig
- fi
- if [ "${ARCH}" = "alpha" -a "${CC}" != "ccc" ]; then
- # ccc compiled openssl will break things linked against
- # a gcc compiled openssl, the configure will automatically detect
- # ccc and use it, so stop that if user hasnt asked for it.
- sed -e \
- 's!CC=ccc!CC=gcc!' config > config.orig
- cp config.orig config
- fi
- sed -e "s/-O3/$CFLAGS/" -e "s/-m486//" Configure.orig > Configure
-src_compile() {
- ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl shared threads || die
- # i think parallel make has problems
- make all || die
-src_install() {
- make INSTALL_PREFIX=${D} MANDIR=/usr/share/man install || die
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- dohtml doc/*
- insinto /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
- doins doc/c-indentation.el
- # The man pages rand.3 and passwd.1 conflict with other packages
- # Rename them to ssl-* and also make a symlink from openssl-* to ssl-*
- cd ${D}/usr/share/man/man1
- mv passwd.1 ssl-passwd.1
- ln -sf ssl-passwd.1 openssl-passwd.1
- cd ${D}/usr/share/man/man3
- mv rand.3 ssl-rand.3
- ln -sf ssl-rand.3 openssl-rand.3
- # create the certs directory. Previous openssl builds
- # would need to create /usr/lib/ssl/certs but this looks
- # to be the more FHS compliant setup... -raker
- dodir /etc/ssl/certs
-pkg_postinst() {
- local BN_H="${ROOT}$(gcc-config -L)/include/openssl/bn.h"
- # Breaks things one some boxen, bug #13795. The problem is that
- # if we have a 'gcc fixed' version in $(gcc-config -L) from 0.9.6,
- # then breaks as it was defined as 'int BN_mod(...)' and in 0.9.7 it
- # is a define with BN_div(...) - <> (24 Sep 2003)
- if [ -f "${BN_H}" ] && [ -n "$(grep '^int[[:space:]]*BN_mod(' "${BN_H}")" ]
- then
- rm -f "${BN_H}"
- fi
diff --git a/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r2.ebuild b/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 70d42b4bf0a5..000000000000
--- a/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/openssl/openssl-0.9.7b-r2.ebuild,v 1.5 2003/09/24 18:28:05 azarah Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic gcc
-if [ "$( gcc-version )" == "3.3" ]; then
- filter-flags "-fprefetch-loop-arrays"
-DESCRIPTION="Toolkit for SSL v2/v3 and TLS v1"
- mirror://openssl/source/${OLD_096_P}.tar.gz"
- >=dev-lang/perl-5
- >=sys-apps/sed-4"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~alpha ~sparc ~mips ~hppa ~arm ia64"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- # openssl-0.9.7
- cd ${WORKDIR}/${P}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.diff
- if [ "${ARCH}" = "hppa" ]; then
- sed -i -e \
- 's!^"linux-parisc"\(.*\)::BN\(.*\)::!"linux-parisc"\1:-ldl:BN\\\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\\$(SHLIB_MINOR)!' \
- Configure
- fi
- if [ "${ARCH}" = "alpha" -a "${CC}" != "ccc" ]; then
- # ccc compiled openssl will break things linked against
- # a gcc compiled openssl, the configure will automatically detect
- # ccc and use it, so stop that if user hasnt asked for it.
