#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Written by Robert Buchholz and Tobias Heinlein # Based on a Perl script by Stefan Fritsch # This program needs app-portage/eix installed and its database up-to-date # It uses a modified NVD python component import string import sys import os import re import subprocess DEFAULT_ISSUE_REGEX = '^CVE-20(0[3-9]|10)' DEFAULT_TODO_REGEX = '^\s+TODO: check$' def filterstring(strng): """ Make a string translation filter that converts all illegal chars to spaces """ import string strng = strng.encode('ascii', 'ignore') allowed = string.letters + string.digits + '_' allchars = string.maketrans(u'', u'') # table of all chars replacechars = ''.join([c not in allowed and ' ' or c for c in allchars]) return strng.translate(replacechars).encode('utf-8') class EntryEditor: def __init__(self, issue_regex, todo_regex, replace_line, list_only, list_lines, glsa_style, sort_only, bugreporter): self.datafile = "./data/CVE/list" self.issue_regex = issue_regex self.todo_regex = todo_regex self.replace_line = replace_line self.editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR', os.environ.get('VISUAL', "nano")) self.browser = os.environ.get('BROWSER') self.listdata = self.read_list(self.datafile) if sort_only: self.save() return self.cvedb = CVEData() todos = self.filter_todos(self.listdata) # list of entries to post a bug for self.bugs_collected = {} self.bugs_atom = [] self.bugreporter = bugreporter if list_only: self.list_entries(todos, list_lines, glsa_style) else: self.bugupdates = {} self.recently_saved = True self.work_entries(todos) def read_list(self, filename): file = open(filename) entries = [] cur_entry = [] for line in file: if line[0:3] == 'CVE' and cur_entry: entries.append(cur_entry) cur_entry = [] cur_entry.append(line) if cur_entry: entries.append(cur_entry) file.close() entries.sort() return entries def filter_todos(self, entries): todo_matcher = re.compile(self.todo_regex) issue_matcher = re.compile(self.issue_regex) todos = [] for entry in entries: if not issue_matcher.search(entry[0]): continue for line in entry: if todo_matcher.search(line): todos.append(entry) break return todos def list_entries(self, entries, max_line_count, glsa): cvelist = [] if glsa: print "
    " for entry in entries: cve = self.cvedb.get_cve_from(entry) if not cve: continue cvelist.append(cve) if glsa: names = [] for cvenames in self.cvedb.guess_name_for(cve).values(): names.extend(cvenames) joinednames = u", ".join(list(set(names))) names = joinednames if names: credit = names + " reported " else: credit = "" print "
  • " cvedesc = self.cvedb.get_cve_desc(cve, indentation = 0) if cvedesc[-1] == '.': cvedesc = cvedesc[:-1] print u"%s%s (%s)." % (credit, cvedesc, cve) print "
  • " else: print "%s (http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=%s):" % (cve, cve) cvedesc = self.cvedb.get_cve_desc(cve, indentation = 2) cvedesc = '\n'.join(cvedesc.split('\n')[:int(max_line_count)]) print cvedesc if glsa: print "
" else: print "\nAddressed %d CVEs: %s" % (len(cvelist), self.bugs_unify_cvenames(cvelist)) def work_entries(self, entries): self.entrynum = 0 while self.entrynum >= 0 and self.entrynum < len(entries): entry = entries[self.entrynum] result = self.cvedb.print_all_about(entry) if not result: self.entrynum += 1 continue print "CVE # in list: " + str(self.entrynum + 1) + " / " + str(len(entries)) cve = result[0] product = filterstring(result[1]) # By default, do an auto-search command = 'p' while command != '\n': product = self.handlecommand(command, entry, cve, product) for line in entry: print line, print print ">>> ", command = sys.stdin.readline() self.entrynum += 1 print if not self.recently_saved: print "All entries done, attempting to quit, do you want to save? (Y/n) ", want_to_save = sys.stdin.readline() if want_to_save[0] == "y" or want_to_save[0] == "\n": self.save() self.update_bugs() def update_bugs(self): if len(self.bugupdates) > 0: print "I have %d bug updates for you ..." % len(self.bugupdates) for bug in self.bugupdates.items(): self.update_bug(*bug) self.bugupdates = {} def update_bug(self, bug, cves): title = self.bugreporter.get_bug_title(bug) if not title: return bug_cves = self.bugreporter.get_bug_cves(bug, title = title) total_cves = list(set(bug_cves + cves)) new_title = "%s (%s)" % (BugReporter.CVEGROUPALL.sub('', re.sub('\(?CVEs? requested\)?', '', title)).strip(), self.bugs_unify_cvenames(total_cves)) description = "" for cve in cves: description += "%s (http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=%s):\n" % (cve, cve) description += "%s" % self.cvedb.get_cve_desc(cve, indentation = 2) description += "\n\n" print "=========== Updating bug %s ===========" % (bug) print " Title: %s" % (title) print " => %s" % (new_title if title != new_title else "(unchanged)") print " Comment: " print description print "Commit changes to BZ? [Y/n]: ", answer = sys.stdin.readline() if answer[0] == "y" or answer[0] == "Y" or answer[0] == "\n": self.bugreporter.modify_bug(bug, new_title, description) def handlecommand(self, command, entry, cve, product): if not command: command = "q" if command[0] == 'e' or command[0] == 'v': self.edit_entry(entry) elif command[0] == 's': self.save() elif command[0] == 'c': self.bugs_collected[cve] = entry self.bugs_atom = product elif command[0] == 'B': self.open_in_browser(cve) elif command[0] == 'b': self.file_bug(entry, cve, product) elif command[0] == 'q': if self.recently_saved == False: self.save() sys.exit() elif command[0] == 'p' or command[0] == 'd': if len(command) > 2: product = command[1:].strip() if product: print res = self.get_best_results(product) if not res: print "Couldn't find a hint of this. (%s)" % (product.strip()) elif len(res) == 1: print "Found the package in our tree (%s):" % (res[0].strip()) os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'eix', 'eix', '--compact', res[0].strip()) elif len(res) < 11 or command[0] == 'd': res = [atom.strip() for atom in res] print "Found multiple packages in our tree (%s): " % (product.strip()) regexstring = '|'.join(res) os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'eix', 'eix', '--compact', regexstring) else: print "Found %d packages in our tree (%s). Press d to display." % (len(res), product.strip()) elif command[0] == 'P': if len(command) > 2: product = command[1:].strip() if product: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE myproc = Popen(["bugz","search","--quiet","--columns=1000", "--product=Gentoo Security", product], stdout=PIPE) myproc.wait res = myproc.communicate()[0] res = str.splitlines(res) if not res: print "No results from our bugzilla. (%s)" % (product.strip()) else: for i in range (len(res)): print "http://bugs.gentoo.org/" + res[i] elif command == '\n': # next one, please pass elif command[0] == 'n': # The whole string is only "n": use the product as nfu if len(command.strip()) == 1: notforus = product else: notforus = command[1:] self.update_entry_todo(entry, "\tNOT-FOR-US: %s" % (notforus.strip())) elif command[0] == '#': bugno = command[1:].strip() self.update_entry_todo(entry, "\tBUG: %s" % (bugno)) self.bugupdates.setdefault(bugno, []).append(cve) elif command[0] == 'l': self.update_entry_todo(entry, "\tTODO: check-later") elif command[0] == 'u': self.update_bugs() elif command[0] == '<': if len(command) > 2: self.entrynum -= int(command[1]) + 1 else: self.entrynum -= 1 + 1 elif command[0] == '>': if len(command) > 2: self.entrynum += int(command[1]) - 1 else: self.entrynum += 1 - 1 else: print print "Available actions:" miniusage() return product def update_entry_todo(self, entry, replacement): replacement = "%s\n" % (replacement.rstrip()) if self.replace_line: matcher = re.compile(self.todo_regex) for idx, line in enumerate(entry): if matcher.match(line): entry[idx] = replacement else: entry.append(replacement) self.recently_saved = False def edit_entry(self, entry): import tempfile (fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt', prefix='gsec', text=True) for line in entry: os.write(fd, line) os.close(fd) os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, self.editor, self.editor, filename) # This edits our reference to the list, and therefore also the master entry del