From c1dab308aa45b91e243868d3ff55495dfe5656b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Diego Elio Pettenò <>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 16:08:03 +0000
Subject: Fix crontab symlink; thanks to Dennis Schridde in bug #435078.

Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha127/cvs/Linux x86_64
 sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog             |   8 +-
 sys-process/fcron/Manifest              |  18 +--
 sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild | 201 --------------------------------
 sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild | 201 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild
 create mode 100644 sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild

(limited to 'sys-process')

diff --git a/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog b/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog
index aaa855a12eb7..fabc1f7f1e3c 100644
--- a/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 # ChangeLog for sys-process/fcron
 # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog,v 1.96 2012/09/04 15:34:44 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog,v 1.97 2012/09/16 16:08:03 flameeyes Exp $
+*fcron-3.0.6-r5 (16 Sep 2012)
+  16 Sep 2012; Diego E. Pettenò <> +fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild,
+  -fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild:
+  Fix crontab symlink; thanks to Dennis Schridde in bug #435078.
 *fcron-3.0.6-r4 (04 Sep 2012)
diff --git a/sys-process/fcron/Manifest b/sys-process/fcron/Manifest
index dc21a3bc05e3..c379412698bc 100644
--- a/sys-process/fcron/Manifest
+++ b/sys-process/fcron/Manifest
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ AUX fcrontab.2 338 SHA256 542d735935b46561a92ea36ebf33a91dd11ddc01a8576202e24741
 DIST fcron-3.0.6.src.tar.gz 552805 SHA256 9c36b1bc6c931ec8b4ef55fef569ba17004b32f3ae0a72e3cc4ec4d15bee30a1 SHA512 53dfc2f57820392e4d32230d9abeaa3ec8a2c4aac6fc4888a266553806e7c31cecc655ff8cd5dbd635e40903cf649962e752e5ba6a5bd7728c79bc42771dfb99 WHIRLPOOL 49ba19f87f3190b0a04f75c48f6aaeea8572fc75ec9bc643a07817743c51ed3c23e2c606ee731d9b2994f04b9af4c8cce5ec0efdb20b5b0345b9acff519994b5
 EBUILD fcron-3.0.6-r1.ebuild 9343 SHA256 73535e9a331823d2dd57ab8e616e97adb62c65b9fdc162c88f51503f06bb53bc SHA512 7566c13b2599fb3a9d695334fa719b0222cf4733fcdb715bf85443f3762501399419556f3ac22db5e4a9a10cd0f41019e455286f2eda4cf09e71d3f93fc66836 WHIRLPOOL c278ffb973c35c1f0327e773f0edbf7f69093c25daecb8e97b87817f9f0a908082bfd2966db229c57e1173ebb786b299c5d9937aaee500cabcdb39d4cd5bbaab
 EBUILD fcron-3.0.6-r2.ebuild 9514 SHA256 75ee65e6671f624e5c5e08bd3f8c81484814db9ae409287704e6a956eb74d92c SHA512 8fe4c61f4837bd5d835b40adfb90a84c47ecaa07e652cb44cb0e8004cd532e66c88347018d04a35599f028ab85e467144e8502197abea19c1feb069b1c3a9eff WHIRLPOOL 8f0416db1156f17a9b709175bc8210e1e6c44678a291812e6e11c81b911f6458cfcfc6999ff944e8412220d39cd350058312aa9201c0a9103a4d9e9303ab993a
-EBUILD fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild 5624 SHA256 da2edf4a9a2329ffe493f280a90902ab0fbfae7f01e77f4524818d360d956205 SHA512 efdd7b2a3fbd945c9575be93af6dd770c88ec45c3f204ba7de6f32772895f1a1d0beccfe20d818bec202ed526f1a014cfc283d7c008793a8db74134f99ec95a5 WHIRLPOOL de84b22d3bd5f42d9c3938ab5593d6779b3adedc51f9ada961af07bc177a796fec482ec21da0050f8b2c40c6609caa74c0449eb409564a5eda92b525a03ac748
