Gentoo Mathematics Project Enable sci-libs/bliss interface for graph and face lattice isomorphism computations. Enable sci-libs/cddlib interface for convex hull computations (Should be kept enabled). Build with "strongly recommended" support for sci-mathematics/flint. Build the polymake library to build applications using the C++ interface. Enable sci-libs/lrslib interface for convex hull computations. Build the extension for graph automorphism computations using sci-mathematics/nauty. Build the bundled extension for lattice computations using sci-mathematics/normaliz. Enable dev-libs/ppl interface for convex hull computations. Enable the interface to sci-mathematics/singular for ideal related computations. Polymake is open source software for research in polyhedral geometry. It deals with polytopes, polyhedra, and fans as well as simplicial complexes, matroids, graphs, tropical hypersurfaces, and other objects. polymake/polymake