diff options
authorSebastian Pipping <sebastian@pipping.org>2010-12-06 13:21:54 +0100
committerSebastian Pipping <sebastian@pipping.org>2010-12-06 13:21:54 +0100
commit4c1d7997f82bf9800cc3c0a055b3a63aded74d8e (patch)
parentman page: Propagate rename of --no-initrdmodules to --no-ramdisk-modules (diff)
Migrate man page to asciidoc, add Makefile, add .gitignore
5 files changed, 374 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..643cdcc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec7e55cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+PACKAGE_VERSION = `/bin/fgrep GK_V= genkernel | sed "s/.*GK_V='\([^']\+\)'/\1/"`
+genkernel.8: doc/genkernel.8.txt doc/asciidoc.conf Makefile
+ a2x --conf-file=doc/asciidoc.conf --attribute="genkernelversion=$(PACKAGE_VERSION)" \
+ --format=manpage -D . "$<"
+ rm -f genkernel.8
diff --git a/doc/asciidoc.conf b/doc/asciidoc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5835345f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/asciidoc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# asciidoc.conf for genkernel's man page
diff --git a/doc/genkernel.8.txt b/doc/genkernel.8.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6867a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/genkernel.8.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+:man source: genkernel {genkernelversion}
+:man manual: genkernel {genkernelversion}
+genkernel - the Gentoo Linux automatic kernel compiler.
+*genkernel* [options...] action
+Genkernel is designed to allow users who are not previously used to
+compiling a kernel to use a similar setup to that one that is used on
+the Gentoo LiveCDs which auto-detects your hardware.
+Some users may also be interested in using genkernel for hardware which
+requires initialization and a working kernel before it can be booted
+because genkernel also automatically compiles your kernel modules,
+allowing hardware which needs to be loaded with module parameters to be
+All that is needed to run genkernel is just `genkernel` with an
+action and any flags you might need:
+# genkernel --menuconfig --no-clean --no-install all
+This would produce a kernel, asking you what how to configure it to
+your desire, leaving alone any existing compiled object files, but not
+installing anything.
+An action tells genkernel what you want it to do - the following
+actions are supported:
+ Build all steps - the kernel, modules, and the ramdisk.
+ Build only the kernel.
+ Build only the kernel and the modules.
+ Build only the ramdisk.
+Genkernel supports the following options which alter its behaviour.
+Certain options have *--no-* variants which do the opposite thing.
+You can specify your options in any order.
+ This controls the out verbosity level of genkernel output - if
+ this is set to 0, minimal debugging is done; if this is set to 5
+ as much output as possible is given.
+ This outputs debugging data to the file <outfile>. By default
+ this is '/var/log/genkernel.log'.
+ Turns on, or off, output in color using escape sequences.
+ Runs, or does not run "make menuconfig" after running "make oldconfig".
+ Saves, or does not save the kernel configuration to '/etc/kernels'
+ if the kernel is successfully compiled.
+ Run "make gconfig" after "make oldconfig".
+ Run "make xconfig" after "make oldconfig".
+ Runs, or does not run, "make clean" before compilation - this
+ erases any compiled object files in the kernel source tree but
+ does not have an impact on the kernel configuration. Specifying
+ *--no-clean* implies *--no-mrproper*.
+ Runs, or does not run, "make mrproper" before compilation - this
+ erases both any compiled object files in the kernel source tree
+ as well as the kernel configuration.
+ Installs, or does not install the kernel to '/boot' after building.
+ The default is *--install*. If MOUNTBOOT is set in
+ '/etc/genkernel.conf' then '/boot' will be automatically mounted if
+ it is not already mounted before the ramdisk and kernel images
+ are copied over.
+ Manages, or does not manage, symlinks in '/boot' like the manual
+ kernel "make install" process does. A kernel (or, depending on
+ options, kernelz) symlink will link to the most recently built
+ kernel image and a kernel.old (or kernelz.old) symlink will link
+ to the second most recently built image, if one exists. Similar
+ symlinks (both * and *.old) are managed for initramfs and System.map.
+ The corresponding work products (i.e., the actual kernel
+ and initamfs images, and System.map) are also managed accordingly.
+ NOTE: Specifying *--symlink* does nothing unless
+ *--install* is also specified.
+ Don't copy any modules to the ramdisk.
+ Implies *--no-clean*, and thus *--no-mrproper*, running a "make oldconfig".
