"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"pagetranslation": "Page translation",
"right-pagetranslation": "Mark versions of pages for translation",
"action-pagetranslation": "manage translatable pages",
"tpt-desc": "Extension for translating content pages",
"tpt-section": "Translation unit $1",
"tpt-section-new": "New translation unit.\nName: $1",
"tpt-section-deleted": "Translation unit $1",
"tpt-template": "Page template",
"tpt-templatediff": "The page template has changed.",
"tpt-diff-old": "Previous text",
"tpt-diff-new": "New text",
"tpt-submit": "Mark this version for translation",
"tpt-sections-oldnew": "New and existing translation units",
"tpt-sections-deleted": "Deleted translation units",
"tpt-sections-template": "Translation page template",
"tpt-action-nofuzzy": "Do not invalidate translations",
"tpt-badtitle": "Page name given ($1) is not a valid title",
"tpt-nosuchpage": "Page $1 does not exist",
"tpt-oldrevision": "$2 is not the latest version of the page [[:$1]].\nOnly latest versions can be marked for translation.",
"tpt-notsuitable": "Page $1 is not suitable for translation.\nMake sure it has
$1", "pt-parse-close": "Unbalanced </translate> tag.\nTranslation template:
$1", "pt-parse-nested": "Nested <translate> translation units are not allowed.\nTag text:
$1", "pt-shake-multiple": "Multiple translation unit markers for one translation unit.\nTranslation unit text:
$1", "pt-shake-position": "Translation unit markers in unexpected position.\nTranslation unit text:
$1", "pt-shake-empty": "Empty translation unit for marker \"$1\".", "log-description-pagetranslation": "Log for actions related to the page translation system", "log-name-pagetranslation": "Page translation log", "logentry-pagetranslation-mark": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|marked}} $3 for translation", "logentry-pagetranslation-unmark": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|removed}} $3 from translation", "logentry-pagetranslation-moveok": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|completed}} renaming of translatable page $3 to $4", "logentry-pagetranslation-movenok": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|encountered}} a problem while moving page $3 to $4", "logentry-pagetranslation-deletefok": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|completed}} deletion of translatable page $3", "logentry-pagetranslation-deletefnok": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|failed}} to delete $3 which belongs to translatable page $4", "logentry-pagetranslation-deletelok": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|completed}} deletion of translation page $3", "logentry-pagetranslation-deletelnok": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|failed}} to delete $3 which belongs to translation page $4", "logentry-pagetranslation-encourage": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|encouraged}} translation of $3", "logentry-pagetranslation-discourage": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|discouraged}} translation of $3", "logentry-pagetranslation-prioritylanguages-unset": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|removed}} priority languages from translatable page $3", "logentry-pagetranslation-prioritylanguages": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|set}} the priority languages for translatable page $3 to $5", "logentry-pagetranslation-prioritylanguages-force": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|limited}} languages for translatable page $3 to $5", "logentry-pagetranslation-associate": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|added}} translatable page $3 to aggregate group $4", "logentry-pagetranslation-dissociate": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|removed}} translatable page $3 from aggregate group $4", "pt-movepage-title": "Move translatable page \"$1\"", "pt-movepage-blockers": "The translatable page cannot be moved to a new name because of the following {{PLURAL:$1|error|errors}}:", "pt-movepage-block-base-exists": "The target translatable page \"[[:$1]]\" exists.", "pt-movepage-block-base-invalid": "The target translatable page name is not a valid title.", "pt-movepage-block-tp-exists": "The target translation page \"[[:$2]]\" exists.", "pt-movepage-block-tp-invalid": "The target translation page title for \"[[:$1]]\" would be invalid (too long?).", "pt-movepage-block-section-exists": "The target page \"[[:$2]]\" for the translation unit exists.", "pt-movepage-block-section-invalid": "The target page title for \"[[:$1]]\" for the translation unit would be invalid (too long?).", "pt-movepage-block-subpage-exists": "The target subpage \"[[:$2]]\" exists.", "pt-movepage-block-subpage-invalid": "The target subpage title for \"[[:$1]]\" would be invalid (too long?).", "pt-movepage-list-pages": "List of pages to move", "pt-movepage-list-translation": "Translation {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}", "pt-movepage-list-section": "Translation unit {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}", "pt-movepage-list-other": "Other sub{{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}", "pt-movepage-list-count": "In total $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}} to move.", "pt-movepage-legend": "Move translatable page", "pt-movepage-current": "Current name:", "pt-movepage-new": "New name:", "pt-movepage-reason": "Reason:", "pt-movepage-subpages": "Move all subpages", "pt-movepage-action-check": "Check if the move is possible", "pt-movepage-action-perform": "Do the move", "pt-movepage-action-other": "Change target", "pt-movepage-intro": "This special page allows you to move pages which are marked for translation.