# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 CHECKREQS_DISK_VAR="500M" inherit check-reqs unpacker user MY_P="${P/-bin}" MY_PN="${PN/-bin}" MY_PV="${PV/_rc}" DESCRIPTION="Ubiquiti UniFi Controller" HOMEPAGE="https://www.ubnt.com/download/unifi/" SRC_URI=" http://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/${MY_PV}/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb -> unifi-${MY_PV}_sysvinit_all.deb tools? ( https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/${MY_PV}/unifi_sh_api -> unifi-${MY_PV}_api.sh )" RESTRICT="mirror" LICENSE="GPL-3 UBNT-20170717" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86" IUSE="nls rpi1 systemd +tools" UNIFI_LINGUAS=( ca cs da de_DE el en es_ES nl pl pt_PT sv tr zh_CN ) IUSE+=" ${UNIFI_LINGUAS[@]/#/linguas_}" # debian control dependencies: # binutils # coreutils # jsvc # mongodb-server (>=2.4.10) | mongodb-10gen (>=2.4.14) | mongodb-org-server (>=2.6.0) # openjdk-7-jre-headless | java8-runtime-headless # The version of mongodb bundled with the Mac edition is v2.4.14 at the moment, # but currently the oldest ebuild (and only v2.x) is v2.6.12. The default # version is currently v3.0.14 - but this crashes with the UniFi code, possibly # documented in https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-22334. # As a result, we'll only accept the oldest or newer versions as dependencies. DEPEND=" || ( ~dev-db/mongodb-2.6.12 >=dev-db/mongodb-3.2 ) >=virtual/jre-1.7.0 " RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" S="${WORKDIR}" QA_PREBUILT="opt/${MY_P}/lib/native/*/*/libubnt_webrtc_jni.so" pkg_setup () { # unifi controller uses mongodb as a data-store, and mongo immediately # requires >3GB of space on creation of a new store, if journaling is # enabled. By default, UniFi disables mongo's journal - but if you # override this option then bear in mind that you'll need an additional # 3GB(!) of space on your /var partition, or you'll need to relocate # /var/lib/unifi to a larger drive. # 500M is the bare minimum required for a single AP and a handful of # clients - the likelihood is that (much?) more space will be required # in time... check-reqs_pkg_setup enewgroup unifi enewuser unifi -1 -1 /var/lib/unifi unifi } src_unpack () { local file for file in ${A}; do if [[ "${file}" == *.jar ]]; then cp -r "${DISTDIR}"/"${file}" "${S}"/ elif [[ "${file}" == *.deb ]]; then unpack_deb "${file}" || die else cp "${DISTDIR}"/"${file}" "${WORKDIR}"/ fi done cd "${S}" if [[ "${ARCH}" == "arm" ]]; then rm usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/x86_64/libubnt_webrtc_jni.so use rpi1 && rm usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/armhf/libubnt_webrtc_jni.so elif [[ "${ARCH}" == "amd64" ]]; then rm usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/armhf/libubnt_webrtc_jni.so else # [[ "${ARCH}" == "x86" ]] rm usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/x86_64/libubnt_webrtc_jni.so rm usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/armhf/libubnt_webrtc_jni.so fi rmdir -p usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/x86_64 usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux/armhf 2>/dev/null rm -r usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Windows if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then rm -r usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Linux else rm -r usr/lib/unifi/lib/native/Mac fi rmdir usr/lib/unifi/lib/native 2>/dev/null rm -r usr/lib/unifi/{bin,conf} } src_prepare () { default if use nls; then local lingua='' for lingua in ${UNIFI_LINGUAS[@]}; do if ! use linguas_${lingua}; then rm -r usr/lib/unifi/webapps/ROOT/app-unifi/locales/"${lingua}" || die fi done fi echo "CONFIG_PROTECT=\"${EPREFIX%/}/var/lib/unifi/data\"" > "${T}/90${MY_PN}" } src_install () { local d for d in conf data db logs run; do # Do we still need conf & db? if [[ -d usr/lib/unifi/${d} ]]; then rmdir usr/lib/unifi/${d} || die "Cannot remove directory 'unifi/${d}': ${?}" fi done insinto /opt/"${MY_P}" doins -r usr/lib/unifi/* || die "Installation failed" keepdir /var/lib/unifi/backup keepdir /var/lib/unifi/conf # ? keepdir /var/lib/unifi/data keepdir /var/lib/unifi/db # ? keepdir /var/lib/unifi/webapp/work keepdir /var/log/unifi mkdir -p "${ED%/}"/var/run/unifi # Try to keep QA checker happy - this is created by the init script dosym /var/lib/unifi/backup /opt/"${MY_P}"/backup dosym /var/lib/unifi/conf /opt/"${MY_P}"/conf dosym /var/lib/unifi/data /opt/"${MY_P}"/data dosym /var/lib/unifi/db /opt/"${MY_P}"/db dosym /var/lib/unifi/webapp/work /opt/"${MY_P}"/work dosym /var/log/unifi /opt/"${MY_P}"/logs dosym /var/run/unifi /opt/"${MY_P}"/run # dodir /opt/"${MY_P}"/bin dosym /usr/bin/mongod /opt/"${MY_P}"/bin/mongod if use tools; then insinto /opt/"${MY_P}"/bin newins "${WORKDIR}"/unifi-${MY_PV}_api.sh unifi-api.sh fperms 755 /opt/"${MY_P}"/bin/unifi-api.sh fi insinto /var/lib/unifi/data doins "${FILESDIR}"/system.properties fowners -R unifi:unifi \ /var/lib/unifi \ /var/log/unifi newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/unifi.initd unifi || die "Could not create init script" newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/unifi.confd unifi || die "Could not create conf file" sed -i -e "s|%INST_DIR%|/opt/${MY_P}|g" \ "${ED%/}"/etc/{init,conf}.d/unifi \ || die "Could not customise init scripts" doenvd "${T}/90${MY_PN}" || die "Could not configure environment" if use systemd; then sed -i -e "s|/usr/lib/unifi|${ED%/}/opt/${MY_P}|" \ lib/systemd/system/unifi.service \ || die "Could not customise systemd unit file" systemd_dounit lib/systemd/system/unifi.service fi rmdir -p "${ED%/}"/var/run/unifi 2>/dev/null # Try to keep QA checker happy - this is created by the init script } pkg_postinst() { elog "By default, ${MY_P} uses the following ports:" elog elog " Web Interface: 8080" elog " API: 8443" elog " Portal HTTP redirect: 8880" elog " Portal HTTPS redirect: 8843" elog " STUN: 3478" elog elog "... and will attempt to connect to mongodb on localhost:27117" elog elog "Additionally, ports 8881 and 8882 are reserved, and 6789 is used" elog "for determining throughput." elog elog "All of these ports may be customised by editing" elog elog " /opt/${MY_P}/data/system.properties" elog elog "... but please note that the file will be re-written on each" elog "startup/shutdown, and any changes to the comments will be lost." elog elog "These settings cannot be passed as '-D' parameters to Java," elog "${MY_P} only uses values from the properties file." elog elog "If the Web Interface/Inform port is changed from the default of" elog "8080, then all managed devices must be updated via debug console" elog "with the command:" elog elog " set-inform http://:/inform" elog elog "... before they will be able to reconnect." if has_version '>=dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin-' && has_version '