# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/ghc/ghc-6.4.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/10/21 11:25:42 dcoutts Exp $ # Brief explanation of the bootstrap logic: # # ghc requires ghc-bin to bootstrap. # Therefore, # (1) both ghc-bin and ghc provide virtual/ghc # (2) virtual/ghc *must* default to ghc-bin # (3) ghc depends on virtual/ghc # # This solution has the advantage that the binary distribution # can be removed once an forall after the first succesful install # of ghc. inherit base flag-o-matic eutils ghc-package IUSE="doc opengl" #java use flag disabled because of bug #106992 DESCRIPTION="The Glasgow Haskell Compiler" HOMEPAGE="http://www.haskell.org/ghc/" # discover if this is a snapshot release IS_SNAPSHOT="${PV%%*pre*}" # zero if snapshot MY_PV="${PV/_pre/.}" MY_P="${PN}-${MY_PV}" EXTRA_SRC_URI="${MY_PV}" [[ -z "${IS_SNAPSHOT}" ]] && EXTRA_SRC_URI="stable/dist" SRC_URI="http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/${EXTRA_SRC_URI}/${MY_P}-src.tar.bz2" LICENSE="as-is" SLOT="0" # re-add ~ppc64 once dependencies are fulfilled KEYWORDS="-alpha ~amd64 ~x86 ~sparc ~ppc" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" PROVIDE="virtual/ghc" # ghc cannot usually be bootstrapped using later versions ... DEPEND="=virtual/ghc-6.6 >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1 >=sys-devel/gcc-2.95.3 >=sys-devel/make-3.79.1 >=sys-apps/sed-3.02.80 >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a >=dev-libs/gmp-4.1 >=sys-libs/readline-4.2 doc? ( ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.2 app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets >=dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.2 >=dev-haskell/haddock-0.6-r2 ) opengl? ( virtual/opengl virtual/glu virtual/glut )" # removed: java? ( >=dev-java/fop-0.20.5 ) RDEPEND="virtual/libc >=sys-devel/gcc-2.95.3 >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1 >=dev-libs/gmp-4.1 >=sys-libs/readline-4.2 opengl? ( virtual/opengl virtual/glu virtual/glut )" PDEPEND=">=dev-haskell/cabal-1.1.3" SUPPORTED_CFLAGS="" # Setup supported CFLAGS. check_cflags() { OLD_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CFLAGS="$1" strip-unsupported-flags SUPPORTED_CFLAGS="${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS} ${CFLAGS}" CFLAGS="${OLD_CFLAGS}" } setup_cflags() { check_cflags "-nopie -fno-stack-protector -fno-stack-protector-all" } # Portage's resolution of virtuals fails on virtual/ghc in some Portage releases, # the following function causes the build to fail with an informative error message # in such a case. # pkg_setup() { # if ! has_version virtual/ghc; then # eerror "This ebuild needs a version of GHC to bootstrap from." # eerror "Please emerge dev-lang/ghc-bin to get a binary version." # eerror "You can either use the binary version directly or emerge" # eerror "dev-lang/ghc afterwards." # die "virtual/ghc version required to build" # fi # } src_unpack() { base_src_unpack # TODO: test if ppc/ppc64 works without patch now ... # hardened-gcc needs to be disabled, because the # mangler doesn't accept its output; yes, the 6.2 version # should do ... cd "${S}/ghc/driver" setup_cflags epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-6.2.hardened.patch" sed -i -e "s|@GHC_CFLAGS@|${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS// -/ -optc-}|" ghc/ghc.sh sed -i -e "s|@GHC_CFLAGS@|${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS// -/ -optc-}|" ghci/ghci.sh } src_compile() { local myconf local mydoc if use opengl; then myconf="--enable-hopengl" fi # initialize build.mk echo '# Gentoo changes' > mk/build.mk # determine what to do with documentation if use doc; then mydoc="html" # if use java; then # mydoc="${mydoc} ps" # fi else mydoc="" # needed to prevent haddock from being called echo NO_HADDOCK_DOCS=YES >> mk/build.mk fi echo XMLDocWays="${mydoc}" >> mk/build.mk # disable the automatic PIC building which is considered as Prologue Junk by the Haskell Compiler # thanks to Peter Simons for finding this and giving notice on bugs.gentoo.org # (this is still necessary, even though we have the patch, because # we might be bootstrapping from a version that didn't have the # patch included) setup_cflags echo "SRC_CC_OPTS+=${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS}" >> mk/build.mk echo "SRC_HC_OPTS+=${SUPPORTED_CFLAGS// -/ -optc-}" >> mk/build.mk # force the config variable ArSupportsInput to be unset; # ar in binutils >= seems to be classified # incorrectly by the configure script echo "ArSupportsInput:=" >> mk/build.mk # Required for some architectures, because they don't support ghc fully ... use ppc || use ppc64 || use sparc && echo "SplitObjs=NO" >> mk/build.mk use ppc64 && echo "GhcWithInterpreter=NO" >> mk/build.mk econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed" # the build does not seem to work all that # well with parallel make emake -j1 all datadir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" || die "make failed" # the explicit datadir is required to make the haddock entries # in the package.conf file point to the right place ... } src_install () { local insttarget insttarget="install" use doc && insttarget="${insttarget} install-docs" # the libdir0 setting is needed for amd64, and does not # harm for other arches emake -j1 ${insttarget} \ prefix="${D}/usr" \ datadir="${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \ infodir="${D}/usr/share/info" \ mandir="${D}/usr/share/man" \ libdir0="${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)" \ || die "make ${insttarget} failed" #need to remove ${D} from ghcprof script cd "${D}/usr/bin" mv ghcprof ghcprof-orig sed -e 's:$FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS:#$FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS:' ghcprof-orig > ghcprof chmod a+x ghcprof rm -f ghcprof-orig cd "${S}/ghc" dodoc README ANNOUNCE LICENSE VERSION dosbin ${FILESDIR}/ghc-updater } pkg_postinst () { ebegin "Unregistering ghc's built-in cabal " $(ghc-getghcpkg) unregister Cabal > /dev/null eend $? ghc-reregister einfo "If you have dev-lang/ghc-bin installed, you might" einfo "want to unmerge it. It is no longer needed." einfo ewarn "IMPORTANT:" ewarn "If you upgrade from another ghc version, please run" ewarn "/usr/sbin/ghc-updater to re-merge all ghc-based" ewarn "Haskell libraries." }