diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-fs/coda/coda-6.0.11.ebuild')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-fs/coda/coda-6.0.11.ebuild b/net-fs/coda/coda-6.0.11.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ecb8724055d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-fs/coda/coda-6.0.11.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/coda/coda-6.0.11.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/06/08 20:39:05 griffon26 Exp $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Coda is an advanced networked filesystem developed at Carnegie Mellon Univ."
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc"
+# partly based on the deps suggested by Mandrake's RPM, and/or on my current versions
+# Also, definely needs coda.h from linux-headers.
+ >=net-libs/rpc2-1.27
+ >=sys-libs/rvm-1.11
+ >=sys-libs/db-3
+ >=sys-libs/ncurses-4
+ >=sys-libs/readline-3
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5.8
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ sys-apps/gawk
+ sys-devel/bison
+ sys-apps/grep
+ virtual/os-headers"
+ >=net-libs/rpc2-1.27
+ >=sys-libs/rvm-1.11
+ >=sys-libs/db-3
+ >=sys-libs/ncurses-4
+ >=sys-libs/readline-3
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )"
+src_compile() {
+ local myflags=""
+ use kerberos && myflags="${myflags} --with-crypto"
+ econf ${myflags} || die "configure failed"
+ emake -j1 || die "emake failed"
+src_install () {
+ #these crazy makefiles dont seem to use DESTDIR, but they do use these...
+ # (except infodir, but no harm in leaving it there)
+ # see Makeconf.setup in the package
+ #Also note that for Coda, we need to do "make client-install" for
+ # the client, and "make server-install" for the server.
+ can find out about this from ./configs/Makerules
+ emake \
+ prefix=${D}/usr \
+ sysconfdir=${D}/etc/coda \
+ mandir=${D}/usr/share/man \
+ infodir=${D}/usr/share/info \
+ oldincludedir=${D}/usr/include client-install || die
+ emake \
+ prefix=${D}/usr \
+ sysconfdir=${D}/etc/coda \
+ mandir=${D}/usr/share/man \
+ oldincludedir=${D}/usr/include server-install || die
+ infodir=${D}/usr/share/info \
+ dodoc README* ChangeLog CREDITS
+ exeinto /etc/init.d
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/venus
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/coda-update
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/codasrv
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/auth2
+ # We may use a conf.d/coda file at some point ?
+# insinto /etc/conf.d
+# newins ${FILESDIR}/coda.conf.d coda
+ sed -i -e "s,^#vicedir=/.*,vicedir=/var/lib/vice," \
+ ${D}/etc/coda/server.conf.ex
+ sed -i -e "s,^#mountpoint=/.*,mountpoint=/mnt/coda," \
+ ${D}/etc/coda/venus.conf.ex
+ # Fix conflict with from tar
+ mv -f ${D}/usr/sbin/backup{,-coda}.sh
+ dodir /var/lib/vice
+ dodir /mnt/coda
+ dodir /usr/coda
+ dodir /usr/coda/spool
+ diropts -m0700
+ dodir /usr/coda/etc
+ dodir /usr/coda/venus.cache
+pkg_postinst () {
+ einfo
+ einfo "To enable the coda at boot up, please do:"
+ einfo " rc-update add codasrv default"
+ einfo " rc-update add venus default"
+ einfo
+ einfo "To get started, run vice-setup and venus-setup."
+ einfo
+ einfo "Alternatively you can get a default coda setup by running:"
+ einfo " ebuild /var/db/pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${PF}.ebuild config"
+pkg_config () {
+ # Set of default configuration values
+ local CODA_ROOT_DIR="/var/lib/vice"
+ local CODA_TEST_VOLUME="codatestvol"
+ local CODA_ADMIN_UID="6000"
+ local CODA_ADMIN_NAME="codaroot"
+ local CODA_STORAGE_DIR="/var/lib/vice"
+ local RVM_LOG_PARTITION="rvmlogpartition.img"
+ local RVM_DATA_PARTITION="rvmdatapartition.img"
+ local VICE_PARTITION="vicepa"
+ local AUTH2_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN="auth2token"
+ # Do not modify after this line
+ local FQDN=$(hostname --fqdn)
+ local CODA_MOUNTPOINT=$(codaconfedit venus.conf mountpoint)
+ # Make sure coda is not running before we start messing with its files
+ if [ "x$(pidof auth2)" != "x" ]; then
+ eerror "Please stop coda, coda-update and auth2 first."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Also make sure venus is not running
+ if [ "x$(pidof venus)" != "x" ]; then
+ eerror "Please stop venus first."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Ask for the location of (amongst other things) the vice partition
+ ewarn "This default configuration of coda will require 350MB of free space"
+ ewarn "for Recoverable Virtual Memory. Additional space is required for"
+ ewarn "the files that you store on your coda volume."
