path: root/dev-db
diff options
authorPatrick Lauer <>2009-10-27 23:26:42 +0000
committerPatrick Lauer <>2009-10-27 23:26:42 +0000
commitd279b56b6871ff20f73442d2d66891fd84a2234a (patch)
treeb8333264660ed16483881849c1918dcd9df0dfcb /dev-db
parentVersion bump to 2.4 , bug #267732 (diff)
Bump, fixes #290742
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc46/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-db')
3 files changed, 230 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/dev-db/ingres/ChangeLog b/dev-db/ingres/ChangeLog
index e7e0c1649768..f8fad51454ba 100644
--- a/dev-db/ingres/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-db/ingres/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-db/ingres
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/ingres/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2009/10/22 22:06:07 patrick Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/ingres/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2009/10/27 23:26:42 patrick Exp $
+*ingres- (27 Oct 2009)
+ 27 Oct 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +ingres-
+ Bump, fixes #290742
*ingres- (22 Oct 2009)
diff --git a/dev-db/ingres/Manifest b/dev-db/ingres/Manifest
index e0e06e808065..ad42bf3eea96 100644
--- a/dev-db/ingres/Manifest
+++ b/dev-db/ingres/Manifest
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ AUX 9.3-sharelib.patch 523 RMD160 1ce20d8655dd2187af0d26d4a4331e2c6c4d6656 SHA1
AUX ingres-initd 1206 RMD160 6c108d38f2f5331f3608a894018379000faa9ef4 SHA1 583598c323d76cbdde8dbdfe04dc12ab606297ca SHA256 36689594e57cb3100cfc263ca09feebae44e39f3a15431d382e326bddeb8fab1
AUX sql.patch 348 RMD160 a3e568b435be99e5838c3e44366f925d63cedd64 SHA1 a9378d7efae663fda8c69b3ca252ba4a6d317362 SHA256 e72486783307461466455628239f03334001122723ef5bcb319ca20552e276b4
DIST ingres-10.0.0-108-gpl-src.tgz 113785503 RMD160 9b2f851ed52ed3dbbaf517f01db1c8044f2dcabe SHA1 4816f821f63c93292b9d52f7436215e7b0bc8ea4 SHA256 b9fa37be71dc2a0a46bb84d97a7cf5dfa73f48cce1f301b9231f962f4bc2ae43
+DIST ingres-10.0.0-109-gpl-src.tgz 114102646 RMD160 c191d5fd7638355e1d9affce5f8b18a0f6bccb3d SHA1 02a867951656b04ad662f9fa9bc38c0395074482 SHA256 df5c61e9a1f657e3a81b2802df9136ad5ba5a38887c0e9367d2f441873b9a58f
DIST ingres-9.3.0-151-gpl-src.tgz 113438034 RMD160 6e4e83c2b71e6b637f4604afbe12dac1e913002d SHA1 cb51131495ca5a31dd658fe20c5c4ba44c0a1bca SHA256 c215a39f5b8bd6509bb2ef6512bd69476b5063b465d164be7c2f249ebf7f8c16
EBUILD ingres- 6075 RMD160 8982056009ca38f834bee1b957ff87c30f99f4d4 SHA1 b8a0774d745c3be04c0c2cb7c6b6c9d64ad4ffe8 SHA256 9825b5d6b5537e56747fb7f53c14f43ba378ab6a514cdde287098dea9066d565
+EBUILD ingres- 6075 RMD160 e9c8ec2ec69bd87c1771f0dc68f8a313637d4ac6 SHA1 f7e323846d1695f4e51118c8f985a5530da02ed0 SHA256 a089c20efc78ce38d0016114573c229f0da9519408e4693817357b329f66d1d9
EBUILD ingres- 6143 RMD160 59ef97d122347f1495b41b90324bddf763f8705f SHA1 efd0a2ae7d06b3a3ac072de8d69bde1cebda1f1f SHA256 b6d3095fa1fff88d2672a09de9ba1e40634cb3fdd3c9d0bcd87e7ed34d98ed47
-MISC ChangeLog 861 RMD160 2e248ae336a88f8f47549300a2574fbd456396b1 SHA1 b9be95cd9645222908e9856fb3681b40f27f0e87 SHA256 179c00cec8c20999ab6706bdb81c82bcdcf837941bbca9e8911f07a62ecb3bce
+MISC ChangeLog 995 RMD160 bd4f809b6e97bac43bfbc894eac23d1e64e9614d SHA1 9b5120682aaa880327a075443c054a4c0061dd74 SHA256 ec7d70f6d94540666d34dca0912c4f1a10a71ba7a3a1457432c82a4f18d8c2db
MISC metadata.xml 502 RMD160 a7a70ac5f01ed55a1a85a77d3d388ff4a1873acd SHA1 752799770f65f570aa28232a60e281fc85d31d74 SHA256 692aeaf0d4b3c5ae5a1cc3d7a1742d38d7fca821971ded17bf7471f91db8ac08
diff --git a/dev-db/ingres/ingres- b/dev-db/ingres/ingres-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c62959423dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/ingres/ingres-
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/ingres/ingres-,v 1.1 2009/10/27 23:26:42 patrick Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic versionator
+# amd64 doesn't work yet
+# Several Ingres instances can be installed with different
+# installation identifiers - default is II
+# This is not the same as slotting because we have
+# n installations of the same version which is not supported
+# by portage (e.g. portage doesn't know which one to unmerge)
+# Getting the version strings from the package name
+VERSION=$(get_version_component_range 1-3)
+SHORT_VERSION=$(get_version_component_range 1-2)
+BUILD=$(get_version_component_range 4)
+DESCRIPTION="Ingres Relational Database Management System"
+# nodbms means client installation
+IUSE="client net das odbc demodb"
+ app-arch/pax"
+ app-crypt/mit-krb5
+ dev-util/ftjam"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use client && use demodb; then
+ eerror "Cannot install demodb without the dbms"
+ die "Invalid USE flags"
+ fi
+ if [ -d "${PG_DIR}/Ingres${II_INSTALLATION}" ]; then
+ einfo "Existing installation found in ${PG_DIR}/Ingres${II_INSTALLATION}."
