diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www-misc')
-rw-r--r--www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/3.1-pid.patch (renamed from www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/psd-pid.patch)31
-rw-r--r--www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/profile-sync-daemon-3.1.ebuild (renamed from www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/profile-sync-daemon-3.0-r1.ebuild)24
7 files changed, 130 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/ChangeLog b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/ChangeLog
index 2a4479a16..4f4ad6156 100644
--- a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+*profile-sync-daemon-3.1 (26 Apr 2012)
+ 26 Apr 2012; hasufell <>
+ +files/3.1-manreadme.patch, +files/3.1-pid.patch,
+ -profile-sync-daemon-3.0-r1.ebuild, +profile-sync-daemon-3.1.ebuild,
+ -files/psd-manreadme.patch, -files/psd-pid.patch, files/daemon:
+ version bump, remove old
22 Jan 2012; Mike Gilbert <> files/daemon:
www-misc/profile-sync-daemon: Cleanup init script
diff --git a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/Manifest b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/Manifest
index 6cdf642d5..37c501c73 100644
--- a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/Manifest
+++ b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/Manifest
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
-Hash: SHA256
+AUX 3.1-manreadme.patch 4432 RMD160 19532e07897d797d9ef166fba53aadd677f9f986 SHA1 3cc6bbc382cc0248c706376ceebad9a08970e4e1 SHA256 b66f99a1b89192228f49cabd6e773b350ee7f50026c53dfcbb710bdbc80326ed
+AUX 3.1-pid.patch 1235 RMD160 47a40d6d59a5a6c9e7c97c80a00664aafd665520 SHA1 1b6b6bd7ea20139bcda5b828047b9a3f85281ea1 SHA256 7d4647b27fd60241130a773ac772a32d4632f6253249641f6f71015cf7f582aa
AUX cronjob 44 RMD160 56fe960fc97cd7af4a02d550c8039535da9fb1c6 SHA1 f7974834da21ece11425b530fc8ffb1179464b7d SHA256 9e970ba5901963a4de2467d0a8d4fab1f69bfead2ba20312bf5d233a6adae5d2
-AUX daemon 1244 RMD160 66f5fee6e57bfb27247922a2731b1aa54246ce8a SHA1 9fbadc9779bfd79d60cbcd88b697bedd5f6fd119 SHA256 850faec40b0e44fef765dd851ebc91e1eba82046a44dbcd61970671518f2a492
-AUX psd-manreadme.patch 7305 RMD160 f79f1456bdb93bb527ea6c22cbcc39504784a588 SHA1 82bf4ec47ca62da36504972feb477371d3891bc0 SHA256 39dd07a2dae35adc5954cc0c4f36d6ff32524e35d08baa633a2b3daac9e0697a
-AUX psd-pid.patch 988 RMD160 0657f6c6a8f2980b32faa2643326487151e3bb42 SHA1 204cc48d5c21af4e3a4c9f9288757d451732f667 SHA256 7cc477a4d40496a45648facfcc67d1afb4a1f1efb997dc7e82b9d34262728bfd
-DIST profile-sync-daemon-3.0.tar.xz 15572 RMD160 c1cb2b394031b8f1316ae256b8c6c2c58449da26 SHA1 c390183a62f1ba1c9c319870729bec10a6a4e3e7 SHA256 b58588c818dd9ed9a440e536fd8aaa587e1dd9bdfd2619bc85aa9ef6e3e61dfe
-EBUILD profile-sync-daemon-3.0-r1.ebuild 1140 RMD160 028dbf80b2e3f8ea35040eaf8bb9b406f56dd37f SHA1 5362dc8b958b73bd1f2b7b190e314aac8e9ed75c SHA256 97fabf9c56dd52617f52c143c0fca9c658e812ebd939d929feb851ceaf3a33a6
-MISC ChangeLog 1250 RMD160 d8b37e0d8603a81ede5e992f3ccb198ee6b9305b SHA1 13968340f9b0f6f8af88443ced24bbe53ad42aa4 SHA256 8fa9759adfb2fc5302478fed156fafd995726b4f4dbf9b377f2dee9f6747dc92
+AUX daemon 1326 RMD160 a6ac3a5cd245dbe9c1a5b9972668a3e1fa78fdec SHA1 506b94bdae3608b5fd269a2f22f74ddf2e29469b SHA256 313e102cff9cbcb37a9309250a7bd2d2d8efa5e70e8f60c5fdeb3b1c050f0940
+DIST profile-sync-daemon-3.1.tar.xz 15724 RMD160 1d9b00db03782fa101614be2ea8f713ef5e3952c SHA1 7ad928076a5f11b2a2c6038f88e913755e9273bc SHA256 9f3ae4d974314493f58e635afd1ae316222e1c9a52f2270fb2485711f99c2232
+EBUILD profile-sync-daemon-3.1.ebuild 1138 RMD160 a6ca843b4ac002c937bb29432a2f179d2fc9471d SHA1 65b0e0274c6934b10e0676a033aabca5359ce1c5 SHA256 f215549af27b1a1a455fe4cf7e72e691faedda12c9e2f60b669d5329d9bebcba
+MISC ChangeLog 1562 RMD160 e868b46e78b9dc4c8e9033b60bc10b2ba4fbf7ce SHA1 6ef04513193d6ea46e407590a5ffc8e1b994e6ca SHA256 d3c98fbee48377dddc081409ef02db377a43591c6fc0049580fb18d9b2c00733
MISC metadata.xml 208 RMD160 c18611400760e42bdd001905be0a63c2e963bcea SHA1 595816105cac477cb85792a182e15888029118a1 SHA256 c4841c87f0c2b9b5e679a27dc72180be8d508fb3f5df0fbab2ec2c805c0a6d82