entry[:] newentry = open(filename) entry.extend(newentry.readlines()) newentry.close() os.remove(filename) self.recently_saved = False def open_in_browser(self, cve): url = "http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=%s" % (cve) if not self.browser: print "Please set the environment variable BROWSER to use this feature." else: os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, self.browser, self.browser, url) def file_bug(self, entry, cve, product): cvelist = self.bugs_collected.keys() cvelist.sort() if len(cvelist) < 1: # No bugs collected yet. Add the current one. self.bugs_collected[cve] = entry self.bugs_atom = product cvelist = self.bugs_collected.keys() res = self.get_best_results(self.bugs_atom) if res and len(res) == 1: self.bugs_atom = res[0].strip() title = self.bugs_atom + " DESCR (" + self.bugs_unify_cvenames(cvelist) + ")" description = "" bug_url = "" for cve in cvelist: # print cve description += "%s (http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=%s):\n" % (cve, cve) description += "%s" % self.cvedb.get_cve_desc(cve, indentation = 2) description += "\n\n" if not bug_url: for source, url in self.cvedb.get_refs_for(cve): if source == u"CONFIRM": bug_url = url break import tempfile (fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt', prefix='gsec', text=True) os.write(fd, "%s\n" % (title)) os.write(fd, "\n== Only the first line is used as a title, comments follow ==\n") os.write(fd, description) os.close(fd) os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, self.editor, self.editor, filename) editfile = open(filename) title = editfile.readline() editfile.close() os.remove(filename) print "Title: %s" % (title) print "Description:" print description print print "Component for bug [Enter=Vuln, k=Kernel, otherwise free text]: ", comp = sys.stdin.readline() component = "" if comp[0] == "a": component = "Auditing" elif comp[0] == "k": component = "Kernel" elif comp[0] == "\n": component = "Vulnerabilities" else: component = comp.strip() print "Initial Whiteboard: ", whiteboard = sys.stdin.readline() print "Will file this bug [Y/n]: ", answer = sys.stdin.readline() if answer[0] == "y" or answer[0] == "Y" or answer[0] == "\n": bugno = self.bugreporter.post_bug(title, description, component, whiteboard, bug_url) if bugno: print "Success! https://bugs.gentoo.org/%d" % (bugno) # note the bug in the list for cve in self.bugs_collected.keys(): entry = self.bugs_collected[cve] self.update_entry_todo(entry, "\tBUG: %d" % (bugno)) else: print "Failed creating the bug" ## This edits our reference to the list, and therefore also the master entry #del entry[:] self.bugs_atom = "" self.bugs_collected = {} def bugs_unify_cvenames(self, cvelist): """ This will make a list of CVE names readable for bugzilla. CVE-2007-1234 CVE-2007-1235 CVE-2007-1236 -> CVE-2007-{1234,1235,1236} """ matcher = re.compile("CVE-(\d+)-(\d+)") cveyears = {} for cvename in cvelist: match = matcher.match(cvename) year = match.group(1) id = match.group(2) cveyears.setdefault(year, []).append(id) title = "" cvekeys_sorted = cveyears.keys() cvekeys_sorted.sort() for year in cvekeys_sorted: title += "CVE-%s" % (year) if len(cveyears[year]) == 1: title += "-%s," % (cveyears[year][0]) else: title += "-{" cveyears[year].sort() for id in cveyears[year]: title += "%s," % (id) title = title[:-1] + "}," # remove last comma title = title[:-1] return title def get_best_results(self, query): ''' Do not call with unfiltered strings ''' searchresults = subprocess.Popen(['eix', '--only-names'] + query.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() if searchresults and len(searchresults) > 0: return searchresults words = query.split() words.reverse() for word in words: searchresults = subprocess.Popen(['eix', '--only-names', word], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() if searchresults and len(searchresults) > 0 and len(searchresults) < 20: return searchresults searchresults = subprocess.Popen(['eix', '--only-names', '-S'] + query.