diff options
authorAlexis Ballier <>2016-10-10 16:03:22 +0200
committerAlexis Ballier <>2016-10-10 16:03:34 +0200
commitf2518d6d2f139f677c63c9edc39511dc83c9c852 (patch)
tree9153e67c9485dee16683319ae98cd1db9520a260 /dev-ml/eliom
parentdev-libs/libcgroup: 0.41-r4 stable on amd64 (diff)
dev-ml/eliom: fix build with js of ocaml 2.8.2, bug #593978.
Also, make all patches mandatory and bump required versions in deps. Package-Manager: portage-2.3.1
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-ml/eliom')
2 files changed, 367 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/dev-ml/eliom/eliom-5.0.0-r2.ebuild b/dev-ml/eliom/eliom-5.0.0-r2.ebuild
index 36923d1d2546..6b4ae4b4ce7e 100644
--- a/dev-ml/eliom/eliom-5.0.0-r2.ebuild
+++ b/dev-ml/eliom/eliom-5.0.0-r2.ebuild
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ SLOT="0/${PV}"
IUSE="doc +ocamlopt +ppx"
- >=dev-ml/js_of_ocaml-2.5-r1:=
+ >=dev-ml/js_of_ocaml-2.8.2:=
- >=dev-ml/tyxml-3.6:=
+ >=dev-ml/tyxml-4:=
@@ -33,10 +33,9 @@ DEPEND="${RDEPEND}
src_prepare() {
- if has_version '>=dev-lang/ocaml-4.03' ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/"{camlp4,oc43,oc43-2}.patch
- fi
- has_version '>=dev-ml/tyxml-4' && epatch "${FILESDIR}/tyxml4.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/"{camlp4,oc43,oc43-2}.patch \
+ "${FILESDIR}/tyxml4.patch" \
+ "${FILESDIR}/jsofocaml-282.patch"
src_compile() {
diff --git a/dev-ml/eliom/files/jsofocaml-282.patch b/dev-ml/eliom/files/jsofocaml-282.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..985432ff75ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-ml/eliom/files/jsofocaml-282.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+Backported from:
+commit 4edaf2275e2f7a027f3c7dc52e1e295a6e56b19a
+Author: Vasilis Papavasileiou <>
+Date: Thu Aug 18 19:40:56 2016 +0200
+ Fix ocsigen/js_of_ocaml#518
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+@@ -461,23 +461,29 @@ let raw_event_handler value =
+ let closure_name_prefix = Eliom_lib_base.RawXML.closure_name_prefix
+ let closure_name_prefix_len = String.length closure_name_prefix
+-let reify_caml_event name node ce : string * (#Dom_html.event Js.t -> bool) =
++let reify_caml_event name node ce =
+ match ce with
+- | Xml.CE_call_service None -> name,(fun _ -> true)
++ | Xml.CE_call_service None -> name, `Other (fun _ -> true)
+ | Xml.CE_call_service (Some (`A, cookies_info, tmpl)) ->
+- name, (fun ev ->
++ name, `Other (fun ev ->
+ let node = Js.Opt.get (Dom_html.CoerceTo.a node)
+ (fun () -> Lwt_log.raise_error ~section "not an anchor element")
+ in
+ raw_a_handler node cookies_info tmpl ev)
+ | Xml.CE_call_service
+ (Some ((`Form_get | `Form_post) as kind, cookies_info, tmpl)) ->
+- name, (fun ev ->
++ name, `Other (fun ev ->
+ let form = Js.Opt.get (Dom_html.CoerceTo.form node)
+ (fun () -> Lwt_log.raise_error ~section "not a form element") in
+ raw_form_handler form kind cookies_info tmpl ev)
+ | Xml.CE_client_closure f ->
+- name, (fun ev -> try f ev; true with False -> false)
++ name, `Other (fun ev -> try f ev; true with False -> false)
++ | Xml.CE_client_closure_keyboard f ->
++ name,
++ `Keyboard (fun ev -> try f ev; true with Eliom_lib.False -> false)
++ | Xml.CE_client_closure_mouse f ->
++ name,
++ `Mouse (fun ev -> try f ev; true with Eliom_lib.False -> false)
+ | Xml.CE_registered_closure (_, cv) ->
+ let name =
+ let len = String.length name in
+@@ -485,16 +491,27 @@ let reify_caml_event name node ce : stri
+ then String.sub name closure_name_prefix_len
+ (len - closure_name_prefix_len)
+ else name in
+- name, raw_event_handler cv
++ name, `Other (raw_event_handler cv)
+ let register_event_handler, flush_load_script =
+ let add, _, flush = create_buffer () in
+ let register node (name, ev) =
+- let name,f = reify_caml_event name node ev in
+- if name = "onload"
+- then add f
+- else Js.Unsafe.set node (Js.bytestring name)
+- (Dom_html.handler (fun ev -> Js.bool (f ev)))
++ match reify_caml_event name node ev with
++ | "onload", `Other f ->
++ add f
++ | "onload", `Keyboard _ ->
++ failwith "keyboard event handler for onload"
++ | "onload", `Mouse _ ->
++ failwith "keyboard event handler for onload"
