require 'spec_helper.rb' describe Answer do include Permissions::TestPermissions it 'any user (not guest) should be allowed to create, read, update and delete owned answers' do for user in fabricate_all_roles new_answer = Factory(:answer, :owner => user) cud_allowed([user], new_answer) view_allowed([user], new_answer) end end it 'should be prohibited to create, update and delete answers someone else owns' do for user in fabricate_all_roles ud_denied(fabricate_all_roles + [], Factory(:answer, :owner => user)) # updatable_by? blocks changing db # mentor is covered in separate test end end it 'should be creatable by any logged in user' do for user in fabricate_all_roles new_answer = => user) new_answer.should be_creatable_by user end end it 'should not be creatable by guest' do Factory(:answer).should_not be_creatable_by end it 'should allow owner to edit answer as whole and content field' do for user in fabricate_all_roles new_answer = => user) new_answer.should be_editable_by user new_answer.should be_editable_by user, :content end end it 'should prohibited editing of non-reference answer as whole and content field to non-owners' do for user in fabricate_all_roles new_answer = => user) edit_denied(fabricate_all_roles, new_answer) edit_denied(fabricate_all_roles, new_answer, :content) end end it 'should be prohibited for non-recruiters to view answers someone else owns' do for user in fabricate_all_roles new_answer = => user) view_denied(fabricate_users(:recruit, :mentor)+ [], new_answer) end end it 'should be allowed for recruiters to view all answers' do for user in fabricate_all_roles new_answer = => user) view_allowed(fabricate_users(:recruiter, :administrator), new_answer) end end it "should be viewable by mentor of it's owner" do mentor = Factory(:mentor) recruit = Factory(:recruit, :mentor => mentor) new_answer = Factory(:answer, :owner => recruit) view_allowed([mentor], new_answer) end it { should belong_to(:question) } it { should have_readonly_attribute(:owner) } it "should prohibit CUD and view of reference ans to non-recruiters" do new_answer = Factory(:answer, :reference => true) cud_denied(fabricate_users(:recruit, :mentor), new_answer) view_denied(fabricate_users(:recruit, :mentor), new_answer) end it "should allow CUD, view and edit of reference answers to recruiters" do new_answer = Factory(:answer, :reference => true) cud_allowed(fabricate_users(:recruiter, :administrator), new_answer) edit_allowed(fabricate_users(:recruiter, :administrator), new_answer) edit_allowed(fabricate_users(:recruiter, :administrator), new_answer, :content) end it "should allow mentor of owner to approve and disapprove" do r = recruit_with_answers_in_categories(nil, 1, 1) answer = r.all_answers.first for i in 1..2 answer.approved = !answer.approved answer.should be_updatable_by(r.mentor) answer.should be_editable_by(r.mentor) answer.should be_editable_by(r.mentor, :approved)! end end it "should prohibit mentor of owner to edit content" do answer = Factory(:answer) answer.content = "changed" answer.should_not be_updatable_by(answer.owner.mentor) end it "should prohibit owner to save changed answer as approved" do answer = Factory(:answer) answer.approved = true! answer.content = "changed" answer.should_not be_updatable_by(answer.owner) end it "should allow owner to save changed answer as unapproved" do answer = Factory(:answer) answer.approved = true! answer.content = "changed" answer.approved = false answer.should be_updatable_by(answer.owner) end it "should mark questions with changed content as unapproved" do answer = Factory(:answer) answer.approved = true! answer.content = "changed"! answer.approved.should be_false end it "should send email notification to mentor when created" do question = Factory(:question) recruit = Factory(:recruit) #can't use Factory Girl here, because we want to save it after setting expectation to get email answer = => recruit, :question => question, :content => "Some answer.") UserMailer.should_receive_delayed(:deliver_new_answer, recruit.mentor, answer)! end it "should send email notification to mentor when changed" do answer = Factory(:answer) UserMailer.should_receive_delayed(:deliver_changed_answer, answer.owner.mentor, answer) answer.content = "changed"! end it "shouldn't try to send notifications to mentor of mentorless recruit" do recruit = Factory(:recruit, :mentor => nil) UserMailer.should_not_receive(:deliver_changed_answer) answer = Factory(:answer, :owner => recruit)! answer.content = "changed"! end it "should prohibit editing of reference and approved fields to recruits" do answer = Factory(:answer) answer.should_not be_editable_by(answer.owner, :approved) answer.should_not be_editable_by(answer.owner, :reference) end it "should return proper answers_of_mentored_by" do mentor = Factory(:mentor) r1 = recruit_with_answers_in_categories(mentor) r2 = recruit_with_answers_in_categories(mentor) r3 = recruit_with_answers_in_categories for ans in (r1.all_answers + r2.all_answers) Answer.of_mentored_by(mentor).include?