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/3.1-manreadme.patch b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/3.1-manreadme.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0442cac05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/3.1-manreadme.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+fix readme for proper gentoo instructions
+--- psd.manpage
++++ psd.manpage
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ .nf
+ .fam C
+- rc.d [\fIoptions\fP] \fIpsd\fP
++ rc -s \fIpsd\fP [\fIoptions\fP]
+ .fam T
+ .fi
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ .PP
+ Optionally redefine the location of your distro's tmpfs. Do this in the VOLATILE variable. Note that for Arch Linux, the default value of "/tmp" should work just fine.
+-Do not call /usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon directly. Instead use the distro provided /usr/bin/rc.d to interact with \fIpsd\fP via the daemon script.
++Do not call /usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon directly. Instead use the distro provided /sbin/rc to interact with \fIpsd\fP via the daemon script.
+ .TP
+ .B
+ start
+@@ -50,11 +50,9 @@
+ .PP
+ Note that as of version 2.9, a template for systemd is provided for profile-sync-daemon.
+ .PP
+-The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, cron (if running on your system) will call it to sync or update once per hour. Finally, \fIpsd\fP will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Arch daemon.
++The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, you can set up a cronjob with the provided file in '/usr/share/profile-sync-daemon'. Finally, \fIpsd\fP will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Arch daemon.
+ .PP
+-It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding \fIpsd\fP to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf like so:
+-\fBDAEMONS=\fP(\.\.\. @\fIpsd\fP \.\.\.)
++It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding \fIpsd\fP to the default runlevel by issuing 'rc-update add psd default'.
+ .PP
+ For more, see:
+--- README-for_other_distros
++++ README-for_other_distros
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ profile-sync-daemon - Symlinks and syncs browser profile dirs to RAM thus reducing HDD/SDD calls and speeding-up browsers.
+- rc.d [options] psd
++ rc -s psd [options]
+ Profile-sync-daemon (psd) is a tiny shell script designed to manage your browser's profile in tmpfs and to periodically sync it back to your physical disc (HDD/SSD). This is accomplished via a symlinking step and an innovative use of rsync to maintain back-up and synchronization between the two. One of the major design goals of psd is completely transparent user experience.
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ Optionally redefine the location of your distro's tmpfs. Do this in the VOLATILE variable. Note that for Arch Linux, the default value of "/tmp" should work just fine.
+- Do not call /usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon directly. Instead use the distro provided /usr/bin/rc.d to interact with psd via the daemon script.
++ Do not call /usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon directly. Instead use the distro provided /sbin/rc to interact with psd via the daemon script.
+ start Turn on psd. Make symlinks and sync the profile(s) from disc to tmpfs.
+ stop Turn off psd. Sync the profiles(s) from tmpfs back to disc and remove the symlinks.
+@@ -34,11 +34,9 @@
+ Note that as of version 2.9, a template for systemd is provided for profile-sync-daemon.
+- The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, cron (if running on your system) will call it to sync or update once per hour. Finally, psd will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Arch daemon.
++ The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, you can set up a cronjob with the provided file in '/usr/share/profile-sync-daemon'. Finally, psd will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Arch daemon.
+- It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding psd to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf like so:
+- DAEMONS=(... @psd ...)
++ It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding psd to the default runlevel by issuing 'rc-update add psd default'.