++ | name, `Other f ->
++ Js.Unsafe.set node (Js.bytestring name)
++ (Dom_html.handler (fun ev -> Js.bool (f ev)))
++ | name, `Keyboard f ->
++ Js.Unsafe.set node (Js.bytestring name)
++ (Dom_html.handler (fun ev -> Js.bool (f ev)))
++ | name, `Mouse f ->
++ Js.Unsafe.set node (Js.bytestring name)
++ (Dom_html.handler (fun ev -> Js.bool (f ev)))
+ in
+ let flush () =
+ let fs = flush () in
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_content.server.mli
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/eliom_content.server.mli
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_content.server.mli
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ module Xml : sig
+ example {% <<a_api project="js_of_ocaml" | type
+ Dom_html.mouseEvent>>%} or {% <<a_api project="js_of_ocaml" | type
+ Dom_html.keyboardEvent >>%}. *)
+- type -'a caml_event_handler constraint 'a = #Dom_html.event
++ type caml_event_handler
+ (**/**)
+@@ -129,18 +129,14 @@ module Xml : sig
+ val make_event_handler_table : elt -> Eliom_lib.RawXML.event_handler_table
+ val make_client_attrib_table : elt -> Eliom_lib.RawXML.client_attrib_table
+- val caml_event_handler : ((#Dom_html.event as 'a) Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value -> 'a caml_event_handler
+- class type biggest_event = object
+- inherit Dom_html.event
+- inherit Dom_html.mouseEvent
+- inherit Dom_html.keyboardEvent
+- end
++ val caml_event_handler :
++ (Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value ->
++ caml_event_handler
+ type racontent =
+ | RA of acontent
+ | RAReact of acontent option React.signal
+- | RACamlEventHandler of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | RACamlEventHandler of caml_event_handler
+ | RALazyStr of string Eliom_lazy.request
+ | RALazyStrL of separator * string Eliom_lazy.request list
+ | RAClient of string * attrib option * Eliom_lib.poly
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+@@ -87,21 +87,19 @@ module Xml = struct
+ let node ?(a = []) name children = make (Node (name, a, children))
+ let lazy_node ?a name children = node ?a name (Eliom_lazy.force children)
+- type biggest_event_handler = biggest_event Js.t -> unit
+ type event_handler = Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit
+ type mouse_event_handler = Dom_html.mouseEvent Js.t -> unit
+ type keyboard_event_handler = Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js.t -> unit
+ let event_handler_attrib name (value : event_handler) =
+ internal_event_handler_attrib name
+- (Caml (CE_client_closure (value :> biggest_event_handler)))
++ (Caml (CE_client_closure value))
+ let mouse_event_handler_attrib name (value : mouse_event_handler) =
+ internal_event_handler_attrib name
+- (Caml (CE_client_closure (value :> biggest_event_handler)))
++ (Caml (CE_client_closure_mouse value))
+ let keyboard_event_handler_attrib name (value : keyboard_event_handler) =
+ internal_event_handler_attrib name
+- (Caml (CE_client_closure (value :> biggest_event_handler)))
++ (Caml (CE_client_closure_keyboard value))
+ let node_react_children ?(a = []) name children =
+ {elt = Lazy.from_val (ReactChildren (Node (name,a,[]),children)); node_id=NoId}
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_content_core.client.mli
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/eliom_content_core.client.mli
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_content_core.client.mli
+@@ -35,24 +35,21 @@ module Xml : sig
+ type aname = string
+ type attrib
+- type -'a caml_event_handler =
++ type caml_event_handler =
+ | CE_registered_closure of string * Eliom_lib.poly
+ (* 'a Js.t -> unit) client_value_server *)
+- | CE_client_closure of ((#Dom_html.event as 'a) Js.t -> unit)
++ | CE_client_closure of
++ (Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
++ | CE_client_closure_mouse of
++ (Dom_html.mouseEvent Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
++ | CE_client_closure_keyboard of
++ (Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
+ | CE_call_service of
+ ([ `A | `Form_get | `Form_post] * (bool * string list) option * string option) option Eliom_lazy.request
+- (* Inherit from all events.
