/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Robin H.Johnson, Ovechko Kostyantyn . * * Project: IDFetch. * Developer: Ovechko Kostyantyn Olexandrovich (Kharkiv State Technical University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine). * Mentor: Robin H. Johnson (Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead). * Mentoring organization: Gentoo Linux. * Sponsored by GSOC 2010. * * This file is part of Segget. * * Segget is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Segget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Segget; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "log.h" vector rss_distfile_lines; vector rss_size_lines; vector rss_time_lines; vector log_lines; vector error_log_lines; string get_time(string time_format){ try{ time_format=time_format+" "; time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer [80]; time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime ); strftime(buffer,80,time_format.c_str(),timeinfo); return buffer; }catch(...){ error_log("Error in log.cpp: get_time()"); return ""; } } void log_no_msg(string log_msg_text){ try{ if (settings.general_log_file!="none"){ ofstream file; file.exceptions (ofstream::failbit | ofstream::badbit); try{ file.open((settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.general_log_file).c_str(), ios::app); if (! file.is_open()){ error_log("Error opening "+settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.general_log_file+" for writing."); error_log("....Check if folder "+settings.logs_dir+" exists and seggetd has rights to write into it."); return; } }catch(...){ error_log("Error opening "+settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.general_log_file+" for writing."); error_log("....Check if folder "+settings.logs_dir+" exists and seggetd has rights to write into it."); return; } try{ file << get_time(settings.general_log_time_format) << log_msg_text << endl; file.close(); } catch(...){ error_log("Error while writing "+settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.general_log_file+"."); return; } } }catch(...){ error_log("Error in log.cpp: log()"); } } void rss_log(string distfile_name, ulong distfile_size){ // save to file here // log_no_msg(log_msg_text); try{ rss_distfile_lines.push_back(distfile_name); rss_size_lines.push_back(distfile_size); rss_time_lines.push_back(get_time(settings.general_log_time_format)); if (rss_distfile_lines.size()>LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM){ rss_distfile_lines.erase(rss_distfile_lines.begin(),rss_distfile_lines.begin()+rss_distfile_lines.size()-LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM); rss_size_lines.erase(rss_size_lines.begin(),rss_size_lines.begin()+rss_size_lines.size()-LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM); rss_time_lines.erase(rss_time_lines.begin(),rss_time_lines.begin()+rss_time_lines.size()-LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM); } }catch(...){ error_log("Error in log.cpp: rss_log()"); } } void log(string log_msg_text){ log_no_msg(log_msg_text); try{ string time_str=get_time(settings.general_log_time_format); log_lines.push_back(time_str+log_msg_text); if (log_lines.size()>LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM){ log_lines.erase(log_lines.begin(),log_lines.begin()+log_lines.size()-LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM); } msg_log(time_str+log_msg_text); }catch(...){ error_log("Error in log.cpp: log()"); } } void debug_no_msg(string debug_msg_text){ try{ if (settings.debug_log_file!="none"){ ofstream file; file.exceptions (ofstream::failbit | ofstream::badbit); try{ file.open((settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.debug_log_file).c_str(), ios::app); if (! file.is_open()){ error_log("Error opening "+settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.debug_log_file+" for writing."); error_log("....Check if folder "+settings.logs_dir+" exists and seggetd has permissions to write into it."); return; } } catch(...){ error_log("Error opening "+settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.debug_log_file+" for writing."); error_log("....Check if folder "+settings.logs_dir+" exists and seggetd has permissions to write into it."); return; } try{ file << get_time(settings.debug_log_time_format) << debug_msg_text << endl; file.close(); } catch(...){ error_log("Error while writing "+settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.debug_log_file+"."); return; } } }catch(...){ error_log("Error in log.cpp: debug()"); } } void debug(string debug_msg_text){ debug_no_msg(debug_msg_text); try{ // msg(DEBUG_LINE_NUM,0, "DEBUG:"+get_time(settings.debug_time_format)+debug_msg_text); }catch(...){ error_log("Error in log.cpp: debug()"); } } void error_log_no_msg(string error_msg_text){ try{ if (settings.error_log_file!="none"){ ofstream file ((settings.logs_dir+"/"+settings.error_log_file).c_str(), ios::app); file << get_time(settings.error_log_time_format) << error_msg_text << endl; file.close(); } }catch(...){ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening error log file."); fprintf(stderr, "Error log file: %s/%s",settings.logs_dir.c_str(),settings.error_log_file.c_str()); } } void error_log(string error_msg_text){ error_log_no_msg(error_msg_text); try{ string time_str=get_time(settings.error_log_time_format); error_log_lines.push_back(time_str+error_msg_text); if (error_log_lines.size()>LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM){ error_log_lines.erase(error_log_lines.begin(),error_log_lines.begin()+error_log_lines.size()-LOG_LINES_MAX_NUM); } msg_error_log(time_str+error_msg_text); }catch(...){ error_log_no_msg("Error in log.cpp: error_log()"); } }