+ einfo "This installation will be upgraded."
+ einfo "If that is not what you want press CTRL-C now!"
+ epause 5
+ fi
+ if ps ax | grep -qe "iigc[n|c|d] ${II_INSTALLATION}"; then
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "Running instance of Ingres ${II_INSTALLATION} found!"
+ ewarn "Ingres will be compiled and merged but not configured"
+ ewarn "when another copy of the same instance is running."
+ ewarn "You can do that afterwards with "
+ ewarn "USE=\"...\" emerge --config ingres"
+ epause 5
+ fi
+ enewgroup ingres
+ enewuser ingres -1 /bin/bash ${PG_DIR} ingres
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${SHORT_VERSION}-bldenv.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${SHORT_VERSION}-sharelib.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${SHORT_VERSION}-Jamdefs.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${SHORT_VERSION}-mksecret.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/sql.patch"
+src_compile() {
+ export ING_ROOT="${S}"
+ local paxlocation=`which pax`
+ export PAXLOC=`dirname ${paxlocation}`
+ source src/tools/port/jam/bldenv || die "Setting of environment failed"
+ cd tools/port/jam
+ jam || die "Building of mkjams failed"
+ mkjams || die "Creation of jam files failed"
+ cd "$ING_SRC"
+ grep -vE "gtk|rpm|deb|packman|pixmap" front/st/Jamfile > front/st/_Jamfile
+ mv front/st/_Jamfile front/st/Jamfile
+ einfo "Compiling Ingres..."
+ jam -q || die "Building Ingres failed"
+src_install() {
+ einfo "Creating II_SYSTEM..."
+ II_LOC="${II_SYSTEM}/ingres"
+ mkdir -p "${II_LOC}"
+ DIRS="abf bin ckp data demo dmp files ice jnl lib log sig utility work vdba version.rel"
+ for DIR in ${DIRS}; do
+ echo -n "${DIR} "
+ cp -rpLf "${S}/build/${DIR}" "${II_LOC}/" || die "Copying ${DIR} failed"
+ done
+ echo
+ chown -R ingres:ingres "${II_LOC}"
+ cat - > ${II_SYSTEM}/.ing${II_INSTALLATION}bash << EOF
+export PATH=\$II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin:\$II_SYSTEM/ingres/utility:\$PATH
+if [ "\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ] ; then
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib:\$II_SYSTEM/ingres/lib
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:\$II_SYSTEM/ingres/lib
+export TERM=vt100
+export TERM_INGRES=vt100fx
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/ingres-initd" ingres${II_INSTALLATION} || die "Adding init.d script failed"
+ einfo "done."
+pkg_config() {
+ ERRMSG="Installing Ingres failed
+ You may find information in ${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/files/install.log.
+ You can retry by executing USE=\"...\" emerge --config ingres"
+ if ps ax | grep -qe "iigc[n|c|d] ${II_INSTALLATION}"; then
+ eerror "Running instance of Ingres ${II_INSTALLATION} found!"
+ eerror "Please stop that instance first, before upgrading."
+ die "${ERRMSG}"
+ fi
+ einfo "Fixing file permissions..."
+ chmod u+s "${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/bin/verifydb"
+ chmod u+s "${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/bin/ingvalidpw"
+ chmod u+s "${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/bin/iimerge"
+ chmod u+s "${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/utility/csreport"
+ einfo "Setting up Ingres (please wait - this will take a few minutes)"
+ PARTS="tm"
+ if ! use client; then
+ PARTS="${PARTS} dbms"
+ fi
+ for FLAG in net das odbc demodb; do
+ if use ${FLAG}; then
+ fi
+ done
+ for PART in ${PARTS}; do
+ einfo "${PART}..."
+ if [ ${PART} == "demodb" ]; then
+ su ingres -c "
+ cd ${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/demo/data
+ ingstart > /dev/null
+ if createdb -n demodb > /dev/null; then
+ sql demodb < > /dev/null
+ fi" || die "${ERRMSG}"
+ else
+ su ingres -c "
+ ${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/utility/iisu${PART} -batch" || die "${ERRMSG}"
+ fi
+ done
+ einfo "Upgrading any existing databases"
+ su ingres -c "
+ ingstart > /dev/null 2>&1
+ upgradedb -all > /dev/null
+ ingstop > /dev/null" || die "${ERRMSG}"
+ su ingres -c "
+ ingsetenv ING_ABFDIR ${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/abf" || die "${ERRMSG}"
+ "${II_SYSTEM}/ingres/bin/mkvalidpw" > /dev/null || die "${ERRMSG}"
+ einfo "Done."
+pkg_postinst() {
+ pkg_config
+ elog ""
+ elog "Run '/etc/init.d/ingres${II_INSTALLATION} start' to start Ingres"
+ elog ""
+ elog "After that, as user ingres type"
+ elog " source ${PG_DIR}/Ingres${II_INSTALLATION}/.ing${II_INSTALLATION}bash"
+ elog "to run the Ingres commands such as sql or createdb."