+- Necessary for subtyping since caml_event_handler is contravariant. *)
+- class type biggest_event = object
+- inherit Dom_html.event
+- inherit Dom_html.mouseEvent
+- inherit Dom_html.keyboardEvent
+- end
+ type internal_event_handler =
+ | Raw of string
+- | Caml of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | Caml of caml_event_handler
+ type event_handler = Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit
+ type mouse_event_handler = Dom_html.mouseEvent Js.t -> unit
+ type keyboard_event_handler = Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js.t -> unit
+@@ -89,7 +86,7 @@ module Xml : sig
+ type racontent =
+ | RA of acontent
+ | RAReact of acontent option React.signal
+- | RACamlEventHandler of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | RACamlEventHandler of caml_event_handler
+ | RALazyStr of string Eliom_lazy.request
+ | RALazyStrL of separator * string Eliom_lazy.request list
+ | RAClient of string * attrib option * Eliom_lib.poly
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ module Xml = struct
+ let lazy_node ?(a = []) name children =
+ make_lazy (Eliom_lazy.from_fun (fun () -> (Node (name, a, Eliom_lazy.force children))))
+- type biggest_event_handler = (biggest_event Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value
+ type event_handler = (Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value
+ type mouse_event_handler = (Dom_html.mouseEvent Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value
+ type keyboard_event_handler = (Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value
+@@ -133,11 +132,11 @@ module Xml = struct
+ let biggest_event_handler_attrib name cf =
+ internal_event_handler_attrib name (event_handler cf)
+ let event_handler_attrib name (cf : event_handler) =
+- biggest_event_handler_attrib name (cf :> biggest_event_handler)
++ biggest_event_handler_attrib name cf
+ let mouse_event_handler_attrib name (cf : mouse_event_handler) =
+- biggest_event_handler_attrib name (cf :> biggest_event_handler)
++ biggest_event_handler_attrib name cf
+ let keyboard_event_handler_attrib name (cf : keyboard_event_handler) =
+- biggest_event_handler_attrib name (cf :> biggest_event_handler)
++ biggest_event_handler_attrib name cf
+ let client_attrib ?init (x : attrib Eliom_lib.client_value) =
+ let crypto = make_cryptographic_safe_string () in
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_content_core.server.mli
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/eliom_content_core.server.mli
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_content_core.server.mli
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Xml : sig
+ and type mouse_event_handler = (Dom_html.mouseEvent Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value
+ and type keyboard_event_handler = (Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value
+- type -'a caml_event_handler constraint 'a = #Dom_html.event
++ type caml_event_handler
+ (**/**)
+@@ -43,15 +43,9 @@ module Xml : sig
+ val make_event_handler_table : elt -> Eliom_lib.RawXML.event_handler_table
+ val make_client_attrib_table : elt -> Eliom_lib.RawXML.client_attrib_table
+- class type biggest_event = object
+- inherit Dom_html.event
+- inherit Dom_html.mouseEvent
+- inherit Dom_html.keyboardEvent
+- end
+ type internal_event_handler =
+ | Raw of string
+- | Caml of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | Caml of caml_event_handler
+ val internal_event_handler_attrib : aname -> internal_event_handler -> attrib
+ val internal_event_handler_of_service :
+@@ -59,12 +53,14 @@ module Xml : sig
+ * (bool * string list) option
+ * string option) option Eliom_lazy.request -> internal_event_handler
+- val caml_event_handler : ((#Dom_html.event as 'a) Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value -> 'a caml_event_handler
++ val caml_event_handler :
++ (Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit) Eliom_lib.client_value ->
