# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the MIT license # or the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license (dual-licensed) # RELAX NG schema for the Gentoo Devmanual # Based on common.dtd from GuideXML block.class = p | pre | codesample | note | important | warning | todo | figure | table | ul | ol | dl attrib.class = text | b | c | e inline.class = attrib.class | d | uri attrib = attrib.class* inline = inline.class* all = (block.class | inline.class)* start = guide guide = element guide { (attribute root { "true" } | attribute self { text }), chapter, \include* } \include = element include { attribute href { text } } chapter = element chapter { title, (body | section), section* } section = element section { title, (body | subsection), subsection* } subsection = element subsection { title, (body | subsubsection), subsubsection* } subsubsection = element subsubsection { title, body } # Title texts are used as anchors, so allow only text attributes title = element title { attrib } body = element body { (authors | contentsTree | block.class)+ } authors = element authors { author+ | authorlist+ } author = element author { attribute name { text }, attribute email { text }?, inline } authorlist = element authorlist { attribute title { text }, attribute href { text } } contentsTree = element contentsTree { attribute maxdepth { xsd:unsignedInt }?, attribute root { text }?, attribute extraction { text }? } p = element p { inline } pre = element pre { text } codesample = element codesample { attribute lang { "c" | "ebuild" | "make" | "m4" | "sgml" }, attribute numbering { "lines" }?, text } note = element note { inline } important = element important { inline } warning = element warning { inline } todo = element todo { inline } figure = element figure { attribute link { text }, attribute short { text }?, attribute caption { text }? } table = element table { tr+ } tr = element tr { (th | ti)+ } th = element th { attribute colspan { xsd:unsignedInt }?, attribute rowspan { xsd:unsignedInt }?, attribute align { "left" | "center" | "right" }?, inline } ti = element ti { attribute colspan { xsd:unsignedInt }?, attribute rowspan { xsd:unsignedInt }?, attribute nowrap { "nowrap" }?, attribute align { "left" | "center" | "right" }?, all } ul = element ul { attribute class { "list-group" }?, li+ } ol = element ol { li+ } li = element li { all } dl = element dl { (dt | dd)+ } dt = element dt { inline } dd = element dd { all } b = element b { inline } c = element c { inline } e = element e { inline } d = element d { empty } uri = element uri { # uri can have either a URI in the body text or a link attribute xsd:anyURI | (attribute link { text }, inline) }