\nThe move action will not be instant, because many pages will need to be moved.\nWhile the pages are being moved, it is not possible to interact with the pages in question.\nFailures will be logged in the [[Special:Log/pagetranslation|page translation log]] and they need to be repaired by hand.", "pt-movepage-logreason": "Part of translatable page \"$1\".", "pt-movepage-started": "The base page is now moved.\nPlease check the [[Special:Log/pagetranslation|page translation log]] for errors and completion message.", "pt-locked-page": "This page is locked because the translatable page is currently being moved.", "pt-deletepage-lang-title": "Deleting translation page \"$1\".", "pt-deletepage-full-title": "Deleting translatable page \"$1\".", "pt-deletepage-invalid-title": "The specified page is not valid.", "pt-deletepage-invalid-text": "The specified page is not a translatable page nor a translation page.", "pt-deletepage-action-check": "List pages to be deleted", "pt-deletepage-action-perform": "Do the deletion", "pt-deletepage-action-other": "Change target", "pt-deletepage-lang-legend": "Delete translation page", "pt-deletepage-full-legend": "Delete translatable page", "pt-deletepage-any-legend": "Delete translatable page or translation page", "pt-deletepage-current": "Page name:", "pt-deletepage-reason": "Reason:", "pt-deletepage-subpages": "Delete all subpages", "pt-deletepage-list-pages": "List of pages to delete", "pt-deletepage-list-translation": "Translation pages", "pt-deletepage-list-section": "Translation unit pages", "pt-deletepage-list-other": "Other subpages", "pt-deletepage-list-count": "In total $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}} to delete.", "pt-deletepage-full-logreason": "Part of translatable page \"$1\".", "pt-deletepage-lang-logreason": "Part of translation page \"$1\".", "pt-deletepage-started": "Please check the [[Special:Log/pagetranslation|page translation log]] for errors and completion message.", "pt-deletepage-intro": "This special page allows you delete a whole translatable page, or an individual translation page in a language.\nThe delete action will not be instant, because all the pages depending on them will also be deleted.\nFailures will be logged in the [[Special:Log/pagetranslation|page translation log]] and they need to be repaired by hand.", "pagemigration": "Translation page migration", "pagemigration-summary": "Specify a translation page and restore any translation made before the Translate system was enabled on that page.", "pm-import-button-label": "Import", "pm-savepages-button-label": "Save", "pm-cancel-button-label": "Cancel", "pm-pagename-placeholder": "Enter the page name", "pm-langcode-placeholder": "Language code", "pm-page-does-not-exist": "$1 does not exist.", "pm-old-translations-missing": "$1 does not contain old translations.", "pm-extra-units-warning": "Extra units might be present. Please match the source and translation units properly.", "pm-pagename-missing": "Please enter the page name.", "pm-langcode-missing": "Please enter the language code.", "pm-add-icon-hover-text": "Add a unit below", "pm-swap-icon-hover-text": "Swap with unit below", "pm-delete-icon-hover-text": "Delete unit", "pm-pagetitle-invalid": "Please enter a valid page title", "pm-summary-import": "Imported translation using [[Special:PageMigration|page migration]]", "tpt-translate-title": "Allow translation of page title", "pp-save-summary": "Prepared the page for translation", "pagepreparation": "Prepare page for translation", "pp-pagename-placeholder": "Enter the page name", "pp-prepare-button-label": "Prepare", "pp-save-button-label": "Save", "pp-save-message": "The page was saved. You can [$1 edit] it.", "pp-prepare-message": "The page was prepared for translation. See the diff below. Click the \"{{int:pp-save-button-label}}\" button if okay!", "pp-already-prepared-message": "It seems the page has already been prepared for translation. There are no changes compared to the previous version.", "pp-pagename-missing": "Please enter the page name.", "pp-diff-old-header": "Source text", "pp-diff-new-header": "Prepared text", "tpt-unlink-confirm": "Please confirm that you really want to remove this page from the translation system.\nThe language selector and translated page names will stop working.\nThe translation pages will become editable.", "tpt-unlink-button": "Remove from translation", "tpt-unlink-summary": "Removed page from translation" }