#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- """Mirrorselect 2.x Tool for selecting Gentoo source and rsync mirrors. Copyright 2005-2019 Gentoo Authors Copyright (C) 2005 Colin Kingsley Copyright (C) 2008 Zac Medico Copyright (C) 2009 Sebastian Pipping Copyright (C) 2009 Christian Ruppert Copyright (C) 2012 Brian Dolbec Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ import os import re import shlex import shutil import string import sys try: # py2 letters = string.letters except AttributeError: # py3 letters = string.ascii_letters def get_make_conf_path(EPREFIX): # try the newer make.conf location config_path = EPREFIX + '/etc/portage/make.conf' if not os.access(config_path, os.F_OK): # check if the old location is what is used if os.access(EPREFIX + '/etc/make.conf', os.F_OK): config_path = EPREFIX + '/etc/make.conf' return config_path def write_make_conf(output, config_path, var, mirror_string): """Write the make.conf target changes @param output: file, or output to print messages to @param mirror_string: "var='hosts'" string to write @param config_path; string """ output.write('\n') output.print_info('Modifying %s with new mirrors...\n' % config_path) try: config = open(config_path, 'r') output.write('\tReading make.conf\n') lines = config.readlines() config.close() output.write('\tMoving to %s.backup\n' % config_path) shutil.move(config_path, config_path + '.backup') except IOError: lines = [] with open(config_path + '.backup', 'r') as f: lex = shlex.shlex(f, posix=True) lex.wordchars = string.digits + letters + r"~!@#$%*_\:;?,./-+{}" lex.quotes = "\"'" while True: key = lex.get_token() if key is None: break if key == var: begin_line = lex.lineno equ = lex.get_token() if equ is None: break if equ != '=': continue val = lex.get_token() if val is None: break end_line = lex.lineno new_lines = [] for index, line in enumerate(lines): if index < begin_line - 1 or index >= end_line - 1: new_lines.append(line) lines = new_lines break lines.append(mirror_string) output.write('\tWriting new %s\n' % config_path) config = open(config_path, 'w') for line in lines: config.write(line) config.write('\n') config.close() output.print_info('Done.\n') def write_repos_conf(output, config_path, var, value): """Saves the new var value to a ConfigParser style file @param output: file, or output to print messages to @param config_path; string @param var: string; the variable to save teh value to. @param value: string, the value to set var to """ try: from configparser import ConfigParser except ImportError: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser() config.read(config_path) if config.has_option('gentoo', var): config.set('gentoo', var, value) with open(config_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) else: output.print_err("write_repos_conf(): Failed to find section 'gentoo'," " variable: %s\nChanges NOT SAVED" %var) def get_filesystem_mirrors(output, config_path, sync=False): """Read the current mirrors and retain mounted filesystems mirrors @param config_path: string @param sync: boolean, used to switch between SYNC and GENTOO_MIRRORS make.conf variable target @rtype list """ def get_token(lex): '''internal function for getting shlex tokens ''' try: val = lex.get_token() except ValueError: val = None return val fsmirrors = [] if sync: var = 'SYNC' else: var = 'GENTOO_MIRRORS' output.write('get_filesystem_mirrors(): config_path = %s\n' % config_path, 2) try: f = open(config_path,'r') except IOError: return fsmirrors """ Search for 'var' in make.conf and extract value """ lex = shlex.shlex(f, posix=True) lex.wordchars = string.digits + letters + r"~!@#$%*_\:;?,./-+{}" lex.quotes = "\"'" p = re.compile('rsync://|http://|ftp://', re.IGNORECASE) while 1: key = get_token(lex) #output.write('get_filesystem_mirrors(): processing key = %s\n' % key, 2) if key == var: equ = get_token(lex) if (equ != '='): break val = get_token(lex) if val is None: break """ Look for mounted filesystem in value """ mirrorlist = val.rsplit() output.write('get_filesystem_mirrors(): mirrorlist = %s\n' % mirrorlist, 2) for mirror in mirrorlist: if (p.match(mirror) == None): if os.access(mirror, os.F_OK): output.write('get_filesystem_mirrors(): found file system mirror = %s\n' % mirror, 2) fsmirrors.append(mirror) else: output.write('get_filesystem_mirrors(): ignoring non-accessible mirror = %s\n' % mirror, 2) break elif key is None: break output.write('get_filesystem_mirrors(): fsmirrors = %s\n' % fsmirrors, 2) return fsmirrors