(ans).should be_true end for ans in r3.all_answers Answer.of_mentored_by(mentor).include?(ans).should be_false end end it "should return in_category" do n_categories = 5 r = recruit_with_answers_in_categories(nil, n_categories) for i in 0..(n_categories-1) cat = r.categories[i] ans = r.answers_in_cat[i] for answer in ans Answer.in_category(cat).include?(answer).should be_true end for answer in r.all_answers - ans Answer.in_category(cat).include?(answer).should be_false end Answer.in_category(cat).should == Answer.in_category(cat).uniq end end it "should allow only owner to change feedback" do ans = Factory(:answer) owner = ans.owner others = fabricate_users(:administrator, :recruit, :mentor, :recruiter) + [, ans.owner.mentor] ans.should be_editable_by(owner, :feedback) edit_denied(others, ans, :feedback) = 'changed' ans.should be_updatable_by(owner) ud_denied(others, ans) end it "should allow editing of reference only to recruiters on new answers" do answer = => true, :owner => Factory(:recruiter)) answer.should be_editable_by(Factory(:recruiter), :reference) answer.should_not be_editable_by(Factory(:recruit), :reference) answer.should_not be_editable_by(Factory(:mentor), :reference) answer.should_not be_editable_by(, :reference) end it "should produce proper answer from params" do ans_hash = { 'reference' => false, 'owner_id' => Factory(:recruit).id, 'approved' => false, 'content' => 'example' } produced_ans = Answer.new_from("answer" => ans_hash) produced_ans.class.should == Answer for i in ans_hash if i[1] produced_ans.attributes[i[0]].should == i[1] else (!produced_ans.attributes[i[0]]).should be_true # it can be nil or false end end ans_hash = { 'reference' => false, 'owner_id' => Factory(:recruit).id, 'approved' => false, 'content' => 'example' } produced_ans = Answer.new_from("multiple_choice_answer" => ans_hash) produced_ans.class.should == MultipleChoiceAnswer for i in ans_hash if i[1] produced_ans.attributes[i[0]].should == i[1] else (!produced_ans.attributes[i[0]]).should be_true # it can be nil or false end end end it "should produce proper updated answer from params" do ans = Factory(:answer) upd = Answer.update_from('id' =>, 'answer' => { 'content' => 'changed' }) upd['id'].should == upd['owner_id'].should == ans.owner_id upd['content'].should == 'changed' ans = Factory(:multiple_choice_answer) upd = Answer.update_from('id' =>, 'multiple_choice_answer' => { 'content' => 'changed' }) upd['id'].should == upd['owner_id'].should == ans.owner_id upd['content'].should == 'changed' end it "should properly return wrong answers of recruit" do recruit = Factory(:recruit) cat = Factory(:question_category) q1 = Factory(:question, :question_category => cat) q2 = Factory(:question, :question_category => cat) q3 = Factory(:question, :question_category => cat) q4 = Factory(:question, :question_category => cat) Factory(:question_content_text, :question => q4) for i in [q1, q2, q3] Factory(:question_content_multiple_choice, :question => i) i.reload ["1", "2", "3"].each{ |j| Factory(:option, :option_owner => i.content, :content => j) } i.reload Factory(:multiple_choice_answer, :question => i, :options => [], :reference => true) end wrong_ans = [] not_wrong_ans = [] wrong_ans.push Factory(:multiple_choice_answer, :question => q1, :options => [], :owner => recruit) wrong_ans.push Factory(:multiple_choice_answer, :question => q2, :options => [,], :owner => recruit) not_wrong_ans.push Factory(:multiple_choice_answer, :question => q3, :options => []) not_wrong_ans.push Factory(:answer, :question => q4, :content => "wrong", :owner => recruit) not_wrong_ans.push Factory(:answer, :question => q4, :content => "good", :reference => true) for i in wrong_ans Answer.wrong_answers_of(recruit).include?(i).should be_true end for i in not_wrong_ans Answer.wrong_answers_of(recruit).include?(i).should be_false end Answer.wrong_answers_of(recruit).count.should == Answer.wrong_answers_of(recruit).uniq.count end it "should prohibit mentor of owner to destroy" do a = Factory(:answer) a.should_not be_destroyable_by(a.owner.mentor) end it "should allow editing of reference only to recruiters" do for user in fabricate_users(:recruit, :mentor) => user).should_not be_editable_by(user, :reference) end for user in fabricate_users(:recruiter, :administrator) => user).should be_editable_by(user, :reference) end end it "should properly return answers with feedback" do with_feedback = ( - ['']).collect do |fb| Factory(:answer, :feedback => fb) end without_feedback = ['', nil].collect do |fb| Factory(:answer, :feedback => fb) end with_feedback.each{ |ans| Answer.with_some_feedback.include?(ans).should be_true } without_feedback.each{ |ans| Answer.with_some_feedback.include?(ans).should be_false } Answer.with_some_feedback.count.should == Answer.with_some_feedback.uniq.count end end