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() if searchresults and len(searchresults) > 0: return searchresults words = query.split() words.reverse() for word in words: searchresults = subprocess.Popen(['eix', '--only-names', '-S', word], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() if searchresults and len(searchresults) > 0 and len(searchresults) < 20: return searchresults return None def save(self): file = open(self.datafile, 'w') for entry in self.listdata: for line in entry: file.write(line) file.close() print print "Save completed." print self.recently_saved = True def setup_paths(): """ Set up paths to include our local lib dir """ import os.path check_file = 'lib/python/nvd.py' path = os.getcwd() while 1: if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (path, check_file)): sys.path = [path + '/lib/python'] + sys.path return path idx = string.rfind(path, '/') if idx == -1: raise ImportError, "could not setup paths" path = path[0:idx] def miniusage(): """ Print available actions """ print ''' * RETURN Goes to the next entry * B open CVE in browser * pNAME Does a new search in the tree for NAME * PNAME Does a new search in bugzilla for NAME * e or v Calls your $EDITOR to edit this entry * d Redisplays the last search completely * n Marks "NOT-FOR-US: NAME" while NAME is the last product (from p or guess) * nSTRING Marks "NOT-FOR-US: STRING" * #123 Marks "BUG: 123" * u Invokes bug update mechanism immediately * <[n] Jumps back one [or n] entries in the list * >[n] Jumps forward one [or n] entries in the list * Entering any other string displays this help * CTRL+C Quits without saving * q Quits with saving * s Saves the current state without quitting ''' def usage(programname): """ Print usage information """ print "Usage: %s [-h] [-l [-n ]] [-i ] [-t ] [-T] [-a]" % (programname) print ''' This script reads entries from data/CVE/list and prints all items marked "TODO: check". Parameters: -h Display this help -l Only list items -n X When listing, only display X lines of description (default: 10) -g When listing, use GLSA style (
  • ) -i regex Use regex to select issues (default: "''' + DEFAULT_ISSUE_REGEX + '''") -t regex Use regex to select TODOs (default: "''' + DEFAULT_TODO_REGEX + '''") -a Append line instead of replacing (applies to NOT-FOR-US, BUG) -T Same as -t '^\s+TODO: check' (note the missing $) -s Resort CVE list -u email Username for Bugzilla (PyBugz) interface -p pass Password for Bugzilla (PyBugz) interface (please note your PyBugz data is saved locally) For each item, it guesses the name and searches the Portage Tree using `eix'. After each action, it will print the entry as it would be saved. ''' miniusage() print "Please run ./bin/update prior to this script." def main(): import getopt try: optlist, list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ln:hi:t:Tau:p:sg') except getopt.GetoptError: usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(2) issue_regex = DEFAULT_ISSUE_REGEX todo_regex = DEFAULT_TODO_REGEX replace_line = True bugz_password = None bugz_username = None list_only = False glsa_style = False sort_only = False list_lines = 10 for opt, arg in optlist: if opt == '-h': usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(0) if opt == '-n': list_lines = arg if opt == '-l': list_only = True if opt == '-i': issue_regex = arg.replace("{","(").replace("}",")").replace(",","|").replace(" ","") if opt == '-t': todo_regex = arg if opt == '-T': # no $ at the end todo_regex = '^\s+TODO: check' if opt == '-s': sort_only = True if opt == '-a': replace_line = False if opt == '-g': glsa_style = True if opt == '-p': bugz_password = arg if opt == '-u': bugz_username = arg if list_only and todo_regex == DEFAULT_TODO_REGEX and issue_regex != DEFAULT_ISSUE_REGEX: # reasoning: people enter "-l -i bla", which should just output that issue list # without further narrowing todo_regex = "." bugreporter = BugReporter(bugz_username, bugz_password) EntryEditor(issue_regex, todo_regex, replace_line, list_only, list_lines, glsa_style, sort_only, bugreporter) if __name__ == "__main__": try: os.chdir(setup_paths()) from cvetools import BugReporter, CVEData main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n ! Exiting.'