diff options
authorSam James <>2023-12-28 03:39:31 +0000
committerSam James <>2023-12-28 03:39:31 +0000
commit0853ef3f0c5323c193a2825a756a5886fc762365 (patch)
parentsys-fs/zfs-kmod: drop 2.1.12, 2.1.13, 2.1.13-r1 (diff)
sys-fs/zfs-kmod: drop 2.2.1, 2.2.1-r1
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/Manifest b/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/Manifest
index 8c893b1a1e3f..4591d964e4e4 100644
--- a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/Manifest
+++ b/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
DIST zfs-2.1.14.tar.gz 35167471 BLAKE2B a7b22eaf05e4fbf416ebe4d7b884c515942fc9375c1dd322cefa00c19c550b9318a4192d6a909d49d58523c8f1a6eaf00189dd58e6543fae17cf8cc35042f469 SHA512 4a65c8b7d5576fa2dcc14e7ccaa93191c1d3791479cf89bd02c2bd04434ff5e93709b328796d4f9ba93da19f12772e359df373f40919350a3e1e4c52758b47c8
DIST zfs-2.1.14.tar.gz.asc 836 BLAKE2B f01bc58bf6c3d367c494ed4ea9f3fb1141f3aafdbf4f913b9e0d60d31557076d5ae0e25ca93b013f5fd85e21ba5ae9f61e1a03af54bb0c743869c0ce3d5519df SHA512 be0f386cce952b4047dc2448e356078668e8d4392802dd3bb1a426741f15f4d9fb689cd1cb09972bdbc9fe2e4e782ec4b4754fe811c5657bc1f5308bd38e3926
-DIST zfs-2.2.1.tar.gz 33814243 BLAKE2B c3ff95c892024a11ee5c266b10e3354074606665a201fbab16e1ed12550340e0d991d98bd74f794331b68bd16cd6147a9e8937b8cda72d454abce72a22bafec6 SHA512 05e17046ac4f0ba923151be3e554e075db4783c8936c5dcee2d3b6d459fb386ba33f9eb38d15c185db58a1d26926147a66c3b3fe14e9de40987f0e95efa2bb31
-DIST zfs-2.2.1.tar.gz.asc 836 BLAKE2B 9d586d703d557df020f1d02e764f488f354f5c7105e7fa0f3dbf040881b63bdffa3310c9048ed102be05e9c851242b572cd0c6a22361e7e5a1cce50b1644a98d SHA512 78a13f42a71e39d346d43f3e1b271483b4b426ccdcda7f3709db8d89b0bcd54c79b7d17cfe3b49d2e6b8c7c41e30e69faade02e49e4bdddb3e472f2ceeb29cf2
DIST zfs-2.2.2.tar.gz 33816541 BLAKE2B f0619ae42d898d18077096217d0a9ddd7c7378424707aa51d3645661b2889a1459bc4a5e9fe42b6860b2d26e4600da35765b0e741725dafacc2ead2370cad866 SHA512 bba252cbf7986f2cce154dd18a34aa478cf98f70106337188dc894de2446d60a58fa643706927757d1787506b44d4ff404897a2d0e16aacb0a7bf27765703332
DIST zfs-2.2.2.tar.gz.asc 836 BLAKE2B bdc86492b2bf45d329e34e89ea7796f5cbf518d32ab114c909321b1d0d8040b9ce4e25b3b85fcbc5ea62ee10a2d716b5b27e37c2c005b307c0b593815c49d625 SHA512 110be1aa90f4749106717165a3cb5116379e2d170146a2b3d2601f04212450da9327e028d6e1e5de7f8a46c6bb7a15e2bcdd09e3e760590fbc695f9562f1440b
diff --git a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/files/zfs-kmod-2.2.1-Disable-zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync-tunable-by-default.patch b/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/files/zfs-kmod-2.2.1-Disable-zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync-tunable-by-default.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f49ab09adf7a..000000000000
--- a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/files/zfs-kmod-2.2.1-Disable-zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync-tunable-by-default.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From 2b266bd36980caefe353411bd56b2487c44aeb6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Sam James <>
-Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 21:38:06 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Disable zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync tunable by default
-As a mitigation until more is understood and fixes are tested & reviewed, change
-the default of zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync from 1 to 0, as it was before
-There are no reported cases of The Bug being hit with zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync=1:
-that does not mean this is a cure or a real fix, but it _appears_ to be at least
-effective in reducing the chances of it happening. By itself, it's a safe change
-anyway, so it feels worth us doing while we wait.
-Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
---- a/man/man4/zfs.4
-+++ b/man/man4/zfs.4
-@@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@ Allow no-operation writes.
- The occurrence of nopwrites will further depend on other pool properties
- .Pq i.a. the checksumming and compression algorithms .
- .
--.It Sy zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync Ns = Ns Sy 1 Ns | Ns 0 Pq int
-+.It Sy zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync Ns = Ns Sy 0 Ns | Ns 1 Pq int
- Enable forcing TXG sync to find holes.
- When enabled forces ZFS to sync data when
---- a/module/zfs/dmu.c
-+++ b/module/zfs/dmu.c
-@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static uint_t zfs_per_txg_dirty_frees_percent = 30;
- * Disabling this option will result in holes never being reported in dirty
- * files which is always safe.
- */
--static int zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync = 1;
-+static int zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync = 0;
- /*
- * Limit the amount we can prefetch with one call to this amount. This
diff --git a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/zfs-kmod-2.2.1-r1.ebuild b/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/zfs-kmod-2.2.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6537bbc1a148..000000000000
--- a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/zfs-kmod-2.2.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools dist-kernel-utils flag-o-matic linux-mod-r1 multiprocessing
-DESCRIPTION="Linux ZFS kernel module for sys-fs/zfs"
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- VERIFY_SIG_OPENPGP_KEY_PATH=/usr/share/openpgp-keys/openzfs.asc
- inherit verify-sig
- MY_PV=${PV/_rc/-rc}
- SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/zfs-${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
- SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? (${MY_PV}/zfs-${MY_PV}.tar.gz.asc )"
- S="${WORKDIR}/zfs-${MY_PV}"
- # Increments minor eg 5.14 -> 5.15, and still supports override.
- ZFS_KERNEL_DEP="${ZFS_KERNEL_DEP%%.*}.$(( ${ZFS_KERNEL_DEP##*.} + 1))"
- if [[ ${PV} != *_rc* ]] ; then
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc"
- fi
-LICENSE="CDDL MIT debug? ( GPL-2+ )"
-IUSE="custom-cflags debug +rootfs"
- app-alternatives/awk
- dev-lang/perl
-if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] ; then
- BDEPEND+=" verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-openzfs )"
- IUSE+=" +dist-kernel-cap"
- dist-kernel-cap? ( dist-kernel? (
- <virtual/dist-kernel-${ZFS_KERNEL_DEP}
- ) )
- "
-# Used to suggest matching USE, but without suggesting to disable
-PDEPEND="dist-kernel? ( ~sys-fs/zfs-${PV}[dist-kernel] )"
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.1.11-gentoo.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.1-Disable-zfs_dmu_offset_next_sync-tunable-by-default.patch
-pkg_pretend() {
- use rootfs || return 0
- if has_version virtual/dist-kernel && ! use dist-kernel; then
- ewarn "You have virtual/dist-kernel installed, but"
- ewarn "USE=\"dist-kernel\" is not enabled for ${CATEGORY}/${PN}"
- ewarn "It's recommended to globally enable dist-kernel USE flag"
- ewarn "to auto-trigger initrd rebuilds with kernel updates"
- fi
-pkg_setup() {
- local CONFIG_CHECK="
- "
- use debug && CONFIG_CHECK+="
- "
- use rootfs && CONFIG_CHECK+="
- "
- kernel_is -lt 5 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" IOSCHED_NOOP"
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] ; then
- local kv_major_max kv_minor_max zcompat
- kv_major_max="${zcompat%%.*}"
- zcompat="${zcompat#*.}"
- kv_minor_max="${zcompat%%.*}"
- kernel_is -le "${kv_major_max}" "${kv_minor_max}" || die \
- "Linux ${kv_major_max}.${kv_minor_max} is the latest supported version"
- fi
- linux-mod-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Run unconditionally (bug #792627)
- eautoreconf
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] ; then
- # Set module revision number
- sed -Ei "s/(Release:.*)1/\1${PR}-gentoo/" META || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- use custom-cflags || strip-flags
- filter-ldflags -Wl,*
- local myconf=(
- --bindir="${EPREFIX}"/bin
- --sbindir="${EPREFIX}"/sbin
- --with-config=kernel
- --with-linux="${KV_DIR}"
- --with-linux-obj="${KV_OUT_DIR}"
- $(use_enable debug)
- # See gentoo.patch
- TEST_JOBS="$(makeopts_jobs)"
- )
- econf "${myconf[@]}"
-src_compile() {
- emake "${MODULES_MAKEARGS[@]}"
-src_install() {
- emake "${MODULES_MAKEARGS[@]}" DESTDIR="${ED}" install
- modules_post_process
-_old_layout_cleanup() {
- # new files are just extra/{spl,zfs}.ko with no subdirs.