+ Run the specified arguments in the current environment after the
+ kernel and modules have been compiled.
+ This specifies the location of the kernel sources; the default
+ is '/usr/src/linux'.
+ This specifies a kernel configuration file to use for compilation;
+ by default genkernel uses the config from the previous
+ build of the same kernel version or a default kernel config if
+ there isn't a previous config.
+ Compiler to use for the kernel compilation (e.g. distcc).
+ Assembler to use for the kernel compilation.
+ Linker to use for the kernel compilation.
+ GNU Make to use for the kernel compilation.
+ Compiler to use for utilities.
+ Assembler to use for utilities.
+ Linker to use for utilities.
+ GNU Make to use for utilities.
+ GNU Make options such as -j2, etc.
+ If the extra argument is specified, splash is forced using
+ <theme> rather than the default theme specified in your splash
+ configuration. If *--no-splash* is specified, then splash is disabled.
+ Optionally select splash resolutions to include.
+ Force keymap selection at boot.
+ Add DMRAID support.
+ Add in EVMS support from static binaries if they exist on the
+ system: you should run "emerge evms" first.
+ Add in LVM support from static binaries if they exist on the
+ system, or compile static LVM binaries if static ones do not
+ exist.
+ Add in Luks support from static binaries if they exist on the
+ system.
+ This builds a monolithic kernel without any modules on any
+ initial ramdisks.
+ Use <file> for the linuxrc instead of the genkernel linuxrc.
+ Force the architecture settings described by the <arch> profile
+ instead of autodetecting the running architecture.
+ Sets genkernel's temporary working directory to <dir>.
+ Tag the kernel and initrd with a name, if not defined this
+ option defaults to genkernel
+ File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel and initrd: no modules outside
+ of the initrd will be included...
+ File to output a .tar.bz2'd modules after the callbacks have run
+ File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel, contents of '/lib/modules/'
+ and the kernel config. NOTE: This is created before the callbacks
+ are run.
+ This option is only valid if kerncache is defined If there is a
+ valid kerncache no checks will be made against a kernel source
+ tree.
+ Directory structure to include in the initramfs, only available
+ on 2.6 kernels
+The following options can be passed as kernel parameters from the bootloader,
+which the ramdisk scripts would recognize.
+ Specifies the device node of the root filesystem to mount.
+ This specifies the device encrypted by Luks, which contains the
+ root filesystem to mount.
+ This specifies the swap device encrypted by Luks.
+ In case your root is encrypted with a key, you can use a device
+ like a usb pen to store the key. This value should be the key
+ path relative to the mount point.
+ If necessary provide the name of the device that carries the
+ root_key. If unset while using root_key, it will automatically
+ look for the device in every boot.
+ Same as root_key for swap.
+ Same as root_keydev for swap.
+ Set this to silent all the output related to the cryptographic
+ software, and in case your encrypted device isn't open with the
+ key, it opens a shell in the initrd quietly.
+ Passes arguments to dmraid on bootup.
+ Passes arguments to init on bootup.
+ Pauses for 10 seconds before running devfsd if no argument is
+ specified; otherwise pauses for the number of specified seconds.
+ Normally used to tell the kernel that it should start a network
+ interface. If present, the initrd will try to mount a livecd
+ over NFS.
+ If present, the initrd will try to mount a livecd from that
+ location. Otherwise the location will be deduced from the DCHP
+ request (option root-path)
+ Activate EVMS volumes on bootup
+ Activate LVM volumes on bootup
+ Activate SCSI devices on bootup, necessary when SCSI support is
+ compiled as modules and you're using SCSI or SATA devices.
+The initrd scripts have limited support for network booting. This is
+activated if the *ip*=<...> kernel parameter was given. Please refer to
+the genkernel guide at 'http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/genkernel.xml' for
+more information.
+The initrd scripts will extract any *.tar.gz files found in the '/add'
+directory of the livecd into the root filesystem during boot. This way
+it is easy to extend a netbooted LiveCD i.e. add custom tools, or other
+kernel modules.
+If you believe you have found a bug in the genkernel scripts, then
+please file a bug on the Gentoo Linux Bugzilla: 'http://bugs.gentoo.org',
+assigning your bug to genkernel@gentoo.org. We cannot assist you with
+kernel compilation failures unless they are caused by a genkernel bug.
+Kernel issues for Gentoo-supported kernels, including compilation failures
+should go to 'http://bugs.gentoo.org' and should be assigned to kernel@gentoo.org.
