# ChangeLog for sys-kernel/xen-sources # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 23 Mar 2009; Alexey Shvetsov +metadata.xml, +xen-sources-2.6.9999.ebuild: Add live ebuild 22 Feb 2008; Michael Marineau -xen-sources-2.6.22.ebuild: Remove seriously broken kernel so people stop trying it. 17 Dec 2007; Michael Marineau +xen-sources-2.6.22.ebuild: Testing 2.6.22 release, based on Ubuntu's patches. 26 Aug 2007; Michael Marineau ChangeLog: Moved to the portage tree, removing everything currently in the overlay. 24 Jul 2007; Robert Buchholz +xen-sources-2.6.18-r2.ebuild, +xen-sources-2.6.20-r1.ebuild: Adding 2.6.18-2 with security updates, see http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/xen/browser/patches/tags/2.6.18/debian-secur ity-patches- for details. Adding 2.6.20-r1 with three bugfixes (TCP Checksum error, LVM race condition and No-Poweroff problem) 23 Jul 2007; Michael Marineau xen-sources-2.6.20.ebuild, +files/xen-sources-2.6.20-quirks-no-smp-fix.patch: Fix xen 2.6.20 for single proc configurations. 17 Jul 2007; Michael Marineau +xen-sources-2.6.18-r1.ebuild, xen-sources-2.6.20.ebuild Add genpatches based 2.6.18 xen kernel 17 Jul 2007; Michael Marineau xen-sources-2.6.18.ebuild, xen-sources-2.6.20.ebuild, +files/xen-sources-2.6.18-make-install.patch: Tweek xen-source's make install to generally do the right thing. 17 Jul 2007; Michael Marineau +xen-sources-2.6.20.ebuild, +files/xen-sources-2.6.20-console-tty-fix.patch: Copy 2.6.20 to xen project overlay from marineam's overlay 14 Jul 2007; Michael Marineau +xen-sources-2.6.18.ebuild: copy the current xen-3.1.0 ebuilds over from my marineam-xen overlay