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Diffstat (limited to 'dev-ml/eliom/files/tyxml36.patch')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-ml/eliom/files/tyxml36.patch b/dev-ml/eliom/files/tyxml36.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..02ac3f181e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-ml/eliom/files/tyxml36.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Backported from:
+commit e55552629e9affcaefbe9e0f36212fe3f385a780
+Author: Vasilis Papavasileiou <>
+Date: Thu Aug 6 13:23:29 2015 +0200
+ update for new-style TyXML wrapping
+Index: eliom-4.2/src/lib/eliom_content.client.mli
+--- eliom-4.2.orig/src/lib/eliom_content.client.mli
++++ eliom-4.2/src/lib/eliom_content.client.mli
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module Svg : sig
+ (** Creation of reactive content *)
+ module R : sig
+- module Raw : Svg_sigs.MakeWrapped(Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap)(Xml).T
++ module Raw : Svg_sigs.Make(Eliom_content_core.Xml_wed).T
+ with type +'a elt = 'a elt
+ and type +'a attrib = 'a attrib
+@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ module Html5 : sig
+ val filter_attrib : 'a attrib -> bool React.signal -> 'a attrib
+ (** Cf. {% <<a_api project="tyxml" | module Html5_sigs.T >> %}. *)
+- module Raw : Html5_sigs.MakeWrapped(Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap)(Xml)(Svg.R.Raw).T
++ module Raw : Html5_sigs.Make(Eliom_content_core.Xml_wed)(Svg.R.Raw).T
+ with type +'a elt = 'a elt
+ and type +'a attrib = 'a attrib
+Index: eliom-4.2/src/lib/
+--- eliom-4.2.orig/src/lib/
++++ eliom-4.2/src/lib/
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ open Eliom_lib
+ module Xml = struct
+ include RawXML
++ module W = Xml_wrap.NoWrap
+ type 'a wrap = 'a
+ type 'a list_wrap = 'a list
+ type econtent =
+@@ -163,8 +164,9 @@ end
+ module Xml_wed =
+ struct
+- type 'a wrap = 'a Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap.t
+- type 'a list_wrap = 'a Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap.tlist
++ module W = Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap
++ type 'a wrap = 'a W.t
++ type 'a list_wrap = 'a W.tlist
+ type uri = Xml.uri
+ let string_of_uri = Xml.string_of_uri
+ let uri_of_string = Xml.uri_of_string
+@@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ module Svg = struct
+ end
+ module R = struct
+- module Raw = Svg_f.MakeWrapped(Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap)(Xml_wed)
++ module Raw = Svg_f.Make(Xml_wed)
+ include Raw
+ end
+@@ -322,7 +324,7 @@ module Html5 = struct
+ let node s = Xml.make_react s
+- module Raw = Html5_f.MakeWrapped(Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap)(Xml_wed)(Svg.R)
++ module Raw = Html5_f.Make(Xml_wed)(Svg.R)
+ let filter_attrib (name,a) on =
+ let v = match a with
+ | Xml.RA a -> Xml.RAReact ( (function
+Index: eliom-4.2/src/lib/eliom_content_core.client.mli
+--- eliom-4.2.orig/src/lib/eliom_content_core.client.mli
++++ eliom-4.2/src/lib/eliom_content_core.client.mli
+@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
+ module Xml : sig
++ module W : Xml_wrap.T with type 'a t = 'a and type 'a tlist = 'a list
+ type uri = string
+ val uri_of_string : uri -> string
+ val string_of_uri : string -> uri
+@@ -147,6 +149,8 @@ module Xml : sig
+ val set_classes_of_elt : elt -> elt
+ end
++module Xml_wed : Xml_sigs.T with module W = Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap
+ (** Building SVG tree. *)
+ module Svg : sig
+@@ -197,7 +201,7 @@ module Svg : sig
+ (** Typed interface for building valid reactive SVG tree. *)
+ module R : sig
+- module Raw : Svg_sigs.MakeWrapped(Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap)(Xml).T
++ module Raw : Svg_sigs.Make(Xml_wed).T
+ with type +'a elt = 'a elt
+ and type +'a attrib = 'a attrib
+@@ -298,7 +302,7 @@ module Html5 : sig
+ val filter_attrib : 'a attrib -> bool React.signal -> 'a attrib
+- module Raw : Html5_sigs.MakeWrapped(Tyxml_js.Xml_wrap)(Xml)(Svg.R.Raw).T
++ module Raw : Html5_sigs.Make(Xml_wed)(Svg.R.Raw).T
+ with type +'a elt = 'a elt
+ and type +'a attrib = 'a attrib
+Index: eliom-4.2/src/lib/
+--- eliom-4.2.orig/src/lib/
++++ eliom-4.2/src/lib/
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ open Eliom_lib
+ module Xml = struct
+ include RawXML
++ module W = Xml_wrap.NoWrap
+ type 'a wrap = 'a
+ type 'a list_wrap = 'a list