- local olddir=(
- avl/zavl
- icp/icp
- lua/zlua
- nvpair/znvpair
- spl/spl
- unicode/zunicode
- zcommon/zcommon
- zfs/zfs
- zstd/zzstd
- )
- # kernel/module/Kconfig contains possible compressed extentions.
- local kext kextfiles
- for kext in .ko{,.{gz,xz,zst}}; do
- kextfiles+=( "${olddir[@]/%/${kext}}" )
- done
- local oldfile oldpath
- for oldfile in "${kextfiles[@]}"; do
- oldpath="${EROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/extra/${oldfile}"
- if [[ -f "${oldpath}" ]]; then
- ewarn "Found obsolete zfs module ${oldfile} for current kernel ${KV_FULL}, removing."
- rm -rv "${oldpath}" || die
- # we do not remove non-empty directories just for safety in case there's something else.
- # also it may fail if there are both compressed and uncompressed modules installed.
- rmdir -v --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${oldpath%/*.*}" || die
- fi
- done
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Check for old module layout before doing anything else.
- # only attempt layout cleanup if new .ko location is used.
- local newko=( "${EROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/extra"/{zfs,spl}.ko* )
- # We check first array member, if glob above did not exand, it will be "zfs.ko*" and -f will return false.
- # if glob expanded -f will do correct file precense check.
- [[ -f ${newko[0]} ]] && _old_layout_cleanup
- linux-mod-r1_pkg_postinst
- if [[ -z ${ROOT} ]] && use dist-kernel ; then
- dist-kernel_reinstall_initramfs "${KV_DIR}" "${KV_FULL}"
- fi
- if use x86 || use arm ; then
- ewarn "32-bit kernels will likely require increasing vmalloc to"
- ewarn "at least 256M and decreasing zfs_arc_max to some value less than that."
- fi
- if has_version sys-boot/grub ; then
- ewarn "This version of OpenZFS includes support for new feature flags"
- ewarn "that are incompatible with previous versions. GRUB2 support for"
- ewarn "/boot with the new feature flags is not yet available."
- ewarn "Do *NOT* upgrade root pools to use the new feature flags."
- ewarn "Any new pools will be created with the new feature flags by default"
- ewarn "and will not be compatible with older versions of OpenZFS. To"
- ewarn "create a new pool that is backward compatible wih GRUB2, use "
- ewarn
- ewarn "zpool create -o compatibility=grub2 ..."
- ewarn
- ewarn "Refer to /usr/share/zfs/compatibility.d/grub2 for list of features."
- fi
diff --git a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/zfs-kmod-2.2.1.ebuild b/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/zfs-kmod-2.2.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b3c28a2134c..000000000000
--- a/sys-fs/zfs-kmod/zfs-kmod-2.2.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools dist-kernel-utils flag-o-matic linux-mod-r1 multiprocessing
-DESCRIPTION="Linux ZFS kernel module for sys-fs/zfs"
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- VERIFY_SIG_OPENPGP_KEY_PATH=/usr/share/openpgp-keys/openzfs.asc
- inherit verify-sig
- MY_PV=${PV/_rc/-rc}
- SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/zfs-${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
- SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? (${MY_PV}/zfs-${MY_PV}.tar.gz.asc )"
- S="${WORKDIR}/zfs-${MY_PV}"
- # Increments minor eg 5.14 -> 5.15, and still supports override.