- sed -i -e \
- 's!CC=ccc!CC=gcc!' config
- fi
- sed -i -e "s/-O3/$CFLAGS/" -e "s/-m486//" Configure
- # openssl-0.9.6
- test -f ${ROOT}/usr/lib/ && {
- cd ${WORKDIR}/${OLD_096_P}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${OLD_096_P}-gentoo.diff
- case ${ARCH} in
- mips)
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/openssl-0.9.6-mips.diff
- ;;
- arm)
- # patch linker to add -ldl or things linking aginst libcrypto fail
- sed -i -e \
- 's!^"linux-elf-arm"\(.*\)::BN\(.*\)!"linux-elf-arm"\1:-ldl:BN\2!' \
- Configure
- ;;
- hppa)
- sed -i -e \
- 's!^"linux-parisc"\(.*\)::BN\(.*\)::!"linux-parisc"\1:-ldl:BN\\\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\\$(SHLIB_MINOR)!' \
- Configure
- esac
- sed -i -e "s/-O3/$CFLAGS/" -e "s/-m486//" Configure
- }
-src_compile() {
- # openssl-0.9.7
- cd ${WORKDIR}/${P}
- ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl shared threads || die
- einfo "Compiling ${P}"
- make all || die
- # openssl-0.9.6
- test -f ${ROOT}/usr/lib/ && {
- cd ${WORKDIR}/${OLD_096_P}
- if [ "$PROFILE_ARCH" = "sparc" -a "`uname -m`" = "sparc64" ]; then
- SSH_TARGET="linux-sparcv8"
- elif [ "`uname -m`" = "parisc64" ]; then
- SSH_TARGET="linux-parisc"
- fi
- case ${CHOST} in
- alphaev56*|alphaev6*)
- SSH_TARGET="linux-alpha+bwx-${CC:-gcc}"
- ;;
- alpha*)
- SSH_TARGET="linux-alpha-${CC:-gcc}" ;;
- esac
- if [ ${SSH_TARGET} ]; then
- einfo "Forcing ${SSH_TARGET} compile"
- ./Configure ${SSH_TARGET} --prefix=/usr \
- --openssldir=/etc/ssl shared threads || die
- else
- ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl shared threads || die
- fi
- einfo "Compiling ${OLD_096_P}"
- make all || die
- }
-src_install() {
- # openssl-0.9.7
- cd ${WORKDIR}/${P}
- make INSTALL_PREFIX=${D} MANDIR=/usr/share/man install || die
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- dohtml doc/*
- insinto /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
- doins doc/c-indentation.el
- # create the certs directory. Previous openssl builds
- # would need to create /usr/lib/ssl/certs but this looks
- # to be the more FHS compliant setup... -raker
- insinto /etc/ssl/certs
- doins certs/*.pem
- OPENSSL=${D}/usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/perl tools/c_rehash ${D}/etc/ssl/certs
- # The man pages rand.3 and passwd.1 conflict with other packages
- # Rename them to ssl-* and also make a symlink from openssl-* to ssl-*
- cd ${D}/usr/share/man/man1
- mv passwd.1 ssl-passwd.1
- ln -sf ssl-passwd.1 openssl-passwd.1
- cd ${D}/usr/share/man/man3
- mv rand.3 ssl-rand.3
- ln -sf ssl-rand.3 openssl-rand.3
- # openssl-0.9.6
- test -f ${ROOT}/usr/lib/ && {
- ${WORKDIR}/${OLD_096_P}/
- ${WORKDIR}/${OLD_096_P}/
- }
-pkg_postinst() {
- local BN_H="${ROOT}$(gcc-config -L)/include/openssl/bn.h"
- # Breaks things one some boxen, bug #13795. The problem is that
- # if we have a 'gcc fixed' version in $(gcc-config -L) from 0.9.6,
- # then breaks as it was defined as 'int BN_mod(...)' and in 0.9.7 it
- # is a define with BN_div(...) - <> (24 Sep 2003)
- if [ -f "${BN_H}" ] && [ -n "$(grep '^int[[:space:]]*BN_mod(' "${BN_H}")" ]
- then
- rm -f "${BN_H}"
- fi
- test -f ${ROOT}/usr/lib/ && {
- einfo "You can now re-compile all packages that are linked against"
- einfo "OpenSSL 0.9.6 by using revdep-rebuild from gentoolkit:"
- einfo "# revdep-rebuild --soname"
- einfo "# revdep-rebuild --soname"
- einfo "After this, you can delete /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/"
- }