-MISC ChangeLog 22491 SHA256 4dd8ab9429ec831f6be14ba4bdfd4646018ebffd0b7727445458b3814a2a348e SHA512 53b1928fe4b0758d5f96710ac4e53e99e5d2cda67ccd69da882b688ef74e35cafa55a91728967795d12956aa2e61468a4515293d4f722a3eadb25d1ed45c6af1 WHIRLPOOL e850529fc795217a4fb8c8e6281ec970fe5efaa5ba6d08ca5fb66b898a027d76e5602f6c3271a060c19c738141da62882facf1f197acdde32239361697ab162a
+EBUILD fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild 5624 SHA256 fcd569522cda177e474590e5303107e34e58510b21a16b84c80ead11aec3e1d8 SHA512 bc59e05955543294d3f205029c1b9f662e29f5beaf16cd89b050d7681026977e564c5def995fdc1fae3a5eca97c183b3f58429c0a87f803b0b87ab014d8aeabe WHIRLPOOL df097587e4925d39fa95d2f76c351a26ce6f14b4fc29120160b27fc3abded5062e1fcb805160e181ac52f2c880437c3d788200b923ad4fccf2ae17058bcec6b8
+MISC ChangeLog 22694 SHA256 c9bf9c577e88c5b9321560d8ebbcfe843c411176fcb9fe2ec3b325ac4fcc2f4f SHA512 d604e9087bd9cdad07c9982a63af6423ba4d65139ae922dc88d0d86cd22c433d387e78d0cad64efd73ce83cc10ba75c26c25caec097b84f8e1415548350b4347 WHIRLPOOL 327aed1fe55ff5805ebf953db4392f0ccedd4ac3e501adc52bc4fa67e6e9f90da0ec20c94ada7334295a7d9f99d9be9c6d92ce4c92eb59cdd5875c409c9f0cc4
 MISC metadata.xml 1122 SHA256 87b044588d8d558ab7fa3390e9b096a8ed0c40bc4dcf0e9b76f3db404fe5cec7 SHA512 6937186a3fac4b18aef260c1c5363c569647e00a1eb0c40e267221206b38d6e047428fa60f895a87c5f988313462934de8855b93f8d86176209e135a34e868bb WHIRLPOOL 0a6db2fe057a1a734da7325ab56c2df2abca0ab0748957bc061cd7b2ee5eb39ef41993b71e0fc44b1887267df57fbaac51bf48052ff0cbe7563a1d2495e5a988
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild b/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index aa6b724ad9c4..000000000000
--- a/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r4.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/09/04 15:34:44 flameeyes Exp $
-inherit cron pam eutils flag-o-matic user
-DESCRIPTION="A command scheduler with extended capabilities over cron and anacron"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="debug pam selinux linguas_fr +system-crontab"
-DEPEND="selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
-	pam? ( virtual/pam )"
-# see bug 282214 for the reason to depend on bash
-	app-shells/bash
-	>=app-misc/editor-wrapper-3
-	pam? ( >=sys-auth/pambase-20100310 )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	enewgroup fcron
-	enewuser fcron -1 -1 -1 fcron
-	rootuser=$(egetent passwd 0 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
-	[[ ${rootuser} ]] || rootuser=root
-	rootgroup=$(egetent group 0 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
-	[[ ${rootgroup} ]] || rootgroup=root
-src_prepare() {
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-buffer-overflow.patch
-	# respect LDFLAGS
-	sed -i "s:\(@LIBS@\):\$(LDFLAGS) \1:" || die "sed failed"
-	sed -i -e 's:/etc/fcrontab:/etc/fcron/fcrontab:' script/ || die
-src_configure() {
-	local myconf
-	# Don't try to pass --with-debug as it'll play with cflags as
-	# well, and run foreground which is a _very_ nasty idea for
-	# Gentoo.