+ For more, see:
diff --git a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/psd-pid.patch b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/3.1-pid.patch
index efb86e740..0e930fa8b 100644
--- a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/psd-pid.patch
+++ b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/3.1-pid.patch
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
---- profile-sync-daemon.old 2012-01-15 03:34:37.000000000 +0100
-+++ profile-sync-daemon 2012-01-15 17:48:36.000000000 +0100
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- # By graysky <graysky AT archlinux DOT us>
+--- profile-sync-daemon
++++ profile-sync-daemon
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Inspired by some code originally written by Colin Verot
- BROWSERS="chromium google-chrome midori mozilla opera" # all supported browsers
- . /etc/psd.conf
+ BROWSERS="chromium google-chrome midori mozilla opera opera-next" # all supported browsers
+-. /etc/psd.conf
++. /etc/conf.d/psd
-@@ -105,17 +106,17 @@
+ set_which() {
+ homedir="$(su -c 'echo $HOME' $user)"
+@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@
# do not run if the daemon is running
- [[ ! -f /run/daemons/psd ]] && check
-+ [[ ! -f $PIDFILE ]] && check
++ [[ ! -f $PIDFILE ]] && check
@@ -29,3 +30,15 @@
+ [[ -f $PIDFILE ]] && echo "You should not call this script directly, let the /etc/rc.d/psd do it for you!" && exit 1
exit 0
+--- psd.conf
++++ psd.conf
+@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+ # /etc/psd.conf
+ #
+ # For documentation, see:
++# path to PIDFILE to use
+ # List users separated by spaces whose browser(s) profile(s) will get symlinked
+ # and sync'ed to tmpfs.
diff --git a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/daemon b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/daemon
index 7f2ee04e9..6d0666ce5 100644
--- a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/daemon
+++ b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/daemon
@@ -4,21 +4,18 @@
description="Webbrowser profile syncing"
-[ -e /etc/psd.conf ] && . /etc/psd.conf
start() {
ebegin "Starting Profile-Sync-Daemon"
if [ -z "$USERS" ]; then
- eerror "Define at least one user in /etc/psd.conf"
+ eerror "Define at least one user in /etc/conf.d/psd"
return 1
for i in $USERS; do
homedir=$(su -c 'echo $HOME' $i)
if [ ! -d "$homedir" ]; then
- eerror "Invalid user defined in /etc/psd.conf"
+ eerror "Invalid user defined in /etc/conf.d/psd"
return 1
@@ -51,3 +48,13 @@ sync() {
eend $?
+status() {
+ if [ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
+ eerror "Profile-Sync-Daemon is not running"
+ else
+ einfo "Profile-Sync-Daemon is running"
+ fi
+ eend $?
diff --git a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/psd-manreadme.patch b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/psd-manreadme.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eeed0e94d..000000000
--- a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/files/psd-manreadme.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
---- psd.manpage.old 2012-01-15 03:34:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ psd.manpage 2012-01-15 18:19:53.000000000 +0100
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- .nf
- .fam C
-- rc.d [\fIoptions\fP] \fIpsd\fP
-+ rc -s \fIpsd\fP [\fIoptions\fP]
- .fam T
- .fi
-@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
- Currently, the following browsers are auto-detected and managed: Chromium, Firefox, Google-chrome, Midori, and Opera.
- .PP
--Note that some browsers such as Chromium, Google-chrome, and Midori, actually keeps their cache directories separately from their browser profile directory. It is not within the scope of profile-sync-daemon to modify this behavior; users are encouraged to modify this behavir. For example, refer to the following url for several work-arounds for the Chrome-based browsers:
-+Note that some browsers such as Chromium, Google-chrome, and Midori, actually keeps their cache directories separately from their browser profile directory. It is not within the scope of profile-sync-daemon to modify this behavior; users are encouraged to modify this behavior. For example, refer to the following url for several work-arounds for the Chrome-based browsers:
--Users should not call /usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon directly. Instead use the distro provided /usr/bin/rc.d to interact with \fIpsd\fP via the daemon script.
-+Users should not call '/usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon' directly. Instead use the distro provided '/sbin/rc' to interact with \fIpsd\fP via the daemon script.
- .TP
- .B
- start
-@@ -40,19 +40,15 @@
- .B
- sync
- Sync data between locations. The \fBprofile\fP(s) in tmpfs are sync'ed back to the disc and the symlinks are left in place.
--Note that as of version 2.9, a template for systemd is provided for profile-sync-daemon.
--Edit the included /etc/psd.conf defining which \fBuser\fP(s) will have their profiles managed by \fIpsd\fP and note that at least one user must be defined.
-+Edit the included '/etc/psd.conf' defining which \fBuser\fP(s) will have their profiles managed by \fIpsd\fP and note that at least one user must be defined.
- .PP
- Example:
- USERS="bar foo"
- .PP
--The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, cron (if running on your system) will call it to sync or update once per hour. Finally, \fIpsd\fP will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Arch daemon.