- ZFS_KERNEL_DEP="${ZFS_KERNEL_DEP%%.*}.$(( ${ZFS_KERNEL_DEP##*.} + 1))"
- if [[ ${PV} != *_rc* ]] ; then
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc"
- fi
-LICENSE="CDDL MIT debug? ( GPL-2+ )"
-IUSE="custom-cflags debug +rootfs"
- app-alternatives/awk
- dev-lang/perl
-if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] ; then
- BDEPEND+=" verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-openzfs )"
- IUSE+=" +dist-kernel-cap"
- dist-kernel-cap? ( dist-kernel? (
- <virtual/dist-kernel-${ZFS_KERNEL_DEP}
- ) )
- "
-# Used to suggest matching USE, but without suggesting to disable
-PDEPEND="dist-kernel? ( ~sys-fs/zfs-${PV}[dist-kernel] )"
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.1.11-gentoo.patch
-pkg_pretend() {
- use rootfs || return 0
- if has_version virtual/dist-kernel && ! use dist-kernel; then
- ewarn "You have virtual/dist-kernel installed, but"
- ewarn "USE=\"dist-kernel\" is not enabled for ${CATEGORY}/${PN}"
- ewarn "It's recommended to globally enable dist-kernel USE flag"
- ewarn "to auto-trigger initrd rebuilds with kernel updates"
- fi
-pkg_setup() {
- local CONFIG_CHECK="
- "
- use debug && CONFIG_CHECK+="
- "
- use rootfs && CONFIG_CHECK+="
- "
- kernel_is -lt 5 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" IOSCHED_NOOP"
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] ; then
- local kv_major_max kv_minor_max zcompat
- kv_major_max="${zcompat%%.*}"
- zcompat="${zcompat#*.}"
- kv_minor_max="${zcompat%%.*}"
- kernel_is -le "${kv_major_max}" "${kv_minor_max}" || die \
- "Linux ${kv_major_max}.${kv_minor_max} is the latest supported version"
- fi
- linux-mod-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Run unconditionally (bug #792627)
- eautoreconf
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]] ; then
- # Set module revision number
- sed -Ei "s/(Release:.*)1/\1${PR}-gentoo/" META || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- use custom-cflags || strip-flags
- filter-ldflags -Wl,*
- local myconf=(
- --bindir="${EPREFIX}"/bin
- --sbindir="${EPREFIX}"/sbin
- --with-config=kernel
- --with-linux="${KV_DIR}"
- --with-linux-obj="${KV_OUT_DIR}"
- $(use_enable debug)
- # See gentoo.patch
- TEST_JOBS="$(makeopts_jobs)"
- )
- econf "${myconf[@]}"
-src_compile() {
- emake "${MODULES_MAKEARGS[@]}"
-src_install() {
- emake "${MODULES_MAKEARGS[@]}" DESTDIR="${ED}" install
- modules_post_process
-_old_layout_cleanup() {
- # new files are just extra/{spl,zfs}.ko with no subdirs.
- local olddir=(
- avl/zavl
- icp/icp
- lua/zlua
- nvpair/znvpair
- spl/spl
- unicode/zunicode
- zcommon/zcommon
- zfs/zfs
- zstd/zzstd
- )
- # kernel/module/Kconfig contains possible compressed extentions.
- local kext kextfiles
- for kext in .ko{,.{gz,xz,zst}}; do
- kextfiles+=( "${olddir[@]/%/${kext}}" )
- done
- local oldfile oldpath
- for oldfile in "${kextfiles[@]}"; do
- oldpath="${EROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/extra/${oldfile}"
- if [[ -f "${oldpath}" ]]; then
- ewarn "Found obsolete zfs module ${oldfile} for current kernel ${KV_FULL}, removing."
- rm -rv "${oldpath}" || die
- # we do not remove non-empty directories just for safety in case there's something else.
- # also it may fail if there are both compressed and uncompressed modules installed.
- rmdir -v --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${oldpath%/*.*}" || die
- fi
- done
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Check for old module layout before doing anything else.
- # only attempt layout cleanup if new .ko location is used.
- local newko=( "${EROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/extra"/{zfs,spl}.ko* )
- # We check first array member, if glob above did not exand, it will be "zfs.ko*" and -f will return false.
- # if glob expanded -f will do correct file precense check.
- [[ -f ${newko[0]} ]] && _old_layout_cleanup
- linux-mod-r1_pkg_postinst
- if [[ -z ${ROOT} ]] && use dist-kernel ; then
- dist-kernel_reinstall_initramfs "${KV_DIR}" "${KV_FULL}"
- fi
- if use x86 || use arm ; then
- ewarn "32-bit kernels will likely require increasing vmalloc to"
- ewarn "at least 256M and decreasing zfs_arc_max to some value less than that."
- fi
- if has_version sys-boot/grub ; then
- ewarn "This version of OpenZFS includes support for new feature flags"
- ewarn "that are incompatible with previous versions. GRUB2 support for"
- ewarn "/boot with the new feature flags is not yet available."
- ewarn "Do *NOT* upgrade root pools to use the new feature flags."
- ewarn "Any new pools will be created with the new feature flags by default"
- ewarn "and will not be compatible with older versions of OpenZFS. To"
- ewarn "create a new pool that is backward compatible wih GRUB2, use "
- ewarn
- ewarn "zpool create -o compatibility=grub2 ..."
- ewarn
- ewarn "Refer to /usr/share/zfs/compatibility.d/grub2 for list of features."
- fi