-	use debug && append-flags -DDEBUG
-	# bindir is used just for calling fcronsighup
-	econf \
-		--with-cflags="${CFLAGS}" \
-		--bindir=/usr/libexec \
-		$(use_with pam) \
-		$(use_with selinux) \
-		--sysconfdir=/etc/fcron \
-		--with-username=fcron \
-		--with-groupname=fcron \
-		--with-piddir=/var/run \
-		--with-spooldir=/var/spool/fcron \
-		--with-fifodir=/var/run \
-		--with-fcrondyn=yes \
-		--disable-checks \
-		--with-editor=/usr/libexec/editor \
-		--with-sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail \
-		--with-shell=/bin/sh \
-		--without-db2man --without-dsssl-dir \
-		--with-rootname=${rootuser} \
-		--with-rootgroup=${rootgroup}
-src_compile() {
-	default
-	# bug #216460
-	sed -i \
-		-e 's:/usr/local/etc/fcron:/etc/fcron/fcron:g' \
-		-e 's:/usr/local/etc:/etc:g' \
-		-e 's:/usr/local/:/usr/:g' \
-		doc/*/*/*.{txt,1,5,8,html} \
-		|| die "unable to fix documentation references"
-src_install() {
-	keepdir /var/spool/fcron
-	exeinto /usr/libexec
-	doexe fcron fcronsighup
-	dobin fcrondyn fcrontab
-	insinto /etc/fcron
-	doins files/fcron.{allow,deny,conf}
-	if use system-crontab; then
-		dosym /usr/bin/fcrontab crontab
-		exeinto /usr/libexec
-		newexe script/ check_system_crontabs
-		insinto /etc/fcron
-		newins "${FILESDIR}"/fcrontab.2 fcrontab
-		fowners ${rootuser}:fcron /etc/fcron/fcrontab
-		fperms 0640 /etc/fcron/fcrontab
-		insinto /etc
-		doins "${FILESDIR}"/crontab
-	fi
-	fowners fcron:fcron \
-		/var/spool/fcron \
-		/usr/bin/fcron{dyn,tab}
-	# fcronsighup needs to be suid root, because it sends a HUP to the
-	# running fcron daemon, but only has to be called by the fcron group
-	# anyway
-	fowners ${rootuser}:fcron \
-		/usr/libexec/fcronsighup \
-		/etc/fcron/fcron.{allow,deny,conf} \
-		/etc/fcron
-	fperms 6770 /var/spool/fcron
-	fperms 6775 /usr/bin/fcron{dyn,tab}
-	fperms 4710 /usr/libexec/fcronsighup
-	fperms 0750 /etc/fcron
-	fperms 0640 /etc/fcron/fcron.{allow,deny,conf}
-	pamd_mimic system-services fcron auth account session
-	cat > "${T}"/fcrontab.pam <<- EOF
-	# Don't ask for the user's password; fcrontab will only allow to
-	# change user if running as root.
-	auth		sufficient
-	# Still use the system-auth stack for account and session as the
-	# sysadmin might have set up stuff properly, and also avoids
-	# sidestepping limits (since fcrontab will run \$EDITOR).
-	account		include			system-auth
-	session		include			system-auth
-	newpamd "${T}"/fcrontab.pam fcrontab
-	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/fcron.init.3 fcron
-	dodoc MANIFEST VERSION "${FILESDIR}"/crontab \
-		doc/en/txt/{readme,thanks,faq,todo,relnotes,changes}.txt
-	newdoc files/fcron.conf fcron.conf.sample
-	dohtml doc/en/HTML/*.html
-	doman doc/en/man/*.{1,5,8}
-	for lang in fr; do
-		use linguas_${lang} || continue
-		doman -i18n=${lang} doc/${lang}/man/*.{1,5,8} || die
-		docinto html/${lang}
-		dohtml doc/${lang}/HTML/*.html || die
-	done
-pkg_postinst() {
-	elog "If it's the first time you install fcron make sure to execute"
-	elog "  emerge --config ${CATEGORY}/${PN}"
-	elog "to configure the proper settings."