--It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding \fIpsd\fP to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf like so:
-+The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, you can set up a cronjob with the provided file in '/usr/share/profile-sync-daemon'. Finally, \fIpsd\fP will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Gentoo daemon.
- .PP
--\fBDAEMONS=\fP(\.\.\. @\fIpsd\fP \.\.\.)
-+It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding \fIpsd\fP to the default runlevel by issuing 'rc-update add psd default'.
- .PP
- For more, see:
---- README-for_other_distros.old 2012-01-15 03:33:58.000000000 +0100
-+++ README-for_other_distros 2012-01-15 18:19:43.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- profile-sync-daemon - Symlinks and syncs browser profile dirs to RAM thus reducing HDD/SDD calls and speeding-up browsers.
-- rc.d [options] psd
-+ rc -s psd [options]
- Profile-sync-daemon (psd) is a tiny shell script designed to manage your browser's profile in tmpfs and to periodically sync it back to your physical disc (HDD/SSD). This is accomplished via a symlinking step and an innovative use of rsync to maintain back-up and synchronization between the two. One of the major design goals of psd is completely transparent user experience.
-@@ -16,28 +16,24 @@
- Currently, the following browsers are auto-detected and managed: Chromium, Firefox, Google-chrome, Midori, and Opera.
-- Note that some browsers such as Chromium, Google-chrome, and Midori, actually keeps their cache directories separately from their browser profile directory. It is not within the scope of profile-sync-daemon to modify this behavior; users are encouraged to modify this behavir. For example, refer to the following url for several work-arounds for the Chrome-based browsers:
-+ Note that some browsers such as Chromium, Google-chrome, and Midori, actually keeps their cache directories separately from their browser profile directory. It is not within the scope of profile-sync-daemon to modify this behavior; users are encouraged to modify this behavior. For example, refer to the following url for several work-arounds for the Chrome-based browsers:
-- Users should not call /usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon directly. Instead use the distro provided /usr/bin/rc.d to interact with psd via the daemon script.
-+ Users should not call '/usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon' directly. Instead use the distro provided '/sbin/rc' to interact with psd via the daemon script.
- start Turn on psd. Make symlinks and sync the profile(s) from disc to tmpfs.
- stop Turn off psd. Sync the profiles(s) from tmpfs back to disc and remove the symlinks.
- sync Sync data between locations. The profile(s) in tmpfs are sync'ed back to the disc and the symlinks are left in place.
-- Note that as of version 2.9, a template for systemd is provided for profile-sync-daemon.
-- Edit the included /etc/psd.conf defining which user(s) will have their profiles managed by psd and note that at least one user must be defined.
-+ Edit the included '/etc/psd.conf' defining which user(s) will have their profiles managed by psd and note that at least one user must be defined.
- Example:
- USERS="bar foo"
-- The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, cron (if running on your system) will call it to sync or update once per hour. Finally, psd will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Arch daemon.
-- It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding psd to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf like so:
-+ The initial synchronization will occur when the daemon starts. Additionally, you can set up a cronjob with the provided file in '/usr/share/profile-sync-daemon'. Finally, psd will sync back a final time when it is called to stop. Users can call the daemon to start, stop, or sync like any standard Gentoo daemon.
-- DAEMONS=(... @psd ...)
-+ It is highly recommended to start/stop the daemon at boot/shutdown. This is accomplished by adding psd to the default runlevel by issuing 'rc-update add psd default'.
- For more, see:
diff --git a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/profile-sync-daemon-3.0-r1.ebuild b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/profile-sync-daemon-3.1.ebuild
index 32afe00f3..63c4a1f3d 100644
--- a/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/profile-sync-daemon-3.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/www-misc/profile-sync-daemon/profile-sync-daemon-3.1.ebuild
@@ -17,32 +17,32 @@ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ net-misc/rsync"
src_prepare() {
# fix manpage/readme for proper gentoo instructions
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PN}-manreadme.patch
- # fix script to work with our daemon
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PN}-pid.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-manreadme.patch
+ # fix script to work with our initscript
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-pid.patch
src_install() {
- # install script
+ # script
dobin ${PN}
- # install conf
- insinto /etc
- doins ${MY_PN}.conf
- # install optional cronjob
+ # optional cronjob
insinto /usr/share/${PN}
doins "${FILESDIR}"/cronjob
- # install our daemon
+ # initscript
newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/daemon ${MY_PN}
+ # conf
+ newconfd ${MY_PN}.conf ${MY_PN}
# manpage, readme
+ newdoc README-for_other_distros README
newman ${MY_PN}.manpage ${PN}.1