# ChangeLog for net-misc/dahdi # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/dahdi/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2010/05/18 14:28:06 chainsaw Exp $ 18 May 2010; dahdi-, dahdi-, dahdi- Restrict test suite which requires SQLite and downloads a full kernel from git, closes bug #319367 by Diego E. "Flameeyes" Pettenò. 14 Apr 2010; dahdi- Remove incorrect RDEPEND on Asterisk, initially noted by Oliver Jaksch. Causes circular dependencies as pointed out by Kerin "kerframil" Miller in bug #315201. *dahdi- (13 Apr 2010) 13 Apr 2010; +dahdi- Version bump, incorporating patches, bug reports, suggestions & other helpful input from Stefan Flemming, Michael Higgins, Oliver Jaksch, Jaco Kroon, Kerin "kerframil" Millar & Diego E. "Flameeyes" Pettenò. Closes bugs #296637, #302316, #302874, #305533, #308099 & #308467. *dahdi- (22 Oct 2009) 22 Oct 2009; +dahdi-, +files/dahdi-, +files/dahdi-, +files/dahdi-, +files/dahdi-, +files/dahdi- Version bump, closes bug #286829 by Jeremy Johnson. Build all target instead of modules target so echo cancellation becomes available, as suggested by Jay Pfeifer in bug #268652. Ported to 2.6.32 kernels (release candidate 5 at the time of writing), filed upstream bug. Quick hack for GCC4.4 compilation. *dahdi- (10 Mar 2009) 10 Mar 2009; +files/dahdi-, +files/dahdi-, +metadata.xml, +dahdi- Initial commit, ebuild by Svoop & Rambaldi. Taken from the VoiP overlay but HPEC functionality removed as the decision logic is not portable to X86 architectures and looks fragile. Took 2.6.29 build fixes from upstream Digium bug #14285.