+Please check if an existing bug documents the same
+issue before opening a new bug. Issues for kernel sources not supported
+by Gentoo should go to their relevant authors.
+- Tim Yamin <plasmaroo@gentoo.org>
+- Eric Edgar <rocket@gentoo.org>
+- NFS Support by Thomas Seiler <thseiler@gmail.com>
+/etc/genkernel.conf - genkernel configuration file
diff --git a/genkernel.8 b/genkernel.8
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c3ad1b..00000000
--- a/genkernel.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-.TH GENKERNEL "8" "June 2006" "genkernel 3.3" "Gentoo Linux"
-genkernel \- the Gentoo Linux automatic kernel compiler.
-\fBgenkernel\fR \fI[options...] action\fR
-Genkernel is designed to allow users who are not previously used to
-compiling a kernel to use a similar setup to that one that is used on
-the Gentoo LiveCDs which auto-detects your hardware.
-Some users may also be interested in using genkernel for hardware
-which requires initialization and a working kernel before it can be
-booted because genkernel also automatically compiles your kernel
-modules, allowing hardware which needs to be loaded with module
-parameters to be used.
-All that is needed to run genkernel is just ``genkernel'' with an action
-and any flags you might need:
-# genkernel --menuconfig --no-clean --no-install all
-This would produce a kernel, asking you what how to configure it
-to your desire, leaving alone any existing compiled object files, but not
-installing anything.
-An action tells genkernel what you want it to do - the following
-actions are supported:
-.I \fBall\fR
-Build all steps - the kernel, modules, and the ramdisk.
-.I \fBbzImage\fR
-Build only the kernel.
-.I \fBkernel\fR
-Build only the kernel and the modules.
-.I \fBinitramfs\fR
-Build only the ramdisk.
-Genkernel supports the following options which alter its
-behaviour. Certain options have ``\fB--no-\fR'' variants which
-do the opposite thing. You can specify your options in any order.
-.BR Debugging \ Options
-This controls the out verbosity level of genkernel output - if this is set
-to 0, minimal debugging is done; if this is set to 5 as much output as
-possible is given.
-This outputs debugging data to the file <outfile>. By default this is
-.I /var/log/genkernel.log\fR.
-Turns on, or off, output in color using escape sequences.
-.BR Kernel \ Configuration
-Runs, or does not run "make menuconfig" after running "make oldconfig".
-Saves, or does not save the kernel configuration to
-.I /etc/kernels
-if the kernel is successfully compiled.
-Run "make gconfig" after "make oldconfig".
-Run "make xconfig" after "make oldconfig".
-.BR Kernel \ Compilation
-Runs, or does not run, "make clean" before compilation - this erases any
-compiled object files in the kernel source tree but does not have an impact
-on the kernel configuration. Specifying \fB\-\-no\-clean\fR implies
-Runs, or does not run, "make mrproper" before compilation - this erases both
-any compiled object files in the kernel source tree as well as the kernel
-Installs, or does not install the kernel to
-.I /boot
-after building. The default is --install. If MOUNTBOOT is set in
-.I /etc/genkernel.conf
-.I /boot
-will be automatically mounted if it is
-not already mounted before the ramdisk and kernel images are copied over.
-Manages, or does not manage, symlinks in
-.I /boot
-like the manual kernel "make install" process does. A
-.I kernel
-(or, depending on options,
-.I kernelz\fR)
-symlink will link to the most recently built kernel image and a
-.I kernel.old
-.I kernelz.old\fR)
-symlink will link to the second most recently built image, if one exists.
-Similar symlinks (both * and *.old) are managed for
-.I initramfs\fR
-.I System.map\f.
-The corresponding work products (i.e., the actual kernel and initamfs images,
-and System.map) are also managed accordingly. NOTE: Specifying --symlink
-does nothing unless --install is also specified.
-Don't copy any modules to the ramdisk.
-Implies \fB\-\-no\-clean\fR, and thus \fB\-\-no\-mrproper\fR, running a
-"make oldconfig".
-Run the specified arguments in the current environment after the kernel and
-modules have been compiled.
-.BR Kernel \ Locations
-This specifies the location of the kernel sources; the default is
-This specifies a kernel configuration file to use for compilation; by
-default genkernel uses the config from the previous build of the same kernel
-version or a default kernel config if there isn't a previous config.
