<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE glsa SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/glsa.dtd"> <glsa id="200310-03"> <title>Apache: multiple buffer overflows</title> <synopsis> Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in mod_alias and mod_rewrite can allow execution of arbitrary code and cause a denial of service. </synopsis> <product type="ebuild">Apache</product> <announced>2003-10-28</announced> <revised count="02">2007-12-30</revised> <bug>32194</bug> <access>local</access> <affected> <package name="www-servers/apache" auto="yes" arch="*"> <unaffected range="ge">1.3.29</unaffected> <vulnerable range="lt">1.3.29</vulnerable> </package> </affected> <background> <p> The Apache HTTP Server is one of the most popular web servers on the Internet. </p> </background> <description> <p> Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in mod_alias and mod_rewrite allow attackers who can create or edit configuration files including .htaccess files, to cause a denial of service and execute arbitrary code via a regular expression containing more than 9 captures. </p> </description> <impact type="normal"> <p> An attacker may cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user that is running apache. </p> </impact> <workaround> <p> There is no known workaround at this time, other than to disable both mod_alias and mod_rewrite. </p> </workaround> <resolution> <p> It is recommended that all Gentoo Linux users who are running net-misc/apache 1.x upgrade: </p> <code> # emerge sync # emerge -pv apache # emerge '>=www-servers/apache-1.3.29' # emerge clean # /etc/init.d/apache restart</code> </resolution> <references> <uri link="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2003-0542">CAN-2003-0542 (under review at time of GLSA)</uri> </references> </glsa>