# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 inherit readme.gentoo-r1 toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="UNIX compatible IRC bot programmed in the C language" HOMEPAGE="http://www.energymech.net/" SRC_URI="http://www.energymech.net/files/${P/_/}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86" IUSE="debug session tcl" S="${WORKDIR}/${P/_/}" DOC_CONTENTS="You can find a compressed sample config file at /usr/share/doc/${PF}" src_prepare() { eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}-buildfix.patch" sed -i \ -e 's: "help/":"/usr/share/energymech/help/":' \ -e 's: "messages/":"/usr/share/energymech/messages/":' \ src/config.h.in || die # Respect CFLAGS and LDFLAGS sed -i \ -e '/^LFLAGS/s/\$(PIPEFLAG)/\0 \$(OPTIMIZE) \$(LDFLAGS)/' \ -e '/^GDBFLAG/d' \ -e '/^PIPEFLAG/d' \ src/Makefile.in || die eapply_user } myconf() { echo ./configure $* ./configure $* || die "./configure failed" } src_configure() { myconf \ --with-alias \ --with-botnet \ --with-bounce \ --with-ctcp \ --with-dccfile \ --with-dynamode \ --with-dyncmd \ --with-greet \ --with-ircd_ext \ --with-md5 \ --with-newbie \ --with-note \ --with-notify \ --with-rawdns \ --with-redirect \ --with-seen \ --with-stats \ --with-telnet \ --with-toybox \ --with-trivia \ --without-uptime \ --with-web \ --with-wingate \ --without-profiling \ $(use_with tcl) \ $(use_with session) \ $(use_with debug) } src_compile() { emake -C src CC="$(tc-getCC)" OPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" } src_install() { dobin src/energymech insinto /usr/share/energymech doins -r help insinto /usr/share/energymech/messages doins messages/*.txt dodoc sample.* README* TODO VERSIONS CREDITS checkmech readme.gentoo_create_doc }