-	if ! use system-crontab; then
-		echo ""
-		ewarn "Remember that fcron will *not* use /etc/cron.d in this configuration"
-		echo ""
-	fi
-pkg_config() {
-	if [[ $(fcrontab -l -u systab 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
-		eerror "We're not going to make any change to your systab as long as"
-		eerror "it contains data; please clear it before proceeding."
-		return 1
-	fi
-	if use system-crontab; then
-		elog "This is going to set up fcron to execute check_system_crontabs."
-		elog "In this configuration, you're no longer free to edit the systab"
-		elog "at your leisure, at it'll be rewritten the moment the crontabs"
-		elog "are modified."
-		/usr/libexec/check_system_crontabs -v -i -f
-	else
-		elog "This is going to set up fcron to set up a default systab that"
-		elog "executes /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}."
-		fcrontab -u systab - <<- EOF
-		0  *  * * *      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.hourly
-		1  3  * * *      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily
-		15 4  * * 6      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.weekly
-		30 5  1 * *      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.monthly
-		EOF
-	fi
diff --git a/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild b/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c67bfc97d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r5.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/09/16 16:08:03 flameeyes Exp $
+inherit cron pam eutils flag-o-matic user
+DESCRIPTION="A command scheduler with extended capabilities over cron and anacron"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="debug pam selinux linguas_fr +system-crontab"
+DEPEND="selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+	pam? ( virtual/pam )"
+# see bug 282214 for the reason to depend on bash
+	app-shells/bash
+	>=app-misc/editor-wrapper-3
+	pam? ( >=sys-auth/pambase-20100310 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+	enewgroup fcron
+	enewuser fcron -1 -1 -1 fcron
+	rootuser=$(egetent passwd 0 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
+	[[ ${rootuser} ]] || rootuser=root
+	rootgroup=$(egetent group 0 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
+	[[ ${rootgroup} ]] || rootgroup=root
+src_prepare() {
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-buffer-overflow.patch
+	# respect LDFLAGS
+	sed -i "s:\(@LIBS@\):\$(LDFLAGS) \1:" || die "sed failed"
+	sed -i -e 's:/etc/fcrontab:/etc/fcron/fcrontab:' script/ || die
+src_configure() {
+	local myconf
+	# Don't try to pass --with-debug as it'll play with cflags as
+	# well, and run foreground which is a _very_ nasty idea for
+	# Gentoo.
+	use debug && append-flags -DDEBUG
+	# bindir is used just for calling fcronsighup
+	econf \
+		--with-cflags="${CFLAGS}" \
+		--bindir=/usr/libexec \
+		$(use_with pam) \
+		$(use_with selinux) \
+		--sysconfdir=/etc/fcron \
+		--with-username=fcron \
+		--with-groupname=fcron \
+		--with-piddir=/var/run \
+		--with-spooldir=/var/spool/fcron \
+		--with-fifodir=/var/run \
+		--with-fcrondyn=yes \
+		--disable-checks \
+		--with-editor=/usr/libexec/editor \
+		--with-sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail \
+		--with-shell=/bin/sh \
+		--without-db2man --without-dsssl-dir \
+		--with-rootname=${rootuser} \
+		--with-rootgroup=${rootgroup}
+src_compile() {
+	default
+	# bug #216460
+	sed -i \
+		-e 's:/usr/local/etc/fcron:/etc/fcron/fcron:g' \
+		-e 's:/usr/local/etc:/etc:g' \
+		-e 's:/usr/local/:/usr/:g' \