++ caml_event_handler
+ type racontent =
+ | RA of acontent
+ | RAReact of acontent option React.signal
+- | RACamlEventHandler of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | RACamlEventHandler of caml_event_handler
+ | RALazyStr of string Eliom_lazy.request
+ | RALazyStrL of separator * string Eliom_lazy.request list
+ | RAClient of string * attrib option * Eliom_lib.poly
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/
+@@ -70,26 +70,22 @@ module RawXML = struct
+ type cookie_info = (bool * string list) deriving (Json)
+- type -'a caml_event_handler =
++ type caml_event_handler =
+ | CE_registered_closure of
+ string * poly (* 'a Js.t -> unit) client_value *)
+ | CE_client_closure of
+- ((#Dom_html.event as 'a) Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
++ (Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
++ | CE_client_closure_mouse of
++ (Dom_html.mouseEvent Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
++ | CE_client_closure_keyboard of
++ (Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
+ | CE_call_service of
+ ([ `A | `Form_get | `Form_post] * (cookie_info option) * string option)
+ option Eliom_lazy.request
+- (* Inherit from all events.
+- Necessary for subtyping since caml_event_handler is contravariant. *)
+- class type biggest_event = object
+- inherit Dom_html.event
+- inherit Dom_html.mouseEvent
+- inherit Dom_html.keyboardEvent
+- end
+ type internal_event_handler =
+ | Raw of string
+- | Caml of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | Caml of caml_event_handler
+ type uri = string Eliom_lazy.request
+ let string_of_uri = Eliom_lazy.force
+@@ -128,7 +124,7 @@ module RawXML = struct
+ type racontent =
+ | RA of acontent
+ | RAReact of acontent option React.signal
+- | RACamlEventHandler of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | RACamlEventHandler of caml_event_handler
+ | RALazyStr of string Eliom_lazy.request
+ | RALazyStrL of separator * string Eliom_lazy.request list
+ | RAClient of string * attrib option * poly (*attrib client_value *)
+Index: eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_lib_base.shared.mli
+--- eliom-5.0.0.orig/src/lib/eliom_lib_base.shared.mli
++++ eliom-5.0.0/src/lib/eliom_lib_base.shared.mli
+@@ -73,24 +73,21 @@ module RawXML : sig
+ type cookie_info = (bool * string list) deriving (Json)
+- type -'a caml_event_handler =
++ type caml_event_handler =
+ | CE_registered_closure of
+ string * poly (* 'a Js.t -> unit) client_value *)
+- | CE_client_closure of ((#Dom_html.event as 'a) Js.t -> unit)
++ | CE_client_closure of
++ (Dom_html.event Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
++ | CE_client_closure_mouse of
++ (Dom_html.mouseEvent Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
++ | CE_client_closure_keyboard of
++ (Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js.t -> unit) (* Client side-only *)
+ | CE_call_service of
+ ([ `A | `Form_get | `Form_post] * (cookie_info option) * string option) option Eliom_lazy.request
+- (* Inherit from all events.
+- Necessary for subtyping since caml_event_handler is contravariant. *)
+- class type biggest_event = object
+- inherit Dom_html.event
+- inherit Dom_html.mouseEvent
+- inherit Dom_html.keyboardEvent
+- end
+ type internal_event_handler =
+ | Raw of string
+- | Caml of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | Caml of caml_event_handler
+ type uri = string Eliom_lazy.request
+ val string_of_uri : uri -> string
+@@ -127,7 +124,7 @@ module RawXML : sig
+ type racontent =
+ | RA of acontent
+ | RAReact of acontent option React.signal
+- | RACamlEventHandler of biggest_event caml_event_handler
++ | RACamlEventHandler of caml_event_handler
+ | RALazyStr of string Eliom_lazy.request
+ | RALazyStrL of separator * string Eliom_lazy.request list
+ | RAClient of string * attrib option * poly (* attrib client_value *)