-.BR Low-Level \ Compilation \ Options
-Compiler to use for the kernel compilation (e.g. distcc).
-Assembler to use for the kernel compilation.
-Linker to use for the kernel compilation.
-GNU Make to use for the kernel compilation.
-Compiler to use for utilities.
-Assembler to use for utilities.
-Linker to use for utilities.
-GNU Make to use for utilities.
-GNU Make options such as \fB\-j2\fR, etc.
-.BR Initialization
-If the extra argument is specified, splash is forced using <theme>
-rather than the default theme specified in your splash
-configuration. If \fB\-\-no-splash\fR is specified, then
-splash is disabled.
-Optionally select splash resolutions to include.
-Force keymap selection at boot.
-Add DMRAID support.
-Add in EVMS support from static binaries if they exist on the system:
-you should run "emerge evms" first.
-Add in LVM support from static binaries if they exist on the system,
-or compile static LVM binaries if static ones do not exist.
-Add in Luks support from static binaries if they exist on the
-This builds a monolithic kernel without any modules on any initial ramdisks.
-Use <file> for the linuxrc instead of the genkernel linuxrc.
-.BR Internals
-Force the architecture settings described by the <arch> profile
-instead of autodetecting the running architecture.
-Sets genkernel's temporary working directory to <dir>.
-.BR Output \ Settings
-Tag the kernel and initrd with a name, if not defined this option defaults to genkernel
-File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel and initrd: no modules outside of the
-initrd will be included...
-File to output a .tar.bz2'd modules after the callbacks have run
-File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel, contents of /lib/modules/ and the kernel config.
-\fBNOTE\fR: This is created before the callbacks are run.
-This option is only valid if kerncache is defined
-If there is a valid kerncache no checks will be made
-against a kernel source tree.
-Directory structure to include in the initramfs,
-only available on 2.6 kernels
-The following options can be passed as kernel parameters from the
-bootloader, which the ramdisk scripts would recognize.
-Specifies the device node of the root filesystem to mount.
-This specifies the device encrypted by Luks, which contains the root
-filesystem to mount.
-This specifies the swap device encrypted by Luks.
-In case your root is encrypted with a key, you can use a device like a usb pen to store the key.
-This value should be the key path relative to the mount point.
-If necessary provide the name of the device that carries the root_key.
-If unset while using root_key, it will automatically look for the device in every boot.
-Same as root_key for swap.
-Same as root_keydev for swap.
-Set this to silent all the output related to the cryptographic software, and in case your encrypted device isn't open with the key, it opens a shell in the initrd quietly.
-Passes arguments to dmraid on bootup.
-Passes arguments to init on bootup.
-Pauses for 10 seconds before running devfsd if no argument is specified;
-otherwise pauses for the number of specified seconds.
-Normally used to tell the kernel that it should start a network interface. If present, the initrd will try to mount a livecd over NFS.
-If present, the initrd will try to mount a livecd from that location. Otherwise the location will be deduced from the DCHP request (option root\-path)
-Activate EVMS volumes on bootup
-Activate LVM volumes on bootup
-Activate SCSI devices on bootup, necessary when SCSI support is compiled as modules and you're using SCSI or SATA devices.
-The initrd scripts have limited support for network booting.
-This is activated if the ip=<...> kernel parameter was given. Please refer to the genkernel guide at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/genkernel.xml for more information.
-The initrd scripts will extract any *.tar.gz files found in the \fB/add\fR directory of the livecd into the root filesystem during boot. This way it is easy to extend a netbooted LiveCD i.e. add custom tools, or other kernel modules.
-If you believe you have found a bug in the genkernel scripts, then please
-file a bug on the Gentoo Linux Bugzilla:
-.I http://bugs.gentoo.org\fR,
-assigning your bug to genkernel@gentoo.org. We cannot assist you
-with kernel compilation failures unless they are caused by a genkernel
-Kernel issues for Gentoo-supported kernels, including compilation
-failures should go to
-.I http://bugs.gentoo.org
-and should be assigned to kernel@gentoo.org. Please check if an
-existing bug documents the same issue before opening a new bug. Issues
-for kernel sources not supported by Gentoo should go to their relevant
-Tim Yamin <plasmaroo@gentoo.org>
-Eric Edgar <rocket@gentoo.org>
-NFS Support by Thomas Seiler <thseiler@gmail.com>
-\fB/etc/genkernel.conf\fR \- genkernel configuration file