#deptype sys ~dev-libs/atk :: ATK ~dev-libs/openssl :: OpenSSL ~dev-libs/boost { boost library boost } dev-libs/boost { Boost C++ libraries (1.31 or greater) Boost library (>= 1.34.0) from http://www.boost.org Boost library (>= 1.34.0) fromhttp://www.boost.org Boost library from http://www.boost.org Boost libraryfrom http://www.boost.org boost headers for smart pointers The Boost 'program_options' library(http://boost.org) is required. Boost (or the BoostHeaders package) } ~dev-libs/glib { glib glib2 } ~dev-libs/gmp { libgmp gmp } ~dev-libs/gmp { GMP (GNU MP bignum library GMP (GNU MP bignum library) GMP (GNU Multiple Precision library http://gmplib.org/) } ~dev-libs/libffi :: libffi ~dev-libs/libpcre { libpcre pcre } ~dev-libs/libxml2 { xml xml2 libxml libxml2 } ~dev-libs/libxslt :: libxslt dev-libs/mpc { and MPC (Multiple Precision ComplexLibrary http://www.multiprecision.org/) } ~dev-libs/mpfr { MPFR (MP Floating-Point Reliable Library mpfr http://mpfr.org/) } # FIXME versions -> fuzzy dev-libs/quantlib { QuantLib libraries must be installed QuantLib library (>= 0.8.1) from http://quantlib.org QuantLib library (>= 0.9.0) from http://quantlib.org QuantLib library (>= 0.9.7) from http://quantlib.org QuantLib library (>= 0.9.7) fromhttp://quantlib.org QuantLib library (>= 0.9.9) fromhttp://quantlib.org QuantLib library from http://quantlib.org } ~dev-libs/quantlib { QuantLib library } ~dev-libs/xerces-c { xerces-c libxerces-c } ~sys-devel/clang { clang } dev-libs/geoip { GeoIP from MaxMinds } dev-libs/icu { ICU4C (>= 50 ICU4C (>= 52 }