+ echo
+ einfon "Please specify where coda should store this data [${CODA_STORAGE_DIR}]: "
+ read new_storage_dir
+ if [ "x${new_storage_dir}" != "x" ]; then
+ CODA_STORAGE_DIR=${new_storage_dir}
+ fi
+ echo
+ # Check if an existing server.conf is in the way
+ conf=$(codaconfedit server.conf)
+ intheway=
+ if [ ${conf} != /dev/null ]; then
+ intheway="${intheway} ${conf}"
+ fi
+ # Check if an existing vice root dir is in the way
+ if [ -e ${CODA_ROOT_DIR} ]; then
+ intheway="${intheway} ${CODA_ROOT_DIR}"
+ fi
+ # Check if an existing vice partition is in the way
+ if [ -e ${CODA_STORAGE_DIR}/${VICE_PARTITION} ]; then
+ intheway="${intheway} ${CODA_STORAGE_DIR}/${VICE_PARTITION}"
+ fi
+ if [ "x${intheway}" != "x" ]; then
+ eerror "Please remove the following items manually first if you want to"
+ eerror "set up a default coda configuration:"
+ for item in ${intheway}; do
+ eerror "\t${item}"
+ done
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ einfo "A default coda server and client configuration will be set up that consists of:"
+ einfo "- a coda SCM (System Control Machine)"
+ einfo "- a coda administrator '${CODA_ADMIN_NAME}' with coda uid ${CODA_ADMIN_UID} and password 'changeme'"
+ einfo "- a coda root volume available at /mnt/coda/${FQDN}"
+ einfo "- a test volume mounted at ${CODA_MOUNTPOINT}/${FQDN}/${CODA_TEST_VOLUME_MOUNTPOINT}"
+ echo
+ einfon "Are you sure you want to do this? (y/n) "
+ read answer
+ if [ "x${answer}" != "xy" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo
+ einfo "Setting up vice (the coda server)..."
+ vice-setup > /dev/null <<- EOF
+ yes
+ y
+ 1
+ yes
+ 20M
+ 315M
+ y
+ y
+ 2M
+ n
+ # Start coda server
+ /etc/init.d/codasrv start || exit 1
+ # Workaround to increase the likelihood that the coda server finished
+ # starting up. Once there is a nicer way to detect this, it should
+ # probably be added to the codasrv init script.
+ # See
+ sleep 5
+ einfo "Creating root volume..."
+ # Create root volume
+ createvoloutput=`createvol_rep / ${FQDN} 2>&1 <<- EOF
+ n
+ EOF`
+ if ! volutil info / &> /dev/null
+ then
+ eerror "Unable to create root volume, output of createvol_rep follows"
+ echo "$createvoloutput"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ einfo "Creating test volume..."
+ # Create test volume
+ createvoloutput=`createvol_rep ${CODA_TEST_VOLUME} ${FQDN} 2>&1 <<- EOF
+ n
+ EOF`
+ if ! volutil info ${CODA_TEST_VOLUME} &> /dev/null; then
+ eerror "Unable to create writable volume, output of createvol_rep follows"
+ echo "$createvoloutput"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ einfo "Setting up venus (the coda client)..."
+ venus-setup ${FQDN} 20000 > /dev/null
+ /etc/init.d/venus start
+ einfo "Mounting test volume at ${CODA_MOUNTPOINT}/${FQDN}/${CODA_TEST_VOLUME_MOUNTPOINT}"
+ clog ${CODA_ADMIN_NAME}@${FQDN} > /dev/null <<- EOF
+ changeme
+ echo
+ einfo "The coda server and client have been set up successfully."
+ einfo "Please refer to for Coda documentation."
+ echo
+ einfo "Tip: use pdbtool to add a normal coda user and clog to authenticate and get write access."