source '' gem 'rails', '~> 4.2' gem 'xmlrpc' gem 'rake' gem 'mysql2', '~> 0.4.10' gem 'json', '~> 2.0' gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0' # Gems used only for assets and not required # in production environments by default. #group :assets do # gem 'sass-rails', "~> 3.2.0" # gem 'coffee-rails', "~> 3.2.0" # gem 'uglifier' #end gem 'prototype-rails', github: 'rails/prototype-rails', branch: '4.2' # Use unicorn as the web server #gem 'unicorn' gem 'thin' # Deploy with Capistrano gem 'capistrano' # gem 'exception_notification' group :development do # No debugger at the moment because of the stupid build system of a dependency of ruby-debug19 # gem 'ruby-debug', :platforms => :ruby_18 # gem 'ruby-debug19', :platforms => :ruby_19 # gem 'require_relative' end gem 'fastercsv' gem 'diff-lcs', require: 'diff/lcs' gem 'nokogiri' gem 'text-format-revised', require: 'text/format' gem 'kramdown' gem 'thinking-sphinx', '~> 3.1.4' #FIXME: runspell 0.0.1 is dead since 2011, we may need #to create a new spelling module #gem 'runspell' # gem "rdoc" group :test do gem 'simplecov' gem 'ci_reporter' gem 'rspec' gem 'minitest-reporters' gem 'rubocop' gem 'rubocop-performance' gem 'rubocop-rails' end