+		doc/*/*/*.{txt,1,5,8,html} \
+		|| die "unable to fix documentation references"
+src_install() {
+	keepdir /var/spool/fcron
+	exeinto /usr/libexec
+	doexe fcron fcronsighup
+	dobin fcrondyn fcrontab
+	insinto /etc/fcron
+	doins files/fcron.{allow,deny,conf}
+	if use system-crontab; then
+		dosym fcrontab /usr/bin/crontab
+		exeinto /usr/libexec
+		newexe script/ check_system_crontabs
+		insinto /etc/fcron
+		newins "${FILESDIR}"/fcrontab.2 fcrontab
+		fowners ${rootuser}:fcron /etc/fcron/fcrontab
+		fperms 0640 /etc/fcron/fcrontab
+		insinto /etc
+		doins "${FILESDIR}"/crontab
+	fi
+	fowners fcron:fcron \
+		/var/spool/fcron \
+		/usr/bin/fcron{dyn,tab}
+	# fcronsighup needs to be suid root, because it sends a HUP to the
+	# running fcron daemon, but only has to be called by the fcron group
+	# anyway
+	fowners ${rootuser}:fcron \
+		/usr/libexec/fcronsighup \
+		/etc/fcron/fcron.{allow,deny,conf} \
+		/etc/fcron
+	fperms 6770 /var/spool/fcron
+	fperms 6775 /usr/bin/fcron{dyn,tab}
+	fperms 4710 /usr/libexec/fcronsighup
+	fperms 0750 /etc/fcron
+	fperms 0640 /etc/fcron/fcron.{allow,deny,conf}
+	pamd_mimic system-services fcron auth account session
+	cat > "${T}"/fcrontab.pam <<- EOF
+	# Don't ask for the user's password; fcrontab will only allow to
+	# change user if running as root.
+	auth		sufficient
+	# Still use the system-auth stack for account and session as the
+	# sysadmin might have set up stuff properly, and also avoids
+	# sidestepping limits (since fcrontab will run \$EDITOR).
+	account		include			system-auth
+	session		include			system-auth
+	newpamd "${T}"/fcrontab.pam fcrontab
+	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/fcron.init.3 fcron
+	dodoc MANIFEST VERSION "${FILESDIR}"/crontab \
+		doc/en/txt/{readme,thanks,faq,todo,relnotes,changes}.txt
+	newdoc files/fcron.conf fcron.conf.sample
+	dohtml doc/en/HTML/*.html
+	doman doc/en/man/*.{1,5,8}
+	for lang in fr; do
+		use linguas_${lang} || continue
+		doman -i18n=${lang} doc/${lang}/man/*.{1,5,8} || die
+		docinto html/${lang}
+		dohtml doc/${lang}/HTML/*.html || die
+	done
+pkg_postinst() {
+	elog "If it's the first time you install fcron make sure to execute"
+	elog "  emerge --config ${CATEGORY}/${PN}"
+	elog "to configure the proper settings."
+	if ! use system-crontab; then
+		echo ""
+		ewarn "Remember that fcron will *not* use /etc/cron.d in this configuration"
+		echo ""
+	fi
+pkg_config() {
+	if [[ $(fcrontab -l -u systab 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
+		eerror "We're not going to make any change to your systab as long as"
+		eerror "it contains data; please clear it before proceeding."
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if use system-crontab; then
+		elog "This is going to set up fcron to execute check_system_crontabs."
+		elog "In this configuration, you're no longer free to edit the systab"
+		elog "at your leisure, at it'll be rewritten the moment the crontabs"
+		elog "are modified."
+		/usr/libexec/check_system_crontabs -v -i -f
+	else
+		elog "This is going to set up fcron to set up a default systab that"
+		elog "executes /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}."
+		fcrontab -u systab - <<- EOF
+		0  *  * * *      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.hourly
+		1  3  * * *      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily
+		15 4  * * 6      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.weekly
+		30 5  1 * *      rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.monthly
+		EOF
+	fi
cgit v1.2.3-65-gdbad